Database Schema Revision History

This topic contains the list of changes to the database schema file since Archibus 11 Revision 1. This information is provided for the benefit of users with customized database schema so they can see if they need to migrate any changes from the released schema to their own schema. For instance, you need to include the BOMA 96 enumeration changes if you work with the BOMA 96 calculations.

New versions of the Archibus database schema are generally backward-compatible with previous schema formats.

Since database schema versions can run with different releases of the Archibus program, databases are tagged with an "Archibus Database Version" number. View your Archibus database version by loading the System / Archibus Administrator - User and Security / View Database Revision Number task.

See also: Upgrade Notes.

This topic has the database schema revision histories for these databases:

Version 2024.04 Database Schema Revision History

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2024.04.001/deployment-scripts/generatePassword/generate-password.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2024.04.001/schema/app-space/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2024.04.001/schema/app-workplace/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2024.04.001/schema/system/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/finalize-db.duw makes these updates:

Version 2024.03 Database Schema Revision History

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2024.03.001/schema/system/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2024.03.001/schema/workplace/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2024.03.002/schema/workplace/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Version 2024.02 Database Schema Revision History

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2024.02.001/schema-template/system/update-schema-template.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2024.02.001/schema/assets/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2024.02.001/schema/bim-viewer/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2024.02.001/schema/project/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2024.02.001/schema/reservations/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2024.02.001/schema/system/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2024.02.001/schema/workplace/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

* AD-17352 : Integration with Eptura Visitor - new table, workflow rule and activity parameters.

Version 2024.01 Database Schema Revision History

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2024.01.001/sample-data/solutions/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2024.01.001/schema-template/system/update-schema-template.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2024.01.001/schema/ab-repm/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2024.01.001/schema/activity_params/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2024.01.001/schema/system/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2024.01.001/schema/workplace/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Version 2023.04 Database Schema Revision History

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.04.001/sample-data/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.04.001/schema/app-reservations/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.04.001/schema/system/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.04.001/translation

Version 2023.03 Database Schema Revision History

For details on the exact changes for the V.2023.03 database, see the following files:

Sample Data

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.03.002/sample-data/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

Application Parameters

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.02.003/schema/activity_params/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.03.001/schema/app-reservations/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.03.002/schema/app-reservations/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.03.002/schema/bldgops/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.03.001/schema/system/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.03.001/schema/system/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.03.002/schema/system/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.03.001/schema/workplace/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


Work is in progress on Japanese and Chinese translations, and we expect them to be available in a patch.

Version 2023.02 Database Schema Revision History

For details on the exact changes for the V.2023.02 database, see the following files:

Sample Data

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.02.001/sample-data/workplace/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.02.001/sample-data/assets/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.02.001/sample-data/bldgops/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.02.001/sample-data/onsite/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.02.001/sample-data/system/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.02.002/sample-data/system/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.02.002/sample-data/assets/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.01.003/sample-data/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

Application Parameters

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.02.002/schema/activity_params/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.02.001/schema/app-reservations/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.02.001/schema/app-space/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.02.001/schema/assets/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.02.001/schema/onsite/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.02.001/schema/solutions/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.02.001/schema/system/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Version 2023.01 Database Schema Revision History

For details on the exact changes for the V.2023.01 database, see the following files:

Sample Data

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.01.002/sample-data/app-common/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.01.002/sample-data/app-eam/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.01.001/sample-data/healthcare/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.01.002/sample-data/onsite/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.01.002/sample-data/system/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

Schema Template

The Schema Template holds changes to the schema database that do not necessarily apply to an upgrade. This includes changes that could overwrite production data. The schema template is a distinction between the use of scripts as documentation of changes to schema as a template, and a method to upgrade a database.

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.01.002/schema-template/update-schema-template.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.01.001/schema-template/onsite/update-schema-template.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.01.001/schema-template/system/update-schema-template.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.01.001/deployment-scripts/onsite/onsite-deployment.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.01.002/deployment-scripts/onsite/onsite-deployment.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.01.001/schema/onsite/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.01.002/schema/onsite/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.01.001/schema/app-eam/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Real Estate

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.01.001/schema/app-repm/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.01.002/schema/app-space/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.01.001/schema/workplace/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.01.001/schema/healthcare/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.01.002/schema/pnav/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.01.002/schema/sys-admin/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.01.001/schema/system/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2023.01.001/translation/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Version 2022.04 Database Schema Revision History

For details on the exact changes for the V.2022.04 database, see the following files:

Sample Data

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.04.002/sample-data/app-bim-viewer/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.04.002/sample-data/workplace-team/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

Schema Template

The Schema Template holds changes to the schema database that do not necessarily apply to an upgrade. This includes changes that could overwrite production data. The schema template is a distinction between the use of scripts as documentation of changes to schema as a template, and a method to upgrade a database.

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.04.002/schema-template/onsite/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Solution Sample Views

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.04.002/schema/app-solutions/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.04.001/schema/onsite/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.04.001/schema/system/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.04.002/schema/system/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Version 2022.03 Database Schema Revision History

For details on the exact changes for the V.2022.03 database, see the following files:

Sample Data

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.03.002/sample-data/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.03.001/sample-data/app-bim-viewer/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.03.001/sample-data/app-bldgops/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

Schema Template

The Schema Template holds changes to the schema database that do not necessarily apply to an upgrade. This includes changes that could overwrite production data. The schema template is a distinction between the use of scripts as documentation of changes to schema as a template, and a method to upgrade a database.

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.03.001/schema-template/pnav/update-schema-template.duw makes these updates:

Application Parameters

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.03.001/schema/activity-params/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.03.001/schema/app-arcgis/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Maintenance (Building Operations)

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.03.001/schema/app-bldgops/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.03.002/schema/app-bldgops/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.03.001/schema/app-reservations/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Solution Sample Views

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.03.001/schema/app-solutions/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.03.001/schema/app-space/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.03.002/schema/onsite/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.03.001/schema/onsite/connect/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.03.001/schema/pnav/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.03.002/schema/system/pnav/update-schema.duw makes these updates:


The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.03.001/schema/system/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.03.002/schema/system/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Version 2022.02 Database Schema Revision History

For details on the exact changes for the V.2022.02 database, see the following files:


These files update the translation of new strings:

Sample Data

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.02.002/sample-data/bldgops/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates :

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.02.002/sample-data/forge-bim/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates :

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.02.001/sample-data/app-bldgops/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates :

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.02.002/sample-data/app-solutions/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates :

Schema - Schema Template

The Schema Template holds changes to the schema database that do not necessarily apply to an upgrade. This includes changes that could overwrite production data. The schema template is a distinction between the use of scripts as documentation of changes to schema as a template, and a method to upgrade a database.

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.02.001/schema-template/update-schema-template.duw makes these updates :

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.02.002/schema-template/update-schema-template.duw makes these updates :

Schema - Application Parameters

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.02.001/schema/activity-params/update-schema.duw makes these updates :

Schema - Maintenance and OnSite

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.02.001/schema/app-bldgops/update-schema.duw makes these updates :

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.02.001/schema/app-bldgops/pm-planning/update-schema.duw makes these updates :

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.02.002/schema/bldgops/update-schema.duw makes these updates :

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.02.001/schema/onsite/connect/update-schema.duw makes these updates :

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.02.002/schema/onsite/connect/update-schema.duw makes these updates :

Schema - Navigator

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.02.001/schema/app-essential-facility/update-schema.duw makes these updates :

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.02.001/schema/pnav/update-schema.duw makes these updates :

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.02.002/schema/pnav/update-schema.duw makes these updates :

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.02.002/schema/pnav/update-schema.duw makes these updates :

Schema - Mobile

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.02.001/schema/app-mobile/update-schema.duw makes these updates :

Schema - Workplace app and Workplace Services

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.02.001/schema/app-workplace/update-schema.duw makes these updates :

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.02.001/schema/app-workplace-reservation/update-schema.duw makes these updates :

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.02.002/schema/workplace/update-schema.duw makes these updates :

Schema - System

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.02.001/schema/system/update-schema.duw makes these updates :

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.02.002/schema/system/update-schema.duw makes these updates :

Version 2022.01 Database Schema Revision History

For details on the exact changes for the V.2022.01 database, see the following files:


These files update the translation of new strings:

Sample Data

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.01.001/sample-data/app-eam/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.01.001/sample-data/app-workplace/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.01.001/sample-data/onsite/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.01.001/sample-data/reports/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.01.001/sample-data/system/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Schema Template

The Schema Template holds changes to the schema database that do not necessarily apply to an upgrade. This includes changes that could overwrite production data. The schema template is a distinction between the use of scripts as documentation of changes to schema as a template, and a method to upgrade a database.

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.01.001/schema-template/system/update-schema-template.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.01.001/schema-template/pnav/update-schema-template.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Application Parameters

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.01.001/schema/app-reservations/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.01.001/schema/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.01.001/schema/activity-params/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Hoteling

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.01.001/schema/app-hoteling/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Solutions

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.01.001/schema/app-solutions/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Workplace

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.01.001/schema/app-workplace/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Maintenance

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.01.001/schema/bldgops/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema - OnSite

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.01.001/schema/onsite/connect/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema - System

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/v2022.01.001/schema/system/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Version 26.3 Database Schema Revision History

For details on the exact changes for the V.26.3 database, see the following files:


These files update the translation of new strings







Sample Data

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.003/sample-data/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.001/sample-data/clockworks/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.001/sample-data/maintenance/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.002/sample-data/maintenance/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.001/sample-data/system/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.001/sample-data/reports/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Schema Template

The Schema Template holds changes to the schema database that do not necessarily apply to an upgrade. This includes changes that could overwrite production data. The schema template is a distinction between the use of scripts as documentation of changes to schema as a template, and a method to upgrade a database.

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.001/schema-template/update-schema-template.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Application Parameters

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.001/schema/activity-params/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema – System

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.001/schema/system/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.002/schema/system/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.002/schema/system/connectors/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema – Solutions

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.001/schema/app-solutions/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.001/schema/app-solutions/clockworks/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.003/schema/iot/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Navigator

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.001/schema/pnav/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.002/schema/pnav/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.001/schema/system/pnav/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema – Questionnaires

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.001/schema/questionnaire/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Mobile

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.001/schema/mobile/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema – OnSite

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.002/deployment-scripts/onsite/onsite-deployment.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.003/deployment-scripts/onsite/onsite-deployment.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.001/schema/onsite/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.002/schema/onsite/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.003/schema/onsite/connect/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Maintenance

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.001/schema/bldgops/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Reservations

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.3.001/schema/app-reservations/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Version 26.2 Database Schema Revision History

Note: Archibus Healthcare was released between V.26.1 and V.26.2. Healthcare-related schema changes are not part of standard, out-of-the-box Archibus V.26.1 or V.26.2.; they are handled by a separate set of scripts. For information, see Deploy Archibus Healthcare in Archibus User Help.

For details on the exact changes for the V.26.2 database, see the following files:


These files update the translation of new strings:




Sample Data

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.2.002/sample-data/update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Schema Template

The Schema Template holds changes to the schema database that do not necessarily apply to an upgrade. This includes changes that could overwrite production data. The schema template is a distinction between the use of scripts as documentation of changes to schema as a template, and a method to upgrade a database.

For Archibus V.26.2, the schema template removes the calculated security group from all fields, where the security groups are recommended. You might have set them explicitly, and running this unsets them.

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.2.001/schema-template/update-schema-template.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Application Parameters

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.2.001/schema/activity-params/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.1.002/schema/activity-params/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Workplace

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.2.002/schema/app-workplace/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema – Hoteling

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.2.001/schema/app-hoteling/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.2.001/schema/app-hoteling/ad-4500-workspace-amenities/ad-4500-update-rm_amenity.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.2.001/schema/app-hoteling/ad-4500-workspace-amenities/ad-4500-update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema – Moves

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.2.001/schema/move/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema – Building Operations

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.2.002/schema/bldgops/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.2.003/schema/bldgops/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema – Cloud

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.2.001/schema/cloud/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema – OnSite

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.2.001/schema/onsite/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema – Solutions

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.2.001/schema/platform-solutions/afm_connector/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema – Smart Client

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.2.002/schema/smart-client/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Navigator

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.2.001/schema/pnav/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Reports Central

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.2.001/schema/reports-central/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema - System

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.2.001/schema/system/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.2.003/schema/system/connector/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.2.001/schema/system/connectors/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Version 26.1 Database Schema Revision History

For details on the exact changes for the V.26.1 database, see the following files:


These files update the translation of new strings:












\webapp\projects\users\public\dt\26.1.001\schema\translation\Removing_chinese-strings.duw -- Removes Chinese character from European mssql database, and sets back the afm_scmpref.date_lang_ch to default value

Sample Data

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\26.1.001\sample-data\update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\26.1.003\sample-data\update-sample-data.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Schema Template

The Schema Template holds changes to the schema database that do not necessarily apply to an upgrade. This includes changes that could overwrite customer data. The schema template is a distinction between the use of scripts as documentation of changes to schema as a template, and a method to upgrade a database.

For Archibus V.26.1, the schema template removes the calculated security group from all fields, where the security groups are recommended. You might have set them explicitly, and unning this unsets them.

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\26.1.004\schema-template\update-schema-template.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Application Parameters

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.1.001/schema/activity-params/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.1.002/schema/activity-params/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Maintenance

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.1.001/schema/app-bldgops/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Real Estate

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.1.001/schema/app-repm/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Risk

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.1.001/schema/app-risk/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Space

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.1.001/schema/app-space/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Workplace

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.1.001/schema/app-workplace/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.1.001/schema/pnav/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Navigator

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.1.001/schema/pnav/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema - Reports Central

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.1.001/schema/report-central/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Schema - System

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.1.001/schema/sysadminl/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.1.001/schema/systeml/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.1.002/schema/systeml/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/26.1.003/schema/systeml/update-schema.duw makes these updates:

Version 25.4 Database Schema Revision History

For details on the exact changes for the V.25.4 database, see the following files:


These files update the translation of new strings:






Schema: Navigator

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.4.001\schema\pnav\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Maintenance

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.4.001\schema\app-bldgops\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Hoteling

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.4.001\schema\app-hoteling\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:


The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.4.001\schema\app-space\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Mobile Framework

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.4.001\schema\platform-mobile-framework\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Usage Analytics

The webapp/projects/users/public/dt/25.4.001/schema/usage-analytics/update-schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: System

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.4.001\schema\system\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

The \webapp/projects/users/public/dt/25.4.001/schema/system/add_afm_flds.is_promoted.duw makes the following updates:

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.4.002\schema\system\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.4.003\schema\system\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Sample Data: Workplace

The /webapp/projects/users/public/dt/25.4.001/sample-data/app-workplace/update-sample-data.duw makes the following updates:

Sample Data: Assets/Projects

The webapp/projects/users/public/dt/25.4.001/sample-data/app-eam/proj-prop/update-sample-data.duw makes the following updates:

Version 25.3 Database Schema Revision History

For details on the exact changes for the V.25.3 database, see the following files:

Note: Users upgrading from V.24.3 should run \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.3.002\schema\system\update-schema.duw before running the standard database update script process.

Note: See Upgrading your Database to V.25.3 for information on updating the database to support user-defined fields (view configuration).


These files update the translation of new strings:



Sample Data: Maintenance

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.3.002\sample-data\app-bldgs\update_sample-data.duw makes the following updates:

Sample Data: Compliance

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.3.002\sample-data\app-compliance\update_sample-data.duw makes the following updates:

Sample Data: Workplace

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.3.001\sample-data\app-worklplace\update_sample-data.duw makes the following updates:

Sample Data: Real Estate

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.3.001\sample-data\app-repm\update_sample-data.duw makes the following updates:

Sample Data: Common

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.3.001\sample-data\app-common\update_sample-data.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Maintenance

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.3.001\schema\app-bldgops\checklist\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.3.002\schema\app-bldgops\checklist\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Common

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.3.001\schema\app-common\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.3.002\schema\app-common\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Space

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.3.001\schema\app-space\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Back to Work

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.3.001\schema\b2w\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Navigator

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.3.001\schema\pnav\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Security

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.3.001\schema\security\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: User-Defined Fields (View Configuration)

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.3.001\schema\user-defined-fields\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Version 25.2 Database Schema Revision History

For details on the exact changes for the V.25.2 database, see the following files:


The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.2.002\localization\update-localization-schema.duw file and the \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.2.001\localization\update-localization-schema.duw file update the translation of new strings.

Sample Data

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.2.001\sample-data\update-sample-data.duw runs scripts that make these updates:

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.2.002\sample-data\update-sample-data.duw runs scripts that make these updates:

Schema: Application Parameters

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.2.001\schema\activity_params\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema:  Schema Preferences

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.2.001\schema\afm-scmpref\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Common

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.2.002\schema\app-common\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: ArcGIS

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.2.001\schema\app-arcgis\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Hoteling

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.2.001\schema\app-hoteling\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Maintenance

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.2.001\schema\app-bldgops\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Risk

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.2.001\schema\app-env-risk\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Real Property

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.2.001\schema\app-repm\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Reservations

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.2.001\schema\app-reservations\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Space

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.2.001\schema\app-space\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.2.002\schema\app-space\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Cloud

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.2.001\schema\cloud\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Navigator

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.2.001\schema\app-space\update_schema.duw makes the following updates to the Navigator

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.2.002\schema\app-space\update_schema.duw makes the following updates to the Navigator

Schema: System Administration

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.2.001\schema\sysadmin\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.2.001\schema\wfr\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.2.002\schema\sysadmin\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.2.001\schema\app-solutions\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Localization

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.2.001\schema\localization-kit\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Version 25.1 Database Schema Revision History

See Upgrading your Database to V.25.1.

For details on the exact changes for the V.25.1 database, see the following files:


The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.1.001\localization\update-localization-schema.duw updates the translation of new strings.

Sample Data

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.1.001\sample-data\\update-sample-data.duw runs scripts that make these updates:

Schema: Common

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\25.1.001\schema\app_common\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Foundations (Essential Suite)

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt25.1.001\schema\app-essential\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt25.1.001\schema\foundations\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Maintenance

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt25.1.001\schema\app-bldgops\update_schema.duw calls the following:

Schema: Assets

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt25.1.001\schema\app-eam\eam-common\update-schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Sustainability & Risk

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt25.1.001\schema\app-env-risk\update_schema.duw makes the following updates::

Schema: Real Property

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt25.1.001\schema\app-repm\update_schema.duw makes the following updates::

Schema: Reservations

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt25.1.001\schema\app-reservation\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: ESRI

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt25.1.001\schema\extensions-esri\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Space

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt25.1.001\schema\mod-space\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Process Navigator

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt25.1.001\schema\pnav\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Security

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt25.1.001\schema\security\update_schema.duw makes the following updates:

Schema: Roles

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt25.1.001\schema\user_roles\update_schema.duw:

Version 24.4 Database Schema Revision History

For details on the exact changes for the V.24.4 database, see the following files:

Default Navigation Method

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\24.4.001\schema\pnav\update_schema.duw:


The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\24.4.001\schema\app-reservation\update_schema.duw:


The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\24.4.001\schema\app-common\update_schema.duw:

System Administration

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\24.4.001\schema\sysadmin\update_schema.duw:


The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\24.4.001\localization\ directory contains .XLS files for the translation of new strings.

Archibus Cloud Schema: Leases

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\24.4.001\cloud\schema\app-cloudleases\update_schema.duw:

Archibus Cloud Schema: Pnav

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\24.4.001\cloud\schema\pnav\update_schema.duw:

Archibus Cloud Schema: Common

The \webapp\projects\users\public\dt\24.4.001\cloud\schema\mod-common\update_schema.duw:

Archibus Cloud Sample Data

The \projects\users\public\dt\24.4.001\cloud\sample_data\update-sample-data.duw:

Version 24.3 Database Schema Revision History

For details on the exact changes for the V.24.3 database, see the following files:

Cloud Sample Data

The \projects\users\public\dt\24.3.002\cloud\sample_data\update-sample-data.duw file makes the following changes:

Sample Data

The \projects\users\public\dt\24.3.002\sample_data\update-sample-data.duw file makes the following changes:


For each language, the \projects\users\public\dt\24.3.001\localization\ directory contains .XLS files listing the translation of new strings.

Archibus Cloud Schema

The \projects\users\public\dt\24.3.001\cloud\schema\update-schema.duw file makes the following changes:


The \projects\users\public\dt\24.3.001\schema\security\update-schema.duw file makes the following changes:

System Administration

The \projects\users\public\dt\24.3.001\schema\sysadmin\update-schema.duw file makes the following changes:


The \projects\users\public\dt\24.3.001\schema\app-workplace\update-schema.duw file makes the following changes:

Building Operations

The \projects\users\public\dt\24.3.001\schema\app-bldgops\update-schema.duw file makes the following changes:

Emergency Preparedness

The \projects\users\public\dt\24.3.001\schema\app-env-risk\update-schema.duw file makes the following changes:


The \projects\users\public\dt\24.3.001\schema\app-reservations\update-schema.duw file makes the following changes:

Version 24.2 Database Schema Revision History

For details on the exact changes for the V24.2 database, see the following files:


For each language, the \projects\users\public\dt\24.2.001\localization\translations-new-database-strings directory contains .XLS files listing the translation of new strings.

Archibus Cloud Deployment

The files in the \projects\users\public\dt\24.2.001\cloud\deployment directory detail the parameter changes required for the various deployment options: Foundations-only, Foundations with Building Operations module, Foundations with all modules.

Archibus Cloud Sample Data

The \projects\users\public\dt\24.2.001\cloud\sample-data\update-sample-data.duw file makes the following changes to the sample data:

Archibus Cloud Foundations

The \projects\users\public\dt\24.2.001\cloud\schema\foundations\update-schema.duw file makes these schema changes:

Asset Management

The \projects\users\public\dt\24.2.001\cloud\schema\mod-asset\update-schema.duw file makes these schema changes:

Building Operations

The \projects\users\public\dt\24.2.001\cloud\schema\mod-bldg-ops\update-schema.duw file makes these schema changes:

Archibus Cloud Common

The \projects\users\public\dt\24.2.001\cloud\schema\mod-common\update-schema.duw file makes these schema changes:

Archibus Cloud Security

The \projects\users\public\dt\24.2.001\cloud\schema\mod-security\update-schema.duw file makes these schema changes:

Space Management

The \projects\users\public\dt\24.2.001\cloud\schema\mod-space\update-schema.duw file makes these schema changes:


The \projects\users\public\dt\24.2.001\cloud\schema\mod-wrokplace\update-schema.duw file makes these schema changes:

Archibus Schema: Essential

The \projects\users\public\dt\24.2.001\schema\app-essential\update_schema.duw file makes these changes:

Archibus Schema: Enterprise Asset Management

The \projects\users\public\dt\24.2.001\schema\app-eam\update_schema.duw file makes these changes:

Archibus Schema: Professional

The \projects\users\public\dt\24.2.001\schema\app-professional\update_schema.duw file makes these changes:

Archibus Schema: Reservations

The \projects\users\public\dt\24.2.001\schema\app-reservations\update_schema.duw file makes these changes:

Archibus Schema: Space

The \projects\users\public\dt\24.2.001\schema\app-space\update_schema.duw file makes these changes:

Archibus Schema: Solutions

The \projects\users\public\dt\24.2.001\schema\platform-solutions\update_schema.duw file makes these changes:

Archibus Schema: Sysadmin

The \projects\users\public\dt\24.2.001\schema\sysadmin\update_schema.duw file makes these changes:

Archibus Schema: Workplace

The \projects\users\public\dt\24.2.001\schema\workplace-guest\update_schema.duw file makes these changes:

Version 24.1ML Database Schema Revision History


For details on the exact changes, see this script:



For details on the exact changes, see this script:



For details on the exact changes, see this script:



For details on the exact changes, see this script:


Version 24.1 Database Schema Revision History

Note: V24.1 ML. V.24.1ML customers who have already deployed V.24.1EN need to update their DB schema by running the scripts in \dt\24.1.002 and in \dt\24.1.003\. When using the V.24.1ML database, there is no need to do so. (APP-5925)

Note: Home pages. For V.24.1EN, you need to republish home pages after running the V.24.1.002 DUW scripts. This is not necessary for later releases because the database already contains the V.24.1.002 scripts. (APP-5059)

Note: Locked record error. Running the update-database.duw script may give an error on some updates. If you get an error with "This record is locked by another user or program. ... Unable to execute statement." the cause might be a redundant update workflow rules statement in: ../dt / 24.1.001 / schema / sysadmin / gdpr / update-schema.duw. The solution is to comment out the last line in the above file by adding two hyphens ("--") at the beginning of the line. Then run the top-level update-database.duw again. (DB-327)


For details on the exact changes, see these scripts:

\projects\users\public\dt\24.1.001\schema\app-bldgops\update-schema.duw -- applies the schema changes made since V.23.2

Capital Project Management (CPM)

Script to update schema for Capital Project Management (CPM) -- \projects\users\public\dt\24.1.001\schema\app-cpm\update-schema.duw


Apply schema changes for Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) domain -- \projects\users\public\dt\24.1.001\schema\app-eam\update-schema.duw


Script to apply Schema, WFR, and PNav Updates to Environmental & Risk Domain -- \24.1.001\schema\app-env-risk\update-schema.duw

Additional Script to apply Schema, WFR, and PNav Updates to Environmental & Risk Domain \24.1.002\schema\app-env-risk\update-schema.duw

Essential Facility

Script to support 24.1 Essential Facility features -- \24.1.001\schema\app-essential-facility\update-schema.duw

The following changes are made with features -- \24.1.002\schema\app-essential-facility\update-schema.duw




Script to update schema /24.1.001/schema/app-reservations/update-schema.duw


Script to Update schema for common space feature -- \24.1.001\schema\app-space\update-schema.duw

Quick Start

System Administrator






Version 23.2 Database Schema Revision History

V.23.2 adds the ability to update your ARCHIBUS database using master scripts. The master update scripts call a series of subscripts to add changes for the ARCHIBUS platform and for each ARCHIBUS domain.

Below is a summary of the changes that the scripts make.

For details on the exact changes, see these scripts:

You can also click here to open a text file detailing table and field definition differences between the schema database (v23.1 schema) and the project database (v23.2 schema).

Note: Database update scripts. V.23.2. Oracle and SQL Server. To use the V.23.2 database update scripts on Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle, you must do the following: in \archibus\projects\users\public\dt\23.2-plus\sample-data\app-bldgops\common\update-sample-data.duw comment the  ${run.script('%publicDataTransferDirectory%\23.2-plus\sample-data\app-bldgops\common\drop_WO_WR_triggers.sql')};line. See What's New in V.23.2 / Add-in Manager Features: Scripted Database Updates for information on the database update scripts. (DB-149)

Summary of V.23.2 Schema Changes


Capital Project Management



EAM: Common Changes

EAM: Chain of Custody

EAM: Equipment Systems Console


BldgOps: Common changes:

BldgOps: PM Planning:

BldgOps: Labor Scheduling:

Risk: Energy Management:

Risk: Compliance / Contract Management:

Risk: Compliance / Functional Surveys and Extended Questionnaires:

Workplace Services: Reservations:

Summary of V.23.2 Sample Data Changes


Capital Project Management





Risk: Energy Management

Risk: Compliance / Functional Surveys / Extended Questionnaires:

Risk: Compliance / Contract Management:

Workplace Services: Reservations

Version 23.1 Database Schema Revision History

  - Schema Preferences: 	
	- Update Db Version Date to: 2016-05-26
	- Update Db Version number to: 142

Schema changes

	SCHEMA - error when loading the wr_sync view in Smart Client										( 3048569 )
		- import afm_flds_wr_sync_kb3048569

	SCHEMA - update afm_size for msds_id field in table waste_profiles to match reference field size					( 3049781 )
		UPDATE afm_flds SET afm_size = 10 WHERE table_name = 'waste_profiles' AND field_name = 'msds_id'

	SCHEMA - EAM - Add Criticality field to bl, property, and ta tables									( 3050519 )
		 import items-3050519-doc1.csv

	SCHEMA - EAM - Increase eq_id size in all tables to 32 characters									( 3050689 )
		import items-3050689-doc1.csv		

	SCHEMA - EAM - change status enum list and default values for asset tables (bl, property, eq, and ta)					( 3051010 )
		import items-3051010-doc1.csv
		import items-3051010-doc2.csv

	SCHEMA - Add fields to support markers													( 3051094 )
		import v23-1_afm_redlines_markers.csv

	SCHEMA - EAM - add asset_type and criticality fields to eq_req_items table								( 3051337 )
		import items-3051337-doc1.csv
		UPDATE afm_flds SET dflt_val = 'eq' WHERE table_name = 'eq_req_items' and field_name = 'asset_type' AND dflt_val = 'Equipment';

	SCHEMA - new fields & pkey defn's for Energy Mgmt bill processing improvements								( 3051383 )
		import afm_flds-Bali5-SCHEMA-KB3051383-changesForBillProcessingImprovements.csv

	SCHEMA - Add table eqstd_sync and modify eq_sync.eq_std field										( 3051538 )
		import 3 files attached

	SCHEMA - Enum Issue: Base_metric_units value gets set to 3 when units Imperial - Inches are defined for a drawing			( 3047122 )
		UPDATE afm_flds SET enum_list = '0;mm;1;cm;2;Metres;3;Inches' WHERE table_name = 'afm_dwgs' AND field_name = 'base_metric_units';
		UPDATE afm_flds SET enum_list = '0;Metric;1;Imperial;2;PerLocale' WHERE table_name = 'afm_dwgs' AND field_name = 'units';

	SCHEMA - align the field size of Functional Group fields between tables gp and sb_items							( 3049894 )
		import afm_flds_gp_kb3049894.csv

	SCHEMA - enum_list values with leading spaces												( 3051067 )
		UPDATE afm_flds set enum_list=REPLACE(REPLACE(enum_list,' ;', ';'),'; ',';') 
		 WHERE enum_list IS NOT NULL AND (enum_list LIKE '% ;%' OR enum_list LIKE '%; %')

	SCHEMA - add Furniture Requirements items to sb_items											( 3051218 )  
		import afm_flds_sb_items_FurnitureKB3051218.csv

	SCHEMA - Add condition field to bl and property tables and update eq.condition field and ta.condition field enum lists			( 3051259 )
		import items-3051259-doc1.csv

	SCHEMA - Add field eq_sync.num_serial													( 3051439 )
		import afm_flds_231_KB3051325.csv 

	SCHEMA - Add field eq_audit.num_serial													( 3051452 )
		import afm_flds_231_KB3051324.csv

	SCHEMA - Update the enum list for afm_processes.license_level to change "ICP" to "ACP" and to change "N/A" to "Client/Server"		( 3051496 )
		UPDATE afm_flds SET enum_list = 
'AbCoreLevel1;1 - Self-Service;AbCoreLevel2;2 - Workflow Process;AbCoreLevel3;3 - Analysis;AbCoreLevel4;4 - Process Owner;AbCoreLevel4System;4 - System Administrator;AbCoreLevel4Activity;Activity ACP;N/A;Client/Server'
WHERE table_name = 'afm_processes' AND field_name = 'license_level'

	SCHEMA - EAM - change ml heading of date created and time created fields in eq table							( 3051516 )
		import items-3051516-doc1.csv

	SCHEMA - Add geo_objectid field to afm.gros table											( 3051647 )
		import afm_flds_gros.csv

	SCHEMA - set E&R AUTOINCREMENT fields to afm_type CALCULATED										( 3051719 )
		UPDATE afm_flds SET afm_type = 2070 WHERE dflt_val = 'AUTOINCREMENT' AND afm_type = 2050 AND table_name IN 

	SCHEMA - Reservations - Add field to rm_arrange_type											( 3051735 )  

	SCHEMA - change Multi-line Heading of wrcf.status to be "Assignment Status"								( 3050795 )
		import afm_flds_WRCF_Status_ML_Heading_KB3050795.csv

	SCHEMA - add afm_flds comments for v6.1 Compatibility fields										( 3051023 )
		import items-3051023-doc1.csv

	SCHEMA - add new tables and fields for Multiple Parts Storage Locations									(3051503)
		-import new tables and fields

	SCHEMA - add new fields for Multiple Parts Storage Locations, part 2									(3051505)
		-import attached file
		-po	ac_id              ---- Set ref_table to   'ac'
		-po	bill_city_id       ---- Set ref_table to 'city' and dep_cols to 'bill_state_id;bill_city_id'
		-po	bill_state_id      ---- Set ref_table to 'state' and dep_cols to 'bill_state_id'
		-po	ship_city_id       ---- Set ref_table to 'city' and dep_cols to 'ship_state_id;ship_city_id'
		-po	ship_state_id      ---- Set ref_table to 'state' and dep_cols to 'ship_state_id'
		-po	amount_approved    ---- Set to have a default of 0 (zero) and Allow Null to NO
	SCHEMA - add new fields for Multiple Parts Storage Locations, part 3									(3051507)

	SCHEMA - "Minimum To store" should be "Minimum to Store" in multi-heading in pt and pt_store_loc_pt					( 3051709 ) 
		The multi-heading of field qty_min_hand in pt and pt_store_loc_pt should be "Minimum to Store", a issue of capital letter

	SCHEMA - Our perUserFileExpiration scheduled rule deletes the additional sample data from archibus/projects/users/public/dt/hq-data/	( 3050014 )
		- deactive the perUserFileExpiration WFR

	SCHEMA - Remove validation of gp.parent_group_id to avoid a self-referencing data integrity constraint					( 3051104 ) 
		UPDATE afm_flds SET validate_data=0 WHERE table_name='gp' AND field_name='parent_group_id'

	SCHEMA - add field to change the SLA matching logic 											( 3050716 )
		import afm_flds_helpdesk_sla_request_match_ordering_seq_KB3047670.csv	

	SCHEMA - Add county_id to the city table to support tax reporting 									(3048911)

	SCHEMA - Add translatable title fields to the afm_dwgpub table										(3050094)

	SCHEMA -Database changes to support Numeric IDs and Translatable Foreign Keys								(3051893)
		-add 4 CSV files included
		-update the afm_scmpref to include the new translatable fields

	SCHEMA - Mobile - Register Multiple Devices per User - New Tables									(3051848)
		-add afm_mob_dev_reg_log table

	SCHEMA - Mobile Sync - New Tables & Fields for Data Change Events									(3051847)
		-import attached files
		-update afm_tbls set table_name='afm_mobile_table_trans' where table_name='afm_table_trans'

	SCHEMA - Energy Management - Bill Processing updates											(3051343)
		import CSV files

	SCHEMA - add new tables and fields Team Space functionality										(3051482)
		import CS files

	SCHEMA - add two translatable fields that do not appear in afm_scmpref.preferences							(3051911)
		Add them to the list of translatable fields.

	SCHEMA - Mobile - Support downloading latest plans - Date SVG Last Published								(3051924)
		- import file attached

	SCHEMA - Database changes to support "Service Provider VPA										(3051925)
		- execute duw file

	SCHEMA - Add fields to parcel table																	( 3052185 )
		import afm_flds_parcels.csv

	SCHEMA - Add support for craftperson roles in SLAs, to define Service Desk Roles for craftpersons									( 3052198 )
		import 2 CSV attached

	SCHEMA - Add the View Analysis Enum to afm_ptasks.task_type														( 3052086 )
		import items-3052086-doc1.csv

	SCHEMA - Add to database schema the new tables to support equipment systems: eq_system, eq_rm										( 3052135 )
		import 2 CSV files attached

	SCHEMA - After greeking, WebCentral does not start, error: for field=[ot.status]. The default value=[Owned] does not match any of the enum data values			( 3051992 )
		ot.status to switch the order of the last two value pairs in the enumeration list:
		   From:  	"N/A;N/A;UNKNOWN;Unknown"
		   To:     	"UNKNOWN;Unknown;N/A;N/A"

	SCHEMA - change multi-line heading of po.federal_tax to Value Added Tax													( 3052200 )
		import afm_flds_VAT_MLHeading_KB3052200.csv

	SCHEMA - EAM - Condition field - add condition field to bl and property tables and update eq.condition field and ta.condition field enum lists				( 3051259 )
		update afm_flds set enum_list='new;New;excellent;Excellent;good;Good;fair;Fair;poor;Poor;bad;Bad' where table_name='pa' and field_name='condition'

	SCHEMA - Energy bill processing - Updates after design change														( 3052109 )
		delete from afm_flds where field_name='proration_group_code' or table_name='bl_proration_group'
		drop table bill_proration_group    
		drop table bl_proration_group      
		alter table bill drop proration_group_code    
		alter table bill_archive drop proration_group_code   
		DELETE FROM afm_tbls where table_name='bl_proration_group'		
		import the csv file attached as document 1, which includes: 2 new fields in vn_ac table, 2 new fields in bill_proration_group table

	SCHEMA - Field changes to support eq. systems -Add eq_id to team table -Add equipment to the enum list of team_type field						( 3052152 )
		import attached file
		update afm_flds set enum_list='None;None;Compliance;Compliance;EH&S;EH&S;Emergency;Emergency;HazMat;HazMat;Project;Project;Work;Work;Equipment;Equipment' 
		where table_name='team' and field_name='team_type'

	SCHEMA - project.cost_target_cur is missing a closing parenthesis in the field title in afm_flds									( 3052213 )
		update afm_flds set ml_heading=ml_heading+')' where table_name='project' and field_name='cost_target_cur'

	SCHEMA - SFA - add new invoice_line_item table; cost_cat_id to activitytype and probtype tables; enum changes for cost_cat, cost_tran_sched tables and use1 fields	( 3052199 )
		import csv files attached

	SCHEMA - SFA - New tables and fields for the Strategical Financial Console (finanal_* tables)										( 3052139 )
		import 3 files attached
		update afm_flds set dep_cols='collect_table;analysis_result_field' where table_name=' afm_metric_definitions' and field_name='analysis_result_field'

	SCHEMA - Should increase maximum length of field for document URL (docs_assigned.url)											( 3052048 )
		update afm_flds set data_type=12, afm_size=256 where table_name in ('docs_assigned','docs_assigned_sync') and field_name='url'

	SCHEMA - Team Space: Add min_val for field em_seat_ratio_tgt														( 3052002 )
		update afm_flds set min_val=0 where field_name='em_seat_ratio_tgt'

	SCHEMA - Update afm_flds enumlist for PROPERTY and BL use1														( 3051646 )
		update afm_flds set afm_size=32 where table_name='property' and field_name='use1'
		update afm_flds set afm_size=32 where table_name='ta' and field_name='use1'
		where table_name='property' and field_name='use1'
		where table_name='bl' and field_name='use1'

	SCHEMA - Update afm_size to 10 for auto_number field in eq_system table													( 3052241 )
		update afm_flds SET afm_size=10 where table_name='eq_system' and field_name='auto_number'
		update afm_flds SET afm_size=10 where table_name='eq_system' and field_name='sort_order'

	SCHEMA - EAM - Modify team.team_type and add team.eq_id															( 3052253 )
		import items-3052253-doc1.csv
	SCHEMA - EAM - Add team_category table and add validation to new team_category table in team table									( 3052215 )
		import 2 file attached

	SCHEMA - When using Hebrew the Mobile Maintenance app cannot properly sync work request 										( 3049509 )
		import doc2

	SCHEMA - 3D Viewer - Add the bim_param_vals table to the database													( 3052289 )
		import 2 file attached

	SCHEMA - change ALL lat and lon fields from size 24 decimals 16 to size 16 decimals 8											( 3052302 )
		UPDATE afm_flds SET afm_size = 16, decimals = 8 WHERE field_name IN ( 'lat', 'lon');

	SCHEMA - Energy Mgmt - afm_flds - bas_data_time_norm_num_value_common 													( 3052309 )
		import file attached

	SCHEMA - To support a more automated creation of Service Desk Roles, add fields to the helpdesk_ro 									( 3052187 )
		import 2 file attached
	SCHEMA - EAM - Add pr_id (property code) to the project table														( 3052425 )

	SCHEMA - MOBILE - increase wr_sync.description length to match wr.description 												( 3052431 )

	SCHEMA, DATA - SFA - Import all of the SFA and HQ BIM data changes 
		in projects\users\public\dt\sfa\sfa-2016-04-20-import-staging-database-data.duw 				( 3052796 )

	SCHEMA - TEAM SPACE - Create indexes on date fields in the rm_team and team tables.					( 3052600 )
		CREATE clustered INDEX rm_team_date_start_date_end ON rm_team(date_start, date_end);

		CREATE clustered INDEX team_date_start_date_end ON team(date_start, date_end);
	SCHEMA - PNAV - Add the View Analysis Enum to afm_ptasks.task_type 							( 3052086 ) 
		UPDATE afm_flds SET enum_list = 
		'LABEL;Label;WEB URL;Web URL;GRID;Smart Client Grid;GRIDCAD;Smart Client CAD Grid;VIEWANLYS;Smart Client View Analysis;OVERLAY ACTION;Overlay Action;VIEW;C/S View;FIXED-FORMAT VIEW;C/S Fixed-Format View;DRAWING VIEW;C/S Drawing View;BASICSCRIPT ACTION;C/S BasicScript Action;ACTIVEX ACTION;C/S ActiveX Action;WINDOWS CONSOLE URL;C/S Windows Console URL;SHELLEXECUTE;C/S ShellExecute;WINDOWS BROWSER URL;C/S Windows Browser URL'
		WHERE table_name = 'afm_ptasks' AND field_name ='task_type';

	SCHEMA - MOBILE - Add doc_isnew Fields to Sync Tables 									( 3052756 ) 
		import attached files

	SCHEMA - GRANT to afm_secure --- Cannot log into ARCHIBUS with AFM user after change 
		UseVpaGroups parameter from 0 to 1 and restart ARCHIBUS server 							( 3052513 ) 

		GRANT REFERENCES, SELECT, UPDATE ON afm.vpa_rest TO afm_secure;
		*test it

	SCHEMA - BIM - Recently added table bim_param_vals has an incorrect primary key 					( 3052546 ) 
		UPDATE afm_flds SET primary_key = 1 WHERE table_name = 'bim_param_vals' AND field_name = 'model_name';
		UPDATE afm_flds SET primary_key = 2 WHERE table_name = 'bim_param_vals' AND field_name = 'model_level';
		UPDATE afm_flds SET primary_key = 3 WHERE table_name = 'bim_param_vals' AND field_name = 'guid';
		UPDATE afm_flds SET primary_key = 4 WHERE table_name = 'bim_param_vals' AND field_name = 'parameter_name';	

	SCHEMA - add field to team_properties table: Needs Team Space 								( 3052615 ) 
		import afm_flds_team_properties_needs_team_space_KB3052615

	3052885 SCHEMA - TELECOM - Update afm_flds Validate Data field to yes for the telecom fields of the eq, eqport and pnport tables
		import items-3052885-doc1.xml

	3053135 SCHEMA - SFA - add translatable fields for the SFA Console (follow-up on KB 3052931)
		Add these fields in afm_scmpref table
			<field table="finanal_analyses" field="analysis_title" />
			<field table="finanal_matrix" field="box_subtitle" />
			<field table="finanal_matrix" field="box_title" />
			<field table="finanal_matrix" field="box_tooltip" />

	3053108 SCHEMA - EAM - add photo field to the vendor table
		import items-3053108-doc1.csv

	3052904 SCHEMA, PNAV, DATA - Import batch 2 of SFA staging data in sfa-staging-database-changes-batch-02.duw
		execute duw script

	3053447 SCHEMA - EAM - Increase sb_name to 64 characters to match project and scenario name field size
		UPDATE afm_flds SET afm_size = 64, comments = comments || '; v23.1 increase size' WHERE field_name = 'sb_name';

RUN SCW on the following tables:



finanal_sum; wr_sync; activity_log_sync; eq_audit; docs_assinged_sync; bim_param_vals; 
           finanal_params; finanal_sum; finanal_sum_life; team_properties




	- To get the new fields from the last update into afm_flds_lang run:
			INSERT INTO afm_flds_lang (table_name, field_name) 
				SELECT table_name, field_name FROM afm_flds 
				WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM afm_flds_lang afm_flds_lang_inner
						  WHERE afm_flds_lang_inner.table_name = afm_flds.table_name
						  AND afm_flds_lang_inner.field_name = afm_flds.field_name )


	- Check for CR/LF in enum_list values:
		SELECT table_name, field_name FROM afm_flds WHERE enum_list LIKE '%'||CHAR(13) ||'%'  OR  enum_list LIKE '%'||CHAR(10)||'%';

  	- Run Comparator50.abs to verify database and especially FKeys.

	- SELECT table_name,field_name from afm_flds WHERE enum_list IS NOT NULL AND (enum_list LIKE '% ;%' OR enum_list LIKE '%; %')

	- UPDATE afm_flds set enum_list=REPLACE(REPLACE(enum_list,' ;', ';'),'; ',';') 
		 WHERE enum_list IS NOT NULL AND (enum_list LIKE '% ;%' OR enum_list LIKE '%; %')

WFR changes

	WFR - New WorkflowRule - AbSystemAdministration: DataDictionaryService									( 3051720 )
		import items-3051720-doc1.xlsx

	WFR - Add WFR for new reusable component for uploading files to WC project folder							(3051909)

        WFR - Change WFR ProjectRequirementsService to be registered to activity_id AbCommonResources in afm_wf_rules    			( 3052444 )

	WFR - SYSTEM - Add the Home Page Editor workflow rules in the attached CSV								( 3052680 )
		import file

	WFR - Add WFR Definition for the Mobile Data Change Event										(3051836)

	WFR - New scheduled WorkflowRule - AbRiskEnergyManagement : ScheduledDeleteBasSrcDataRecords						(3051298)

	WFR - Energy Management - New WFR required for Bill processing improvements								(3051887)

	WFR - EAM - new workflow rule for Equipment Systems service										( 3052300 )
		import xlsx file
		UPDATE afm_wf_rules SET xml_sched_props = NULL WHERE rule_type = 'Message';

	WFR - Add new WFR for SFA Aggregate operating cost wfr											( 3052229 )
		import csv file attached

        WFR - SFA - New WFR definitions for REPM SFA 												( 3052418 )
		import attached file

	WFR - SFA - Add new WFR definition  for  Depreciation calculation									( 3052545 )
		import file

	WFR - Remove obsolete SFA WFR-ules definitions from database										( 3052470 )
		DELETE FROM afm_wf_rules WHERE activity_id = 'AbRPLMCosts' AND rule_id = 'AggregateOperatingCostsJob';
		DELETE FROM afm_wf_rules WHERE activity_id = 'AbRPLMCosts' AND rule_id = 'FinancialAnalysisService';

	WFR - Remove EquipmentSystemService WFR													( 3052515 )
		DELETE FROM afm_wf_rules WHERE activity_id = 'AbAssetEAM' AND rule_id = 'EquipmentSystemService';

PNav changes

	PNAV - Incomplete consolidation of "Define Employees" view tasks									( 3051340 )
		-import items-3051340-doc1.csv

	PNAV - "elevator story" missing from Process Navigator right-click menu for Asset Management						( 3050266 )
		-import items-3050266-doc3.csv

	PNAV - Three Help Links for the Extension for AutoCAD need updating in the database and another one is missing				( 3050159 )
		-update the help links

	PNAV - Cannot create/confirm reservation when security.restrictLoadingOfUnassignedViews=true						( 3051664 )
		-Add process id 'Application Support'
		-Import the CSV file
		-Update the display_order to match the order of the tasks in the CSV file.

