Archibus SaaS / Space / Occupancy
Space / Occupancy / Manager

Occupancy Reports (Non-Transactional)

Once you develop the employee inventory and run the actions to update data based on employee data, a space manager or department manager can analyze the employee inventory and occupancy with the below reports and tasks of the Space / Occupancy / Manager role.

For the reports that document chargeable cost, be sure that you have run the Perform Chargeback action for Standard Space Chargeback or Shared Workspace Chargeback.

Note: Some of the below analyses are also available by working with the Space Console.

Note: For Archibus V.23.1 and later, the reports for the Occupancy application have not been modified to accommodate Team Space. All occupancy counts, rates, and reports reflect permanent employee assignments only; they do not reflect team assignments. For information on team-based occupancy, you must use the Space Console's analysis features.

Allocation and Benchmarks report

For information, see Allocation and Benchmarks report.

Employees by ...

For a listing of basic employee information, you can run this set of reports. The All Employees report lists basic employee information.

For an understanding of the employees that occupy each building, floor, and room, run the Employees by Location report. Start with buildings and drill down to floors, rooms, and the specific employees occupying each room. Notice that the building and floor panes provide information on the total number of employees in the area and the average area per employee.

The department manager will particularly be interested in the Employees by Division and Department report, which presents summary employee data for each division and department including employee average area, the average cost per employee, and the overall cost of employee space for the department. In order for the report to present accurate cost information, you must have previously entered the cost of one square meter or square foot of space on each floor (the Cost per Area field of the Floors table).

To compare your employee inventory against your defined employee standards, run the Employees by Standard report. For each standard, compare the Entitled Area to the Average Employee Area. Are your employees' space assignments in line with the defined entitled area for their standard? You can also examine the data of the individual employees of each standard.

Employee Average Area by ...

The space manager can run the Average Area per Employee by Room Category and Type to check the room types and categories used by personnel and the average area per employee for each category and type. Since room categories classify vertical penetration and service area space, you can verify that no employees are assigned to the unoccupiable areas. You can also quickly see the types of rooms occupied by your employees. You can answer questions such as:

Since rooms are also classified by room standard, the space manager may be interested in the room standards in which employees are housed. Run the Employee Average Area by Room Standard report to see the room standards that are being used by personnel and check the average area each employee is allotted for each room standard. You can determine:

Employee Departmental Analysis by ...

Departmental managers will find these reports handy for assessing the area allocated to their departments.

The Employee Departmental Analysis by All Departments report lists each department and its total area, number of employees, and average are per employee. Does a particular department have more average area per employee than the other departments? What are the employee headcounts for each department?

For an understanding of space allocation to departments at the building level, run the Employee Departmental Analysis by Building report. With this report, you can see the employee headcount per building and the total occupied area per building.  Select a building to see all the departments that occupy space within this building and the average area per employee for each department. For a similar analysis by floor, run the Employee Departmental Analysis by Building report.

To see employee departmental information according to floor, run the Employee Departmental Analysis by Location report. With this report, you select a department and examine summary information of the floors this department occupies. For example, you can see if a department is spread across multiple floors and the average area per employee on these two floors.

Note: In the Employees by Division and Department report, the Empl. Avg. Room Area for departments is simply the Room Area (dp.area_rm) divided by the Employee Headcount (dp.count_em).

In the Employee Departmental Analysis by Location report, for the by Location panel, the Average Area is the Total Area divided by the Employee Headcount. However, the Total Area in this view is calculated by summing all rooms areas that employees occupy. In other words, it is not a database field – it only calculates areas that are occupied by employees that are part of the headcount.

For example: if a department has a couple of empty rooms, the area of those rooms is included in Room Area for the Department and therefore is part of the calculation in the first view. However, the area of those empty rooms is not included in the Total Area and Average Area calculations of the second view.

Locate Employee

See Locate Employee.

Room Vacancy Reports

Knowing your vacant rooms is vital for placing new employees and using space efficiently. A large number of vacant rooms over a prolonged period may indicate that you have more space then you require. Vacant rooms are those rooms who room category classifies them as occupiable and that have an Employee Headcount of 0.

Run the Occupiable Vacant Rooms report for a listing of vacant rooms.

If you need to see the location of these rooms, run the Highlight Occupiable Vacant Rooms task to have the system highlight vacant rooms on a floor plan. With this report, you optionally set a filter and then select a floor; the system displays its floor plan and highlights the floor's vacant rooms. Key information for each vacant room is listed beneath the floor plan, as well as the total area of the vacant rooms. You can export the floor plan and data to a paginated report.

Available Rooms

Since rooms can be defined to hold multiple employees, assessing only room vacancy may not indicate all rooms in which you have space to house employees. Available rooms are those rooms that are occupiable and whose Employee Headcount is less than the Employee Capacity. Examine the Employee Available Capacity field for the Available Rooms report to determine rooms in which additional employees can be housed.

Note: By definition, all vacant rooms are available rooms. Thus, the rooms listed in the room vacancy reports will also appear in the room availability reports.

Assign Employees to Available Rooms

Use this task to assign employees to available rooms by viewing the room locations on a floor plan drawing.

With the Assign Employees to Available Rooms task, managers can access room plans with available rooms and assign employees to these rooms. Often seeing the room location on the floor plan is helpful in making room assignments.

To work with this task:

  1. Choose the Occupancy / Manager / Assign Employees to Available Rooms task. This task is also available from the Space module's Space Manager process.
  2. The system presents a filter console, drill-down tree for selecting the floor plan, and a panel for selecting the employees that you want to assign.
  3. If you have several records to drill through, you may wish to use the filter at the top of the view. The filter limits the drill-down frames to showing just the data that you indicate in the filter. For example, if you want the drill-down frames to present only floors in the HQ building, set the Building Code to HQ in the filter console.
  4. Select the floor whose rooms to which you wish to assign employees. The drill-down frame presents only those floors for which CAD drawings have been developed.
  5. Once you select the floor, the system presents its drawing in the right pane. The system highlights the drawing's rooms according to availability, filled capacity, and ability to be occupied. You can mouse over a room to learn its details.
  6. To assign an employee to a room, select the employee in the lower left frame.
  7. In the drawing, click on the room to which you want to assign the selected employee.
  8. The system redisplays the room in a temporary color to indicate that it has been edited. In the lower right frame, Assignments, the program lists the assignments that you make with this task.
  9. Continue making your changes and the system will list your changes in the Assignments frame.
  10. Save your changes by choosing Save in the Assignments frame. At this point, the assignments are changed in the database and the availability color is updated. To cancel all your assignments, choose Revert All.
  11. If you like, you can see your changes in an alphanumeric format by loading the View Available Rooms or the View Employees by Location tasks.

Occupancy Plan

To visually see each employee's location on a floor plan, run the Occupancy Plan task. An occupancy plan is handy for displaying in a common area so that employees can easily find employees whose offices they need to visit.

  1. Choose the View Occupancy Plan task.
  2. In the left frame, choose a building and drill down to select a floor.
  3. In the right frame, the system displays the selected floor plan drawing and displays the employee name and room number for every room that has an employee assignment.
  4. For details on any room, you can click on it to access a form with basic information.