Archibus SaaS / Leases / Background Data - Leases
Real Property / Chargeback & Invoicing / Background Data
Real Property / Costs / Background Data
Real Property / Leases / Background Data

Select Lease Area Method

You select a lease area method to indicate whether you are tracking leased areas using rooms, groups, or suites. You must follow only one of the Lease Area Methods for assigning physical floor areas to particular leases. The applications use the lease area method that you select to:

Lease Area Method Options

Set the Lease Area Method option according to your preference for representing leased areas.


Suite Choose this option if you want to represent your leased areas with suites. This method is appropriate for landlords renting space to tenants, and tenants that require accurate figures of the area that they rent, but are not interested in tracking departmental areas.

Choose this option to represent your leased areas with groups. Tenants who want to track departmental areas and charge lease costs to departments should create groups to depict the areas that they lease and then assign these groups to departments and leases.

A group inventory is usually sufficient for tracking departmental areas and charges.


If you are developing a room inventory, you can use the rooms to represent your leased areas by assigning them to departments and leases. This method depicts all areas (closets, bathrooms, primary circulation area, secondary circulation area, and common areas) as rooms.

A room inventory is only necessary if you require a room inventory for work with other Archibus domains that work with rooms, such as the Maintenance and Telecommunication & Cable domains that assign work orders to rooms. These domains also have access to these room areas.

To Select Lease Area Method

  1. Select the Select Lease Area Method task.
  2. Set the Lease Area Method option according to your preference for representing leased areas.

    Note: After developing your suite, group, or room areas and selecting the lease area method, you must run the Update Area Totals action, which calculates area data.

    You can now use the Chargeback Cost Wizard to charge back your costs that depend on measured areas.

Cost Categories that Use the Lease Area Method

Each cost has a cost category associated with it. The cost category's chargeback definition (determined by its Assigned To - Rolls Up To -Prorates To selection) determines how chargeback is calculated. The Lease Area Method you select is used by the following two cost categories that have a chargeback definition that uses measured areas for proportionately distributing costs:

Assigned To - Rolls Up To - Prorates To value Description
Leases - None -Departments

Cost categories with this value for their chargeback definition proportionately distribute lease costs to departments. If you want to internally charge back your costs to departments, you must have a group or room inventory of your space. You would create a cost category with the Assigned To-Rolls Up To-Prorates To value of Leases-None-Departments, and you must select your Lease Area Method as Groups or Rooms.

Note: Suites are not a valid option if you want to charge back lease costs to department, as suites have no relationship to departments. To charge back to departments, you must select Groups or Rooms as your Lease Area Method.

Property - None - Buildings Cost categories with this Assigned To - Rolls Up To - Prorates To value proportionately distribute property costs to buildings. If you incur property costs, such as taxes or landscaping, that you want to then charge back to buildings, you create a cost category with the chargeback definition of Property-None-Buildings. This chargeback definition uses the Building Rentable Area based on the suite, group, or room measured area, depending on whether you select Suite, Group, or Room for your Lease Area method. Note that you should select Suites only if you are not charging back lease costs to departments.

For a description of the area field used for proration by different chargeback scenarios, see The Nine Chargeback and Proration Definitions.

Determining if Your Costs Chargeback Using Measured Areas.

To see the Chargeback Definition for your cost categories, select Chargeback & Invoicing / Background Data / Define Cost Categories by Class. Select a cost class, then a cost category to see if the cost has the Properties - None - Buildings or the Leases-None - Departments selections for Chargeback Definition.


The Select Lease Area Method task requires that you first develop suite, room, or group measured areas in CAD drawings. Measured areas are area figures that reflect the true dimensions of your leased areas.

In the Real Property domain, you can use the Develop Suite Inventory process to develop suite areas. See Suite Analysis Process.

Alternatively, you can develop room or group areas. For information on representing group areas in CAD drawings, see Draw Group Areas. For information on representing rooms areas in CAD drawings, see Draw Room Areas.

To work with the group or room records created from CAD drawings, see the Associating Groups and Leases and Associating Rooms and Leases topics.

Archibus Client/Server: BOMA and Extended BOMA Group Chargeback

Archibus performs one series of chargeback calculations. For details, see Chargeback Calculations. If you have been using the BOMA or Enhanced BOMA group chargeback methods from Archibus Client/Server (discontinued beginning with Archibus V.25.1), you can set up your group inventory to support these group chargeback methods.

To replicate the BOMA chargeback method:

To replicate the Enhanced BOMA chargeback method:

See Also

Group Inventory (Process Overview)

Room Inventory (Process Overview)