Space / Space Inventory / Building Performance

Service and Vertical Penetration Area Summary Reports

Once you define vertical penetration and service areas and run the Update Area Totals action, the following reports are available from the Space Inventory / Building Performance process.

Note: To ensure that the reports use your latest data, be sure to run the Building Performance / Update Area Totals action prior to running these reports. If you do not first run this action, the reports will present data from the last time that the action was run. Any changes in area boundaries or how an area is assigned will not be reflected in the report.

View Service Area Summary by Type

Use this report for a summary of service areas of your entire project.

The task presents a list of the service area types in the project (such as lobby, rest rooms, and equipment rooms) and the total and average area for each type within the project, as well as the for the overall project. To see the actual details for each service area type, click on it and the report presents a pop-up displaying the records of this type.

View Service Area Summary by Building

Use this report for a summary of the service areas within your buildings. The upper pane lists each building and its basic areas (gross, rentable, usable, service, etc.)

In the upper pane, choose a building; the lower pane displays a list of the service area types in the building (such as lobby, rest rooms, and equipment rooms) and the total and average area for each type, as well as the for the overall building. To see the actual details for each service area type, click on it and the report presents a pop-up displaying the records of this type.

Note the "Pct. of Total Room Area" value for the building, which tells you the percentage of the building's area that is dedicated to service area.

Vertical Penetration Summary reports

For analyzing your vertical penetration areas, the process offers the View Vertical Penetration Summary by Type and by Building reports. These reports operate similarly to the above service area reports, except that they report on vertical penetration instead of service areas.

Highlight Rooms by Category and Type

Recall that service areas and vertical penetrations are stored as rooms and distinguished by the Room Category values of VERT and SERV. If your site developed vertical penetration and service areas in CAD drawings, you can graphically see them on the floor plan by highlighting rooms according room category.

In addition to specifying service areas and vertical penetrations, room categories and room types have other purposes when used with a room inventory. Therefore, your project may contain several types of Room Categories. When working with the Building Performance process which focuses on vertical penetrations and service areas, you may wish to filter the report to showing only VERT or only SERV areas.

Note: If you need help on adjusting the drawing to suit your needs and using the drawing toolbar, see Working with Drawings

  1. Select the Space Inventory / Building Performance / Highlight Rooms by Category and Type task.
  2. If you wish the selection list to show only floors of a certain building or floor that contain a certain room category, specify the building and/or room category in the restriction console at the top of the view and click the Show button.
  1. If necessary, you can click on a room to access a dialog with further details about the room.
  2. Review the total and average area statistics located beneath the drawing.