How to Retrieve Archived Documents

Facility managers will periodically archive old documents. Follow this procedure to retrieve documents from the archive.

  1. Select System / Archibus Administrator / Documents.
  2. For your review, the tasks lists the Archibus Documents table.
  3. Choose the Unarchive button. In the resulting form, enter the table, field, and primary key of the record for which you want to retrieve archived documents. For instance, you might select the Leases (ls) table, the Lease Contract (lease_contract) field, and record 001.  

The action moves all versions of the document from the archive table (Archibus Documents Versions Archives) to active storage (the Archibus Documents Versions table). The action re-creates the inventory record (for example, Lease record 001) if needed.

You can see the Archibus Document Version Archives table by loading the Archived Revisions by Document task.

See Also

How to Archive Old Revisions of Documents

Document Management Overview