	PNAV - System Admin - Mobile Manager - Add task for tracking mobile devices history (report)						( 3051696 )
		import items-3051696-doc1.csv

	PNAV - The My Profile/Navigation Method command should be updated to use "home page" terminology 					( 3051575 )
		UPDATE afm_flds SET 
		enum_list='ab-dashboard.axvw;Dashboard;navigator-details.axvw;Process Navigator;accessible-details.axvw;Accessibility Navigator;page-navigator.html;Home Page' 
		where table_name='afm_users' and field_name='home_page'
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id='Publish Home Pages by Role' WHERE task_file='ab-publish-navigation-pages.axvw'
		*change the view ab-publish-navigation-pages.axvw title to 'Publish Home Pages by Role'

	PNAV - Add task for defining plan types to Strategic Space Planning application, and update the existing 
		task with the new file name and task ID 											( 3051197 )
		import afm_ptasks_Edit_Std_Sp_PlanTypes_KB3051195.csv
		update afm.afm_ptasks set task_id = 'Edit Standard Space Plan Types', task_file = 'ab-edit-std-sp-plan-types.axvw'
		where activity_id = 'AbSpaceRoomInventoryBAR' 
		and process_id = 'Background Data' and task_id = 'Edit Print and Drawing Attributes';
	PNAV - http help file links should not be hard coded into the task_file field for page navigation help					( 3051750 )
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_file = 
		WHERE task_file LIKE '%archibus_help%' 

	PNAV - Apply v.22.1-add-advanced-applications.duw to Bali5 canonical hq.db								(3050183)
		-execute projects\users\public\dt\schema\v.22.1-add-advanced-applications.duw

	PNAV - typos in English strings in EAM PNav												(3050176)
		*check: AbAssetAM      Console Reports      Highlight Buildings and Rooms with issues of: …Hazardous Wast
			AbAssetEAM   Console Reports      Highlight Buildings and Rooms with issues of: …Hazardous Wast

	PNAV - Energy Management - Bill processing updates											(3051341)
		-DELETE FROM afm_ptasks WHERE task_file='ab-energy-measure-and-verify.axvw'
		-import csv file attached

	PNAV - entry for Marker and Cluster solutions example 											(3051093)
		import xlsx file attached

	PNAV - Remove outdated example processes												(3050239)
		DELETE from afm_ptasks WHERE task_file='ab-ex-ie-drag-drop-assgin-em-to-dp-iframes.axvw';
		DELETE from afm_ptasks WHERE task_file='ab-ex-dashboard-actions-bar-view.axvw';
		DELETE from afm_ptasks WHERE task_file='ab-ex-dashboard-actions-bar-iframes.axvw';
		DELETE from afm_ptasks WHERE task_file='ab-ex-campus-mapguide-ca.axvw';
		DELETE from afm_ptasks WHERE task_file='ab-ex-campus-mapguide-wr.axvw';
		DELETE from afm_ptasks WHERE task_file='ab-ex-campus-mapguide-pr.axvw';

	PNAV - EAM - Add PNav Picks to EAM and AM Console Reports										(3049843)
		import afm_ptasks.csv

	PNAV - DATA - Publish Enterprise Graphics on PNAV can’t publish SVG rule 								(3040005)
		-Wrong XLS files - import manually
	PNAV - Add new Compliance Report													(3049790)
		import afm_ptasks_compliance_kb3049790.csv file

	PNAV - No PNav link for Example of Form Layout Options view										(3050072)
		-added as the last task in the "Parts for Form"
	PNAV - Asset Portal - When clicking a Report, the wrong Report is Loaded								(3049483)
		-import the afm_ptasks.csv 

	PNAV - System Admin - Mobile Manager - Add task for configuring application parameters for mobile					(3051466)
		-import the xlsx file attached

	PNAV - Two processes in the Extension for AutoCAD lack Help links(duplicate of 3050159)							(3050220)
		- add missing help links

	PNAV - SPACE - add view Define Teams													(3051564)
		- import attached file

	PNAV- Background Data includes a Define Document Templates task but doesn't have the View Templates task to make use of the template	(3048531)
		import items-3048531-doc1.csv

	PNAV - BLDGOPS - remove processes and ptasks that are made redundant by the Building Operations Console					(3051563)
		delete from afm_ptasks where activity_id = 'AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork' and process_id = 'Supervisor_WEB BldgOpsConsole' 
			and task_id not in ('Building Operations Console', 'Planning Board', 'Work Team Performance Report');
		delete from afm_ptasks where activity_id = 'AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork' and process_id = 'Craftsperson_WEB BldgOpsConsole' 
			and task_id = 'Update Work Order and Work Requests'
		delete from afm_ptasks where activity_id = 'AbBldgOpsPM' and process_id = 'Supervisor BldgOpsConsole' and 
			task_id not in ('Building Operations Console', 'Planning Board');
		delete from afm_ptasks where activity_id = 'AbBldgOpsPM' and process_id = 'Craftsperson BldgOpsConsole' 
			and task_id = 'Update Work Orders and Work Requests';
		delete from afm_processes where activity_id = 'AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork' and process_id = 'Supervisor_WR BldgOpsConsole';
		delete from afm_processes where activity_id = 'AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork' and process_id = 'Craftsperson_WR BldgOpsConsole';
		delete from afm_processes where activity_id = 'AbBldgOpsPM' and process_id = 'Supervisor(WR) BldgOpsConsole';
		delete from afm_processes where activity_id = 'AbBldgOpsPM' and process_id = 'Craftsperson(WR) BldgOpsConsole';

	PNAV - Five Help links triggered by right-clicking on a Process/Role are not working. 
		They are not working from either the Process Navigator or the navigation page bucket. 						(3050839)

	PNAV - BLDGOPS - Create new processes and tasks for use with Multiple Parts Storage Locations						(3051561)
		-delete from afm_ptasks where activity_id = 'AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork' 
			and process_id = 'Bucket QS - BldgOps Background' and task_id = 'Define Parts Inventory';
		-import attached files

	PNAV - Metrics - SFA Impact - Distinguish between Tracking and Analysis Metrics tasks							( 3052192 )
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'Tracking Metrics' WHERE task_id =  'Metrics' 
			and activity_id ='AbSystemAdministration' and process_id = 'Add-In Manager';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'Define Tracking Metrics' WHERE task_id =  'Define Metrics' 
			and activity_id ='AbSystemAdministration' and process_id = 'Add-In Manager';
		import items-3052192-doc1.xlsx	
		delete from afm_ptasks where task_id='Metrics Trend Values'

	PNAV - Remove outdated example processes												( 3050239 )
		delete from afm_processes where activity_id='AbSolutionsDashboard' and process_id='Dashboard'
		delete from afm_processes where activity_id='AbSolutionsMapGuide' and process_id='MapGuide Solutions'

	PNAV - In the Telecom Summary text a bad character is shown, only in Process Navigator and not in Page Navigator			( 3052027 )
		import items-3052027-doc2.csv

	PNAV - Define Punch Block Standards task should be removed from three Asset Management processes					( 3052083 )
		DELETE FROM afm_ptasks WHERE task_id = 'Define Punch Block Standards' AND activity_id <> 'AbAssetManagement'

	PNAV, DATA - Enable the Building Operations Console and Multiple Parts Storage Locations on the HQ canonic database			( 3052069 )
		run SQL commands from items-3052069-doc1.txt

	PNAV - Change Space PNav to point to the new (Team Space) version of the Space Console							( 3052101 )
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_file = 'ab-sp-console-trans.axvw' 
		WHERE task_file = 'ab-sp-console.axvw' AND process_id <> 'Bucket QS - Space Favorites';

	PNAV - BLDGOPS - Delete processes that are made obsolete by the Building Operations Console which is now standard in v23		( 3052172 )
		delete from afm.afm_processes where activity_id = 'AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork' 
			and process_id in ('Call Center', 'Craftsperson_WEB', 'Requestor_WEB', 'Supervisor_WEB', 'Business Manager', 
			'Dispatcher_WEB', 'Service Desk Manager', 'Inventory Manager','Supervisor_WR','Craftsperson_WR')
		delete from afm.afm_processes where activity_id = 'AbBldgOpsPM' 
			and process_id in ('Supervisor', 'Craftsperson', 'Service Desk Manager', 'Maintenance',
			'Supervisor(Work Requests)', 'Craftsperson(Work Requests)')

	PNAV - remove parts views from Quick-Start processes											( 3052026 )
		delete from afm.afm_ptasks where AFM.afm_ptasks.activity_id = 'AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork' 
		and AFM.afm_ptasks.process_id = 'Bucket QS - BldgOps Background' and AFM.afm_ptasks.task_id = 'Define Parts Storage Locations';
		delete from afm.afm_ptasks where AFM.afm_ptasks.activity_id = 'AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork' 
		and AFM.afm_ptasks.process_id = 'Bucket QS - BldgOps Process' and AFM.afm_ptasks.task_id = 'Manage Parts Inventory';

	PNAV - New Pnav entry for Numeric IDs management view (KB 3051993)									( 3052071 )
		import afm_ptasks-New-NumericID-KB3052071.csv

	PNAV - Energy - View Prorated/Aggregated Bills -- add one additional task								( 3052112 )
		import Bali5-energy-bill-processing-process-navigator-2.csv

	PNAV - task_type field has empty values for 4 records in afm_ptasks table								( 3052285 )
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_type = 'GRID' WHERE process_id LIKE '%(SC)' AND task_type = '';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_type = 'GRIDCAD' WHERE process_id LIKE '%(SC-CAD)' AND task_type = '';

	PNAV - Help Links needed for Bldg Ops and Preventive Maintenance processes that now differ when using/not using Bldg Ops Console	( 3052303 )
		import items-3052303-doc1.xlsx

	PNAV - SFA - Add the SFA Process Navigator entries to the canonic									( 3052358 )
		import attached files

	PNAV - EAM - Background Data process modifications											( 3052370 ) 
		1.	Save the file attached in document1 to
		2.	Save the file attached in document2 to eam-remove-background.sql
		3.	Unzip  You should now have eam-processes.csv, eam-ptasks.csv, and eam-roleprocs.csv
		4.	Login to Smart Client
		5.	Using Transfer icon select Transfer In
		6.	Navigate to your eam import files and select eam-processes.csv
		7.	Import eam-ptasks.csv
		8.	Import eam-roleprocs.csv
		9.	Open Web Central and navigate to System Administration; Add In Manager
		10.	Select Publish Home Pages by Role
		11.	Select the Publish All button
		12.	Execute the eam-remove-background.sql file saved in step #2

	PNAV - ENERGY - Change the task name for one existing report from "Annual Summary" to "Electric Annual Summary"				( 3052330 )								( 3052330 )
		update afm_ptasks set task_id='Electric Annual Summary' where task_id='Annual Summary'

	PNAV - Reservations, new report to be added for Not Verified Reservations								( 3051923 )
		import Bali5-Reservations-afm_ptasks-notverified-report.csv
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'View Unverified Reservations' WHERE task_id = 'Not Verified Reservations'

        PNAV - E&R - Energy home page navigation entry and assignment 										( 3052417 )
		import 4 files attached
	PNAV - REPM - SFA - Help links for new V23 SFA Processes 										( 3052127 )

	PNAV - EAM Define Jack Configurations: Mismatch of PN task name and view name    							( 3050845 )
		import	items-3050845-doc2

	PNAV - SSP - Smart Client PN for Strategic Space Planning needs help topic link					( 3052585 )
		import afm_processes_Space_Planner_SC_Help_KB3052585.csv

	PNAV - SPACE - add view to Space Personnel & Occupancy application: Define Team Property Categories		( 3052686 )
		import afm_ptasks_DefineTeamCategories_KB3052686.csv

	PNAV - ENERGY - Meter Analytics view title change								( 3052662 )
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'Meter Analytics Over Time' WHERE task_id = 'Energy Consumption Over Time';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'Meter Analytics by Location' WHERE task_id = 'Energy Consumption by Location';

	PNAV - EAM Define Jack Configurations: Mismatch of PN task name and view name					( 3050845 )
		to be investigated.

	PNAV - EAM - Process Navigator errors and suggestions for Asset Management domain				( 3052473 )
		run items-3052473-doc2.txt

	PNAV - EAM - Add Equipment Metrics by CSI to Console Reports process						( 3052746 )
		import items-3052746-doc1.csv

	PNAV - E&R - Clean Bldgs - The attached Excel file has values for the Help Topic field 
		for Smart Client Clean Building processes in afm_processes						( 3052602 )
		update afm_processes set help_link='\Subsystems\webc\Content\clean\bpo\overview.htm' where process_id='Background Data - Facilities'
		update afm_processes set help_link='\Subsystems\webc\Content\clean\bpo_risk\overview.htm' where process_id='Background Data - Risk'
		update afm_processes set help_link='\Subsystems\webc\Content\clean\clean_bldg_over.htm' where process_id='Define Hazards and Samples (SC)'

	PNAV - BLDGOPS - The user default value for page navigation process, there are some processes 
		missing when use the new Database.									( 3052452 )
		Modify and execute the afm_roleprocs_standard_assignments_sql.duw

	PNAV - BLDGOPS - delete duplicate process for Inventory Manager, and correct the process name 
		for Business Process Owner - Maintenance								( 3052493 )
		DELETE FROM afm.afm_processes 
			WHERE activity_id = 'AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork' AND process_id = 'Inventory Manager';
		UPDATE afm.afm_processes SET title = 'Business Process Owner - Maintenance' 
			WHERE activity_id = 'AbBldgOpsPM' AND process_id = 'Maintenance MPSL';
	PNAV - BLDGOPS - Add Equipment Systems Console to both On Demand Work and PM PNav				( 3052609 )
		import afm_ptasks-add_eq_systems_console_to_bldgops.csv

	PNAV - TELECOM - Douple quote characters in Smart Client navigator 						( 3052879 )
			menu Telecom Inventory (SC-CAD) - result in error executing commands

	3052889 PNAV - TELECOM - Add SC menu items for Draw Faceplates and Draw Patch Panels
		import items-3052889-doc1.xml

	3053204 PNAV - SPACE - Add Level 1 processes and 'Locate Employee' tasks to the non-transactions PNav
		import the 2 CSV files attached

	3052981 PNAV - SFA - Background Data - 'Define Cost Categories' View does not load
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SEt task_file = 'ab-rplm-cost-categories-define.axvw' 
		WHERE activity_id = 'AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis' 
		AND process_id = 'Background Data' 
		AND task_id = 'Define Cost Categories' 
		AND task_file = 'ab-cost-cat-edit-gd.axvw';
	3052917 PNAV - EAM - Typo in Enterprise Asset Managment -Bucket EAM - Enterprise
		import items-3052917-doc1.csv

	3052963 PNAV - BLDGOPS - add afm_roleprocs records for Ops Console processes
		import BLDGOPS_Console_afm_roleprocs_KB3052963.csv

	3053228 PNAV - SFA - Add the Add-in manager Manage Home Pages and Processes task.
		import doc1

	3053373 PNAV - EAM - Homepage - Add Equipment Systems Console pick
		import items-3053373-doc2.csv

afm_roleprocs updates:

			INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs ( activity_id, process_id, role_name )  
				SELECT afm_processes.activity_id, afm_processes.process_id, 'EXECUTIVE MANAGER' 
				FROM afm_processes, afm_activities 
				WHERE afm_activities.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id
				AND afm_activities.is_active = 1 AND afm_processes.is_active = 1 
				AND afm_processes.process_id IN ('Executive Reports','Process' )
				AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM afm_roleprocs WHERE role_name = 'EXECUTIVE MANAGER' 
							AND afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id 
							AND afm_roleprocs.process_id = afm_processes.process_id );	

			INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs ( activity_id, process_id, role_name )  
				SELECT afm_processes.activity_id, afm_processes.process_id, 'EXECUTIVE MANAGER (ACP)' 
				FROM afm_processes, afm_activities 
				WHERE afm_activities.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id
				AND afm_activities.is_active = 1 AND afm_processes.is_active = 1 
				AND afm_processes.process_id IN ('Executive Reports','Process' )
				AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM afm_roleprocs WHERE role_name = 'EXECUTIVE MANAGER (ACP)' 
							AND afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id 
							AND afm_roleprocs.process_id = afm_processes.process_id );

			INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs ( activity_id, process_id, role_name )  
				SELECT afm_processes.activity_id, afm_processes.process_id, '4 - PROCESS OWNER' 
				FROM afm_processes, afm_activities 
				WHERE afm_activities.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id
				AND afm_activities.is_active = 1 AND afm_processes.is_active = 1 
				AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM afm_roleprocs WHERE role_name = '4 - PROCESS OWNER' 
							AND afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id 
							AND afm_roleprocs.process_id = afm_processes.process_id );
			INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs ( activity_id, process_id, role_name )  
				SELECT afm_processes.activity_id, afm_processes.process_id, '4 - PROCESS OWNER (ACP)' 
				FROM afm_processes, afm_activities 
				WHERE afm_activities.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id
				AND afm_activities.is_active = 1 AND afm_processes.is_active = 1 
				AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM afm_roleprocs WHERE role_name = '4 - PROCESS OWNER (ACP)' 
							AND afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id 
							AND afm_roleprocs.process_id = afm_processes.process_id );

			INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs ( activity_id, process_id, role_name )  
				SELECT afm_processes.activity_id, afm_processes.process_id, 'ACTIVITY LICENSEE' 
				FROM afm_processes, afm_activities 
				WHERE afm_activities.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id
				AND afm_activities.is_active = 1 AND afm_processes.is_active = 1 
				AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM afm_roleprocs WHERE role_name = 'ACTIVITY LICENSEE' 
							AND afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id 
							AND afm_roleprocs.process_id = afm_processes.process_id );

			DELETE FROM afm_roleprocs WHERE (SELECT is_active FROM afm_processes WHERE
				afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id AND afm_roleprocs.process_id = afm_processes.process_id ) = 0
					OR (SELECT is_active FROM afm_activities WHERE afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_activities.activity_id  ) = 0
					OR process_id LIKE '%rmtrans%' OR process_id LIKE '%BldgOpsConsole%';

				AND process_id IN ('Executive Reports','Process' );

			INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs ( activity_id, process_id, role_name )  
				SELECT afm_processes.activity_id, afm_processes.process_id, '4 - SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR' 
				FROM afm_processes, afm_activities 
				WHERE afm_activities.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id
				AND afm_activities.is_active = 1 AND afm_processes.is_active = 1 
				AND afm_activities.activity_id = 'AbSystemAdministration'
				AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM afm_roleprocs WHERE role_name = '4 - SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR'
							AND afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id 
							AND afm_roleprocs.process_id = afm_processes.process_id );

			INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs ( activity_id, process_id, role_name )  
				SELECT afm_processes.activity_id, afm_processes.process_id, 'SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR' 
				FROM afm_processes, afm_activities 
				WHERE afm_activities.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id
				AND afm_activities.is_active = 1 AND afm_processes.is_active = 1 
				AND afm_activities.activity_id = 'AbSystemAdministration'
							AND afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id 
							AND afm_roleprocs.process_id = afm_processes.process_id );

			INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs ( activity_id, process_id, role_name )  
				SELECT afm_processes.activity_id, afm_processes.process_id, 'SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR (ACP)' 
				FROM afm_processes, afm_activities 
				WHERE afm_activities.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id
				AND afm_activities.is_active = 1 AND afm_processes.is_active = 1 
				AND afm_activities.activity_id = 'AbSystemAdministration'
							AND afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id 
							AND afm_roleprocs.process_id = afm_processes.process_id );

Data changes

	DATA - METRICS - add metrics to support Team Space 									( 3052316 ) 
		import 3 files attached

	DATA - METRICS - update two existing metrics for Parts Storage Locations 						( 3052317 )
		import 2 files attached

        DATA - metrics definitions for Energy Home Page 									( 3052415 )

	DATA - METRICS CONFIG & Sample Data - adjust some E&R metrics								( 3052777 ) 
		UPDATE afm_metric_definitions SET metric_status = 'D' WHERE metric_status <> 'D'
  		AND metric_name IN ('env_EnergyConsumption_monthly','env_WaterConsumption_monthly');
		UPDATE afm_metric_definitions SET value_disp_decimals = 2 
		WHERE metric_name LIKE 'ops_Costs-Utility_perGrossArea_monthly';
		DELETE FROM afm_metric_trend_values WHERE metric_name LIKE 'env_EnergyConsumption_per%';
		import attached files

	DATA - METRICS - update Team Space metric definitions to use Pct_Time and Needs_Team_Space fields			( 3052688 ) 

	DATA - METRICS - ENERGY -  Metrics Granularity assignment & example metrics data for utility bills alerts		( 3052754 ) 
		import the 2 files attached
		UPDATE afm_metric_definitions SET report_limit_high_warn = 0.5, 
			values_remove_method = 'D' WHERE metric_name = 'env_alert_billsUnpaidOverdue_crit';

	3053264 DATA - METRIC DEFN - add missing 'required field' value to new environmental metrics granularities
		UPDATE afm_metric_grans SET tables_required = 'bl' WHERE metric_name LIKE 'env_%' AND collect_group_by = 'use1' AND tables_required IS NULL;

	3053103 DATA - METRICS - update Team Space metric definitions - Assumptions
		import afm_metric_definitions_Assumptions_KB3053103.csv

	3053154 DATA - CONNECTORS - EAM - Fix Maximo Connector Configuration to Import Floor and Room Data
		import items-3053154-doc1.xml

	3053218 DATA - SFA - Import batch 3 of SFA staging data in sfa-staging-database-changes-batch-03.duw
		execute duw script

	3053243	DATA - Add parameters for Weighted FCI calculation to database.
		import xlsx file

	DATA - PARAM - ENERGY - delete redundant app param for sched bas data deletion						( 3052707 ) 
		DELETE FROM afm_activity_params WHERE param_id='BASMeterDataScheduledDeletion';
		UPDATE afm_activity_params SET param_id = 'BASSchedDataDelete_AgeMonths' 
		WHERE param_id = 'BasSourceDataDelete_MonthsMin';
		import PARAM - ENERGY - BASSchedDataDelete_AgeMonths.xlsx
	DATA - PARAM - DemoMode - set to On by default for the HQ.db								( 3052582 ) 
		UPDATE afm_activity_params SET param_value = '1' 
			WHERE activity_id = 'AbSystemAdministration' AND param_id = 'DemoMode';

	DATA - Add Activity Parameter for Mobile Photo Quality									( 3051541 )
		import items-3051541-doc1.csv

	DATA - GIS - Update ArcGIS Property/Parcel Connector and Connector Fields						( 3052474 ) 
		Runs sql scripts

	DATA - GIS - Update ArcGIS Activity Parameters										( 3052460 ) 
		DELETE FROM [afm].[afm_activity_params] 
			WHERE activity_id = 'AbCommonResources' AND param_id LIKE 'ArcgisProperty%'
		import 2_load_afm_activity_params.csv

	DATA - ENERGY MGMT EZ-ONRAMP - Fix bill connector entry in afm_conn_flds						( 3052461 ) 
		import the csv file
		import attched files

	DATA - BIM - Revit Categories to be included in the afm_bim_categories table out of the box				( 3045992 ) 
		import file attached

	DATA - SFA - Activity Parameters - Import missing activity parameters (followup on KB 3052140) 				( 3052441 )
		import attached file

	DATA - Reservations, update the values of one existing activity parameter								( 3051539 )
		import afm_activity_params_hide_conflicts_3.csv

	DATA - Reservations - new messages required for supporting Conference Calls from the Outlook Plugin					( 3051345 )
		import items-3051345-doc1.csv

	DATA - Add activity parameter for perUserFileExpiration WFR exclusion folders								( 3045859 )
	DATA - PARAM - Add new application parameter 'MobileWorkRequestsSyncSort' to control Mobile work request sync sort field		(3051764)
		import afm_activity_params_MobileWorkRequestsSyncSort.csv

	DATA - ENERGY - bas_data_point sampling interval corrections	 									(3051873)
		-import DATA - ENERGY - bas_data_point -v2.csv

	DATA - APP PARAM - new parameter to control scheduled deletion WFR for input data records from bas_data_clean_num table			(3051705)
		-import afm_activity_params__energy_basdatadeletionschedule.csv

	DATA - Energy Management - Bill processing updates											(3051342)
		-execute Bali5-energy-bill-processing-data.duw

	DATA - Mobile Framework: Add new activity parameter for multi-key barcode scanning							(3050933)
		-import items-3050933-doc1.xlsx

	DATA - remove duplicate sample data from hreserve, hreserve_rm and hreserve_rs								(3049990)
		DELETE FROM hreserve_rm WHERE rmres_id IN (SELECT rmres_id FROM reserve_rm);
		DELETE FROM hreserve_rs WHERE rsres_id IN (SELECT rsres_id FROM reserve_rs);
		DELETE FROM hreserve WHERE res_id IN (SELECT res_id FROM reserve);

	DATA - Energy Management : New activity parameter BASMeterDataScheduledDeletion								(3051027)
		import items-3051027-doc1.xlsx

	DATA - Delete Sample Data Bad EQ Records for SRL, Floor 01 from the Canonic dB verstion 141. 						(3049518)

	DATA - Create new system parameter “ShowDaysAfterArchived”										(3050893)
		import items-3050893-doc1.xml

	DATA - Update to Lease Sample Data for Lease L-CHICMAN-05 field "floors"								(3049508)
		UPDATE ls SET floors='Fifth Floor' where ls_id='L-CHICMAN-05'

	DATA - Telecom - Re-import panel port data XML to update ports for panels 01 and 02 in SRL 03 						(3049546)
		import items-3049546-doc1.xml

	DATA - Reservations - Error in Reservations Demo data - not correct Excluded configurations						(3045748)
		-CONF-109 SMALL exclude CONF-BIG

	DATA - PARAM - Mobile Sync - New activity parameter - MobileSyncDataChangesOnlyTables							(3051849)
		-import items-3051849-doc1.xlsx

	DATA - EAM Metric Sample Data 														(3049539)
		-import afm_metric_trend_values_EAM_kb3049539.csv
	DATA - Reservations - New messages required for last functionality added to the Outlook Plugin						(3051892)
		-import Bali5-Reservations-data-messages-plugin.csv

	DATA - add security group PO APPROVER													(3051532)
		-import afm_groups_PO_APPROVER.csv

	DATA - add schema data to the Storage Locations table											(3051506)
		-import 4_pt_store_loc_MPSL_MAIN.csv

	DATA - Add new messages for helpdesk workflow steps -  scheduling, estimation, verification						(3051830)
		-import messages_KB3051830.csv

        DATA - add workflow step to support Returning requests that are in the Rejected status.							(3051065)
		-import KB3051065_afm_wf_steps.csv

        DATA - add workflow steps to support Forwarding or Editing requests that are in the Rejected status.					(3050009)
		-import KB3050009_afm_wf_steps.csv

        DATA - Chart of Accounts (COA) account code and cost transaction updates								(3051221)
		-import files according to the instruction

	DATA - Highlight Locations with Commissioning Issues - adapt for Commissioning								(3034836)
		-import the 2 CSV files attached as doc2

	DATA - Home Page metrics drill down view is missing: ab-eam-asset-lifecycle-console.axvw 						(3049660)
		- import doc2

	DATA - Drilling down from the map on the EAM Asset management home page accesses a missing .axvw					(3050012)
		duplicate of 3049660
	DATA - new activity parameter AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork-Closed_View for notification emails that link to Closed work requests		(3050263)
		-import afm_activity_params_Closed_View_KB3050196.csv

	DATA - WR in Rejected status: Escalation doesn't happen even when the escalation time reaches.						(3049734)
		-import KB3049734_afm_wf_steps.csv

	DATA - SL Rent report QA sample data update required											(3050199)
		- UPDATE cost_tran_recur SET date_end = '2017-02-10'  WHERE ls_id = 'L-CHICMAN-03';
		- UPDATE cost_tran_recur SET status_active = '1' WHERE ls_id = 'L-CHICMAN-01';

	DATA, DOC - Add Energy Management demo scrip processes and task assignments to AIDEMO5 (currently exist for AIDEMO4)			(3042140)
		-import afm_roleprocs.csv

	DATA - SPACE - changes to active_plantype and plantype_groups records for Room Highlights						(3047749)
		-DELETE FROM plantype_groups WHERE plantype_groups.plantype_group = 'Space Console'

	DATA - SFA - New activity: AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis								( 3052144 )
		import items-3052144-doc1.xlsx

	DATA - SFA - Application Parameters used by the Strategical Financial Analysis (ref. KB)				( 3052140 )
		import items-3052140-doc1.xlsx

	DATA - Update Actitity Parameters for the Extensions for ArcGIS								( 3051672 )
		DELETE FROM afm_activity_params WHERE param_id LIKE 'Arcgis%';
		import afm_activity_params.csv

	DATA - BldgOps - Notification Messages for Substitute need update to replace individual references with "a"		( 3050945 )
		import messages.csv

	DATA - Update Connectors to support changes to Extensions for Esri 							( 3051673 )
		run sql files attached
		import csv files attached

	DATA - Add lat-lon values for city to HQ canonic database 								( 3052123 )
		import city.csv

	DATA - EAM - Team Categories data 											( 3052252 )
		import items-3052252-doc2.csv

	DATA - 'bill' should be used instead of 'Bill' in afm_cnn_flds 								( 3052178 )
		update afm_conn_flds set validate_tbl='bill' where validate_tbl='bill'

	DATA - Bill_unit_id should be 'NONE' rather than 'None' in bill_line table and vn_rate table  				( 3052177 )
		update bill_line set bill_unit_id='NONE' where bill_unit_id='None'
		update vn_rate set bill_unit_id='NONE' where bill_unit_id='None'

	DATA - afm_metric_definitions - set legacy metrics (after applying schema changes in KB 3052139)			( 3052145 )
		UPDATE afm_metric_definitions SET calc_type ='Legacy Metrics' 
		WHERE metric_name IN ('department_area_x_month', 'department_area_x_quarter', 'department_area_x_year', 
		'em_capacity_x_bl_x_month', 'occupancy_count_x_bl_x_month', 'occupancy_count_x_bl_x_quarter', 'occupancy_count_x_bl_x_year');

	DATA - BldgOps - The parameters in notification message for Returned work request is not parsed.			( 3052032 )
		import messages.csv

	DATA - BldgOps - Move garbage text 'Rich format datamodel' from Description field of messages table.			( 3051954 )
		import BldgOpsMessagesWithGarbageRichFormatDataModelTextRemoved.csv

	DATA - Energy Mgmt -- bas_data_point - Edit multi-select value to remove special character. 				( 3052310 ) 
		import SAMPLE DATA - Energy Mgmt - bas_data_point.csv

	DATA - SFA - Activity Parameters - UPDATES (fix after KB 3052144)							( 3052371 )
		DELETE FROM afm_activity_params WHERE
		activity_id = 'AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis'
		AND param_id IN 

		UPDATE afm_activity_params SET description = 'Used by the Forecast Income and Expenses action.'
		WHERE activity_id = 'AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis' AND param_id LIKE 'CostCategory%'
		AND description LIKE '%Forecast Income%';

		UPDATE afm_activity_params SET description = 'Used by the Update Analysis Metrics action.'
		WHERE activity_id = 'AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis' AND param_id LIKE 'CostCategory%'
		AND description LIKE '%Update Analysis Metrics%';

		UPDATE afm_activity_params SET description = 'Used by the Forecast Capital Costs action.'
		WHERE activity_id = 'AbRPLMStrategicFinancialAnalysis' AND param_id LIKE 'CostCategory%'
		AND description LIKE '%Forecast Capita%';		
		import items-3052371-doc1.xlsx

	DATA - SAMPLE - Load new rm_type for Bedford Main Campus (edu)								( 3052346 )
		import rmtype_bed-mc.csv

	DATA - SAMPLE - Add bu-dv-dp values for Bedford Main Campus (edu)							( 3052334 )
		import 3 files attached.

