Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Maintenance Manager

Defining PM Schedule Dates by PM Schedules

With the Define PM Schedule Dates by PM Schedules task, you can:

Note: You can also edit, delete, cancel, and create PM Schedule Dates with the PM Planner. Note that the PM Planner view offers the options of canceling PM schedule dates and setting up boundary dates, which are not supported in Define PM Schedule Dates by PM Schedules.

The task loads the PM Schedules table and the assigned PM Schedule Dates table, showing all the dates on which the PM schedule should be executed. When first loaded, the task shows only PM schedules whose Interval is Manual, but you can show all PM schedules by choosing Show All.

Manually Specifying Schedule Dates

Rather than defining PM schedules that the system uses to automatically schedule your location and equipment jobs, you can manually specify the dates on which a PM schedule should be executed. The scheduling routine does not generate PM Schedule Date records for schedules whose value for Interval Type is Manual. Therefore, to manually specify schedule dates, follow these steps:

  1. In the Select PM Schedules panel, select the desired procedure, choose the Change Interval button, set the Interval Type to Manual, and choose Save.
  2. In the PM Schedules Dates table, choose the Add New button. Enter a date you want the schedule executed.

Running the PM Scheduling Routine

When you generate PM work orders with the Generate PM Work Orders task, you can choose to have the system automatically run the scheduling routine to determine the work due during the period you specify. The system then automatically generates work orders for handling this work.

However, you may wish to separately run the scheduling routine to generate the schedule dates without generating work orders. This enables you to review, edit, and delete the generated records before generating work orders for them.

For example, your company may have a special event coming up that will require the attention of several craftspersons and will take precedence over routine maintenance. In this case, you could generate the schedule dates and then edit them to accommodate the requirements of the special project. Next, when you generate work orders, you can leave blank the "Generate New PM Schedule Dates" option so that the system generates work orders for the dates that you have edited and does not overwrite these edited schedule dates.

To run the scheduling routine from this task, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the Show All button to show all the PM Schedules. (When the task is first loaded, it shows only manual PM Schedules.)
  2. Select one or more PM Schedules.
  3. Select the "Generate Schedule Dates for Selected Schedules" button.
  4. In the Date Range form, enter the date range for which you want to generate schedule dates. Press Submit.
  5. The system displays the generated schedule dates in the lower left form.
  6. For more details on the generated schedules, you can also review them with the Review PM Schedules task.

Editing the Schedule Dates

The scheduling routine determines the upcoming schedule dates for the period you specify and generates a record in the PM Schedule Dates table for each upcoming date

If the generated dates are not satisfactory, you can edit or delete these records. Each record includes an Edit button for changing the schedule date. To delete a schedule date, select it and choose the Delete button.

Once you have edited records in this manner, you will not want the system to overwrite your edits when generating work orders. Therefore, be sure that the "Generate New PM Schedule Dates" option is not checked when you generate work orders.

Note: The PM Planner does not permit you to edit PM Schedule Dates for which work orders have been generated. This view does not enforce this restriction.

See Also

Understanding the Scheduling Options

Understanding the PM Scheduling Routine

Next Steps

Examine the generated schedule on a graphical calendar using the PM Planner task, and make changes as necessary.

For the PM Schedule Dates, you can generate work orders for a specific time period by running the Generate PM Work Orders task.