
Transactional vs. Non-Transactional Methods

The Space domain offers two methods for managing space inventory and personnel:

Your can choose between the non-transactional method and the transaction-based method. You can also start with the non-transaction method to initially develop the inventory and then refine the inventory by adding transactions.

The two methods share some tasks, and have their own specific tasks as well. Accordingly, as you work through the online help topics, you will find that some topics are specific to a particular method, while other topics pertain to both methods.

Note:The transaction-based space inventory method is not available in the Archibus SaaS Space module.

The following table compares the two methods:

Feature Non-Transactional Method Transactional Method

Archibus SaaS

Archibus non-SaaS

Archibus non-SaaS
Provide a mobile solution Space Book mobile app Space & Occupancy Survey mobile app
Work from a consolidated console in Web Central Space Console Workplace Transaction Console
Charge departments for the space they use (chargeback) Standard Space Chargeback Method Workspace Transaction Space Chargeback
Track the personnel occupying rooms Occupancy application Occupancy application
Support employees on multiple work teams Team Space not supported
Share rooms Team Space Sharing Rooms (the space in the room, the time that the room is used, or both)
Request space (move requests and departmental claims and releases of space) using a definable workflow not supported

Changing a Department's Space

Request an Individual Move

Request a Group Move

Track space and occupancy changes over time (the space in the room, the time that the room is used, or both)

not supported Allocation, Trends, and Benchmarks Report

Track multiple rooms for an employee (primary rooms and satellite rooms)

not supported Define Workspace Transactions

Setting the Method for your Site

Archibus ships with the Workspace Transactions feature turned off. This means that:

If you want to work with the workspace transaction features, you must enable these features. Enabling the workspace transaction features:

Set the program to the appropriate method using the Enable Workspace Transactions task.