Capital Projects / Projects / Execute / Management Console
Capital Projects / Projects / Manage / Management Console
Managing Invoices
Working from the Management Console, you can review invoices for a project or for a work package, add new invoices, approve or reject invoices, and record payments.

From the Project Dashboard, you can access the Record Invoices form to add invoices in any of the following was:
- Select the Invoices tab at the top of the Project Dashboard.
From this tab, you can review all invoices for the project. To add an invoice from here, click Add at the top of the list of invoices.
- Click Add at the top of the Commitment Progress Status Report section of the Project Dashboard, and then select Invoice from the list that appears.
- Select a work package in the list of work packages for the project in the Commitment Progress Status report. The Work Package Profile tab appears. Select the Invoices tab, and then select Add. When you access the Record Invoice form in this way, the Work Package and Vendor are already filled in.

To record and approve invoices:
- Access the Record Invoice form.
- Enter the following required information if it is not already filled in:
Vendor Code.
Note: When you select a vendor, the application fills in the Work Package Code for the vendor.
Date Billed
Total amount this invoice.
Enter the following key financial information:
Billed Amount. Manual entry for amount invoiced for services provided, pre-tax.
Tax Amount. Manual entry for amount total taxes paid. Tax percentages vary based on local, state, federal taxes applicable.
Reimbursable (Non-Taxable). Manual entry for amount total non-taxed reimbursable costs incurred.
Billed Total. When you enter these fields, the application calculates the Billed Total by totaling the Billed Amount, Tax Amount, and the Reimbursable (Non-Taxable) amounts. It also enters this amount in the 'Total Amount this invoice' field at the bottom of the column.
Note: If you do not fill in the Billed Amount above, you must enter the Total Amount this invoice.
Note: The auto-calculation of the Billed Total gives the user recording the invoice a chance to double check the values entered against the totals displayed on the submitted invoice.
- If needed, enter the following additional information:
Vendor Invoice Number. Free form text field for tracking Vendors invoice number provided on invoice submitted
Description.Enter a memo describing the reason for the invoice.
Terms: Select the terms for the invoice from the list.
Date Due. This field is auto-filled based on date billed plus 30-days; however, the due date value can be edited.
Quantity - Invoiced. / Quantity - Received / Quantity - Accepted. Enter these amounts in case there are discrepancies between the amount invoices and the amount received, or if you did not accept all parts of the shipment.
If needed, Enter the following Holdback information:
To apply a lien holdback:
- Select Yes for the Apply Lien Holdback? field.
The application calculates 10 % of the Billed Total and enters this as the Lien Holdback Amount.
- The application uses the invoice tax rate (based on the Billed Amount and Billed Total for the invoice) to calculate the Lien Holdback Tax. See Invoice Tax Rate.
- When you enter a lien holdback or tax amount, the application updates the ' Total Amount this invoice' field by subtracting these holdback amounts from the Billed Total.
To record a deficiency holdback, enter the following:
- Deficiency Holdback Amount.
- The application uses the invoice tax rate (based on the Billed Amount and Billed Total for the invoice) to calculate the Deficiency Holdback Tax. See Invoice Tax Rate.
- When you enter a deficiency holdback or tax amount, the application updates the ' Total Amount this invoice' field by subtracting these holdback amounts from the Billed To.
For more information, see Holdbacks.
- Select Yes for the Apply Lien Holdback? field.
- Click Save and Next.
The Approve Invoice tab appears.
- Enter a Description or upload a document by clicking the arrow next to the Document field.
- Do one of the following:
- To approve or reject the invoice, click Approve or Reject.
- To save the invoice without approving or rejecting it, click Save.

After Approving the invoice, the Next button becomes enabled, so that you can record payment information.
- From the Approve Invoice form, after approving the invoice, click Next.
The Record Payments form appears.
- Click Add Payment.
The Payment Details tab appears.
- Enter the following:
Amount - Expense
Payment Number
- Click Record Payment.
A message appears that the record was successfully