Getting Results with Archibus / Asset Portal application

Tagged Furniture Inventory (Asset Portal application)

Typically, office furniture is purchased in bulk so that all desk chairs, all reception chairs, all lunch room tables, and so forth are the same throughout the facility. Often, you need to know the properties of your desk chairs, but you do not need to individually track each one. In these situations, a furniture standards inventory, in which you track the quantity of each type of item, can meet your needs.

However, some furniture items have unique properties which must be specifically tracked. For example, you might have a specially designed desk to meet the needs of a handicapped employee, an ergonomic chair you are testing for future bulk purchases, a desk that was specifically ordered by an executive, or a unique reception desk in the front lobby. Because these items are unique, you want to track their specific properties and their location in the facility with a tagged furniture inventory.

The Furniture process of the Asset Portal application includes task that focus on individually identifying each furniture item by assigning it a unique ID (or tag). You may choose to track your entire inventory in this manner, or track only the unique and expensive items with tags and develop a furniture standards inventory for the remainder of your inventory.

To get started with a tagged furniture inventory, you can work through the Furniture process and precisely identify your furniture items by assigning each a unique identification number which always references the item, regardless of where the item is located or who uses it.

Once this basic furniture inventory is developed, you can:

Tagged Furniture Inventory


Archibus non-SaaS:

  • Assets / Asset Portal / Furniture

Business Result

Detailed technical information about each furniture item.

Cost savings from avoidance of unnecessary furniture purchases.

Better use of existing furniture assets as you can determine rooms that are over-furnished and under-furnished.

Used By

Facility Managers

Facilities Administrative Staff

Reasons for Automating

Maintain an accurate alphanumeric inventory of furniture items in which each items is uniquely identified. The inventory can be further developed through other applications and is stored in a central repository available to key stakeholders over a corporate network or Intranet.

Prerequisite Applications

Space Inventory (specified to the room level)



Furniture Standards Book report

Room Plan with Tagged Furniture

Tagged Furniture by Department/Room

Applications Using the Results of this Application

Asset Portal's Depreciation process

Alternate Application

Furniture Standards Inventory

The following are typical users:



Facility Manager

Facilities Admin Staff

Develop tagged furniture inventory data.

Tagged Furniture Inventory with CAD

CAD plans showing the location of tagged furniture items can be important tools when locating furniture items to service or move. Graphically seeing where a furniture item is located on the floor plan, particularly a unique or expensive piece, can aid in finding the correct item.

You can extend your tagged furniture inventory by developing  furniture plan drawings that are linked to the alphanumeric inventory. The database record and depiction in the CAD floor plan are linked so that an edit to the drawing updates the record, and an edit to the record updates the drawing.

See Also

Asset Portal / Furniture overview