Archibus SaaS / Leases / Lease Portfolio / Cost Wizard
Real Property / Strategic Financial Analysis / Financial Analysis / Cost Wizard
Real Property / Costs / Cost Administrator / Cost Wizard

Creating and Scheduling Recurring Costs When Using Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set

Note: This topic describes working from the Cost Wizard's Schedule tab when you have enabled the Enhanced Global Feature Set. If you have not enabled these features, see Creating Recurring Costs and Scheduling Recurring Costs.

The Schedule Costs tab of the Cost Wizard shows Recurring Costs assigned to the item (lease, building, property, or account) you select. If you select a cost type and category from the restriction console, the costs shown use this restriction. See Cost Wizard Overview: Restricting Costs by Category and Type.

If you are using the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set, additional fields are available for you to work with when adding or editing cost records. When you schedule costs, these VAT and multicurrency fields are copied from the recurring cost record to the scheduled cost record as described in the following procedures.

From the Schedule tab, you can:

Scheduling Recurring Costs

You can schedule Recurring Costs so that these costs become Scheduled Cost records that include the exact amount of each income and expense in its own record as an individual cost. Since Scheduled Costs have not yet been approved, they can be changed. Using Scheduled Costs records, you can experiment with chargeback scenarios and more accurately calculate cash flow.

To schedule costs:

  1. Invoke the Cost Wizard.
  2. Use the drill-down selection list to select the item you want to schedule costs for.
  3. From the Schedule Costs tab, select at least one Recurring Cost record.
  4. Click Schedule.
  5. In the pop-up window, enter the End Date. This is the date to which you want to schedule out the Recurring Cost records.
  6. Click Schedule Costs.

    You are asked to confirm that you want to update each scheduled cost record's exchange rate and VAT amount according to each cost's Date Due. Click Yes to confirm.

    If no Scheduled Cost records have been previously generated for the selected Recurring Cost records, the system copies the Start Date of the Recurring Cost record to the Due Date field of the first Scheduled Cost record. (Every Recurring Cost record has a Start Date.) The system creates Scheduled Cost records for each interval period up until the End Date you entered.

    Otherwise, to avoid duplicating charges for a particular time period, the action starts generating Scheduled Costs from the change-over date. The change-over date is the Date Due value from the most recent Scheduled Cost or Actual Cost record that was generated from the selected Recurring Cost record. The Start Date of the first Scheduled Cost record will be one interval from the change-over date. For example, if a Recurring Cost record has existing Scheduled and Actual Costs generated from it, and if the existing record with the most recent due date is a Scheduled Cost record for a quarterly utility bill due 3/01/2009, the system generates new Scheduled Cost records starting from 6/01/2009.

    In order to track which Scheduled Cost records were generated from which Recurring Cost records, the system copies the Recurring Cost Code to the Scheduled Cost that is created. The system uses this assignment in determining the change-over date.

    Scheduled Cost Status: When you schedule Recurring Cost records to generate Scheduled Cost records, the system sets the Cost Status for the Scheduled Cost record to Auto-Recurring . This indicates that the program generated this Scheduled Cost record from a Recurring Cost record.

    See Cost Wizard Process to view a diagram for this process.

    When you schedule costs, the following fields are copied from the Recurring Cost record to the Scheduled Cost record:

    Amount Income - Base (Payment)

    Amount Income - VAT (Payment)

    Amount Income - Total (Payment)

    Amount Expense - Base (Payment)

    Amount Expense - VAT (Payment)

    Amount Expense - Total (Payment)

    Payment Currency (used for this cost transaction). By default, this is your User Default Currency, but you are able to change the currency if needed when entering a new cost record. However, once the record is saved, the Payment Currency cannot be changed.

    VAT Country: By default, this is the country associated with the Locale entered in your User Profile. When adding a new cost, you are able to change the country, if needed., but after saving a cost record, the country cannot be changed.

    VAT Percent

    VAT Percent Override - If needed, a percent you can enter for the VAT that is based on an exception to the default VAT Percent. This can be a lower percent or an exemption from paying any VAT.

