Real Property / Chargeback & Invoicing

Chargeback - Roll-Up Calculations

This topic documents the roll-up calculations that occur when you generate chargeback from the Chargeback Cost Wizard's Generate Chargeback tab. The calculations discussed in this topic apply to costs whose cost categories specify roll up as part of their chargeback definition. This includes cost categories with one of the following values for the Chargeback Definition (Assigned To/Rolls Up To/Prorates To field):

In order to support cost categories that both roll up and prorate values, the Chargeback action first rolls up costs and then prorates them. For information on how the routine prorates rolled-up costs, see Chargeback - Prorate Calculations.

Regularly Roll Up Your Costs

When the Chargeback routine rolls up Cost records, it sums them according to cost category. For instance, when rolling up building costs to properties, the action creates one Scheduled Cost record per cost category per property.

Since the action rolls up a number of costs to a single Scheduled Cost record, the generated record does not represent a single cost that occurred on a single date. For this reason, the action completes the Date Due of the generated Scheduled Cost record with the latest date found in the Date Due field of the Cost records that were grouped together.

If you are performing time-sensitive operations that depend on roll-up costs, it is best to regularly run the Chargeback action. For instance, if you are creating a property cash flow report that depends on roll-up values, you will want to create and approve rolled-up costs on a monthly basis; this prevents rolled-up costs from appearing as spikes in the cash flow.

Also, if you are generating invoices from the rolled-up amounts and you do not roll up costs regularly, the scheduled cost record for the rolled up costs can include costs for multiple time periods; for example for several monthly landscaping costs, when you might prefer to bill the customer on a monthly basis.

How the Charge Back Costs Action Rolls Up Costs

When you charge back costs from the Generate Chargeback tab for costs whose cost category includes roll-up, this action rolls up Cost records to generate Scheduled Cost records by performing these steps:

See Also

Chargeback Roll-Up Diagram

Chargeback - Proration Calculations

Example of Charging Back to Leases

Example of Charging Back to Departments

About Cost Categories

Generate Chargeback Tab

The Nine Chargeback Scenarios

Costs table