	DATA - SAMPLE - Load the georeference data for the Bedford Campus into the afm_dwgs table				( 3052197 )
		import afm_dwgs_bedford_ec_mc.csv

	DATA - SAMPLE - Adds or updates building photos to the bl table for Bedford Campus Buildings.				( 3051879 )
		import building photos		

	DATA - SAMPLE - Bedford Main Campus Building Photos									( 3052003 )
		import building photos		

	DATA - SAMPLE - Floors and Rooms for building NB									( 3052355 )
		import floor and rooms

	DATA - SAMPLE - Add sample data for the StackControl Technologies view							( 3048850 )
		import the 2 files attached

	DATA - SAMPLE - Add massive varieties and amounts of EAM, CPM, Portfolio Scenario, 
			 Space Data for BL NC05 and the Bedford Campus								( 3051230 )
		import the files per instructions

	DATA - SAMPLE - Update Bedford Site_id's from BED-EC and BED-NC to Single Site of BEDFORD; 				( 3051878 )
		import the 3 files attached
		DELETE FROM site WHERE site_id = 'BED-EC';
		DELETE FROM site WHERE site_id = 'BED-NC';
		DELETE FROM afm_dwgs WHERE dwg_name = 'BED-EC-CAMPUS'; 0 records 
		DELETE FROM afm_dwgs WHERE dwg_name = 'BED-NC-CAMPUS'; 0 records

	DATA - SAMPLE - Bedford Site Longitude and Latitude									( 3052131 )
		import Bedford-site-lon-lat.csv

	DATA - SAMPLE - Equipment for building NB										( 3052352 )
		import 1_warranty.csv; 2_eqstd.csv; 3_eq.csv		

	DATA - SAMPLE - Bedford Campus Building and afm_dwgs updates.								( 3052001 )
		import 2 csv files attached

	DATA - SAMPLE - Add Bedford Main Campus Data (afm_dwgs, fl, rm)								( 3052174 )
		import attached files

	DATA - SAMPLE - Bedford Main Campus Gros table records. This updates the Internal and External Gros records.		( 3052337 )
		import items-3052337-doc1.csv

	DATA - SAMPLE - remove two records from helpdesk_sla_response that correspond to PM SLAs with multiple priorities	( 3050126 )
		DELETE FROM helpdesk_sla_response WHERE activity_type = 'SERVICE DESK - MAINTENANCE'
		AND priority = 2 AND ordering_seq IN (11, 13);

	DATA - SAMPLE - Taxes & Parcels - BOSPRP2 - Update tax_value_assessed for tax costs (Ref. KB 3049023, 3049156)		( 3049631 )
		import data into cost_tran tables

	DATA - SAMPLE - Run a script and import files to create sample data for multiple part storage locations			( 3052106 )
		import the 7 files attached

	DATA - SAMPLE - SFA - REPM sample data and standard cost background data such as Cost Category data			( 3052318 )
		Apply the scripts per instructions.

	DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - HQ-DATA Files That Come in With the 22.1 Build Needs to be Manually Imported 			( 3051350 )
		import attached files

	DATA - SAMPLE - Updated EQ Criticality, Adds Program Type, and Program, Addes Workpackages for project 2015-000001, 
		Updates the WBS values for Project 2015-000001 activity_log records.						( 3052132 )
		import attached files	

	DATA - SAMPLE -This update adds work packages and actions for Jansen-Integration and updates 
			the WBS codes for projects: Jansen-Integration and 2015-000001						( 3052134 )
		import attached files				

	DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - Adds and Updates EQSTD and EQ table data. 							( 3052324 )
		import 1-eqstd-KB3052324.xlsx (document 1)
    		import 2-eq-KB3052324.xlsx (document 2)		

	DATA - SAMPLE - Update the following Bedford Main Campus Room field data: dwgname and ehandle.				( 3052338 )
		import rm_bed-mc_bl_fl_rm_dwg_ehandle.csv

	DATA - SAMPLE - New Equipment and Equipment Standards for SRL 03 and B1 to support EAM Business Value Script. 		( 3052391 )
		import the 2 files attached

	DATA - SAMPLE - New eq_systems table and system_bl data to support the EAM Business Value Script.			( 3052392 )
		import the 2 files attached

	DATA - SAMPLE - This adds sample data to the eq_rm table.								( 3052399 )
		import items-3052399-doc1.xlsx

	DATA - SAMPLE - Energy Bill additions for Campus data set 								( 3052395 )
		import attached files.

	DATA - SAMPLE -  Sample Team Space teams  for demonstration purposes 							( 3052282 )
		import 4 file attached

	DATA - SAMPLE - Populate missing site_id values into vn_ac table in canonic database 					( 3052107 )
		UPDATE vn_ac v SET v.site_id = (SELECT b.site_id FROM bl b WHERE b.bl_id = v.bl_id);

	DATA - SAMPLE - BLDGOPS - update the value of craftsperson assignment to Complete if the work request is complete 	( 3052288 ) 
		UPDATE afm.wrcf LEFT JOIN afm.wr ON wr.wr_id = wrcf.wr_id SET wrcf.status = 'Complete' WHERE wr.status = 'Com';

	DATA - SAMPLE - Change a part storage location from SRL to NC01                      			        	( 3052350 ) 
		UPDATE pt_store_loc SET pt_store_loc_id = 'NC01', pt_store_loc_name = 'North Campus Bldg 1', bl_id = 'NC01'
		WHERE pt_store_loc_id = 'SRL';
		UPDATE po SET receiving_location = 'NC01'WHERE receiving_location = 'SRL';

	DATA - SAMPLE - Team Member (team table) Sample Data 									( 3052411 ) 
		import items-3052411-doc1.csv
	DATA - SAMPLE - Load EQ data for Bedford Main Campus									( 3052413 )
		import csv file

	DATA - SAMPLE - Load parcel data for Bedford Campus									( 3052190 )
		import parcel.csv

	DATA - SAMPLE - PM Procedures, Steps, and Resources for Equipment in building NB 					( 3052423 )
		import 7 files attached

	DATA - SAMPLE -  metrics trend values update for E&R 									( 3052416 )               
		import file

	DATA, DWGS - Lack of Sample Data for Security / Lighting / HVAC Zones 							( 3046085 )
		import 2 XML files attached

	DATA, DWG - em.dwgname is not watching with em.bl_id and em.fl_id 
		in HQ10.db databases - db version # 140 ; db version date: 2014-09-12 						( 3045466 ) 
		 UPDATE em SET dwgname = 
		(SELECT dwgname FROM rm WHERE bl_id = em.bl_id AND fl_id = em.fl_id AND rm_id = em.rm_id)

	DATA - SAMPLE - Updates bl_id and site_id in the activity_log table 
		for Project 2015-000001 and JANSEN-INTEGRATION Project								( 3052750 ) 
		import items-3052750-doc1.xlsx

	DATA - SAMPLE - Update the wbs_id for two activity log records entered in KB 3052134.					( 3052535 ) 
		import items-3052535-doc1.xlsx

 	DATA - SAMPLE - Update Pending Action of 6 eq records. This supports sample data for EAM Asset Disposal Console.	( 3052848 )
		import items-3052848-doc1.xlsx

	DATA - SAMPLE - Update eqstd.category with consistant values that are less than 17 characters.				( 3052534 ) 
		import items-3052534-doc1.xlsx

	DATA - SAMPLE - Team Member Sample Data, re-adding records that were mistakenly deleted					( 3052606 ) 
		import team_Overwritten_Records_KB3052606.csv

	DATA - SAMPLE - update employee records in the TEAM table								( 3052613 )
		UPDATE SET source_table = 'em' WHERE em_id IS NOT NULL AND source_table IS NULL;

		UPDATE SET team.address_archive = ISNULL(RTRIM(em.bl_id),'' )|| '-' ||ISNULL(RTRIM(em.fl_id),'' )|| '-' ||ISNULL(RTRIM(em.rm_id),'' ),
                team.cell_num_archive = em.cellular_number, 
                team.contact_type_archive = em.em_std,
                team.email_archive =,
                team.fax_archive = em.fax,
                team.name_archive = ISNULL(RTRIM(em.name_last),'' )|| ', ' ||ISNULL(RTRIM(em.name_first),'' ),
                team.phone_archive =                
		LEFT JOIN afm.em ON team.em_id=em.em_id
		WHERE team.source_table  = 'em' AND team.status<>'Removed';

	DATA - SAMPLE - TEAM SPACE - set the sample Team Space teams to have "Needs Team Space" = Yes				( 3052619 ) 
		import team_properties_NeedsTeamSpace_KB3052619.csv

	DATA - SAMPLE - TEAM SPACE - made a few rooms on NC05-03 hotelable							( 3052697 ) 
		import rm_nc05_hotelable.csv

	DATA - SAMPLE - TEAM SPACE & EAM - Populate the Team Name field when it's empty						( 3052521 ) 
		UPDATE team_properties SET team_name = team_id WHERE team_name IS NULL;

	DATA - SAMPLE - SSP - Correct floor sort orders for display on the Stack Control					( 3052482 ) 
		import fl_sort_order_SSP_KB3052482.csv

	DATA - SAMPLE - SMP - Add building photos from "KB 3051230/4-SMP-data" that did not make it 
			into the 2016-04-05 Hq.db update 									( 3052494 ) 
		import bl images
	DATA - SAMPLE - SFA - Bedford campus Amoritzation costs									( 3052498 ) 
		import attached files

	DATA - SAMPLE - Remove SB "2015 Jansen Integration"									( 3052480 ) 
		DELETE FROM sb WHERE sb_name = '2015 Jansen Integration';

	DATA - SAMPLE - re-import the sample data for the StackControl Technologies view					( 3052578 ) 
		DELETE FROM WHERE = 'Headquarters Baseline';
		DELETE FROM afm.portfolio_scenario WHERE AFM.portfolio_scenario.portfolio_scenario_id = 'Headquarters Baseline';
		import sp_001_portfolio_scenario_stackdata_kb3052578.csv
		import sp_002_gp_stackdata_kb3052578.csv

	DATA - SAMPLE - Project 2015-000001 Data Updates.									( 3052749 ) 
		import items-3052749-doc1

	DATA - SAMPLE - Postal codes incorrect for Bedford/Billerica buildings,							( 3052614 ) 
		import bl.csv and check the postal codes.

	DATA - SAMPLE - New sb and sb_items Sample Data for Jansen Integration Op 2 Space Requirement. 
			Supports EAM BVS Scenario.										( 3052850 ) 
		import doc1
		import doc3
	DATA - SAMPLE - New Photos and Updates to existing eqstd photos that were showed outdated/old pictures.		( 3052541 ) 
		import new photos

	DATA - SAMPLE - invoice line item data											( 3052702 ) 
		import items-3052702-doc1.csv

	DATA - SAMPLE - HVAC System for building NB										( 3052703 ) 
		import files
		check the KB for verification

	DATA - SAMPLE - Generic (non-vendor) Equipment Photos for New Equipment Standards used in Building NB			( 3052849 ) 
		import photos using DCW

	DATA - SAMPLE - Energy Data for Bedford Site North Campus Buildings							( 3052808 ) 
		execute duw script

	DATA - SAMPLE - ENERGY - replace all bas_data_time_norm_num records							( 3052706 ) 
		TRUNCATE TABLE bas_data_time_norm_num;
		import the csv file using Run Script

	DATA - SAMPLE - ENERGY - bill_line records										( 3052758 ) 
		import 3 XML files attached

	DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - Updates eq records for JANSEN and SRL for EAM Sample Data						( 3052704 ) 
		import KB3052704-jansen-eq.csv
		import KB3052704-srl-eq-dep-val.csv

	DATA - SAMPLE - EAM Replace SRL 03 eq_rm existing sample data with new eq_rm data.					( 3052793 ) 
		DELETE FROM eq_rm WHERE bl_id = 'SRL';
		import items-3052793-doc1.xlsx

	DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - Updates to Activity Log Records for Project 2015-000001 and deletes 2 records.			( 3052731 ) 
		import KB3052731-activity_log.xlsx
		DELETE FROM activity_log WHERE activity_log_id= '9088';
		DELETE FROM activity_log WHERE activity_log_id= '9089';

	DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - Updates and Adds eqstd table sample data.								( 3052657 ) 
		import items-3052657-doc1.xlsx
		UPDATE eqstd SET eqstd.option2='' WHERE eqstd.option2='EAM'

	DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - Update Work Package for activity_log.activity_log_id 9082						( 3052820 ) 
		import items-3052820-doc1.xlsx

	DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - Two New Work Packages and New activity_log records with Equipment for Project 2015-000001 
				and updates to 11 Existing Work Packages							( 3052826 ) 
		import the 2 XLSX files attached
	DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - Delete one record from system_bl table.								( 3052564 ) 
		DELETE FROM system_bl WHERE system_id= 'LAB-SRL';

	DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - Delete four sample data records from activity_log.						( 3052819 ) 
		Delete from activity_log where activity_log_id = '9088';
		Delete from activity_log where activity_log_id = '9089';
		Delete from activity_log where activity_log_id = '9188';
		Delete from activity_log where activity_log_id = '9189';

	DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - Add and update equipment sample data.								( 3052668 ) 
		import KB3052668-eq-2.csv

	DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - Add Sample Project data for Project 2015-000001 and Project JANSEN-INTEGRATION.			( 3052671 ) 
		import KB 3052671-project.csv

	*DATA - SAMPLE - Delete Duplicate Records from KB 3051350 afm_metric_trend_values_EAM_kb3049539.csv.			( 3052499 ) 
		DELETE FROM gp WHERE gp_id > '3881' and gp_id < '3949'
		*nothing deleted. run it again?

	DATA - SAMPLE - DATA CORRECTION - reconcile cost_tran_sched records with source bill_archive records			( 3052529 ) 
		execute items-3052529-doc1.sql
		0=SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bill_archive ba, bill_type bt
			WHERE ba.bill_type_id = bt.bill_type_id
			AND not exists (select 1 from cost_tran_sched where cost_tran_sched_id=ba.cost_tran_sched_id 
					AND cost_cat_id = bt.cost_cat_id)

	DATA - SAMPLE - BLDGOPS - MPSL - Run a script to create sample work requests for multiple part storage locations	( 3052477 ) 
		execute per instructions		

	DATA - SAMPLE - BLDGOPS - Add vendor part numbers to the Part Vendors table						( 3052502 ) 
		import the 2 files in order

	DATA - SAMPLE - Bedford Main Campus Building Photos									( 3052003 ) 

	DATA - SAMPLE - Adds or updates building photos to the bl table for Bedford Campus Buildings.				( 3051879 ) 
	DATA - SAMPLE - add value for gross external area for MARCEL building							( 3052500 ) 
		UPDATE bl SET area_gross_ext = 285000 WHERE bl_id = 'MARCEL';

	DATA - SAMPLE - Add image and document from KB 3051230 that did not make it into the 2016-04-05 Hq.db update		( 3052489 ) 
		close  it

	DATA - SAMPLE - Add georeference data for NC05 building.								( 3052639 ) 
		import afm_dwgs_nc05.csv

	DATA - SAMPLE - Add Asset Survey Data to support EAM BVS Scenario							( 3052802 )
		import data

	DATA - SAMPLE - Add 1 eq record that did not make it into the Canonic v142 dated 2016-04-05				( 3052533 ) 
		import items-3052533-doc1.xlsx

	DATA - DWGS - Create Egress Plans for DALLASOF										( 3040998 ) 
		delete from regcompliance where bl_id='DALLASOF'
		import regcomplianceDALLASOF.xml

	DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - Delete eq_system data records 1-88 and add 161 new records to the eq_system table.		( 3052669 ) 
		DELETE FROM eq_system WHERE auto_number > 0 AND auto_number < 89;
		import items-3052669-doc1.xlsx

	DATA - SAMPLE - EQ - remove manufacturer names and model numbers 							( 3052881 )
		for equipment standards and equipment used in building NB 

	3052848 DATA - SAMPLE - Update Pending Action of 6 eq records. This supports sample data for EAM Asset Disposal Console.
		import items-3052848-doc1.xlsx

	3053105 DATA - SAMPLE - SSP - The Dallas buildings do not have location information and so do not appear in the Define Geographic Locations view
		import the 2 CSV files attached

	3052982 DATA - SAMPLE - OLD site_id (ATHENS-U) in Activity Log Records must be changed to site_id "Bedford."
		UPDATE activity_log SET activity_log.site_id='BEDFORD' WHERE activity_log.site_id="ATHENS-U"

	3052989 DATA - SAMPLE - Env&Risk - Some tables have site_id-bl_id values that doesn't match any existing site_id-bl_id value in bl table
		UPDATE bill SET site_id='OLDCITY' WHERE bl_id='I202' AND site_id='MARKET';
		UPDATE bill_archive SET site_id='OLDCITY' WHERE bl_id='I202' AND site_id='MARKET';
		UPDATE compliance_locations SET site_id='DALSTE2' WHERE bl_id='DALLASOF' AND site_id='DALSTE1';
		UPDATE compliance_locations SET site_id='DALSTE2' WHERE bl_id='DALLASDC' AND site_id='DALSTE1';
		UPDATE msds_h_location SET site_id='DALSTE2' WHERE bl_id='DALLASDC' AND site_id='DALSTE1';
		UPDATE msds_h_location SET site_id='DALSTE2' WHERE bl_id='DALLASOF' AND site_id='DALSTE1';
		UPDATE msds_h_location SET site_id='DALSTE1' WHERE bl_id='DALLASHQ' AND site_id='DALSTE2';
		UPDATE msds_h_location SET site_id='BEDFORD' WHERE bl_id='SRL' AND site_id='ATHENS-U';
		UPDATE msds_location SET site_id='DALSTE2' WHERE bl_id='DALLASDC' AND site_id='DALSTE1';
		UPDATE msds_location SET site_id='DALSTE2' WHERE bl_id='DALLASOF' AND site_id='DALSTE1';
		UPDATE msds_location SET site_id='DALSTE1' WHERE bl_id='DALLASHQ' AND site_id='DALSTE2';
		UPDATE msds_location SET site_id='BEDFORD' WHERE bl_id='SRL' AND site_id='ATHENS-U';
		UPDATE waste_areas SET site_id='SHANGSTE' WHERE bl_id='FELAB' AND site_id='FESTE2';

	3053167 DATA - SAMPLE - ENERGY - bill_archive bills for bill_type_id Fuel Oil 1 should be Fuel Oil 2
		UPDATE bill_archive SET bill_type_id = 'FUEL OIL 2' WHERE bill_type_id LIKE 'FUEL OIL%' AND bill_id LIKE 'O-NC06%';

	3052949 DATA - SAMPLE - EAM project proposal data:  eqstd updates, eq_req_items, sb_items data for Space Budget "Jansen Integration Opt 2"
		import 3 XLSX files attached

	3052950 DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - Updates to equipment manufacturers for Jansen and SRL building equipment to make them Generic.
		import items-3052950-doc1.xlsx
	3052995 DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - Update eqstd.category for 3 eqstd records.
		UPDATE eqstd SET eqstd.category='Firestop' WHERE eqstd.eq_std='FIREEX'
		UPDATE eqstd SET eqstd.category='HVAC Controls' WHERE eqstd.eq_std='HVAC-SYS'
		UPDATE eqstd SET eqstd.category='Laboratory' WHERE eqstd.eq_std='MET-ANLYS-ASM'

	3052994 DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - Update date_est_start for project 2015-000001, work package "11 - Assets to Dispose".
		UPDATE work_pkgs
		SET work_pkgs.date_est_start='2015-05-04' WHERE work_pkgs.project_id='2015-000001' and work_pkgs.work_pkg_id='11 - Assets to Dispose'

	3052993 DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - Update activity_log.wbs_id for activity_log.activity_log_id "9082"
		UPDATE activity_log SET activity_log.wbs_id='0.03' WHERE activity_log.activity_log_id='9082' 

	3053007 DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - Add 3 new equipment standards to support EAM Disposal
		import eqstd.csv
		UPDATE eqstd SET eqstd.option2='' WHERE eqstd.option2='new'

	3053008 DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - Update 10 Equipment Records to support EAM Disposal Process
		import items-3053008-doc1.xlsx

	3053049 DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - Team data to fill holes in the Team table data and supporting tables (em, emstd, vn, contacts, team_properties).
		import attached files in order

	3052996 DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - Delete eqstd record: "MET-ANAL-SYS" and update the eqstd.csi_id for eqstd "MET-ANLYS-SYS."
		Delete from eqstd where eq_std = 'MET-ANAL-SYS';
		UPDATE eqstd SET eqstd.csi_id='11600' WHERE eqstd.eq_std='MET-ANLYS-ASM' 

	3053172 DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - Add photo for 1 Contact; update data for 2 Contact records. This data supports EAM Scenario.
		import csv file
		import xlsx file
		UPDATE contact SET contact.option2='' WHERE contact.option2='newphoto'

	3053139 DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - Add 4 eq records and update 8 eq records to enable demonstration of EAM Maximo Connectors
		import items-3053139-doc1.xlsx

	3053115 DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - Add 3 photos for vn and em tables to the Canonic dB version 142 dated 2016-04-25. These photos support support EAM.
		import em.csv and vn.csv
		UPDATE vn   SET vn.option2='' WHERE vn.option2='newphoto'
		UPDATE em SET em.option2='' WHERE em.option2='newphoto'

	3053175 DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - Add 12 new Team records, update 3 Team records, delete 1 Team Record. Supports EAM BVS.
		import items-3053175-doc1.xlsx
		Delete from team where autonumbered_id = '305';

	3053048 DATA - SAMPLE - EAM - 1 Equipment Photo that did not make it in from KB 3052541 and 1 additional photo.
		import eqstd.csv
		UPDATE eqstd SET eqstd.option2='' WHERE eqstd.option2='checkmate'

	3053016 DATA - SAMPLE - EAM -  New Projteam data to support EAM  and EAM Business Value Script.
		import the 2 xlsx files attached
	3052920 DATA - SAMPLE - COND ASSESS - Inconsistent Building/Site data in Project Database
		UPDATE activity_log, bl SET activity_log.site_id = bl.site_id 
		WHERE activity_log.bl_id = bl.bl_id AND activity_log.bl_id IS NOT NULL AND activity_log.site_id <> bl.site_id;

	3052983 DATA - SAMPLE - BLDGOPS - Update OLD Site_id (ATHENS-U) in wr and hwr tables to be site_id "BEDFORD."
		UPDATE wr SET wr.site_id='BEDFORD' WHERE wr.site_id='ATHENS-U'

		UPDATE hwr SET hwr.site_id='BEDFORD' WHERE hwr.site_id='ATHENS-U'

	3053044 DATA - SAMPLE - BLDGOPS - Add a matching ordering sequence value to a few sample SLAs that currently don't have one
		UPDATE helpdesk_sla_request SET match_ordering_seq = ordering_seq WHERE match_ordering_seq IS NULL;

	3049564	DATA - Environmental & Risk Management Highlight Hazardous Waste Sample Data Needs To Be Re-Located into Storage Area (Removed from Corridor and Vertical Penetration)
		UPDATE waste_out SET rm_id = '169' WHERE bl_id = 'HQ' AND rm_id IN ('124', '158');

	3053164 DATA - SFA sample data Book Value updates for NC buildings
		import sfa-data-bl-value_book-updates.csv

	3053335 DATA - SAMPLE - Update team.num_archive for 7 team table records.
		import items-3053335-doc1.xlsx

	3053322 DATA - SAMPLE - Update eq.mfr to generic names. This KB includes records overlooked in KB 3052950.
		import items-3053322-doc1.xlsx

	3053298 DATA - SAMPLE - Correct 1 eqstd record's spec_depth, spec_width, area values from KB 3052949
		UPDATE eqstd SET eqstd.spec_depth='5.00' WHERE eqstd.eq_std='METAL-CUT'
		UPDATE eqstd SET eqstd.spec_width='2.00' WHERE eqstd.eq_std='METAL-CUT' 
		UPDATE eqstd SET eqstd.area='10.00' WHERE eqstd.eq_std='METAL-CUT'

	3053428 DATA - ENERGY - Update bill_line_archive records
		UPDATE bill_line_archive SET bill_type_id = 'FUEL OIL 2' WHERE bill_type_id LIKE 'FUEL OIL%' AND bill_id LIKE 'O-NC06%';

	3053155 DATA - SAMPLE - SFA sample data area updates for NC buildings	
		import sfa-data-bl-NC-area-updates.csv

	Clean up the DCW tables
		- truncate table afm_flds_trans
		- truncate table afm_transfer_set

Version 22.1 Multi-Lingual Database Schema Revision History

PNav changes

   PNAV - REPM - Rename the Portfolio Forecasting application to Advanced Portfolio Forecasting. (3050181, 3050182)
                 Reinstate the Portfolio Forecasting application, which was replaced in database version 141 as part of KB 3047731. 

