How to Use the Glossary Process

You use the Export or Import Glossary Files task to use the glossary process for localizing. This view has actions to read strings into a glossary, export a glossary extract file, import a glossary extract file, and write stings out of the glossary.

See Glossary Process Overview.

To use the glossary process

  1. Select the System / Localization Manager / Export or Import Glossary Files task.
  2. Read the strings from the lang_files, lang_strings, and lang_enum tables into one instance in the lang_glossary table to consolidate all instances of unique English strings:
    1. Select the Language from the Languages list. If this is a new language, you must add it to the \WEB-INF\config\context\compatibility\afm-config.xml file, and then add the record to Languages table. See About the Language Selection.
    2. Select "Include all strings" if this is a first time translation. Select "Include only strings requiring translation" if this is an addition to an existing translation.
    3. Click the Read Strings into Glossary button.
    4. When the read is complete, the Glossary (lang_gloss) field shows the number of records read.
  3. When exporting, select to use either the .xls or .csv file format, and then click the Export Glossary Extract File button. When the export is completed, the Exported File field shows the URL for the extract file.
  4. Save the glossary extract file to your local drive by right clicking the URL in the Exported File field, and selecting Save Target As, or by clicking the URL and saving the file locally using the dialog box that opens.
  5. Have translators enter translations in the extract file in the lang_glossary.string_tran column. You can also enter translations using the Edit views. See Editing Language Strings Table.
  6. Import the glossary extract file that includes the translations, or compare it to the database file to review the entries:
    1. Click the Import or Compare Glossary Extract File button.

      The Transfer screen appears.

    2. Select Transfer In (to import the file), or Compare (to compare the glossary file to the database before importing it), and click Continue. If you select Transfer In, you can also select to generate a Comparison report (insert and Update logs) on the next screen.
    3. Select Browse to locate the extract glossary file that you have added translations to. If you are importing the file, you can select to also generate Comparison reports.
    4. Click Begin Transfer.
    5. The import begins and/or the Comparison reports are generated. The Transfer Progress tab shows the progress of the import. When the import is completed, the URLs for the Comparison reports (insert and update logs) appear in the bottom section of the screen.You can click these URLs to open the file, and can select to save it to your local drive.
  7. Write the translated glossary strings back to the lang_files, lang_strings, and lang_enum localization tables, ensuring that you only write them back for those records that do not yet have translated values:
    1. From the Language list, select the target language. See About the Language Selection.
    2. Select Include only strings requiring translation.
    3. Click the Write String out of Glossary button.
    4. When the writing is completed, the Tables affected by write section shows the number of records written.