    VAT Amount Override -If needed, an amount you can enter for VAT that the system uses instead of calculating the VAT Amount using the default VAT Percent entered for this cost records' cost category and country.

    Exchange Rate Override - A manual conversion factor that you enter for a transaction, that overrides the automated exchange rate from the Archibus Conversions table, for this payment currency. If you enter an exchange rate override, the override is used for both the Payment and Budget Exchange Rate types.

    Amount Income - Base (Budget)

    Amount Expense - Base (Budget)

    Amount Income- VAT (Budget)

    Amount Expense - VAT (Budget)

    Budget Currency

    Amount Income: This is the Total Income (Budget) calculated as Total Income (Payment) x Budget Exchange Rate

    Amount Expense: This is the Total Expense (Budget) calculated as Total Expense (Payment) x Budget Exchange Rate

    Payment Exchange Rate

    Budget Exchange Rate

    Date Used for Budget Exchange Rate: Stores the date used for the Budget Exchange Rate conversion factor. For Scheduled Costs, this is the closest conversion date that is prior to the Date Due for the cost transaction. This field is stored in the cost transaction record and is used for audit tracking.

    Date Used for Payment Exchange Rate: Stores the date used for the Payment Exchange Rate conversion factor. For Scheduled Costs, this is the closest conversion date that is prior to the Date Due for the cost transaction. This field is stored in cost transaction records and is used for audit tracking of cost transaction records.

  7. A message asks if you want to update the conversion factor for each scheduled cost record's exchange rate according to each cost's due date. Click Yes to have the system perform this update.

Creating Recurring Costs When Using Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set

To create recurring costs when using Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set:

  1. Select Cost Administrator / Cost Wizard for Leases, Buildings, or Properties, or Cost Wizard for Accounts.
  2. Use the drill-down selection list to select the item you want to add Recurring Costs for.
  3. Select the Schedule Costs tab, and click Add Recurring Cost.

    The Add New (Lease/Building/Property/Account) Recurring Cost dialog shows the VAT Country and User Default Currency associated with your user Locale.

  4. Enter the following required fields:

    Cost Category -- Select a Cost Category from the list. When you select the Cost Category, the system obtains the VAT Percent value which it uses to calculate the VAT Amount for the cost, unless you enter override values. See step 6 to enter override values for costs that are exceptions to the default defined by the cost category.

    Start Date -- Enter the date that the Recurring Cost is to begin taking effect. If you generate Scheduled Costs from Recurring Costs, the system copies the Start Date of the Recurring Cost record to the Due Date field of the first Scheduled Cost record, and uses the day of the month for the due date for subsequent Scheduled Cost records.

  5. Enter the following recommended fields:

    Description -- Use this field to describe the cost, similar to the "memo" field of a check.

    End Date -- Enter the date that the Recurring Cost is to end.

    Note: If the End Date field is left blank, in most views, the Recurring Cost is scheduled to continue indefinitely. However, in the Global Portfolio Dashboard, Recurring Costs with no End Date are not included in the calculation. For this reason, if you are using the Global Portfolio Dashboard, it is recommended to include an End Date for the cost.

    Period -- The interval between payments. Choose MONTH, QUARTER, YEAR, or CUSTOM.

    Custom Period (Days) -- If you choose CUSTOM for the above field, complete this field with the custom period in days. For example, enter 45 for a 45-day period.

    Seasonal Start Date/Seasonal End Date -- These fields model seasonal costs that enable you to generate a more accurate monthly cash flow.

    If you are modeling a seasonal cost, you should specify a Seasonal Start Date and a Seasonal End Date. For example, for a winter lease cost you can specify a Seasonal Start Date of November 15, 20XX and a Seasonal End Date of March 15, 20XX (where XX is any year you choose—the year has no effect, as the table's Start Date field determines when the recurring cost begins to take effect).

    If the Seasonal fields have values, the Schedule Recurring Costs action works only with those intervals that fall between the month and day portion of the seasonal dates; the year portion is not evaluated. Thus, a seasonal date will be valid for as many years as the Recurring Cost occurs.

