Archibus SaaS / Space / Space Inventory
Space / Space Inventory / Building Performance

Building Performance Report

Note: To ensure that the report uses your latest data, be sure to run the Update Area Totals task prior to running this report. If you do not first run this action, the report will present data from the last time that the action was run. Any changes in area boundaries or how an area is assigned will not be reflected.

The International Facility Management Association (IFMA) has established conventions for measuring building efficiency rates by comparing usable areas and rentable areas.

Higher efficiency rates indicate that you devote little space to hallways, rest rooms, mechanical closets, and other areas that cannot house employees. These rates can be important factors when analyzing space to lease and buildings to purchase, as well as indicate the efficient use of space you already occupy.

When defining your service and vertical penetration areas, you develop the data necessary to generate the Building Performance report, which documents two important ratios defined by IFMA:


  1. Select the View Building Performance task using the paths at the top of this topic.
  2. Select a building in the filter.
  3. The report displays building performance data for the entire building, as well as the performance data for each floor. The building data is summed from the floor data.
  4. Examine the Rentable/Usable and Usable/Rentable ratios and the chart for indication of the performance of each floor.

BOMA 2017 Standard

The BOMA 2017 Office Space Standard document defines the calculations for certain key fields found in the Building Performance report. The BOMA 2017 standard provides two methods -- Method A and Method B -- for calculating these values. If you are following the BOMA 2017 conventions, set the application parameters to control the BOMA method to use. See Calculating Rentable Area According to BOMA 2017 Methods A and B.

See Also

Rentable Area (Concept)

Usable Area (Concept)

Mapping IFMA and BOMA Conventions to an Archibus Space Inventory