Archibus SaaS / Leases / Lease Portfolio
Real Property / Leases

Lease Portfolio Dashboard

The Lease Portfolio Dashboard provides a central location from which you can easily access and edit details for any lease, view alerts for upcoming lease and option due dates, validate responsibilities, track lease changes, and generate reports. The Portfolio Dashboard provides a quick way to edit information for leases, as you can access tabbed lease information with one click.

The Lease Portfolio Dashboard includes:

To see the details of a particular lease, you must first search for it. The following shows the Search section of the Lease Portfolio Dashboard:

After selecting a lease, the Lease Information section provides lease details:

Use the tabs of the Manage Leases panel to view and edit details for the lease. You can also use the Lease Portfolio Console and the Portfolio Edit Wizard to enter lease details. See Overview of Tasks for Editing Leases and Portfolio Items

Lease Portfolio Dashboard When Using the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set

If you are using the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set, the Lease Portfolio Dashboard - Base Rents tab - includes Base Costs, VAT Costs, Total Costs, VAT Percent, Payment Currency and VAT Country. The Lease Portfolio process displays these cost fields in your User Default Currency.

The Lease Portfolio area fields are shown using the User Display Unit of Measure field (Metric or Imperial) entered in your User Profile.

See Also

Overview of Tasks for Editing Leases

Viewing Alerts

Selecting Leases for the Lease Portfolio Dashboard

Leases Application: Reports

Lease Application: Overview

Leases SaaS Module Reports

Leases SaaS Module: Overview