   PNAV - EAM  - Add Telecom Asset Management application. (3050181, 3050182)

Version 22.1 Database Schema Revision History (Database Version 141)

 Schema Preferences: 	
	- Update Db Version Date to: 2015-07-10
	- Update Db Version number to:	141

Schema changes


	SCHEMA - Wish to add an ordering sequence to metrics on a scorecard(3044025)
		Copy the field definition in afm_flds from afm_ptasks.display_order to the afm_metric_scards table

	SCHEMA - The necessity of giving one English word more than one translations (3034586)

	SCHEMA - questionnaire_id is missing from the hactivity_log table(3045712)
		import hactivity_log.questinnaire_id into DB
		UPDATE afm_flds SET comments='v22.1' WHERE table_name='hactivity_log' AND field_name='questionnaire_id';

	SCHEMA - MSSQL: The index key size cannot exceed 900 bytes (3047032)
		UPDATE afm_flds SET data_type=12 WHERE table_name in ('lang_files','lang_string') and field_name in ('constant','filename','string_english')

	SCHEMA - Add source fields to afm_notifications_log table (KB 3046983) - (3047182)

	SCHEMA - active_plantypes.title should be translatable(3046157)
		Add <field table="active_plantypes" field="title" />

	SCHEMA & SAMPLE DATA - PDF Printing - Add table plantype_groups and add fields to table active_plantypes(3047346)

	SCHEMA - SYSTEM - Metrics Email Notifications - 1 new table with 2 fields plus 2 other new fields	(3047753)
		INSERT INTO afm_flds(table_name,field_name,ml_heading,data_type,afm_size,dflt_val,allow_null,comments) VALUES ('notify_templates','metric_collect_group_by','Metric
		INSERT INTO afm_tbls(table_name,title,comments) VALUES('afm_metric_notify','Metrics Notifications','v22.1');
		INSERT INTO afm_flds(table_name,field_name,ml_heading,data_type,afm_size,dflt_val,allow_null,primary_key,ref_table,comments) VALUES ('afm_metric_notify','metric_name','Metric
		INSERT INTO afm_flds(table_name,field_name,ml_heading,data_type,afm_size,dflt_val,allow_null,primary_key,ref_table,comments) VALUES ('afm_metric_notify','template_id','Notification
Template Code',1,32,NULL,0,2,'notify_templates','v22.1');
		INSERT INTO afm_flds(table_name,field_name,ml_heading,data_type,afm_size,dflt_val,allow_null,comments) VALUES ('notifications','metric_value_id','Metric Value ID',4,10,NULL,1,'v22.1');

	SCHEMA - Improvement - notify_templates.trigger_date_field - increase field size from 32 to 64	KB# 3049046
		UPDATE afm_flds set afm_size=64 where table_name='notify_templates' and field_name='trigger_date_field'
	SCHEMA - Metrics Notifications - notifications.metric_value_id should be FK to afm_metric_trend_values.auto_number KB# 3049100
		update afm_flds set ref_table='afm_metric_trend_values',dep_cols='metric_value_id' where table_name='notifications' and field_name='metric_value_id';

	SCHEMA - Connectors - Add Connector Log History table	(3046736)
		insert into afm_flds (table_name, field_name, allow_null, comments, data_type, ml_heading, num_format, primary_key, afm_size) values ('afm_conn_log', 'run_id', 0, 'v22.1 Connectors', 4, 'Connector Run ID', 2, 0, 10);
		insert into afm_tbls (table_name, comments, title) values ('afm_conn_logh', 'v22.1 Connectors', 'ARCHIBUS Connector Log History');
		insert into afm_flds (table_name, field_name, allow_null, comments, data_type, ml_heading, num_format, primary_key, afm_size) values ('afm_conn_logh', 'conn_log_id', 0, 'v22.1 Connectors', 4, 'Connector Log ID', 2, 1, 10);
		insert into afm_flds (table_name, field_name, allow_null, comments, data_type, ml_heading, num_format, primary_key, afm_size) values ('afm_conn_logh', 'run_id', 0, 'v22.1 Connectors', 4, 'Connector Run ID', 2, 0, 10);
		insert into afm_flds (table_name, field_name, allow_null, comments, data_type, ml_heading, num_format, primary_key, afm_size) values ('afm_conn_logh', 'connector_id', 0, 'v22.1 Connectors', 1, 'Connector Code', 0, 0, 32);
		insert into afm_flds (table_name, field_name, allow_null, comments, data_type, ml_heading, num_format, primary_key, afm_size) values ('afm_conn_logh', 'date_log', 1, 'v22.1 Connectors', 9, 'Date Log', 0, 0, 1);
		insert into afm_flds (table_name, field_name, allow_null, comments, data_type, ml_heading, num_format, primary_key, afm_size) values ('afm_conn_logh', 'msg', 1, 'v22.1 Connectors', 12, 'Message', 0, 0, 2000);
		insert into afm_flds (table_name, field_name, allow_null, comments, data_type, ml_heading, num_format, primary_key, afm_size) values ('afm_conn_logh', 'time_log', 1, 'v22.1 Connectors', 10, 'Time Log', 0, 0, 1);

		update afm_flds set afm_type = 2070 where table_name = 'afm_conn_log';
		update afm_flds set afm_type = 2070 where table_name = 'afm_conn_logh';

	SCHEMA - SYSTEM - add new fields to afm_redlines to support the Markup Project Task view	(3047621)

	SCHEMA - expansion of assigned documents feature - Changes for docs_assigned and docs_assigned_sync	(3047869)

	SCHEMA - SYSTEM - chhange afm_redlines.image field name to afm_redlines.image_file	3048667
		UPDATE afm_flds SET field_name='image_file' WHERE table_name='afm_redlines' AND field_name='image'
		alter table afm_redlines rename image to image_file

	SCHEMA - Rename ml_heading for afm_conn_flds.is_schema_field 	3048169


	SCHEMA - Define Employee view consolidation(3046245)
		import xlsx file.
		UPDATE afm_flds SET ml_heading = 'Phone - Mobile' WHERE table_name = 'em' AND field_name = 'cellular_number';
		UPDATE afm_flds SET ml_heading = 'Phone - Work' WHERE table_name = 'em' AND field_name = 'phone';

	SCHEMA - SPACE, REPM - Planning - new and modified fields for the Space & Portfolio Planning Console and Space Requirements	(3047394)
	SCHEMA - Define Employee view consolidation (3046245)

	SCHEMA - database field name is misspelled: sb_items.description	3048475
		UPDATE afm_flds SET field_name='description' WHERE table_name='sb_items' AND field_name='desciption'
		alter table sb_items rename desciption to description

	SCHEMA - update ML Headings of the SB and SB_ITEMS table to use the word "Requirements" instead of "Budget"	3048474
		import CSV attaced

	SCHEMA - update ARCHIBUS Type for area fields in SB_ITEMS so that those fields are editable via Web Central	KB# 3049028
		UPDATE afm_flds set afm_type=2050 where table_name='sb_items' and field_name in ('rm_std_area', 'unit_area')

	- SQL view files - Add another field to the "create view" script for view wr_step_waiting(3047373)
		DROP VIEW wr_step_waiting;
		CREATE VIEW wr_step_waiting as select pkey_value as wr_id,em_id,vn_id,cf_id,user_name,
		    status,comments,step,step_code,step_type,step_log_id,activity_id,role_name,rejected_step  from
		    helpdesk_step_log where date_response is null and table_name = 'wr';

	SCHEMA,PNAV - Add new PNav entries and table regreq_pmp to support Compliance and Building Ops integration (KB 3046857) - (3047313)

	SCHEMA - wrtl_sync.wr_id should allow null value - An error message popup when add Tools to WR in My work tab.(3046849)
		UPDATE afm_flds SET allow_null=1 WHERE table_name='wrtl_sync' and field_name='wr_id';

	SCHEMA - COBie Connector(3047243)

	SCHEMA - Add and modify afm_flds to support Bldg Ops Workflow Improvments for 22.1 (3047347)

	SCHEMA - add field prority_label to the wr table to support showing priority labels for work requests(3047348)

	SCHEMA - BLDGOPS - add field to support immediately scheduling On-Demand SLAs	(3047630)
	SCHEMA - BLDGOPS - Add fields to two existing On Demand Work SQL views to support Bldg Ops workflow and reporting enhanements	(3047637)
		1. import csv file attached		
			DROP view hwr_month
			CREATE VIEW hwr_month as select hwr.wr_id,hwr.site_id,hwr.bl_id,hwr.fl_id,hwr.rm_id,hwr.requestor,hwr.status,hwr.dv_id,hwr.dp_id,hwr.ac_id,hwr.repair_type,
			    cast(datepart(year,date_requested) as char(4))+'-'+cast(datepart(month,date_requested) as char(2)) as month,
			    cast(datepart(year,date_requested) as char(4))+'-'+cast(datepart(week,date_requested) as char(2)) as week,
			    eq.eq_std as eq_std,cost_est_total-cost_total as cost_var from
			    hwr left outer join eq on hwr.eq_id = eq.eq_id;
			drop view wrhwr;
			CREATE VIEW wrhwr AS (SELECT ac_id,act_labor_hours,activity_log_id,bl_id,cause_type,cf_notes,completed_by,cost_est_labor,cost_est_other,cost_est_parts,cost_est_tools,cost_est_total,cost_labor,cost_other,cost_parts,cost_tools,cost_total,curr_meter_val,date_assigned,date_completed,date_est_completion,date_requested,date_stat_chg,desc_other_costs,description,down_time,dp_id,dv_id,eq_id,est_labor_hours,fl_id,location,msg_delivery_status,option1,option2,phone,pmp_id,pms_id,priority,prob_type,repair_type,requestor,rm_id,satisfaction,satisfaction_notes,status,time_assigned,time_completed,time_requested,time_stat_chg,tr_id,wo_id,wr_id,rsres_id,res_id,rmres_id,vn_id,activity_type,dispatcher,step_status,doc1,manager,doc2,doc3,doc4,site_id,supervisor,date_closed,escalated_completion,time_escalation_completion,time_escalation_response,escalated_response,date_escalation_completion,date_escalation_response,serv_window_days,serv_window_end,serv_window_start,allow_work_on_holidays,work_team_id,lon,lat,geo_objectid,parent_wr_id, (IF status = 'R' THEN 0 ELSE (IF status = 'Rev' THEN 1 ELSE (IF status = 'Rej' THEN 2 ELSE (IF status = 'A' THEN 3 ELSE (IF status = 'AA' THEN 4 ELSE (IF status = 'I' THEN 5 ELSE (IF status IN ( 'HP', 'HA', 'HL') THEN 6 ELSE (IF status = 'S' THEN 7 ELSE (IF status = 'Can' THEN 8 ELSE (IF status = 'Com' THEN 9 ELSE 10 ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) AS status_sort FROM wr) UNION ALL (SELECT ac_id,act_labor_hours,activity_log_id,bl_id,cause_type,cf_notes,completed_by,cost_est_labor,cost_est_other,cost_est_parts,cost_est_tools,cost_est_total,cost_labor,cost_other,cost_parts,cost_tools,cost_total,curr_meter_val,date_assigned,date_completed,date_est_completion,date_requested,date_stat_chg,desc_other_costs,description,down_time,dp_id,dv_id,eq_id,est_labor_hours,fl_id,location,msg_delivery_status,option1,option2,phone,pmp_id,pms_id,priority,prob_type,repair_type,requestor,rm_id,satisfaction,satisfaction_notes,status,time_assigned,time_completed,time_requested,time_stat_chg,tr_id,wo_id,wr_id,rsres_id,res_id,rmres_id,vn_id,activity_type,dispatcher,step_status,doc1,manager,doc2,doc3,doc4,site_id,supervisor,date_closed,escalated_completion,time_escalation_completion,time_escalation_response,escalated_response,date_escalation_completion,date_escalation_response,serv_window_days,serv_window_end,serv_window_start,allow_work_on_holidays,work_team_id,lon,lat,geo_objectid,parent_wr_id, (IF status = 'R' THEN 0 ELSE (IF status = 'Rev' THEN 1 ELSE (IF status = 'Rej' THEN 2 ELSE (IF status = 'A' THEN 3 ELSE (IF status = 'AA' THEN 4 ELSE (IF status = 'I' THEN 5 ELSE (IF status IN ( 'HP', 'HA', 'HL') THEN 6 ELSE (IF status = 'S' THEN 7 ELSE (IF status = 'Can' THEN 8 ELSE (IF status = 'Com' THEN 9 ELSE 10 ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) AS status_sort FROM hwr);

	SCHEMA - BLDGOPS - Add field rejected_step to table hhelpdek_step_log	(3047639)

	SCHEMA - BldgOps - add two fields to wr_sync to determine step history and apply the EditEstAndSchedAfterStepComplete parameter	3048318

	SCHEMA - BLDGOPS - SCHEMA - BLDGOPS - Add fields to two existing On Demand Work SQL views to support Bldg Ops workflow and reporting enhanements	3047637
		-check the hwr_month;wrhwr views

	SCHEMA; SQL VIEWS - 7 fields are missing in wrhwr in schemawiz-add-work-wizard-sql-views-oracle.sql	3048044
		DROP VIEW wrhwr;
		CREATE VIEW wrhwr AS (SELECT ac_id,act_labor_hours,activity_log_id,bl_id,cause_type,cf_notes,completed_by,cost_est_labor,cost_est_other,cost_est_parts,cost_est_tools,cost_est_total,cost_labor,cost_other,cost_parts,cost_tools,cost_total,curr_meter_val,date_assigned,date_completed,date_est_completion,date_requested,date_stat_chg,desc_other_costs,description,down_time,dp_id,dv_id,eq_id,est_labor_hours,fl_id,location,msg_delivery_status,option1,option2,phone,pmp_id,pms_id,priority,prob_type,repair_type,requestor,rm_id,satisfaction,satisfaction_notes,status,time_assigned,time_completed,time_requested,time_stat_chg,tr_id,wo_id,wr_id,rsres_id,res_id,rmres_id,vn_id,activity_type,dispatcher,step_status,doc1,manager,doc2,doc3,doc4,site_id,supervisor,date_closed,escalated_completion,time_escalation_completion,time_escalation_response,escalated_response,date_escalation_completion,date_escalation_response,serv_window_days,serv_window_end,serv_window_start,allow_work_on_holidays,work_team_id,lon,lat,geo_objectid,date_esc_comp_orig, date_esc_resp_orig, time_esc_comp_orig, time_esc_resp_orig, parent_wr_id, priority_label, request_params_updated, (IF status = 'R' THEN 0 ELSE (IF status = 'Rev' THEN 1 ELSE (IF status = 'Rej' THEN 2 ELSE (IF status = 'A' THEN 3 ELSE (IF status = 'AA' THEN 4 ELSE (IF status = 'I' THEN 5 ELSE (IF status IN ( 'HP', 'HA', 'HL') THEN 6 ELSE (IF status = 'S' THEN 7 ELSE (IF status = 'Can' THEN 8 ELSE (IF status = 'Com' THEN 9 ELSE 10 ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) AS status_sort FROM wr) UNION ALL (SELECT ac_id,act_labor_hours,activity_log_id,bl_id,cause_type,cf_notes,completed_by,cost_est_labor,cost_est_other,cost_est_parts,cost_est_tools,cost_est_total,cost_labor,cost_other,cost_parts,cost_tools,cost_total,curr_meter_val,date_assigned,date_completed,date_est_completion,date_requested,date_stat_chg,desc_other_costs,description,down_time,dp_id,dv_id,eq_id,est_labor_hours,fl_id,location,msg_delivery_status,option1,option2,phone,pmp_id,pms_id,priority,prob_type,repair_type,requestor,rm_id,satisfaction,satisfaction_notes,status,time_assigned,time_completed,time_requested,time_stat_chg,tr_id,wo_id,wr_id,rsres_id,res_id,rmres_id,vn_id,activity_type,dispatcher,step_status,doc1,manager,doc2,doc3,doc4,site_id,supervisor,date_closed,escalated_completion,time_escalation_completion,time_escalation_response,escalated_response,date_escalation_completion,date_escalation_response,serv_window_days,serv_window_end,serv_window_start,allow_work_on_holidays,work_team_id,lon,lat,geo_objectid, date_esc_comp_orig,date_esc_resp_orig,time_esc_comp_orig,time_esc_resp_orig,parent_wr_id,priority_label,request_params_updated, (IF status = 'R' THEN 0 ELSE (IF status = 'Rev' THEN 1 ELSE (IF status = 'Rej' THEN 2 ELSE (IF status = 'A' THEN 3 ELSE (IF status = 'AA' THEN 4 ELSE (IF status = 'I' THEN 5 ELSE (IF status IN ( 'HP', 'HA', 'HL') THEN 6 ELSE (IF status = 'S' THEN 7 ELSE (IF status = 'Can' THEN 8 ELSE (IF status = 'Com' THEN 9 ELSE 10 ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) ENDIF) AS status_sort FROM hwr);
	SQL VIEW, SCHEMA - hwr_month is missing four fields: time_requested, date_assigned, time_assigned, satisfaction	3048008
		DROP VIEW hwr_month;
		CREATE VIEW hwr_month as select hwr.wr_id,hwr.site_id,hwr.bl_id,hwr.fl_id,hwr.rm_id,hwr.requestor,hwr.status,hwr.dv_id,hwr.dp_id,hwr.ac_id,hwr.repair_type,
    cast(datepart(year,date_requested) as char(4))+'-'+cast(datepart(month,date_requested) as char(2)) as month,
    cast(datepart(year,date_requested) as char(4))+'-'+cast(datepart(week,date_requested) as char(2)) as week,
    eq.eq_std as eq_std,cost_est_total-cost_total as cost_var from
    hwr left outer join eq on hwr.eq_id = eq.eq_id;	

	SQL VIEWS - BLDGOPS - Update SQL files to add fields to two existing On Demand Work SQL views to support Bldg Ops workflow and reporting enhanements	3047636
		modify SQLVIEWS

	INDEX - Create index on helpdesk_step_log.pkey_value to improve performance of Building Operations Console (3047412)
		CREATE INDEX helpdesk_step_log_pkey_value ON helpdesk_step_log (pkey_value);

       SCHEMA - gp_id and ta_id are missing from the hactivity_log table.	3048246


	SCHEMA/SQL VIEWS - Database required changes in abs and sql files for Reservations KB3043641 (3044109)
		DROP VIEW resrmview;
		DROP VIEW rrmonrmcap;
		CREATE VIEW resrmview AS (SELECT bl_id,comments,config_id,cost_rmres,date_cancelled,date_created,date_last_modified,date_rejected,date_start,fl_id,guests_external,guests_internal,recurring_order,res_id,rm_arrange_type_id,rm_id,rmres_id,status,time_end,time_start,user_last_modified_by,verified, attendees_in_room FROM reserve_rm) UNION ALL (SELECT bl_id,comments,config_id,cost_rmres,date_cancelled,date_created,date_last_modified,date_rejected,date_start,fl_id,guests_external,guests_internal,recurring_order,res_id,rm_arrange_type_id,rm_id,rmres_id,status,time_end,time_start,user_last_modified_by,verified, attendees_in_room FROM hreserve_rm);
		CREATE VIEW rrmonrmcap AS SELECT bl.ctry_id, bl.site_id, resrmview.bl_id,resrmview.fl_id,resrmview.rm_id, resrmview.rm_arrange_type_id, resrmview.config_id, resrmview.date_start, resview.dv_id, resview.dp_id, resrmview.time_start, resrmview.time_end, CAST(year(resrmview.date_start) AS VARCHAR(4)) + '-' + (CASE WHEN MONTH(resrmview.date_start) < 10 THEN '0' ELSE '' end) + CAST(MONTH(resrmview.date_start) AS VARCHAR(2)) AS monthtxt, ROUND(CAST((resrmview.attendees_in_room) AS real)/rm_arrange.max_capacity * 100,2) AS capacity_use, resview.status FROM      resrmview      LEFT OUTER JOIN rm_arrange ON rm_arrange.bl_id = resrmview.bl_id AND rm_arrange.fl_id = resrmview.fl_id AND      rm_arrange.rm_id = resrmview.rm_id  AND  rm_arrange.config_id = resrmview.config_id  AND      rm_arrange.rm_arrange_type_id = resrmview.rm_arrange_type_id LEFT OUTER JOIN resview ON resrmview.res_id = resview.res_id      LEFT OUTER JOIN bl ON bl.bl_id = resrmview.bl_id 

	SCHEMA - RESERVATIONS - Review the app and rename all "Reservation name" titles to "Subject".	3047097

	SCHEMA - EAM - Create eq_req_items table (3047867)
	SCHEMA - EAM - Add new disposal and status fields to eq, ta , bl and property tables (3047872)
	SCHEMA - EAM - New table for Asset & Equipment Receipt mobile app (3047772)
	SCHEMA - EAM - Add and update the Criticality, Score, Status, and Scorecard doc fields in the project table	(3047871)
	SCHEMA - EAM - add table and fields definition for Asset transaction history table asset_trans	(3047875)
	SCHEMA - EAM - Telecom - add new fields to eq, eqport, jk, and pnport tables for the new telecom connection functionality being added to EAM	(3047945)
	SCHEMA - EAM - Add gp_id and ta_id fields to activity_log table(3047870)
	SCHEMA - EAM connector schema changes (eq, eqstd, vn)	(3047850)

	SCHEMA - update ARCHIBUS Type and Numeric Format for area and currency fields in sb_items, rmstd, eqstd, eq	3048472
		Make the following updates to sb_items:
		sb_items.unit_area - set ARCHIBUS Type = Area, set Numeric Format = Area
		sb_items.rm_std_area - set ARCHIBUS Type = Area, set Numeric Format = Area
		sb_items.eq_cost - set ARCHIBUS Type = Currency, set Numeric Format = Budget Currency
		sb_items.cost_of_space - set ARCHIBUS Type = Currency, set Numeric Format = Budget Currency
		sb_items.cost_of_furn - set ARCHIBUS Type = Currency, set Numeric Format = Budget Currency
		sb_items.cost_of_move - set ARCHIBUS Type = Currency, set Numeric Format = Budget Currency

		Make the following changes to rmstd:
		rmstd.cost_of_em - set ARCHIBUS Type = Currency, set Numeric Format = Budget Currency
		rmstd.cost_of_furn - set ARCHIBUS Type = Currency, set Numeric Format = Budget Currency
		rmstd.cost_of_move - set ARCHIBUS Type = Currency, set Numeric Format = Budget Currency
		rmstd.cost_of_space - set ARCHIBUS Type = Currency, set Numeric Format = Budget Currency

		Make the following changes to eqstd:
		eqstd.price - set ARCHIBUS Type = Currency, set Numeric Format = Budget Currency
		eqstd.cost_moving - set ARCHIBUS Type = Currency, set Numeric Format = Budget Currency

		Make the following changes to eq:
		eq.cost_dep_value - set ARCHIBUS Type = Currency, set Numeric Format = Budget Currency
		eq.cost_purchase - set ARCHIBUS Type = Currency, set Numeric Format = Budget Currency
		eq.cost_replace - set ARCHIBUS Type = Currency, set Numeric Format = Budget Currency
		eq.value_salvage - set ARCHIBUS Type = Currency, set Numeric Format = Budget Currency

	SCHEMA - EAM - Changes to asset transation table	3048253
		UPDATE afm_flds SET allow_null = 1 WHERE table_name = 'asset_trans' AND field_name IN ('value_new', 'value_old');
		UPDATE afm_flds SET dflt_val = 'Location' WHERE table_name = 'asset_trans' AND field_name = 'trans_type';
		import CSV file.
	SCHEMA - EAM - New field in eq_sync table	3048528
	SCHEMA - EAM - New table for Asset & Equipment	3047772

