Real Property / Portfolio

Portfolio Reports: Overview

The Portfolio application includes reports for active buildings, structures, and land, and reports that include data for all your portfolio items. You can generate reports for buildings, structures, or land, depending on whether you are working in the Buildings, Structures, or Land processes. You generate reports for any of your portfolio items from the Portfolio Summary process.

Reports can include a maximum of 25 items. For example, the Buildings by Property Report can include a maximum of 25 properties, and the Leases and Suites by Building can include a maximum of 25 buildings.

The Portfolio application includes the following reports: 

In addition, any of the key performance indicator charts can be generated as a report by clicking the Report icon in the row below the title bar for the chart. See Generating KPI Charts as Reports.

Note: You must enter a Date Start for a lease in order for the lease to appear in the Leases and Suites by Building, and the Selected Building Grouped by Location reports. The lease Date End is not required to save the lease information, and the lease is considered active even if you do not enter this date. However, if you don't enter the Date End, alerts that warn of lease expiration cannot be issued for this lease, and the lease will be included in KPI charts for all future dates. See Entering Leases.

Note: When reviewing the reports and their statistics, keep in mind that there are two situations in which leased out area is not redefined as available area:
(1) If an owned building is leased out to tenants, and the lease expires, the suite area is not recaptured as available area
(2) If a leased building is subleased, and the sublease expires, the suite area is not redefined as available area

Portfolio Reports When Using the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set

If you are using the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set, the Portfolio cost fields are shown using your User Default Currency, and area fields are shown based on the User Display Unit of Measure (Metric or Imperial) entered in your User Profile. This enables any user to evaluate these purchase and sale amounts in their local currency. The application converts these cost fields from the Budget Currency to User Default Currency using the exchange rate closest to the date specified for the cost field (Date Book Value Assessed, Date Market Value Assessed, Date Purchased, or Date Sold). If the date of the cost is not entered, then the application uses the most recent exchange rate entered for the User Default Currency.

The cost fields in the Portfolio Summary reports and charts exclude VAT Costs, as these reports are intended for internal analysis for which VAT external payments are not relevant. Portfolio Summary cost fields are from the Property, Building, and Suites tables, rather than from the Costs transactions tables that Cost Administrators use when entering cost transactions.

The cost fields include:

The area fields include:

Generating Reports for Buildings, Structures, or Land

You can access reports for buildings, structures, or land tasks, or from the Manage Buildings/Land/Structures by Location view. You can use the selection list and filter icon to determine the active portfolio items that are included in the report.

From the Manage Buildings/Land/Structures by Location task, you can generate reports from either the Map tab or the Selected Buildings/Land/Structures tab. From the Selected Buildings, Structures, or Land tab, you can generate the following reports for the portfolio items you selected using the drill-down list:

To generate reports for the portfolio items shown on the map, or in the Selected Buildings/Land/Structures table:

  1. Select either the Buildings, Structures, or Land process, depending on which portfolio item type you want to generate reports for.
  2. Select the portfolio items you want to work with. See Selecting Portfolio Items.
  3. Click the Reports button at the top of the Map or Selected Buildings view. A pop-up window presents the list of reports:
    • Leases and Suites by Building (from the Buildings process only)
    • Leases by Structure or Land (from the Structures or Land processes only)
    • Selected Buildings/Structures/Land by Location
    • Selected Documents Grouped by Buildings/Structures/Land or Lease
    • Selected Contacts Grouped by Buildings/Structures/Land or Lease
  4. Select the name of the report from the list.

    A pop-up window shows the report.

  5. Click the Maximize button to enlarge the report. You can also hide the selection list to increase the area available for viewing the report.
  6. In the Select Building/Structure/Land panel, select a portfolio item to see its details.

    The details panel shows details for the item.

  7. You can print the report for the selected portfolio item, email it, or add it to your Favorites.
  8. When you have finished viewing the report, close the report panel to return to the Lease Portfolio Dashboard.

Generating Portfolio Summary Reports

The Portfolio Summary process provides reports that include data for all your portfolio items. You generate the All Ownership Transactions, All Properties and their Book Values, and All Buildings and their Book Values Reports by selecting Portfolio / Portfolio Summary and then selecting the task for the report. By default, these reports are not included on the Portfolio Summary Dashboard, but you can customize the dashboard to include them. See Dragging and Dropping Views into Dashboard Panels.

You can generate the Portfolio Summary Net Capital Cash Flow key performance indicator chart. By default, it is also included in the Portfolio Summary Dashboard. This chart can be converted to a report by clicking the Report icon on the maximized view for the chart.

See Also

Portfolio Overview