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Understanding Real Property Financial Analysis Reports

When analyzing reports that show cost data, keep in mind the following:

Your input affects accuracy

 The financial analysis reports present figures that are estimates based on your input. For example:

The Filter selections determine the data that is included

Many of the Real Property financial reports present the Filter console that determines the data used in the report. Using the Filter console, you can specify the types of costs to examine (recurring, scheduled, actual, or a combination), as well as the time frame for which to analyze these costs.

When reviewing the financial reports, be sure to consider how the Filter console was completed.

How costs are selected using Date Paid and Date Due

For Scheduled and Approved Cost records to be included in a report, the Date Paid or the Date Due field for the cost record must fall within or be equal to the time frame defined by the From Year and To Year fields you select for the report. 

Recurring Cost records might have a Date Start, or a Date End, or both these dates. The Date Start and the Date End entered for the record must fall within or be equal to the time frame defined by the Start Date and End Date fields you select for the report. 

How the program prevents cost duplication

If you selected on the Filter console to analyze Recurring Costs, Scheduled Costs, and Actual Costs and these costs overlay, the system will determine which records to analyze. The program ensures that it does not duplicate costs by using Scheduled or Actual Cost records over Recurring Cost records when both exist, and by using only Recurring Cost records with a Due Date that is after the most recently generated Scheduled or Actual Cost record.

 If you have generated Scheduled Cost records from Recurring Cost records, these cost will show in both the Recurring Costs tab as a single record, and in the Scheduled Costs tab as individual records. The number of Scheduled Cost records shown depends on the number you generated during the time period covered by the report. The same costs will not show in both the Scheduled Cost and Actual Cost tabs, as Scheduled Costs are deleted when they are converted to approved Actual Costs.

Reports include information on cost dates

If you are unsure as to the financial data that a report presents, you can check the Date Costs Calculated, Date Costs Start, and Date Costs End fields found in the report. The system updates these fields based on the dates entered in the Filter console each time you generate the report.

The All Properties Yearly Financial Summary by Country and the Undeveloped Properties reports use the "Expense" fields stored in the Properties table when the Property Abstract report is generated. For this reason, the Date Calculated shown in these reports is the date of the most recent calculation for the Property Abstract Report. To view costs for a different time period, generate the Property Abstract report using the Start Date and End Dates you want to review.

How the program calculates Yearly Costs

Some reports include Yearly costs. These costs are calculated for a period of 365 days, prorated using the costs that are within the Start Date and End Date period entered in the Filter Console. For example, if the Start Date and End Date cover a 3 month period, the program multiples the cost figures by 4 to get the yearly costs.