Real Property / Costs / Cost Administrator

View Tax Costs Report

From the Real Property / Costs / Cost Administrator / View Tax Costs report, you can review tax costs to facilitate strategic decisions or internal audits. The report is restricted to show only recurring, scheduled, or actual costs that:


You can filter the report to review tax expenses by:

Reviewing overdue scheduled or actual costs

You can review overdue taxes only for either scheduled or actual costs, depending on which tab you are working from ("Scheduled Tax Costs – Payments Needing Authorization” or the Actual Costs tab)

On either of these tabs, the summary panel displays the total number of records in the grid, as well as the totals for Amount Expense and Amount Income.

The grid displays the list of scheduled or actual tax costs that met the filter criteria.

You can:

Information shown in the grid for scheduled and actual costs:

The Tax Costs report is based on the Costs report. See Costs report for a description of the data shown.

In addition to the data shown in the Costs report, the Tax Costs Report includes the following tax-related fields:

Tax Bill Number. The number of the tax bill. This facilitates tracking payments.

Tax Type. The type of tax, such as property or school. By entering the tax type, the application is able to break down the yearly tax for property and school.

Tax Period in Months. The number of months covered by this tax bill. The application uses this value to calculate the Yearly Tax Paid shown int he Property Abstracts report.

Tax Value - Assessed. The assessed value for this tax expense. The application uses this value to calculate the Value – Assessed % Tax shown in the Property Abstract report.

Tax Common Level Ratio. The ratio of assessed value to current market value. The application uses this value to calculate the True Assessed value and the Yearly Tax Paid shown in the Property Abstract report.

Tax Authority Contact. Select a contact for the tax. The list is restricted to contact type = "TAX AUTHORITY" or "TAX COLLECTOR".

See Also

Manage Tax Actions

Manage Parcels

Configuring Additional Action Types for Property Taxes

Working with Tax Costs: Overview