Real Property / Leases / Reports

Lease Reports

The Real Property / Leases / Reports process provides a variety of reports that enable you to review details for individual leases and portfolio items, review details for individual leases and portfolio items, and to review summary information that provides a high-level analysis of your real property inventory.

These reports help you efficiently administer leases; they also provide key data for deciding whether to buy or to sell property or buildings, whether to renew a lease, or to exercise lease options.


When using these reports, note that the views assume that a lease is assigned to a building or to a property, but not to both. In general terms, the restriction is: {leases associated with buildings} OR {leases associated with properties}.

Therefore, if you enter a building in the filter and do not specify a property, you might receive results for leases assigned to other buildings. For example, in the sample HQ database, lease L-EC01 is assigned to property BED-EC01 and to building EC01. If in the filter you enter BOSMED as the building and you do not enter a property, the report will show leases assigned to all properties, including lease L-EC01, which is assigned to a property and to building EC01.


The Real Property / Leases / Reports process includes the following reports:

See Also