View Configuration

Modify a User-defined Field

Once you create a user-defined field, you may need to edit it. You can make some edits from the Configure Fields form, available from the Define Locations, Define Employees, and Manage Equipment and Standards views. Additionally, a database administrator can modify user-defined fields, just as they would modify any other field in the Archibus schema.

Note: For information on users who have access to creating and editing user-defined fields, see View Configuration Overview: Security Groups for Configuring Fields.

You can edit the following elements of a user-defined field definition:

You cannot make the following types of changes from the Edit User-Defined Field form. To make changes such as these, contact your System Administrator or other staff who have access to editing the schema.

To modify a user-defined field

  1. Load the Define Locations, Define Employees, or Manage Equipment and Standards view.
  2. Use the view's tab to load the table holding the user-defined field you wish to edit.
  3. Click on a field to access the Define form in the right panel.
  4. In the right panel, click the Configure Fields button.
  5. The view presents the Configure Fields form.
  6. Locate the user-defined field you wish to edit. You can use the grid's smart search console and search on "Is User Defined?" by choosing "User" from the drop-down list.
  7. Click on a user-defined field and its properties appear in the Edit User-Defined Field form on the right.
  8. Edit the field as necessary and save. Archibus updates the schema with your change.
  9. In the Available Field grid, you will see your change in the field definition.
  10. Close the Configure Fields form.
  11. To see your changes in the view, reload the view. If you click Add New or click on a record to edit it, you will see that the field reflects your changes.

Disabling or deleting a user-defined field

If you decide that you do not need a user-defined field, you can do the following. This keeps it in the database and retains the data. If needed in the future, you can display or promote the field again.

If a user-defined field is no longer needed and the business has decided to delete it, a system administrator can delete the field working directly with the Archibus Fields table (afm_flds). Restricting the deletion feature to system administrators avoids unwanted loss of data. See Edit Archibus Data Dictionary (System Management Help)

See Also

View Configuration: Overview

Create a User-defined Field
