Archibus Document Versions table

When a user checks in a new version of a document for a document field, Archibus generates a record in the Archibus Document Versions table and completes this record with information about the version. The actual document itself is stored as binary large object (blob) data in the File Contents field of this table.  

To set the primary key of the new record, Archibus examines the record to which the document is associated and combines the record's table name, primary key value, the name of the document field, and the version number. For example, the second version of a document for the Lease Contact field for Lease 001 would be identified as ls-001-lease_contact-002.

If the document field supports multiple versions, a new record will be generated for each new document version checked in. If the document field does not support multiple versions, the table will contain one record for the single version that is checked in. This will be numbered version 0.

To access the Archibus Document Versions table:

  1. Load System / Archibus Administrator / Revisions by Documents.
  2. In the left pane, choose a record from the Archibus Documents table.
  3. In the right pane, the program displays the Archibus Document Versions table, listing the versions of the document you selected.

The below table explains the fields of the Archibus Document Versions table.



Inventory Table Name

Part of the primary key. Holds the name of  table that references this document. For example, LS for the Leases table.

Inventory Field Name

Part of the primary key. Holds the name of the field in the inventory table to which this document is attached. For example, Lease_Contact for the Lease Contact field of the Leases table.

Inventory Primary Key

Part of the primary key. Holds the value of the primary key of the record to which this document is attached. For example, 001 for a lease record in the Leases table.


Version number for the document, such as 01 or  02. Thus, the primary key for a record identifying the second version of the lease contact document for lease 001 would be: ls-001-Lease_Contact-02.

File Name

The file name of the document that was checked in, such as Lease_Contacts.doc.


Stores the login name of the user who checked in the document.


Stores that comments that a user can enter when checking in a version of a document.

Check In Date/Time

Stores the time and date that the document was checked in.

Document Size

Lists the size of the document in kbs.

File Contents

This binary large object (BLOB) field stores the actual revision of this document.

See Also

Document Management Overview