	SCHEMA, DATA - REPM - for Chart of Accounts Cost Groupings	(3047727)
	SCHEMA - REPM - Manage Property Taxes - Add new fields to existing tables parcel and cost_tran_recur	(3047752)
	SCHEMA - REPM - Add new fields to ccost_sum table   - Taxes and Parcels	3048416

	SCHEMA - SDS - The size of 'mob_locked_by' should be the same as afm_users.user_name (3047722)
		UPDATE afm_flds SET afm_size = 64 WHERE table_name = 'msds_location_sync' AND field_name = 'mob_locked_by';

	SCHEMA - ENERGY - Energy Management Bill/Meter Reconciliation Schema Additions	(3047759)

	SCHEMA, PNAV - EP - Add a new task "Manage Document Library" to the Emergency Preparedness navigator, and required fields to the database (3047105)

	SCHEMA - EP - Add new fields to advisory table to support EP Advisory Bulletin enhancement (3047884)

	SCHEMA,PNAV,WFR - EP - Add new PNav entries and table 'team' to support EP Emergency Contacts enhancement (3047789)
		Import 4 XML files for Schema, WFR, and PNav changes, attached in Doc1

	SCHEMA, DATA - CLEAN BLDG - Add color fields to tables cb_hazard_rank and cb_hazard_rating	(3047647)

	SCHEMA - ML Headings - change 'MSDS' to 'SDS'	3048763 - already done
		UPDATE afm_flds SET ml_heading = 'Date of \x0d\x0aSuperseded SDS' WHERE ml_heading = 'Date of \x0d\x0aSuperseded MSDS';
		UPDATE afm_flds SET ml_heading = 'Date of \x0d\x0aSuperseded SDS' WHERE ml_heading = 'Date of Superseded MSDS';
		UPDATE afm_flds SET ml_heading = 'Provider''s \x0d\x0aSDS ID' WHERE ml_heading = 'Provider''s \x0d\x0aMSDS ID';
		UPDATE afm_flds SET ml_heading = 'SDS \x0d\x0aSource URL' WHERE ml_heading = 'MSDS \x0d\x0aSource URL';

	SCHEMA - ML/SL Heading - Single heading change of MSDS for Mobile KB# 3049079	
		UPDATE afm_flds SET ml_heading = 'SDS Code' WHERE table_name='ehs_chemicals' AND field_name = 'msds_id';
		UPDATE afm_flds SET sl_heading = 'SDS ID' WHERE sl_heading = 'MSDS ID';

	SCHEMA - E&R - Update ML Headings for MSDS --> SDS	3048007
	SCHEMA - ENERGY - Energy Management Bill/Meter Reconciliation Schema Additions	3047759
	SCHEMA - ENERGY - remove new, unused vn_rate_desc field from bill_line% tables	3048571
		UPDATE bill_line SET vn_rate_desc = NULL;
		UPDATE bill_line_archive SET vn_rate_desc = NULL;
		DELETE FROM afm_flds WHERE field_name = 'vn_rate_desc' AND table_name LIKE 'bill_line%';
		alter table bill_line delete vn_rate_desc
		alter table bill_line_archive delete vn_rate_desc


	SCHEMA - New tables and fields for Materials Inventory mobile app (3047232)

	SCHEMA - Mobile - surveymob_sync.mob_locked_by: change Validate Data? from No to Yes(3047005)
		UPDATE afm_flds SET afm_size=64,validate_data=1 where table_name='surveymob_sync'and field_name='mob_locked_by';

	SCHEMA - MOBILE - Add table to support syncing mobile log messages (3047713)

	SCHEMA - error when loading the wr_sync view in Smart Client	3048569
		UPDATE afm_flds SET dep_cols = 'work_team_id' WHERE table_name = 'wr_sync' AND field_name = 'fwd_work_team_id';





	- To get the new fields from the last update into afm_flds_lang run:
			INSERT INTO afm_flds_lang (table_name, field_name) 
				SELECT table_name, field_name FROM afm_flds 
				WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM afm_flds_lang afm_flds_lang_inner
						  WHERE afm_flds_lang_inner.table_name = afm_flds.table_name
						  AND afm_flds_lang_inner.field_name = afm_flds.field_name )

WFR changes

	WFR - New Workflow rule for Materials Inventory mobile app (3047235)

		INSERT INTO afm_wf_rules(is_active,transfer_status,description,dwgname,ehandle,activity_id,rule_id,rule_type,group_name,xml_rule_props) 
		VALUES ('1','NO CHANGE','Materials Inventory mobile app Service',NULL,NULL,'AbRiskMSDS','MsdsMobileService','Message',NULL,'<xml_rule_properties description="Materials Inventory mobile app Service"><eventHandlers>
	class="" method=""> <inputs/>

	WFR - Exchange Listener Scheduled WFR is started a second time after 1 hour(3046107)		
		import the attached csv file to change the repeatCount to 0
	WFR - ProjMgmt - Define new WFR for project service in AbCommonResources	3048319
		INSERT INTO afm_wf_rules (activity_id, rule_id, xml_rule_props, rule_type, is_active) VALUES ('AbCommonResources', 'ProjectService', '<xml_rule_properties description=""><eventHandlers><eventHandler class="com.archibus.service.project.ProjectService" method=""><inputs/></eventHandler></eventHandlers></xml_rule_properties>', 'Message',1)

	WFR - DML changes for connectors in Bali 4(3046424)
		UPDATE afm.afm_wf_rules SET xml_rule_props = '<xml_rule_properties description="Load input file into AFM DB.">      <eventHandlers>        <eventHandler class="" method="">         <inputs>          </inputs>        </eventHandler>      </eventHandlers>    </xml_rule_properties>' WHERE rule_id = 'ConnectorJob';
		UPDATE afm.afm_wf_rules SET xml_rule_props = '<xml_rule_properties description="Load input file into AFM DB.">      <eventHandlers>        <eventHandler class="" method="">         <inputs>          </inputs>        </eventHandler>      </eventHandlers>    </xml_rule_properties>' WHERE rule_id = 'ConnectorService';
		UPDATE afm.afm_wf_rules SET xml_rule_props = '<xml_rule_properties description="">      <eventHandlers>        <eventHandler class="" method="scheduleConnector">          <inputs/>                </eventHandler>      </eventHandlers>    </xml_rule_properties>' WHERE rule_id = 'scheduleConnector';
		INSERT INTO afm.afm_conn_rule_cat (rule_id, class_name) VALUES ('SET USER VALUE', '');
		INSERT INTO afm.afm_conn_rule_cat (rule_id, class_name) VALUES ('SET CONFIG VALUE', '');
		INSERT INTO afm.afm_conn_rule_cat (rule_id, class_name) VALUES ('ADD', '');
		INSERT INTO afm.afm_conn_rule_cat (rule_id, class_name) VALUES ('MIN', '');
		INSERT INTO afm.afm_conn_rule_cat (rule_id, class_name) VALUES ('MAX', '');
		INSERT INTO afm.afm_conn_rule_cat (rule_id, class_name) VALUES ('UPLOAD DOCUMENT', '');
	WFR - Change the WFR definition for the Publish Page Navigation grid refresh (3047390)
		UPDATE afm_wf_rules SET xml_rule_props=REPLACE(xml_rule_props,'"com.archibus.eventhandler.NavigationPagesPublisher" method="getPageNavigationPublishedDates"','"com.archibus.eventhandler.NavigationPagesPublishedDates" method="getPageNavigationPublishedDates"') WHERE activity_id='AbSystemAdministration' AND rule_id='getPageNavigationPublishedDates';

	WFR - ENERGY - Energy Management Bill/Meter Reconciliation -- Workflow Rules (3047760)

	WFR - Compliance - Add new Scheduled WFR For Compliance-BuildingOps Integration (3047691)
	WFR - ENERGY - error when loading view Accounting Supervisor-Review and Approve Bills	3048390
		UPDATE afm_wf_rules SET is_active=1, xml_rule_props='<xml_rule_properties description=""><eventHandlers><eventHandler class="" method=""><inputs/></eventHandler></eventHandlers></xml_rule_properties>'
		WHERE rule_id = 'BillMeterReconciliationService';
		UPDATE afm_wf_rules SET is_active=1, xml_rule_props='<xml_rule_properties description=""><eventHandlers><eventHandler class="" method=""><inputs/></eventHandler></eventHandlers></xml_rule_properties>'
		WHERE rule_id = 'BillProrationService';
	WFR - Environmental & Risk Management- New Workflow rule for Compliance Management Reports	3048660
		INSERT INTO afm_wf_rules(is_active,transfer_status,description,dwgname,ehandle,activity_id,rule_id,rule_type,group_name,xml_rule_props) 
		 VALUES ('1','NO CHANGE','Recurring Schedule Export',NULL,NULL,'AbCommonResources','RecurringScheduleExport','Message',NULL,'<xml_rule_properties description="Recurring Schedule Export"><eventHandlers><eventHandler class="" method=""><inputs/></eventHandler></eventHandlers></xml_rule_properties>');
	WFR - EAM - New Workflow rule for Asset & Equipment Receipt mobile app	(3047767)

		INSERT INTO afm_wf_rules(is_active,transfer_status,description,dwgname,ehandle,activity_id,rule_id,rule_type,group_name,xml_rule_props) 
		VALUES ('1','NO CHANGE','Asset & Equipment Receipt mobile app Service',NULL,NULL,'AbAssetManagement','AssetReceiptMobileService','Message',NULL,'<xml_rule_properties description="Asset and Equipment Receipt mobile app Service"><eventHandlers>
class="" method=""> <inputs/>
</eventHandler></eventHandlers></xml_rule_properties> ')

	WFR - EAM - Add new workflow rule for EAM ProjectRequirementsService	(3047866)

	WFR - EAM - Mobile - Move Asset & Equipment Survey mobile app WFR to the EAM package	(3047940)
		UPDATE afm_wf_rules SET xml_rule_props=replace(xml_rule_props,'','') WHERE activity_id='AbAssetManagement' and rule_id='AssetMobileService'

	WFR - EAM - Add new workflow rule for EAM ProjectRequirementsService	3047866
		update afm_wf_rules set xml_sched_props=null where rule_id='ProjectRequirementsService'
	WFR - EAM - New Workflow rule for Asset & Equipment Receipt Form	3047944
		INSERT INTO afm_wf_rules(is_active,transfer_status,description,dwgname,ehandle,activity_id,rule_id,rule_type,group_name,xml_rule_props) 
		 VALUES ('1','NO CHANGE','Asset Receipt Service',NULL,NULL,'AbAssetEAM','AssetReceiptService','Message',NULL,'<xml_rule_properties description="Asset Receipt Service"><eventHandlers>
<eventHandler class="com.archibus.eventhandler.eam.receipt.AssetReceiptService" method=""><inputs/></eventHandler></eventHandlers></xml_rule_properties>')
		delete from afm_wf_rules where activity_id='AbAssetEAM' and rule_id='AbAssetManagement'
	WFR - EAM - New Workflow rule for Telecom Console	3048136
		INSERT INTO afm_wf_rules(is_active,transfer_status,description,dwgname,ehandle,activity_id,rule_id,rule_type,group_name,xml_rule_props) 
		 VALUES ('1','NO CHANGE','Telecom Service',NULL,NULL,'AbAssetEAM','TelecomService','Message',NULL,'<xml_rule_properties description="Telecom Service"><eventHandlers>
<eventHandler class="com.archibus.eventhandler.eam.telecom.TelecomService" method=""><inputs/></eventHandler></eventHandlers></xml_rule_properties>');
	WFR - Define new WFR for EAM - datachange event listener 	3048782

	WFR - AbSystemAdministration            UserAndSecurityHandler        Description:     Supports Web Central Applications and Mobile apps security and users.
               Active: Yes        Security Group: % 		Rule Type:      Message              

		XML Rule Properties:  <xml_rule_properties description="">  <eventHandlers>  <eventHandler class="" method=""> <inputs/>
    			</eventHandler>   </eventHandlers> </xml_rule_properties>

PNav changes

	PNAV - The Assign Process to Role view is the older one, in Webcentral it is not replaced with a new one (3045671)
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_file = 'ab-sys-role-user-procs.axvw', task_id = 'Assign Processes to Roles or Users' WHERE task_id = 'Assign Processes to Roles';

	PNAV - Smart Client PN has wrong name for GIS (3045902)
		UPDATE afm_processes SET title='Geospatial Extensions for Esri' WHERE activity_id='AbSpaceRoomInventoryBAR' AND process_id='Extensions for ArcGIS (SC-CAD)' AND title='Extensions for ArcGIS';

	PNAV - Remove the "2.0" from the connectors label in the pnav(3045670)
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'ARCHIBUS Connectors' WHERE task_id = 'ARCHIBUS Connectors v2.0'

	PNAV - Rearrange position of some tasks in Compliance Operational Reports process(3047065)

	PNAV - Portfolio Manager Home page needs Portfolio Forecast Wizard task view name updated.(3046688)
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_file = 'ab-alloc-wiz.axvw' WHERE task_file = 'ab-alloc-group.axvw';

	PNAV - Missing Help page for Reserve a Room(3047092)
		UPDATE afm_processes SET help_link='\Subsystems\webc\Content\web_user\res\reserve\create_rm_resource_res.htm' WHERE title LIKE '%Reserve Rooms%';
	PNAV - Enter an HTML5 chart secondary grouping example views to Process Navigator(3046815)
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id,process_id,task_id,task_file,task_type,display_order) VALUES('AbSolutionsUIAddIns','HTML5 Chart Views','Column Chart with One Value Grouped by Two Criteria','ab-ex-htmlchart-one-value-mult-criteria.axvw','WEB URL',2150);
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id,process_id,task_id,task_file,task_type,display_order) VALUES('AbSolutionsUIAddIns','HTML5 Chart Views','Drill-down to a Chart with Secondary Grouping','ab-ex-htmlchart-drill-down-report-from-2d.axvw','WEB URL',2750);

	PNAV - Define Employee view consolidation - Update Pnav entries(3046296)
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_file = 'ab-common-def-em.axvw' WHERE task_file = 'ab-sp-def-em.axvw';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_file = 'ab-common-def-em.axvw' WHERE task_file = 'ab-em-add-or-update.axvw';

	PNAV - Cosmetic error on Asset Portal view name(3045088)
	        UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id='View and Edit Leases by Lessor' where task_id like '%View and Assign Equipment by Lease%';
	        UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id='View and Edit Equipment by Lease' where task_id like '%View and Assign Leases by Lessor%';

	PNAV - Correct task title that apperas in the process navigator to elminate plurals(3047176)
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id='Define Cost Classes' WHERE task_id like '%Define Costs Classes%';

	PNAV - Commissoning - Define Assessment Questionnaires -  Rename process task and view file name (Ref. KB 3045369) - (3047073)
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id,process_id,task_id,task_file,task_type,display_order) VALUES('AbProjCommissioning','Set Up','Define Commissioning Questionnaires','ab-questionnaire-commissioning-edit.axvw','WEB URL',2100);
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id,process_id,task_id,task_file,task_type,display_order) VALUES('AbRiskES','Business Process Owner','Define Assessment Environment Questionnaires','ab-questionnaire-assessment-environment-edit.axvw','WEB URL',1100);

	PNAV - Add two existing tasks to the energy mgmt pnav to support submetering(3045394)

	PNAV - EP - Update PNAV for revised Emergency Prep App	(3047880)

	PNAV - EnvSust - View Title Does Not Match PNav Title	(3046068)
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'Manage Sustainability Assessment Items' WHERE task_file = 'ab-ca-mng-ca-itms.axvw' AND activity_id = 'AbRiskES';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'Manage My Sustainability Assessment Items' WHERE task_file = 'ab-ca-my-ca-itms.axvw' AND activity_id = 'AbRiskES';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'Manage Condition Assessment Items' WHERE task_file = 'ab-ca-mng-ca-itms.axvw' AND activity_id = 'AbCapitalPlanningCA';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'Manage My Condition Assessment Items' WHERE task_file = 'ab-ca-my-ca-itms.axvw' AND activity_id = 'AbCapitalPlanningCA';

	PNAV - Compliance - Add PNav entry for new report for Compliance-BuildingOps integration (3047534)
		import attached file
		DELETE FROM afm_ptasks WHERE activity_id='AbRiskCompliance' and process_id='Operational Reports' and task_id='----';

	PNAV - SYSTEM - Add View Mobile Log to System Administration / Mobile Apps Manager (ref. KB 3047742)	(3047743)
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id, process_id, task_id, task_file, task_type, display_order) VALUES('AbSystemAdministration','Mobile Apps Manager','View Mobile Log','ab-mobile-log.axvw','WEB URL', 700);
	PNAV - SYSTEM - Metrics Email Notifications - Map new tasks to System Admin/ Add-In Manager/ Metrics	(3047756)
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id, process_id, task_id, task_file, task_type, display_order) VALUES('AbSystemAdministration','Add-In Manager','Define Notification Categories for Metrics','ab-def-notifycat-metrics.axvw','WEB URL', 492);
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id, process_id, task_id, task_file, task_type, display_order) VALUES('AbSystemAdministration','Add-In Manager','Define Notification Messages for Metrics','ab-def-notify-msgs-metrics.axvw','WEB URL',494);
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id, process_id, task_id, task_file, task_type, display_order) VALUES('AbSystemAdministration','Add-In Manager','Manage Notification Templates for Metrics','ab-notify-template-metrics.axvw','WEB URL',496);
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id, process_id, task_id, task_file, task_type, display_order) VALUES('AbSystemAdministration','Add-In Manager','View Notifications Log for Metrics','ab-notifications-log-metrics.axvw','WEB URL',498);

	PNAV - ENERGY - Tasks for Bill Meter Reconciliation and Proration views, new bill summary reports, and task re-ordering (3047781)
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'Utility Analytics' WHERE task_id = 'Analytics' AND activity_id='AbRiskEnergyManagement' AND process_id='Energy Manager';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'Process Meter Readings' WHERE task_id = 'Process BAS Data';
		import XML file.
		DELETE FROM afm_ptasks WHERE activity_id = 'AbRiskEnergyManagement' AND task_id = 'Analytics';
		DELETE FROM afm_ptasks WHERE activity_id = 'AbRiskEnergyManagement' AND process_id='Energy Manager' AND task_id = '-';
		DELETE FROM afm_ptasks WHERE activity_id = 'AbRiskEnergyManagement' AND process_id='Energy Manager' AND task_id = 'Utility Bill Metrics' AND display_order = 2700;
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'Utility Bill Metrics', display_order= 400 WHERE activity_id = 'AbRiskEnergyManagement' AND task_id = 'Utility Metrics' AND process_id='Energy Manager';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'Utility Reports' WHERE activity_id = 'AbRiskEnergyManagement' AND task_id = 'Reports' AND process_id='Energy Manager';

	PNAV - Solutions - GIS - Add entries for new Leaflet map technology examples	(3047877)

	PNAV - Compliance - Move new Compliance-BldgOps Reports to separate Process	(3047788)
		Import the attached (Doc1) xml file to create the new Compliance process
		UPDATE afm.afm_ptasks SET process_id='Work Status Reports'
		WHERE activity_id='AbRiskCompliance' AND task_id in ('Programs with Overdue PM Schedules','Programs with Overdue Work','Programs with Active Work','Compliance Work History')

		DELETE FROM afm.afm_ptasks wHERE  activity_id='AbRiskCompliance' AND process_id='Operational Reports' AND task_id='-----'

	PNAV - EH&S - Add task for "Manage Document Library" and change the task name of other existing one	(3047035)
		DELETE FROM afm_ptasks WHERE activity_id ='AbRiskEHS' AND process_id='EHS - Documentation' AND task_id='Track Documents';

	PNAV - SDS - Add PNav Entries for MSDS Sub-Room Location definition view (3047737)
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks (activity_id,process_id,task_id,task_file,task_type,display_order) VALUES ('AbRiskMSDS','Business Process Owner - Facilit','Define Subroom Locations','ab-sp-def-loc-subrm.axvw','WEB URL',800);
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks (activity_id,process_id,task_id,task_file,task_type,display_order) VALUES ('AbRiskMSDS','Business Process Owner - Facilit','-',NULL,'LABEL',150);
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks (activity_id,process_id,task_id,task_file,task_type,display_order) VALUES ('AbRiskMSDS','Business Process Owner - Facilit','--',NULL,'LABEL',850);

	PNAV - SDS - Multiple updates to SDS (MSDS) Process Navigator entries	(3047828)

	PNAV - REPM - Manage Property Taxes - Add NEW tasks required to manage parcels and property taxes	(3047757)
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks (activity_id,process_id,task_id,display_order) VALUES ('AbRPLMCosts','Business Process Owner','---',600);
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks (activity_id,process_id,task_id,task_file,task_type,display_order) VALUES ('AbRPLMCosts','Business Process Owner','Manage Parcels','ab-rplm-manage-parcels-tax.axvw','WEB URL',700);
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks (activity_id,process_id,task_id,task_file,task_type,display_order) VALUES ('AbRPLMCosts','Business Process Owner','Contacts','ab-ca-cont-rep.axvw','WEB URL',800);

		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks (activity_id,process_id,task_id,display_order) VALUES ('AbRPLMCosts','Cost Administrator','-------',1000);
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks (activity_id,process_id,task_id,task_file,task_type,display_order) VALUES ('AbRPLMCosts','Cost Administrator','Manage Tax Action Items','ab-rplm-tax-activity-items.axvw','WEB URL',1100);
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks (activity_id,process_id,task_id,task_file,task_type,display_order) VALUES ('AbRPLMCosts','Cost Administrator','View Tax Costs','ab-rplm-cost-mgmt-cost-rep-tax.axvw','WEB URL',1200);
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks (activity_id,process_id,task_id,display_order) VALUES ('AbRPLMCosts','Cost Administrator','--------',1500);

	PNAV - ENERGY - Add new task for editing archived utility bills	(3047887)
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks (activity_id,process_id,task_id,task_type,display_order) VALUES ('AbRiskEnergyManagement','BPO - Utilities','---','LABEL','800');
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks (activity_id,process_id,task_id,task_file,task_type,display_order) VALUES ('AbRiskEnergyManagement','BPO - Utilities','Edit Archived Bills','ab-energy-bill-archive-edit-tabs.axvw','WEB URL','900');

	PNAV - SPACE - Change task "Space Planning Console" to "Workspace Transactions Console".	(3047730)
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'Workspace Transactions Console' WHERE task_id = 'Space Planning Console';

	PNAV - REPM - Update the Portfolio Forecasting PNav with additional background data tasks and updated Space & Portfolio Planning Console	(3047731)
		1) Run the SQL in Document 1 to delete tasks associated with the current Background Data and Portfolio Forecasting processes.
		2) Import the CSV file in Document 2 to replace those processes removed in step 1.

