Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Background Data - Maintenance
Archibus SaaS / Assets
Assets / Assets
Assets / Enterprise Assets
Assets / Telecom Assets
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Inventory Manager
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Background Data - Maintenance

Equipment Systems Console: Overview

Organizing your equipment into equipment systems helps you locate and manage your items. Many enterprises have more than a million assets, which can make locating a particular asset difficult. One way to effectively manage a list of assets this is to group them hierarchically. There are two fundamental organizing principles relating to managing facilities assets:

The Equipment Systems Console presents your equipment assets in terms of their equipment systems and shows the dependencies between assets. Use this console to review equipment systems and their assemblies and components, as well as edit the properties of equipment items.

When you first load the Equipment Systems Console, the view:

You can change this default selection by:

Note: The 360 Viewer has been disabled. See the V.25.3 Revision History for details.

When you open the Equipment Systems Console, it displays the Asset Relationship Analysis tab, shown above. From here, you can click the Assign button in the Inventory Tree panel to open the Asset Relationship Assignment tab. You can switch between the two tabs to perform the following tasks:

Tab Tasks
Asset Relationship Assignment

Both tabs