Archibus SaaS / Space / Space Inventory
Space / Space Inventory / Room Inventory (Non-Transactional)

Room Inventory Reports

Once you define rooms and run the Update Area Totals action, the following reports are available. Use these reports for an understanding of how space is used on each floor; for example, how many rooms does each department occupy? Is there any unused space on the floor?

Note: To ensure that the reports use your latest data, be sure to run the Update Area Totals task prior to running these reports. If you do not first run this action, the reports will present data from the last time that the action was run. Any changes in area boundaries or how an area is assigned will not be reflected in the report.

Note: Some of these analyses can also be made by working with the Space Console. Not all of the reports listed in this topic are available from all processes listed at the top of this topic.

Rooms by Building and Floor

Load this task, and the system presents the Buildings, Floors, and Rooms tables. Drill down to select a building and a floor within the building; the report then shows all the rooms for the selected floor.

The Buildings and Floors tables each present summary information from the composing rooms: the total room area, total departmental area (rooms assigned to departments), and common area (rooms specified as common area). For the details on common vs. departmental area, review the individual records in the Rooms pane. Rooms that are common areas should not have a division and department assignment and, for chargeback purposes, should have a value other than NONE for their Prorate field.

Rooms by Division and Department

Load this task, and the system presents the Divisions, Departments, and Rooms tables. Drill down to select a division and a department within the division; the report then shows all the rooms for the selected department.

The Divisions and Departments tables each present a total of the occupiable and non-occupiable room area assigned to the department or division. Department and division managers can use this data for an understanding of the space assigned to and used by their departments and divisions. Users interested in this type of departmental analysis, should be sure to load the Highlight Rooms by Dept view, documented later in this topic.

The report also sums the employees assigned to each room to department and division and calculates the average area for each employee in the department and division.

Rooms by Floor and Department

Load this task, and the system presents the Floors, Departments, and Rooms tables. Drill down to select a floor, and a department with rooms located on that floor; the report then shows all the rooms for the selected department.

The room data is summed to department, which in turn is summed to the floors on which the departments are located. Use this report for an understanding of each department's rooms on each floor.

Rooms by Standard

If you defined room standards and assigned them to your rooms, you can use this report for an understanding of how rooms are used at your facility. For example, how many reception rooms, storage rooms, or lounges do you have and what are the total areas of these classifications? Choose a room standard, and the system presents all rooms assigned to this standard.

Users interested in this type of analysis should be sure to load the Highlight Rooms by Category and Type view, documented later in this topic.

Rooms by Category and Type

Since by room category and room type indicate if a room can be occupied by personnel, use this report for an understanding of the occupiable and non-occupiable rooms on each floor. For example, how many vertical penetrations, service areas, reception areas, storage rooms, or lounges do you have throughout your project and what are the total areas of these classifications? Choose a room category, drill down to room type, and the system presents all rooms (in all buildings and floors) assigned to this room type.

Users interested in this type of analysis should be sure to load the Highlight Rooms by Standard view, documented later in this topic.

Note that the report counts the number of rooms of each category and type and determines the average area of each category. This can be valuable in providing a high-level picture of how space is used throughout your project.

Room Categories and Types by... Reports

Use these reports for an understanding of the way rooms are used throughout your buildings, floors, divisions and departments.

For the building and floor reports, the system displays the usable area and total room area for each building and floor. Click on a building or floor for a summary by room category and type of the rooms located on the floor or in the building. Note that the report determines the average area of the rooms of each room type and the percentage of total area occupied by this type. For example, you might see that for a particular floor, there are four vertical penetration rooms occupying 20 percent of the total area, one service area representing 10 percent of the total area, and twelve labs representing 70 percent of the total area.

The Room Categories and Types by Department and Division reports are similar except that instead of the usable area, they report on the departmental area and show the percentage of the departmental area occupied by rooms of each category or type.

Room Standards by... Reports

Use these reports for an understanding of the way rooms are used throughout your buildings, floors, divisions and departments.

For the building and floor reports, the system displays the usable area and total room area for each building and floor. Click on a building or floor for a summary by room standard of the rooms located on the floor or in the building. Note that the report determines the average area of the rooms of each standard and the percentage of usable area occupied by this standard. For example, you might see that for a particular floor, there are eight departmental rooms occupying 68 percent of the usable are, and one reception room representing 32 percent of the usable area.

