Archibus SaaS / Space / Move Coordinator / Move Console
Space / Moves / Move Coordinator

Edit Group Moves

At several points in the lifecycle of a group move, you can edit its details, such as:

Editing Group Move Project Details

To review the details of the move project, click the Edit Project Details button. This opens the Project Details panel on the right, as shown below. Many of the fields will already be complete from the move requestor or the application in which the move was generated.

Some fields are completed with the values entered by the move requestor.

Field Description
Project Manager The Project Manager receives email notification of changes made to the move status.
Scheduled Start Date This is the value that determines the actual move date for the move project. This date may differ from the Requested Move Date entered by the move requestor.
Scheduled End Date If you know it, you can complete this field.
Account Code If this is available to you, enter the account for chargeback purposes.

Estimated Costs

Estimated Hours

Enter an estimate of the move costs and time required for executing all the moves of this move project.

Note: You can also track costs for the individual actions that you assign to the move order. See Adding Actions to a Group Move for information.

Project Status As you move a group move through its lifecycle, the system will update the Project Status. You can also record a finer level of status (such as Requested-Estimated by directly editing the Project Status field. See Move Status (Concept).

Adding New Moves to Group Moves

Up until a group move is issued, you can continue to add individual moves to it.


  1. Select a group move from the appropriate heading under the Move Console.
  2. Edit the move project details by working with the Project Details pane. Save any move project changes by clicking the Save button in the Project Details panel.
  3. Using each tab, review and edit the list of assets or people to move. You enter details such as the new location, and optionally telecom information.; the exact form that you complete depends on the type of individual move order you are working with. You can also add new moves to the group moves, as described above. See:
  4. Optionally, add actions to the move.

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Move Console Overview