    Yearly Factor -- A yearly increase or decrease to factor into the cost beginning from the Start Date. For instance, you can model a 10% yearly increase in lease costs by entering a yearly factor of 1.10. If you enter a value of .75, the lease cost is defined to decrease 25% per year.

    Active? -- Use this field to indicate whether the Recurring Cost record should be included in reports, or scheduled when you schedule costs from the Schedule Costs tab of the Cost Wizard. The default is YES. If you currently do not wish the recurring costs to be used in calculations, but want to retain it for future use, set this field to NO.

  6. Select the Payment Currencyand VAT Country for the cost transaction. By default, the Payment Currency is your User Default Currency, and country associated with the Locale entered in your User Profile, but you are able to change this if needed. However, once you save the cost record, you are not able to change the Payment Currency or the VAT Country,
  7. To document the cost, enter one of the following fields.
  8. To enter an exception or exemption to the default VAT for this cost record , enter one of the following overrides for VAT:

    Note: If you are adding this cost for a lease that has its VAT Exempt? flag set to Yes, you are not able to add a VAT Percent Override or VAT Amount Override for the cost.

If you enter a VAT Percent Override, the system calculates the VAT as follows:

VAT Amount Income = Base Income (Payment) x VAT Percent Override

VAT Amount Expense = Base Expense (Payment) x VAT Percent Override

  1. To override the exchange rate entered for this payment currency, enter the Exchange Rate Override. This is a conversion factor for this transaction that overrides the exchange rate entered for this Payment Currency for the cost's Date Due.

    The system calculates the following based on your entries:

    Amount Income

    Amount Expense

    Amount Income - Base (Budget)

    Amount Expense - Base (Budget)

    Amount Income - VAT (Budget)

    Amount Expense - VAT (Budget)

  2. Click Save.

    The system also calculates the Budget Currency fields based on your entries. The system stores the Budget Currency fields to use for reports based on the Budget Exchange Rate.

    If you entered an Exchange Rate Override, the system uses this conversion rate to calculate the Budget Currency fields.

    Otherwise, the system uses the Budget Exchange Rate closest to and prior to the cost record’s Date Due to convert the following fields from the Payment Currency to the Organization Budget Currency:

    Amount Income = Total Income (Payment) x Budget Exchange Rate

    Amount Expense - Total Expense (Payment) x Budget Exchange Rate

    Amount Income - Base (Budget) = Base Income (Payment) x Budget Exchange Rate

    Amount Expense - Base (Budget) = Base Expense (Payment) x Budget Exchange Rate

    Amount Income - VAT (Budget) = VAT Income (Payment) x Budget Exchange Rate

    Amount Expense - VAT (Budget) = VAT Expense (Payment) x Budget Exchange Rate

    The following fields used in the calculation are also saved to the cost record:

    Currency (Budget)

    Exchange Rate (Budget)

    Exchange Rate (Payment)

    Date Used for Budget Exchange Rate: For Recurring Costs, this is the most recent conversion date for the Budget Exchange Rate for this Payment Currency to the Budget Currency.

    Date Used for Payment Exchange Rate: For Recurring Costs, this is the most recent conversion date for the Payment Exchange Rate for this Payment Currency to the Budget Currency.

Editing Recurring Costs

To edit recurring costs:

  1. From the Schedule Costs tab, click Edit in the row for the Recurring Cost you want to edit.

    The Edit Recurring Cost for (Lease/Building/Property/Account) dialog appears.

  2. Edit the fields, as necessary. You can edit any of the fields except the system-generated fields. See Add Recurring Costs When Using the VAT and Multicurrency Features for a description of the fields.
  3. Click Save.

Deleting Recurring Costs

To delete recurring costs:

  1. From the Schedule Costs tab, select the Recurring Costs, and click Delete.

    You are asked to confirm the deletion.

  2. Click OK.

    The Recurring Costs are deleted.


After scheduling costs, you can approve the Scheduled Costs from the Approve Costs tab.

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Cost Wizard with the Enhanced Global Feature Set

Cost Wizard Overview