The Room Standards by Department report is similar except that instead of the usable area, it reports on the departmental area and shows the percentage of the departmental area occupied by rooms of each standard.

Departments by... Reports

Facility managers and department managers will often need to know how much space each department is using. Perhaps a department has down-sized and does not need a lot of space, yet it still is assigned this space. By reviewing the reports in this section, department managers and facility managers can quickly gather an understanding of the space allocated to each department. If analysis shows that departmental boundaries should be changed, CAD specialists can adjust the boundaries of the room polylines in the CAD drawings.

The All Departments report lists the departments to which rooms have been assigned and includes a count of the rooms and the total area for each department. Click on any department for a breakdown of room area according to floor.

With the by Building and by Floor reports, you first select the building or floor and then access the total room area of this item, broken down by department. Click on any department for a breakdown of the rooms assigned to this department.

Use the Departments per Floor report to determine how your departments are spread out among multiple floors. Select a department, and the system presents a listing of floors on which rooms are assigned to this department. You can click on a floor to access the specific rooms. If you find that your departments are spread out among multiple floors, you may wish to re-allocate space so that workers in the same department are located near one another, promoting a more efficient work environment.

Building Performance

See Building Performance report.

Room Highlights by... Reports

When analyzing departmental use of space, you will often want a graphical representation of how a floor is divided into rooms. If your CAD specialist created Web-enabled files of your floor plan drawings, you can view your rooms on a floor plan drawing using these tasks.

For all of the highlight reports, you use the drill-down features of the left frame to drill down from buildings to floors, from divisions to departments, or from categories to types. If you have several records to drill through, you may wish to use the filter at the top of the view. The filter will limit the drill-down frames to showing just the data that you indicate in the filter. For example, if you want the program to present only floors with rooms assigned to the Finance division, set the Division Code to FINANCE in the filter console.

If you need help on adjusting the drawing to suit your needs and using the drawing toolbar, See Working with HTML Drawings.

Room Highlights by Department per Floor

  1. Choose the Space Inventory / Room Inventory / Room Highlights by Department per Floor task.
  2. If you wish the selection list to show only floors of a certain building or that contain rooms of a certain division or department, specify the building and/or division and department in the filter console at the top of the screen and click the Show button.
  1. If necessary, you can click on any room to access a dialog with further details about the room.
  2. For each department that has rooms on the floor, the report shows the average area, the total room area, and the number of rooms of this department. Additionally, for the entire floor, the report displays the total number of rooms and the total room area.

Room Highlights by Department

Whereas in the above report, you first specify the floors for which you want to see each department's rooms, in this report you drill down through divisions and departments and then examine the floor plan drawings that have rooms for the selected departments. Also, this report does not provide summary information, as does the above report.

  1. Choose the Space Inventory / Room Inventory / Room Highlights by Department task.
  2. If you wish the selection list to show only floors of a certain building or that contain rooms of a certain division or department, specify the building and/or division and department in the filter console at the top of the screen and click the Show button.
  1. If necessary, you can click on any room to access a dialog with further details about the room.

Room Highlights by Standard

  1. Choose the Space Inventory / Room Inventory / Room Highlights by Standard task.
  2. If you wish the selection list to show only floors of a certain building , specify the building in the restriction console at the top of the screen and click the Show button.
  1. If necessary, you can click on any room to access a dialog with further details about the room.
  2. Review the total and average area statistics located beneath the drawing. For each room standard on the floor, the report shows the average area, the total area, and the number of rooms of this standard. Additionally, for the entire floor, the report displays the total number of rooms and the total room area.

Room Highlights by Category and Type

  1. Select the Space Inventory / Room Inventory / Room Highlights by Category and Type task.
  2. If you wish the selection list to show only floors of a certain building or containing rooms of a certain category, specify the building or room category in the restriction console at the top of the screen and click the Show button.
  1. If necessary, you can click on any room to access a dialog with further details about the room.
  2. Review the total and average area statistics located beneath the drawing. For each room standard and room type of rooms on the floor, the report shows the average area, the total room area, and the number of rooms of this standard. Additionally, for the entire floor, the report displays the total number of rooms and the total room area.