Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Maintenance Manager

Reviewing PM Schedules

As you assign to the various locations and equipment items in your facility and generate the upcoming scheduled work for a date range, you will want to review the schedules by running the View PM Schedules task, located at the paths listed at the top of this topic.

For example, before actually generating the work orders for upcoming work (which will automatically generate the schedule dates), you may wish to generate the schedule dates using the Defining PM Schedule Dates by PM Schedules task and then review the schedules with this task.

Review the schedules for completeness and efficiency, while minimizing disruption to employees. For example, when reviewing the schedules, you may find that some trades will be overly busy, and others are idle, indicating that you may need to change the scheduling pattern to level the work.

To organize your PM schedules, the task presents the following tabs: