Workplace Services / Reservations / Reserve Rooms and-or Resources / Reservations Calendar Console
Archibus SaaS / Reservations / Reserve / Reservations Calendar Console

Create Recurring Reservations for Meeting Rooms and Resources

Recurring reservations occur on a regular pattern over a specified time period and can be made for:

For example, you might book a training room for the first Monday of every month for new hire orientation and opt to include catering as part of this reservation.

You specify the recurring pattern when searching for rooms using the below form. Once you define the recurring pattern, when you search for rooms the Reservations Calendar Console shows rooms that are available at the desired date and time during this time period.

If the application is configured for it, the Reservations Calendar Console can show rooms to reserve for a recurring meeting when not all the dates are free. If you desire this behavior, set the HideRoomConflicts application preference to No. The Select a Room panel indicates with red text that a room has conflicts and is not available for all dates of the recurring pattern.

After you enter the recurrence pattern in the filter, the following occurs (when working from either the Reservations application or from the Reservations Plugin for Outlook):


  1. From the Reservations Calendar Console, complete the filter with any information regarding the desired reservation.
  2. In the filter, click Define Recurrence
  3. In the resulting form, select how often the meeting occurs and the pattern (such as every two weeks, or the first Tuesday of the month).
  4. Specify how long the pattern will last with one of these methods. You must specify one of these methods in order to continue.
    • Enter an ending for the series by entering End Date.
    • Enter the number of occurrences
  5. Click Save in the Define Recurrence Pattern form, and this information will be included in the filter.
  6. You can now search for a room that is available for this pattern.
  7. Select a room and continue with the reservation process (add employees, add catering, add resources). For details on these steps, see Create a Reservation.
  8. When you are ready to finalize the reservation, click Confirm. If you selected a room for which there are conflicts, the Console presents a message that there is a conflict and moves you to the Resolve Conflicts tab so that you adjust the reservation and resolve the conflict.

Working with conflicts for recurring reservations

The following information describes working with recurring reservations when rooms are not available for all meeting occurrences.

An application parameter HideRoomConflicts determines the rooms that are shown when there is a conflict. The default value is 3 which means only rooms available for all occurrences (if any) are shown, otherwise all rooms available for at least 50% of the occurrences are shown. To review all the possible settings for this parameter, see Setting Application Parameters for the Reservations Application.

Each occurrence is saved with its Occurrence ID. This avoids conflicts if you move non-conflicted occurrences to a building in a different time zone, or if the time of the occurrence in Exchange does not match the time in Web Central. This can occur if the Exchange listener is not enabled, and the user changed the time of the occurrence in Exchange using Outlook Web Access.

From the Reservations Plugin for Outlook:

From the Reservations application

Limiting the number of occurrences

To avoid performance issues, it is important to limit the number of occurrences for recurring reservations. Therefore, you must complete either End Date or End After # of Occurrences when specifying the recurrence pattern. If you enter both fields, the application uses the most restrictive limit.

If a recurring reservation has a large number of occurrences, the system might time out when creating the reservation. To resolve this, delete the appointment to cancel all orphaned reservations and then create a reservation with fewer occurrences.

Reservations Plugin for Outlook. When working from the Reservations Plugin for Outlook only, if you try to save a recurring reservation that has no end date entered; you receive the message: "Continue without reservation?"

This issue does not occur when working from the Reservations application or module.

See Also

Note: When you add equipment and services to a recurring reservation, these resources are added for all the occurrences. To add a resource to a single reservation, you would edit the single occurrence to add the resource. See Editing Recurring Reservations.