Archibus SaaS / Leases / Lease Portfolio / Cost Wizard
Real Property / Strategic Financial Analysis / Financial Analysis / Cost Wizard
Real Property / Costs / Cost Administrator / Cost Wizard

Review Actual Costs

After you approve scheduled costs, use the Cost Wizard's Review Costs tab to review details for your actual costs.


  1. Select the Cost Wizard, and set the filter as necessary. Select an entity for which to review actual costs.
  2. Select the Review Costs tab.

    This tab lists all actual costs associated with the selected lease, building, property, or account. If you have set a restriction, the list includes only costs for the category and type you have selected.

  3. To view details for a cost, select Details in the row for the cost.

    A pop-up window shows details for the actual cost. See Costs Table for a description of the fields.

  4. You can now review actual costs in the various cost reports. If you have the Chargeback & Invoicing application, you can generate chargeback for actual costs, and can issue invoices for them if the costs are receivables.

Note: Because Actual Costs are costs that have been approved, you cannot edit them. If you notice an error in an Actual Cost record, you can create an offsetting Scheduled Cost record and then approve that cost. See Adding New Scheduled Costs.

See Also

Cost Wizard Overview

Cost Wizard Process

Costs Overview

Cost Reports


Chargeback & Invoicing: Application Overview

Chargeback Administrator

Chargeback Cost Wizard