Archibus Documents table

When a user associates a document with a document field, Archibus generates a record in the Archibus Documents table and completes this record with the attributes describing all versions of the document. The actual documents themselves are stored as binary large object (blob) data in the Archibus Document Versions table.  

Access the Archibus Documents table from:

To set the primary key of the new record, Archibus examines the record to which the document is associated and combines the record's table name, primary key value, and the name of the document field. For example, a document for the Lease Contact field for Lease 001 would be identified as ls-001-lease_contact.



Inventory Table Name

Part of the primary key. Holds the name of  table that references this document. For example, LS for the Leases table.

Inventory Field Name

Part of the primary key. Holds the name of the field in the inventory table to which this document is attached. For example, Lease_Contact for the Lease Contact field of the Leases table.

Inventory Primary Key

Part of the primary key. Holds the value of the primary key of the record to which this document is attached. For example, 001 for a lease record in the Leases table.

If “table name” has a multi-part primary key, they values are appended together (such as, “fl|hq|17” for “fl17-egress-plan.doc”).

Document Description

When the user initially checks in a document and completes a description, the value is recorded in this field.


Shows the lock status of the document.

Locked By


Stores the login name of user who locked the document This value is cleared when the document is unlocked.

Locked Date/Time

Stores and time and date that the user locked the file. When the document is unlocked, this is set to Null.


This is set to Yes if the user chooses the Delete Document button to disassociate the document and the record. This also gets set to Yes if the inventory record (for example, the Lease record) is deleted.

See Also

Document Management Overview