System / Add-In Manager / Reports Central
Foundations / Background Data & Reports / Reports Central

Access Saved and Published Reports

You access reports made with Reports Central using Report Central's Reports tab. The Reports tab presents:

To load a report, click on its entry in the Reports tab.

Your Saved Reports

Reports that you have saved, but have not yet published, appear under the "No Application" heading.

Published Reports

Reports that the author has shared with others (published) are listed under the appropriate application. The author chooses the application and process for the report and any user with permissions for this process can access the report.

The list of published reports can include reports that you created and published for others, as well as reports created by others and which are located in a process to which you have access. See Report Consumer: Access Assigned Reports.

Readers of published reports can use the Report Central features to save the report to a new copy and adjust it as needed, such as changing the chart format; they cannot change locked filters.

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Reports Central Overview


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