	PNAV - BLDGOPS - Create new processes for use with the Building Operations Console in the HQ - Canonic database	(3047734)
		import 01_afm_processes.csv
		import 02_afm_ptasks.csv

	PNAV - EAM - entries for Asset Management and Enterprise Asset Management	(3047923)		
		import eam_afm_activities.xlsx -- New Asset Management and Enterprise Asset Management activities
		import eam_afm_actprods.xlsx -- Assigns new activities to existing Asset Management domain
		import eam_afm_processes.xlsx -- New processes for all new activities
		import eam_afm_ptasks.xlsx -- New tasks for all new processes

	PNAV - SPACE - Add Space Planning application, processes, tasks, role access, and domain association	(3047739)

	PNAV - SPACE - Add the Edit Print and Drawing Attributes task to the Space Inventory, Background Data process	(3047740)

	PNAV - BLDGOPS - Extra Process are shown for On Demand Work application.	(3047702)
			apply the afm_roleprocs updates

	PNAV - Add the Strategic Space Planning / Space Planner role and its tasks to the Smart Client PNav	3048353
	PNAV - Add HTML5 Markup Control sample views to Process Navigator	3048314
		Path: Technologies / User Interface Add-Ins / HTML5 Markup Control / Markup Control with Floor Plan
		The new "HTML5 Markup Control" process should be added between "HTML5 Drawing Views" and "Dashboard Views"
	PNAV - Add Process Navigator entries for Stack Control.	3048295
	PNAV - Add task for managing reference documents to Building Operations BPO processes	3048290
	PNAV - EAM - Smart Client and Smart Client Extensions menu for EAM	3048436
	PNAV - EAM - Wherever the item" Asset Lifecycle Console" is listed, it is misspelled as "Asset 'Lifecyle' Console"	3048027
		delete from afm_ptasks where task_id like 'Asset Lifecyle Console'(Added by the KB above)
	PNAV - ENERGY - Correction Energy Management	3048484
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_file = 'ab-energy-bill-prorate.axvw' WHERE task_file = 'an-energy-bills-prorate.axvw' OR task_file = 'ab-energy-bills-prorate.axvw';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'Prorate Utility Bills' WHERE task_id = 'Utility Bill Proration';
	PNAV - Enterprise Asset Management - PNav for Reports	3048587
	PNAV - EP - Extra title in Executive process on PN for Emergency Preparedness	3048029
		UPDATE afm_processes SET process_id = 'Executive Reports' WHERE activity_id = 'AbRiskEmergencyPreparedness' AND process_id = 'Executive';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET process_id = 'Executive Reports' WHERE activity_id = 'AbRiskEmergencyPreparedness' AND process_id = 'Executive';
		UPDATE afm_roleprocs SET role_name = 'EXECUTIVE MANAGER (ACP)' WHERE role_name = '4 - PROCESS OWNER (ACP)' AND activity_id = 'AbRiskEmergencyPreparedness' AND process_id LIKE 'Executive%'
		DELETE FROM afm_ptasks WHERE activity_id = 'AbRiskEmergencyPreparedness' AND task_id = 'Managers';
		DELETE FROM afm_roleprocs WHERE activity_id = 'AbRiskEmergencyPreparedness' AND process_id LIKE 'Executive%' AND role_name NOT LIKE 'EXECUTIVE MANAGER%';

	PNAV - EP - help topics for new PN process entries	3048028
		UPDATE afm_processes SET help_link = '/Subsystems/webc/Content/emerg_prep/doc/doc_library.htm' WHERE activity_id = 'AbRiskEmergencyPreparedness' AND process_id = 'Documentation'
	PNAV - EP - Update PN name in two places for Emergency Prep	3048067
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'Highlight Hazardous Materials' WHERE activity_id LIKE '%Emergency%' AND task_id = 'Highlight Hazardous Chemical Locations';
	PNAV - Manage Property Taxes - New task	3048215
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id, process_id, task_id, task_file, task_type, display_order) VALUES('AbRPLMCosts','Business Process Owner','Define Action Types for Taxes','ab-rplm-tax-activitytype-edit.axvw','WEB URL', 750);
	PNAV - Metrics - Remap task entries to updated view file names	3048276
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_file = 'ab-metric-metrics-def.axvw' WHERE activity_id='AbSystemAdministration' and process_id='Add-In Manager' and task_id='Define Metrics'
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_file = 'ab-metric-gran-def.axvw' WHERE activity_id='AbSystemAdministration' and process_id='Add-In Manager' and task_id='Define Granularities'
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_file = 'ab-metric-scorecard-def.axvw' WHERE activity_id='AbSystemAdministration' and process_id='Add-In Manager' and task_id='Define Scorecards'
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_file = 'ab-metric-trend-values.axvw' WHERE activity_id='AbSystemAdministration' and process_id='Add-In Manager' and task_id='Metrics Trend Values'
	PNAV - Mobile Apps Manager - Rename task from "Select Plan Types" to "Manage Plan Types"	3048339
		update afm_ptasks set task_id='Manage Plan Types' WHERE task_file='ab-sp-space-book-plan-types.axvw'
	PNAV - Port FCast - Add reports made for Strategice Space Planning to the Portfolio Forecasting application as well.	3048648
	PNAV - Property Taxes - Add new task to define contacts, move Contacts report to Cost Administrator	3048635
		delete from afm_ptasks WHERE activity_id='AbRPLMCosts' and process_id='Business Process Owner' and task_id='Contacts'
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id, process_id, task_id, task_file, task_type, display_order) VALUES('AbRPLMCosts','Business Process Owner','Define Contacts','ab-ca-def-cont.axvw','WEB URL', 750);
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id, process_id, task_id, task_file, task_type, display_order) VALUES('AbRPLMCosts','Cost Administrator','Contacts','ab-ca-cont-rep.axvw','WEB URL', 1300);

	PNAV - Smart Client PN has wrong name for GIS	3045902
	PNAV - Solutions - GIS - Add entries for new Leaflet map technology examples	3047877
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'Enhanced Maps - Extensions for Esri' WHERE task_id = 'Enhanced Maps - Extensions' AND activity_id='AbSolutionsUIAddIns' AND process_id='GIS Views';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET display_order = 2500, task_id = 'Map with Multi-Datasource (Leaflet)', task_file = 'ab-leaflet-multi-datasource-map.axvw' WHERE activity_id = 'AbSolutionsUIAddIns' AND process_id = 'GIS Views' AND task_id = 'Map with Esri Base and Data Layers Selectors (Leaflet)';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET display_order = 2600, task_id = 'Map with Marker Action (Leaflet)', task_file = 'ab-leaflet-marker-action.axvw' WHERE activity_id = 'AbSolutionsUIAddIns' AND process_id = 'GIS Views' AND task_id = 'Thematic Unique Value Markers - Numeric (Leaflet)';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET display_order = 2700, task_id = 'Map with Layers - Esri (Leaflet)', task_file = 'ab-leaflet-esri-switch-layers.axvw' WHERE activity_id = 'AbSolutionsUIAddIns' AND process_id = 'GIS Views' AND task_id = 'Map with Esri Base Layers Selector (Leaflet)';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET display_order = 2800, task_id = 'Map with Layers - Google (Leaflet)', task_file = 'ab-leaflet-google-switch-layers.axvw' WHERE activity_id = 'AbSolutionsUIAddIns' AND process_id = 'GIS Views' AND task_id = 'Map with Google Base Layers Selector (Leaflet)';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET display_order = 2900, task_file = 'ab-leaflet-esri-geocode.axvw' WHERE activity_id = 'AbSolutionsUIAddIns' AND process_id = 'GIS Views' AND task_id = 'Map with Address Geocoder (Leaflet)';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET display_order = 3000, task_id = 'Map with Asset Locator (Leaflet)', task_file = 'ab-leaflet-locate-asset.axvw' WHERE activity_id = 'AbSolutionsUIAddIns' AND process_id = 'GIS Views' AND task_id = 'Map with Asset Locator (Leaflet)';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET display_order = 4000 WHERE activity_id = 'AbSolutionsUIAddIns' AND process_id = 'GIS Views' AND task_id = '-';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET display_order = 4100 WHERE activity_id = 'AbSolutionsUIAddIns' AND process_id = 'GIS Views' AND task_id = 'Simple Markers (Leaflet)';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET display_order = 4200, task_id = 'Simple Clustered Markers (Leaflet)' WHERE activity_id = 'AbSolutionsUIAddIns' AND process_id = 'GIS Views' AND task_id = 'Simple Cluster Markers (Leaflet)';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET display_order = 4300, task_id = 'Thematic (Unique Value) Markers (Leaflet)' WHERE activity_id = 'AbSolutionsUIAddIns' AND process_id = 'GIS Views' AND task_id = 'Thematic Unique Value Markers (Leaflet)';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET display_order = 4400, task_id = 'Thematic (Class Break) Markers (Leaflet)', task_file = 'ab-leaflet-map-thematic-class-break-renderer.axvw' WHERE activity_id = 'AbSolutionsUIAddIns' AND process_id = 'GIS Views' AND task_id = 'Thematic Class Break Markers (Leaflet)';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET display_order = 4500 WHERE activity_id = 'AbSolutionsUIAddIns' AND process_id = 'GIS Views' AND task_id = 'Graduated Markers (Leaflet)';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET display_order = 4600, task_id = 'Thematic (Unique Value) Graduated Markers (Leaflet)' WHERE activity_id = 'AbSolutionsUIAddIns' AND 		process_id = 'GIS Views' AND task_id = 'Thematic (Unique Value)-Graduated Markers (Leaflet)';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET display_order = 4700, task_id = 'Thematic (Class Break) Graduated Markers (Leaflet)' WHERE activity_id = 'AbSolutionsUIAddIns' AND 		process_id = 'GIS Views' AND task_id = 'Thematic (Class-Break)-Graduated Markers (Leaflet)';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET display_order = 4800, task_file='ab-leaflet-map-proportional-renderer.axvw' WHERE activity_id = 'AbSolutionsUIAddIns' AND process_id = 'GIS Views' AND task_id = 'Proportional Markers (Leaflet)';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET display_order = 4900, task_id = 'Thematic (Unique Value) Proportional Markers (Leaflet)',task_file='ab-leaflet-map-thematic-proportional-unique-value-renderer.axvw' WHERE activity_id = 'AbSolutionsUIAddIns' AND process_id = 'GIS Views' AND task_id = 'Thematic (Unique Value)-Proportional Markers (Leaflet)';
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks (activity_id,process_id,task_id,task_type,task_file,display_order) VALUES ('AbSolutionsUIAddIns','GIS Views','Thematic (Class Break) Proportional Markers (Leaflet)','WEB URL','ab-leaflet-map-thematic-proportional-class-break-renderer.axvw',5000);
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_type = 'LABEL', display_order = 6000, task_id = '--', task_file = '' WHERE activity_id = 'AbSolutionsUIAddIns' AND process_id = 'GIS Views' AND task_id = '--';
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks (activity_id,process_id,task_id,task_type,task_file,display_order) VALUES ('AbSolutionsUIAddIns','GIS Views','Floor Plan Geometry from JSON (Leaflet)','WEB URL','ab-leaflet-map-geometry-from-json.axvw',6100);

	PNAV - Space Planning - Correct application and process icons on PNav for new application Strategic Space Planning	3048289
		UPDATE afm_activities SET icon_small = 'ab-icon-space-allroom.gif' WHERE activity_id = 'AbSpacePlanning';
	PNAV - SPACE PLANNING - Help topic links for the new Strategic Space Planning processes	3048034
		import .csv attached
	PNAV - SYSTEM - Mobile Apps Manager - Add task: "Pending Mobile Occupancy Surveys"  (ref. KB 3046872)	3048345
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id, process_id, task_id, task_file, task_type, display_order) 
		VALUES('AbSystemAdministration','Mobile Apps Manager','Pending Mobile Occupancy Surveys','ab-mob-occup-survey-pending.axvw','WEB URL', 800);
	PNAV - Updated PNAV help links for EAM and Compliance 	3048595

	PNAV - Telecom Smart Client Extension PNAV Entries 	3048713

	PNAV - REPM - New ptasks for Chart of Accounts views	3048711

	PNAV - Assign EAM Mobile App Security Group to roles	3048700

	PNAV - EAM - Add Edit Rmstd task to EAM for licensing	 3048749
	PNAV - EP is missing the tasks for defining the document folders and types	3048753

	PNAV - EAM - Telecom PNAV picks	3048760

	PNAV, DATA - EAM Home Page & Metrics	3048719

	PNAV - Database Help links for three EAM processes are wrong	KB# 3048864

	PNAV - EAM Navigator Updates	KB# 3049050

	PNAV - Smart Client - Add PNAV Entries for Populate Faceplates and Populate Panels	KB# 3049042
	PNAV - Updated PNAV entry to include publishing of faceplates and panels with publishing of equipment and jacks	KB# 3049052

	PNAV, DATA - Asset Home Page and Metrics	KB# 3049051

	PNAV - EP - Task & title consistency for Emergency Preparedness KB# 3048081
		UPDATE afm_processes SET title = 'Emergency Response and Recovery Teams' WHERE title = 'Emergency Response & Recovery Teams';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'View Egress and Occupancy Plans' WHERE task_id = 'View Egress & Occupancy Plans';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'Egress and Occupants' WHERE task_id = 'Egress & Occupants';

	PNAV - EAM Add Document Template picks to PNav 3049091

	PNAV - correct misspelling of Emerg Prep PTask entry	KB# 3049228
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'Highlight Hazard Assessments' WHERE task_id = 'Highlight Hazard Assesments';

	PNAV - add task entry for new Hazmat view for archived records (ab-msds-old-rpt-search.axvw)	KB# 3049234

	afm_roleprocs update
			INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs ( activity_id, process_id, role_name )  
				SELECT afm_processes.activity_id, afm_processes.process_id, 'EXECUTIVE MANAGER' 
				FROM afm_processes, afm_activities 
				WHERE afm_activities.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id
				AND afm_activities.is_active = 1 AND afm_processes.is_active = 1 
				AND afm_processes.process_id IN ('Executive Reports','Process' )
				AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM afm_roleprocs WHERE role_name = 'EXECUTIVE MANAGER' 
							AND afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id 
							AND afm_roleprocs.process_id = afm_processes.process_id );	

			INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs ( activity_id, process_id, role_name )  
				SELECT afm_processes.activity_id, afm_processes.process_id, 'EXECUTIVE MANAGER (ACP)' 
				FROM afm_processes, afm_activities 
				WHERE afm_activities.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id
				AND afm_activities.is_active = 1 AND afm_processes.is_active = 1 
				AND afm_processes.process_id IN ('Executive Reports','Process' )
				AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM afm_roleprocs WHERE role_name = 'EXECUTIVE MANAGER (ACP)' 
							AND afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id 
							AND afm_roleprocs.process_id = afm_processes.process_id );

			INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs ( activity_id, process_id, role_name )  
				SELECT afm_processes.activity_id, afm_processes.process_id, '4 - PROCESS OWNER' 
				FROM afm_processes, afm_activities 
				WHERE afm_activities.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id
				AND afm_activities.is_active = 1 AND afm_processes.is_active = 1 
				AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM afm_roleprocs WHERE role_name = '4 - PROCESS OWNER' 
							AND afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id 
							AND afm_roleprocs.process_id = afm_processes.process_id );
			INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs ( activity_id, process_id, role_name )  
				SELECT afm_processes.activity_id, afm_processes.process_id, '4 - PROCESS OWNER (ACP)' 
				FROM afm_processes, afm_activities 
				WHERE afm_activities.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id
				AND afm_activities.is_active = 1 AND afm_processes.is_active = 1 
				AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM afm_roleprocs WHERE role_name = '4 - PROCESS OWNER (ACP)' 
							AND afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id 
							AND afm_roleprocs.process_id = afm_processes.process_id );

			INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs ( activity_id, process_id, role_name )  
				SELECT afm_processes.activity_id, afm_processes.process_id, 'ACTIVITY LICENSEE' 
				FROM afm_processes, afm_activities 
				WHERE afm_activities.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id
				AND afm_activities.is_active = 1 AND afm_processes.is_active = 1 
				AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM afm_roleprocs WHERE role_name = 'ACTIVITY LICENSEE' 
							AND afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id 
							AND afm_roleprocs.process_id = afm_processes.process_id );

			DELETE FROM afm_roleprocs WHERE (SELECT is_active FROM afm_processes WHERE
				afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id AND afm_roleprocs.process_id = afm_processes.process_id ) = 0
					OR (SELECT is_active FROM afm_activities WHERE afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_activities.activity_id  ) = 0
					OR process_id LIKE '%rmtrans%';

				AND process_id IN ('Executive Reports','Process' );

			INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs ( activity_id, process_id, role_name )  
				SELECT afm_processes.activity_id, afm_processes.process_id, '4 - SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR' 
				FROM afm_processes, afm_activities 
				WHERE afm_activities.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id
				AND afm_activities.is_active = 1 AND afm_processes.is_active = 1 
				AND afm_activities.activity_id = 'AbSystemAdministration'
				AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM afm_roleprocs WHERE role_name = '4 - SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR'
							AND afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id 
							AND afm_roleprocs.process_id = afm_processes.process_id );

			INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs ( activity_id, process_id, role_name )  
				SELECT afm_processes.activity_id, afm_processes.process_id, 'SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR' 
				FROM afm_processes, afm_activities 
				WHERE afm_activities.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id
				AND afm_activities.is_active = 1 AND afm_processes.is_active = 1 
				AND afm_activities.activity_id = 'AbSystemAdministration'
							AND afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id 
							AND afm_roleprocs.process_id = afm_processes.process_id );

			INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs ( activity_id, process_id, role_name )  
				SELECT afm_processes.activity_id, afm_processes.process_id, 'SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR (ACP)' 
				FROM afm_processes, afm_activities 
				WHERE afm_activities.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id
				AND afm_activities.is_active = 1 AND afm_processes.is_active = 1 
				AND afm_activities.activity_id = 'AbSystemAdministration'
							AND afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id 
							AND afm_roleprocs.process_id = afm_processes.process_id );
Data changes

	DATA - Work request created by Reservation doesn't have correct ordering seq. (3047310)
		DELETE FROM helpdesk_sla_request WHERE prob_type = 'RES. CLEANUP'

	DATA - Why does Sybase canonic database have 743 records in lang_files(3046394)
		DELETE FROM lang_files;

	DATA - Update the list of Countries utilizing the Euro(3046393)
		UPDATE afm_currencies SET comments='Euro - used in Austria,	Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia and Spain'
WHERE description='European Euro';

	DATA - There is only one building under site'ATHENS-U',but on site map,there are 2 buildings avaliable and selectable(3045889)

	DATA - Sample data site id for bas_measurement_scope where bl_id='DALLASOF'(3045687)
		UPDATE bas_measurement_scope SET site_id='DALSTE2' WHERE data_point_id=9;

	DATA - Sample Data error in rm table(3046090)
		UPDATE rm SET count_em=(SELECT count(*) FROM em WHERE rm.bl_id=em.bl_id AND rm.fl_id=em.fl_id AND rm.rm_id = em.rm_id)
	DATA - Portfolio Forecasting Sample Data Change(3045572)
		UPDATE ls SET date_end = '2014-11-30' WHERE ls_id='L-DRP-03-2013';

	DATA - New security groups used by Materials Inventory mobile app(3047236)
		INSERT INTO afm_groups(group_name,group_title) VALUES('RISK-MSDS-MOB','Review features of mobile Materials Inventory App.');
		INSERT INTO afm_groups(group_name,group_title) VALUES('RISK-MSDS-MOB-ED','Review and edit features of mobile Materials Inventory App.');
		INSERT INTO afm_groups(group_name,group_title) VALUES('RISK-MSDS-MOB-INV','Review and inventory features of mobile Material Inventory App.');

	DATA - Need a record in the afm_dwgs table to support the ATHENS-U-CAMPUS drawing(3045648)
		INSERT INTO afm_dwgs (dwg_name, base_metric_units, report_height, report_scale, report_title_position, report_width, space_hier_field_values, title, units, dwg_file, report_height_tabloid, report_width_tabloid)
		VALUES ('ATHENS-U-CAMPUS', 1, 3.0, 1, 1, 5.0, 'ATHENS-U', 'Athens University Campus', 1, 'athens-u-campus.dwg', 10.0, 16.0)

	DATA - METRICS: Spell & Syntax Corrections for Metrics' Definitions(3046185)
	DATA - METRICS & HOME PAGES: There are two typos in the text for the Area Per Occupant metric. Also a suggested rewording for the Description text (2 smalll errors there) (3046000)
		see the KB 3046185;
		UPDATE afm_metric_trend_values SET collect_by_value='HUMAN RESOURCES-NEW ENGLAND' WHERE collect_by_value='HUMAN REOURCES-NEW ENGLAND';

	DATA - JS Map: In MS-SQL the map for an entire region does not show the markers(3044713)
		UPDATE regloc, compliance_locations SET lat=31.04, lon=-91.836 WHERE state_id='la' AND regloc.location_id=compliance_locations.location_id;
		UPDATE regloc, compliance_locations SET lat=28.1, lon=-81.6 WHERE state_id='fl' AND regloc.location_id=compliance_locations.location_id;

	DATA - HQ Demo data: adjust buildings' latitude & longitude values and addresses to better match reality and remove overlaps(3047340)

	DATA - External gros missing from Scenario Code Select Value.(3045720)
		UPDATE bl SET area_gross_ext = 380000 WHERE bl_id = 'LX';

	DATA - Execute SQL to populate site lat & lon values based on building locations(3047341)
		UPDATE site s SET lat = (SELECT AVG(lat) FROM bl WHERE bl.site_id = s.site_id AND IS NOT NULL), lon=(SELECT AVG(lon) FROM bl WHERE bl.site_id = s.site_id AND bl.lon IS NOT NULL) WHERE s.geo_objectid IS NULL AND IS NULL AND s.lon IS NULL;

	DATA - Create Application Parameter for DemoMode(3045667)
		INSERT INTO afm_activity_params (activity_id, param_id, description, param_value ) VALUES ( 'AbSystemAdministration', 'DemoMode', 'Set value to 1 to have views restrict to demonstration data.', '0' )

	DATA - CPM connectors to be added to AFM Connector tables(3045730)
		import abprojcapbud-ez-on-ramp-01_afm_connector.csv,
		import  abprojcapbud-ez-on-ramp-02_afm_conn_flds.csv

	DATA - Connector Example Data(3047296)
		import projects/hq/datafeeds/solutions/connectors/installs/connector_v2_examples_r1.csv
		import projects/hq/datafeeds/solutions/connectors/installs/connector_flds_v2_examples_r1.csv

	DATA - COBie(3047245)

	DATA - add workflow steps to afm_wf_steps to support Change, Return, and Reject actions(3047391)
		attached .CSV file for import into afm_wf_steps(depends on 3047347)

	DATA - add security group VIEW-ALL-WORK-REQUESTS(3047392)
		add  VIEW-ALL-WORK-REQUESTS group (see attached)

	DATA - Add new plan type for Materials Inventory mobile app(3047250)
		INSERT INTO active_plantypes(title,plan_type,view_file,hs_ds,label_ds,label_ht) VALUES('Inventory','18 - INVENTORY','ab-risk-material-inventory.axvw','inventoryRmHighlightDs','inventoryRmLabelDs',0.5)
		UPDATE active_plantypes SET title='Materials Inventory' WHERE plan_type='18 - INVENTORY';

	DATA - Add messages to database for Move Mgmt(3047083)

	DATA - Add descriptions for new connector rules(3047248)

	DATA - Add activity parameters to EH&S to be used by notification emails(3046993)

	DATA - add a message to notify supervisors when a craftsperson returns a work request(3047393)

	DATA - Activate Materials Inventory mobile app by adding it into afm_mobile_apps table(3047233)
		INSERT INTO afm_mobile_apps(activity_id,title,main_page_url,security_group,display_order) 
VALUES('AbMaterialInventory','Materials Inventory','MaterialInventory/index.html','RISK-MSDS-MOB',650)

	DATA - Bldgs - Fix additional invalid/inconsistent geographic hierarchy data in the building table (Bali4)	(3045445)
		import XML file updates property.site_id for 7 properties.
		import XML file updates bl.site_id for 4 buildings.
		execute the SQL file

	DATA - Reservations - Error in Reservations Demo data - not correct Excluded configurations	(3045748)
		add "'" as prefix for not null excluded configurations

	DATA - EAM - New security group used by Asset & Equipment Receipt mobile app	(3047766)
		INSERT INTO afm_groups(group_name, group_title) VALUES ('ASSET-REG-MOB','Asset & Equipment Receipt');

	DATA - EAM - Activate Asset & Equipment Receipt mobile app by adding it into afm_mobile_apps table	(3047765)
		INSERT INTO afm_mobile_apps(activity_id,security_group,title,main_page_url,display_order) VALUES ('AbAssetReceipt','ASSET-REG-MOB','Asset & Equipment Registration','AssetReceipt/index.html', '550');

	DATA - SDS - Rename the security groups used by Materials Inventory mobile app	(3047773)
		UPDATE afm_groups SET group_name='RISK-HAZMAT-MOB' WHERE group_name='RISK-MSDS-MOB';
		UPDATE afm_groups SET group_name='RISK-HAZMAT-MOB-ED' WHERE group_name='RISK-MSDS-MOB-ED';
		UPDATE afm_groups SET group_name='RISK-HAZMAT-MOB-INV' WHERE group_name='RISK-MSDS-MOB-INV';

	DATA - ENERGY - Energy Management Bill/Meter Reconciliation - Sample Data	(3047761)
	DATA - SDS - Update app information for Materials Inventory app	(3047774)
		UPDATE afm_mobile_apps set security_group='RISK-HAZMAT-MOB', title='Hazardous Materials', activity_id='AbHazardousMaterials' where activity_id='AbMaterialInventory'

	DATA - E&R - Change some bill_archive records in which the site_id doesn't match the current assigned site_id to the building	(3047776)
		UPDATE bill_archive SET site_id = 'DALSTE2' WHERE bl_id='DALLASOF' AND site_id='DALSTE1'
		UPDATE bill_archive SET site_id = 'MARKET' WHERE bl_id='I202' AND site_id='OLDCITY'
		UPDATE bas_measurement_scope SET site_id='DALSTE2' WHERE bl_id='DALLASOF' AND site_id='DALSTE1';

	DATA - Reservations - New activity parameter required: Outlook Plugin - require specifying the capacity before saving the reservation	(3045887)
	DATA - CONNECTORS - EAM connector data changes (afm_conn_rule_cat, afm_connector, afm_conn_flds)	(3047898)
	DATA - ACTIVITY PARAMS - BLDGOPS - Add two application parameters to Bldg Ops in order to control behavior of Bldg Ops Console, to improve performance	(3047926)
	DATA - Reservations - Outlook Plugin messages for KB 3047716 and quantity label for KB 3047824 (3047973)
	DATA - ACTIVITY PARAMS - REPM - Manage Property Taxes - Create Activity Parameter to identify Property Tax Actions	(3047853)

	DATA - CPM - for CPM-PjM-Project Templates	(3047782)
		INSERT INTO projecttype(project_type, description) VALUES ('Upgrade','Upgrade project');
		INSERT INTO projecttype(project_type, description) VALUES ('Upgrade/Refurbish','Upgrade/Refurbish project');
		INSERT INTO projecttype(project_type, description) VALUES ('IT Renovation','IT Renovation project');
		import attached files

	DATA - SPACE - changes to active_plantype and plantype_groups records for Room Highlights	(3047749)

	DATA - DWG PUBLISHING - Add two new publishing rules for background layers(3047954)

