Capital Projects / Projects / Execute / Management Console
Capital Projects / Projects / Manage / Management Console

Planning and Executing a Project Using the Management Console (Execute/Manage)

Using the Management Console, you can manage all aspects of your projects from the time they are approved until they are completed.

The Management Console provides tasks for the Planning and Execution phases of a project.

Planning Phase

In the Planning phase of a project, the facilities manager works with approved projects, adding or editing actions for the project, assigning a project team, creating work packages for vendors to bid on, and estimating design schedules and design costs for actions. Design estimates are based on detailed projections that have been obtained from architects, designers, and other consultants who have analyzed a project's requirements. The facilities manager then compares the design estimates to the baseline costs that were estimated prior to approving the project.

Tasks during a project's Planning Phase

Execution Phase

In the project execution phase, the facilities manager uses the Management Console to manage a project's daily tasks. This can include entering communication logs, monitoring the status of work package actions, managing change orders, reviewing vendor invoices and payments, and analyzing cost summaries.

Tasks during a Project's Execution Phase