Real Property / Costs / Cost Administrator

Working with Tax Costs

Real estate taxes are a significant expense that need to be carefully tracked. You can track taxes using the same cost management system as the rest of the Archibus Real Property domain, such that property taxes can feed into the domain's overall chargeback and costs reporting system.

  1. To work with tax costs, you set up this background data:

  2. Enter a property's parcels with the Portfolio Edit Wizard. You can also use the Background Data / Manage Parcels task.

  3. When working with the Cost Wizard to enter and manage costs, you can restrict the Cost records to tax costs. See:

  4. Add or review important tax actions for a property or parcel for a specific date range. By searching on the Date Required, you can review any overdue tax actions that may need immediate attention. See

  5. Review your tax costs with the Tax Costs Report.