Space / Space Inventory / Building Performance

Update Area Totals

After a CAD specialist adds vertical penetration and service areas to a floor plan drawing (by drawing these areas on the Rooms layer and then tagging them with the VERT or SERV room category), you must run this action to calculate your floor area data.

Note: To ensure that the reports use your latest data, be sure to run this action prior to viewing the building performance and service area reports. If you do not first run this action, the reports will present data from the last time that the action was run. Any changes in area boundaries or how an area is assigned will not be reflected in the reports.

To run the calculations:

  1. Select Building Performance / Update Area Totals.
  2. The system will prompt you for a date range. Since vertical penetrations and service areas typically do not change over time, you will want to enter today's date for both the Start Date and End Date. (If you are using the Space Inventory Non-transactional method, you will not be prompted for a date range.) For more information, see Calculating Data: Generating a Snapshot or a History.
  3. Choose Start Job.
  4. The system will inform you when the calculations are complete. For details on the calculations that the task runs, see:
  1. After you run these calculations, you can examine the Building Performance Report and the Service and Vertical Penetration Area Summary Reports.