Getting Results with Archibus / Assets

Tagged Furniture and Equipment Depreciation

As an asset ages, it typically becomes less able to provide service, and therefore its monetary value decreases. Standard accounting practices call for:

For a tagged furniture or an equipment inventory, you can use the Depreciation process to analyze each item’s purchase value, current value, accumulated depreciation, depreciation expense, and salvage value.

You can also determine the value of your complete tagged furniture or equipment inventory, which feeds into the overall value of your company.



Archibus SaaS : 

  • Assets / Depreciation

Archibus non-SaaS:

  • Assets / Asset Portal / Depreciation
  • Assets / Assets / Depreciation
  • Assets / Enterprise Assets / Depreciation

Business Result

Data on furniture costs and depreciation based on standard accounting principles.

Informed decisions on future furniture purchases based on accumulated depreciation value of current inventory.

Increased awareness of furniture costs leading to better care of current inventory.

Used By

Facility managers

Asset managers

Purchasing managers

Financial analysts

Reasons for Automating

To track and costs and depreciation of a furniture inventory using one of four standard accounting formulas.

To obtain the current value of the furniture inventory.

To store furniture depreciation data in a central repository where it is available to key stakeholders over a corporate network.

To expense the costs of each item over its deprecation period.


inventory development tasks of Enterprise Assets and Assets

inventory development tasks of Assets SaaS module

Tagged Furniture Inventory process (Asset Portal)

Equipment Inventory process (Asset Portal)


General Ledger Journal Entry report

Depreciation Schedules report

The following are typical users:

User Tasks

Purchasing Manager

Consider current depreciation value when ordering new items.

Financial analyst

Expense the cost of the item over its deprecation period.

Facility Manager
Asset Manager

Obtain the current value of the furniture inventory.