	DATA - MOBILE - Add Activity Parameter to Indicate Mobile Document and Floorplan Storage Location	3048316
		Change the name to StoreMobilDocsAndPlansInDeviceDb
	DATA - MOBILE - Update names for plan types that use Workspace Transactions	3048262
		UPDATE active_plantypes SET plan_type='15 - OCCUPANCY-TRANS' WHERE plan_type='15 - SPACE_OCCUPANCY';
		UPDATE active_plantypes SET plan_type='16 - VACANCY-TRANS' WHERE plan_type='16 - SPACE_VACANCY';
		UPDATE active_plantypes SET plan_type='17 - SURVEY-TRANS' WHERE plan_type='17 - SPACE_SURVEY';
	DATA - add plan type groups for mobile apps	3048264
	DATA - COMPLIANCE - Add sample data for Compliance-BuildingOps integration	3048377
	DATA - EAM - Add 'Scenario' to project type (projecttype)	3048385
	DATA - EAM - Add PROPOSED PROJECT LOCATION to activitytype table	3048387
	DATA - ENERGY - Connectors - Update vn_ac and xls bill connector definitions	3048442
	DATA - ENERGY - Metric Definition and Scorecard Assignment - Utility Bill Discrepancy Alert	3048482
	DATA - ENERGY - Sample Data Additions/Updates for Energy Mgmt Bill/Meter Reconciliation	3048486
		DELETE FROM bill WHERE bill_id IN ('E_DALLASOF_2013_05','E_DALLASOF_2013_06','E_DALLASOF_2013_07','E_CHICMAN_2013_05','E_CHICMAN_2013_06','E_CHICMAN_2013_07');

	DATA - Sample Data For Space/Portfolio Scenaros and Enterprise Asset Management	3048606

	DATA - Hazmat - Add example subroom locations and SDS records	3048624
	DATA - MSDS - insert missing historical MSDS constituent and chemical records	3048396
	DATA - RESERVATIONS - New activity parameter required in Reservations	3048020
	DATA - Proj Mgmt - Sample Data Update for project BUILD-HQ-NEW		3048483
		UPDATE activity_log SET assigned_to = 'AI' WHERE activity_log_id IN (256,257);
		UPDATE activity_log SET assigned_to = 'AIX' WHERE activity_log_id IN (246,258);
	DATA - REPM - Cost Wizard parcel and tax sample data	3048674
	DATA - Reservations - Error in Reservations Demo data - resource standa.rds not allowed	3048093
		UPDATE rm_config SET excluded_config = '''' + excluded_config where excluded_config not like '''%';
		The restriction returns no fields. No records were updated.
	DATA - SPACE - changes to active_plantype and plantype_groups records for Room Highlights	3047749
	DATA - Space and Portfolio and EAM Sample Data - Add 1 New Category and 3 New Room Types	3048676
	DATA - User Task Assignments - AFM/AFMX/AI, etc. do not have the mobile Hazardous Materials App assigned	3048605
		INSERT INTO afm_groupsforroles(role_name, group_name) VALUES ('ACTIVITY LICENSEE', 'RISK-HAZMAT-MOB');
		INSERT INTO afm_groupsforroles(role_name, group_name) VALUES ('ACTIVITY LICENSEE', 'RISK-HAZMAT-MOB-ED');
		INSERT INTO afm_groupsforroles(role_name, group_name) VALUES ('ACTIVITY LICENSEE', 'RISK-HAZMAT-MOB-INV');
		INSERT INTO afm_groupsforroles(role_name, group_name) VALUES ('2 - WORKFLOW PROCESS', 'RISK-HAZMAT-MOB');
		INSERT INTO afm_groupsforroles(role_name, group_name) VALUES ('2 - WORKFLOW PROCESS', 'RISK-HAZMAT-MOB-ED');
		INSERT INTO afm_groupsforroles(role_name, group_name) VALUES ('2 - WORKFLOW PROCESS', 'RISK-HAZMAT-MOB-INV');
		INSERT INTO afm_groupsforroles(role_name, group_name) VALUES ('2 - WORKFLOW PROCESS (ACP)', 'RISK-HAZMAT-MOB');
		INSERT INTO afm_groupsforroles(role_name, group_name) VALUES ('2 - WORKFLOW PROCESS (ACP)', 'RISK-HAZMAT-MOB-ED');
		INSERT INTO afm_groupsforroles(role_name, group_name) VALUES ('2 - WORKFLOW PROCESS (ACP)', 'RISK-HAZMAT-MOB-INV');
		INSERT INTO afm_groupsforroles(role_name, group_name) VALUES ('4 - PROCESS OWNER', 'RISK-HAZMAT-MOB');
		INSERT INTO afm_groupsforroles(role_name, group_name) VALUES ('4 - PROCESS OWNER', 'RISK-HAZMAT-MOB-ED');
		INSERT INTO afm_groupsforroles(role_name, group_name) VALUES ('4 - PROCESS OWNER', 'RISK-HAZMAT-MOB-INV');
		INSERT INTO afm_groupsforroles(role_name, group_name) VALUES ('FIELD TECHNICIAN', 'RISK-HAZMAT-MOB');
		INSERT INTO afm_groupsforroles(role_name, group_name) VALUES ('FIELD TECHNICIAN (ACP)', 'RISK-HAZMAT-MOB');
		INSERT INTO afm_groupsforroles(role_name, group_name) VALUES ('EXECUTIVE MANAGER', 'RISK-HAZMAT-MOB');
		INSERT INTO afm_groupsforroles(role_name, group_name) VALUES ('EXECUTIVE MANAGER (ACP)', 'RISK-HAZMAT-MOB');

	DATA- ROLES - Registering with TRAM user gives error for missing RoomInventory activites 	3048104
		INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs ( activity_id, process_id, role_name ) VALUES ( 'AbSpacePersonnelInventory', 'Background Data', '2 - WORKFLOW PROCESS (ACP)' );
		INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs ( activity_id, process_id, role_name ) VALUES ( 'AbSpacePersonnelInventory', 'Manager', '2 - WORKFLOW PROCESS (ACP)' );

	DATA - E&R - Change some bill_archive records in which the site_id doesn't match the current assigned site_id to the building 3047776

	DATA - Telecom Sample Data for EAM for 22.1	3048712

	DATA - Remove legacy portfolio scenario data; insert new data for BOSMED baseline	3048649
		DELETE FROM gp WHERE portfolio_scenario_id IS NOT NULL;
		DELETE FROM portfolio_scenario;
		Import the CSV files in the ZIP attached as Document 1. Import then in the order as named.

	DATA - METRICS - Apply this KB after all other metrics KBs - Set Metric Status as Deactivated and Test Status as Not Tested for all metrics 	 3048735
		UPDATE afm_metric_definitions SET metric_status = 'D', metric_status_test = 'XT';
	DATA - SYSTEM - Add Publishing rules for faceplates and patch panels	 3048734

	DATA - ENERGY - Add EDI sample to stock database	 3048758

	DATA - Add an application parameter to control the maximum number of work requests per category band	KB# 3049024

	DATA - Android Moblie Device: Downloading employee failed and there is one 'document storage is corrupted' error in.	KB# 3048891
		update em set em.em_photo = NULL where em.em_id = 'PITT, ROBERT';

	DATA - COMPLIANCE - Add sample data for Compliance-BuildingOps integration	KB# 3048377

	DATA - Edit Metric Defintion, Missing Metric Granularity and value in the Metric Trend Value table	KB# 3048978

	DATA - Error while trying to import a EDI connector for the second time	KB# 3048577
		update afm_conn_flds set is_schema_field=0 where connector_id='EDI_Import' and rule_id='SKIP FIELD' and is_schema_field=1;

	DATA - missing description for ASSET VALIDATION connector rule.	KB# 3048909

	DATA - REPM - for BVP Demo Data Updates	KB# 3047728

	DATA - Sample Connector Issues	KB# 3048901

	DATA - Space and Portfolio and EAM Sample Data WO, WR, and Activity Log Additional Data to be imported into the Canonic Db version 141, date 6/25/2015	KB# 3048989

	DATA - EAM Sample Data - Update Project Record - Project 2015-000001 KB# 3049066

	DATA - update to Parcel and Tax sample data	KB# 3049023
		UPDATE cost_tran_recur SET amount_expense_total_payment = '1645443.91', amount_expense_base_payment = '1645443.91', ac_id = '47200' WHERE pr_id = 'BOSPRP2' AND cost_cat_id = 'TAX - PROPERTY TAX';
		-- Reduce number of recur costs trans PROPERTY TAX per parcel from 10 to 4
		DELETE FROM cost_tran_recur WHERE pr_id = 'BOSPRP2' AND parcel_id = '6980 08-03';
		DELETE FROM cost_tran_recur WHERE pr_id = 'BOSPRP2' AND parcel_id = '6980 08-04';
		DELETE FROM cost_tran_recur WHERE pr_id = 'BOSPRP2' AND parcel_id = '6980 08-05';
		DELETE FROM cost_tran_recur WHERE pr_id = 'BOSPRP2' AND parcel_id = '6980 08-06';
		DELETE FROM cost_tran_recur WHERE pr_id = 'BOSPRP2' AND parcel_id = '6980 08-07';
		DELETE FROM cost_tran_recur WHERE pr_id = 'BOSPRP2' AND parcel_id = '6980 08-43';

		-- Reduce number of parcels from 10 to 4
		DELETE FROM parcel WHERE pr_id = 'BOSPRP2' AND parcel_id = '6980 08-03';
		DELETE FROM parcel WHERE pr_id = 'BOSPRP2' AND parcel_id = '6980 08-04';
		DELETE FROM parcel WHERE pr_id = 'BOSPRP2' AND parcel_id = '6980 08-05';
		DELETE FROM parcel WHERE pr_id = 'BOSPRP2' AND parcel_id = '6980 08-06';
		DELETE FROM parcel WHERE pr_id = 'BOSPRP2' AND parcel_id = '6980 08-07';
		DELETE FROM parcel WHERE pr_id = 'BOSPRP2' AND parcel_id = '6980 08-43';

		import 003a-cost_tran_recur-ls-pw-001.csv(the file has not set any auto_numer-> new records are created)

		UPDATE cost_tran_recur  SET tax_value_assessed =  222959880/4
		  WHERE pr_id = 'BOSPRP2' AND cost_cat_id = 'TAX - PROPERTY TAX' AND parcel_id IN ('6980 08-45', '6980 08-47', '6980 08-49', '6980 08-51');

	DATA - All plan types in active_plantypes table should be active KB# 3049090
		UPDATE active_plantypes set active=1

	DATA - User Z-BIM's email is same as that of user AFM, which may cause some application issue KB# 3049081
		update afm_users set email='' where user_name='Z-BIM'

	DATA - SPACE - Update rooms in SRL and AB to secondary circulation, to make them usable KB# 3049111
		UPDATE rm SET rm_cat = 'SECONDCIRC', rm_type = 'SECONDCIRC' WHERE (bl_id = 'SRL' OR bl_id = 'AB') AND (rm_id LIKE '%08COR%' OR rm_id LIKE '%11COR%' OR rm_id LIKE '%30COR%' OR rm_id LIKE '%68COR%' OR rm_id LIKE '%72COR%');

	DATA - clean up some anomalies in historic MSDS data	KB# 3049122
		UPDATE msds_h_location mhl1 SET mhl1.container_status = 'DISPOSED' WHERE mhl1.container_status = 'In Inventory' AND mhl1.auto_number NOT IN (SELECT mhl2.auto_number FROM msds_location mhl2) AND mhl1.date_archived || mhl1.time_archived = 
		(SELECT MAX(mhl3.date_archived || mhl3.time_archived) FROM msds_h_location mhl3 WHERE mhl1.auto_number = mhl3.auto_number);

	DATA - REPM - Property sample data for Property Code BOSPRP2 KB# 3049148

	DATA - Reservations - Error in Reservations Demo data - resource standards not allowed KB# 3049206
		UPDATE rm_arrange SET res_stds_not_allowed = '''' + res_stds_not_allowed where res_stds_not_allowed not like '''%';
	DATA - Highlight in the drawing does not match with highlight pattern KB# 3048485

	DATA - Add demo data to show Doc. Management features in EH&S	KB# 3049026
	DATA - Add top level example folders for Doc Library features in Emergency Preparedness	 KB# 3049103

	DATA - EAM Sample Data - Project Scorecard KB# 3049174
	DATA - EAM Red Line Sample Data KB# 3049188
		import afm_redline.xlsx
		INSERT INTO work_pkgs ( project_id, work_pkg_id ) VALUES ('2015-000001', '00 - Project Locations');
		import activity_log + documents

	DATA - Images Will Not Transfer In Using DUW, Must Use Smart Client - This Affects all images that were transferred in for Bali 4 EAM And Portfolio Scenario Data KB# 3049211
		import the images from KB 3048606
		-eq – 31 images
		-eqstd table – 34 images
		-em – 16 images
		-fnstd – 12 images
		-site – 1 image
		-contact – 16 images

	DATA - REPM - Lease Data for Leases 001, 002, 003, and L-Chicman - To be included in Bali 4 KB# 3049072
	DATA - REPM - BVP demo script data updates  (3049316)

        DATA - TELECOM - Add port configuration data for std CISCO-SW-24 (3049318)
        DATA - TELECOM - Add equipment to SRL 03 with jack connectivity data (3049312)

Version 21.3 Database Schema Revision History (Database Version 140)

Schema Preferences:

- Update Db Version Date to:	2014.09.18 
- Update Db Version number to:	140


	-SCHEMA - Table type inconsistency for ARCHIBUS tables ( 3043386 )
		UPDATE afm_tbls SET table_type='APPLICATION DICTIONARY' WHERE table_name in ('afm_bim_categories', 'afm_bim_param');
		UPDATE afm_tbls SET table_type='PROCESS NAVIGATOR' WHERE table_name in ('afm_tasks', 'afm_subtasks');
	-SCHEMA, FILES - Create an index on afm_metric_trend_values for fields 'metric_date', 'collect_group_by' ( 3042579 )
	-SCHEMA - Correct the definition of view activity_log_hactivity_log( 3045021 )

	-SCHEMA Add fields 'values_remove_older_than' and 'values_remove_method' to afm_metric_definition ( 3043301 )
	-SCHEMA - METRICS - Create archive table afm_hmetric_trend_values, in order to archive old metric values( 3043313 )
	-SCHEMA - Greek-ing metrics titles ( 3042918 )

  	-SCHEMA - Add tables/fields/wfr/connector data ( 3044625 )

 Real Estate Portfolio Management:
	-SCHEMA - SCHEMA - Widen the field size of to 64( 3045365 )
		UPDATE afm_flds SET afm_size=64 WHERE table_name='gp' AND field_name='name';
	-SCHEMA - Changes for Portfolio Forecast Wizard ( 3044649 )

 Lease Administration:
  	-SCHEMA - Create new table 'ls_contacts' for lease multiple contacts ( 3044759 )
	-SCHEMA - Follow up KB 3043753  - allow null value for lessor_id field in ta_lease table ( 3045002 ) 
		UPDATE afm_flds SET allow_null=1 WHERE table_name='ta_lease' and field_name='lessor_id';

 Government Real Property:
	-SCHEMA - MS SQL - ORCL - Add missing fields for view ab-rplm-gvmnt-rp-add-new-prop.axvw. ( 3042646 )

 Capital Project Management
	-SCHEMA - Set afm_flds.max_val=9 for project.priority ( 3045515 )
		UPDATE afm_flds set max_val=9 where table_name='project' and field_name='priority';

 Space Planning & Management:
	-SCHEMA - Adding Date Last Surveyed to the rm table ( 3044922 )
	-SCHEMA - Remove the AUTOINCREMENT for pct_id in hrmpct table ( 3043869 )

 Move Management:
	-SCHEMA - Update ml_heading for fields date_app_mgr2 and date_app_mgr3 ( 3043493 )
		UPDATE afm_flds SET ml_heading = 'Date Manager 2 Approved' WHERE table_name = 'mo' AND field_name = 'date_app_mgr2';
		UPDATE afm_flds SET ml_heading = 'Date Manager 3 Approved' WHERE table_name = 'mo' AND field_name = 'date_app_mgr3';

 Asset Management:
	-SCHEMA - add new redline document fields (survey_redline_eq) to tables eq and eq_audit ( 3044834 )
	-SCHEMA - YDim field types do not have ft/M appended to their titles( 3044814 )
		SET numeric_format TO length FOR standard depth
		UPDATE afm_flds SET num_format=4 WHERE table_name='eqstd' AND field_name='spec_depth';
 Building Operations:
	-SCHEMA - set minimum values to zero for Building Operations costs fields ( 3044373 )
	-SCHEMA - add new table for Building Operations: cf_work_team ( 3044606 )

 Energy Management:
	-SCHEMA - Add tables and fields for BAS / sub-meter analytics features ( 3044921 )
	-SCHEMA - Add indexes for Energy sub-metering analytics / BAS reports ( 3045295 )
		IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysindex WHERE index_name='bas_data_clean_num_comboIndex') DROP INDEX bas_data_clean_num.bas_data_clean_num_comboIndex;
		CREATE INDEX bas_data_clean_num_comboIndex ON bas_data_clean_num (date_measured, time_measured, process_status);
		IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysindex WHERE index_name='bas_data_time_norm_num_comboIndex') DROP INDEX bas_data_time_norm_num.bas_data_time_norm_num_comboIndex;
		CREATE INDEX bas_data_time_norm_num_comboIndex ON bas_data_time_norm_num (date_measured, time_measured, interval);
	-SCHEMA / PNAV / DATA -  Changes to support Energy Management Easy On-Ramp ( 3045302 )

	-SCHEMA - For Bali3: MSDS data - url field length expansion needed ( 3044910 )
		UPDATE afm_flds SET afm_size = 512 WHERE table_name = 'msds_data' AND field_name = 'url';
		UPDATE afm_flds SET afm_size = 512 WHERE table_name = 'msds_h_data' AND field_name = 'url';

 Workplace Services Portal:
	-SCHEMA - Add new field to Work_team table ( 3044603 )
	-SCHEMA - Enable auto-closing completed Service Requests and Work Requests ( 3044286 )

 HelpDesk / ServiceDesk:
  	-SCHEMA - create new table hhelpdesk_step_log ( 3044604 )

	-SCHEMA, DATA - changes to support check-in feature for Hoteling ( 3043986 )	

	-SCHEMA - Database changes and new fields for Reservations, regarding Attendees.( 3044099 )
	-SCHEMA - Database required changes for Reservations, regarding Attendees fields and Attendees Message  ( 3044100 )
	-SCHEMA - Reservations - Conference Calls - database changes required ( 3044911 )
	-SCHEMA - View resview definition seems missing fields outlook_unique_id, occurrence_index ( 3045172 )
		DELETE FROM afm_flds where field_name = 'outlook_unique_id' and table_name='resview'	

	-SCHEMA - Mobile Maintenance Manager application - add new tables and fields ( 3044292 )
	-SCHEMA - New single line heading definitions for 21.2 Mobile updates ( 3043267 )
	-SCHEMA - Mobile Space Occupancy application 21.3 enhancements - add new table and fields ( 3044530 )
	-SCHEMA - Add Questionnaire schema additions required for Mobile Assessments ( 3044951 ) 
		UPDATE afm_flds SET allow_null=1 where table_name='activity_log_sync' and field_name='questionnaire_id';
	-SCHEMA - update rmpctmob_sync.pct_id field to accept values from rmpct.pct_id and also values like ‘MobileId-1’ ( 3044983 ) 
		UPDATE afm_flds SET data_type=1 WHERE table_name='rmpctmob_sync' AND field_name='pct_id';
	-SCHEMA - Mobile Space Occupancy application 21.3 enhancements - add new fields( 3044720 )
	-SCHEMA - Match the field size for eq_audit.mob_locked_by field size to that of the field afm_users.user_name (64) ( 3043212 )
		UPDATE afm_flds set afm_size=64 where field_name='mob_locked_by';	

	-SCHEMA - Modify schema to support Extensions for ArcGIS ( 3044264 )
	-SCHEMA - Update schema to support standard and enhanced mapping ( 3044632 )
	-SCHEMA - Update schema to support standard and enhanced mapping ( 3044632 ) 
		Add lat, lon, and geo_objectid to activity_log_hactivity_log
	-SCHEMA - VIEWS - lat, lon, and geo_objectid fields are missing from the wrhwr sql view ( 3045046 )

  	-SCHEMA - Correct dwgname String Format values for all tables where used ( 3045548 )
		UPDATE afm_flds SET string_format=10 where field_name='dwgname' and string_format <> 10;

	- To get the new fields from the last update into afm_flds_lang run:
		INSERT INTO afm_flds_lang (table_name, field_name) 
			SELECT table_name, field_name FROM afm_flds 
			WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM afm_flds_lang afm_flds_lang_inner
				WHERE afm_flds_lang_inner.table_name = afm_flds.table_name
				AND afm_flds_lang_inner.field_name = afm_flds.field_name )



	-WFR definition for delete/archive scheduled WFR ( 3043301 )

	-WFR - ConnectorHandler WFR is deprecated with addition of ConnectorService. ( 3045145, 3045457 )
		DELETE FROM afm.afm_wf_rules WHERE rule_id = 'ConnectorHandler';

 Building Operations:
	-WFR add workflow rule BldgopsPartInventoryService ( 3044607 )

 Energy Management:
	-WFR - For Bali3: Add new WFR entry required for BAS / submeter analytics ( 3044956 )
	-WFR - New WFR required for Energy - BAS process data ( 3045314 )

	-WFR - Add new WFR for ArcGIS Services ( 3043213 )
	-WFR - Add Workflow Rules for the Extensions for ArcGIS ( 3044662 )

 Page Navigation:
	-WFR - Register a workflow rule ( 'AbSystemAdministration', 'getPageNavigationPublishedDates' ) needed for Page Navigation Publishing ( 3043993 )
	-WFR - Register the workflow rule ( 'AbSystemAdministration','updateOrderOfMyFavorites' )  to allow favorites reordering in one transaction from Page Navigation ( 3043897 )
	-WFR - Remove rule AbCommonResources - getDataRecordsPlusProjectInfo from canonical database ( 3043590 )
		DELETE FROM afm_wf_rules WHERE activity_id = 'AbCommonResources' AND rule_id = 'getDataRecordsPlusProjectInfo';


	-PNAV - Assign AbRiskEHS Activity to TRAM to enable Mobile ( 3045194 )
		INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs(role_name,activity_id,process_id) VALUES ('2 - WORKFLOW PROCESS (ACP)', 'AbRiskEHS', 'EHS - Incident Reporting');
	-PNAV - Add the Scheduled Workflow Rules view to the System Administration / Add-In Manager process ( 3045322 )
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id='Scheduled Workflow Rules', task_file='ab-wf-rules-scheduled.axvw' where task_id = 'Use Workflow Process Monitor';
		DELETE FROM afm_ptasks WHERE task_file = 'ab-running-rules-list-ui.axvw';
	-PNAV - Replace "Assign Processes to Roles" and "Assign Processes to Users" with new task "Assign Processes to Roles or Users" ( 3044179 )
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id='Assign Processes to Roles or Users', task_file='ab-sys-role-user-procs.axvw' 
		WHERE activity_id='AbSystemAdministration' AND process_id='ARCHIBUS Administrator - UserSec' AND task_id='Assign Processes to Roles';
		DELETE FROM afm_ptasks WHERE activity_id='AbSystemAdministration' AND process_id='ARCHIBUS Administrator - UserSec'AND task_id='Assign Processes to Users';
 Real Estate Portfolio Management:
	-PNAV - PNav and User updates for new 21.3 Portfolio Forecasting Console( 3044647 )
	-PNAV - Update the task_file for Portfolio Forecast Wizard in the PNav ( 3044725 )
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_file='ab-alloc-wiz.axvw' where activity_id='AbRPLMGroupSpaceAllocation' and process_id='Portfolio Forecasting' and task_id='Portfolio Forecast Wizard' and task_file='ab-alloc-group.axvw';

 Lease Administration:
	-PNAV - Reword the PN task to match view name: Leases Expiring within 90 Days ( 3045074 )
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id='View Leases Expiring within 90 Days' where task_id = 'View Leases About to Expire Within 90 Days';
 Capital Project Management:
	-PNAV - CPM Home page change to view file name ( 3042608 )
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_file = 'ab-proj-fcpm-invs.axvw' where task_id='Invoices by Vendors' AND task_file = 'ab-proj-fcpm-invs-rcd.axvw';

 Space Planning & Management:
	-PNAV - Add "Locate Employee" to the Client process within Personnel & Occupancy ( 3044810 )
	-PNAV- Change the PNAV to have the Space Console appear first in the display order ( 3043004 )

 Move Management:
	-PNAV - Add a “Define Problem Types” view to the 'Business Process Owner' process for Move Management ( 3043420 )
	    INSERT INTO afm_ptasks (display_order, icon_small, is_hotlist, task_file,task_type, activity_id, process_id, task_id) 
 		VALUES (150, 'ab-icon-task.gif', 0, 'ab-probtype-edit.axvw', 'WEB URL', 'AbMoveManagement', 'Business Process Owner', 'Define Problem Types');

 Asset Management:
	-PNAV - add entries for Asset Management new views ( 3043497 )
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id, process_id, task_id, display_order, task_type, task_file,icon_small) 
		VALUES('AbAssetManagement','Equipment','-',1300,'LABEL', NULL, 'ab-icon-task-label.gif') ;
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id, process_id, task_id, display_order, task_type, task_file,icon_small) 
		VALUES('AbAssetManagement','Equipment','View and Edit Lessors',1400,'WEB URL', 'ab-eq-lessor-edit.axvw', 'ab-icon-task-console.gif') ;
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id, process_id, task_id, display_order, task_type, task_file,icon_small) 
		VALUES('AbAssetManagement','Equipment','View and Edit Leases',1500,'WEB URL', 'ab-eq-lease-edit.axvw', 'ab-icon-task-console.gif') ;
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id, process_id, task_id, display_order, task_type, task_file,icon_small) 
		VALUES('AbAssetManagement','Equipment','View Equipment by Lease',1600,'WEB URL', 'ab-eq-eq-by-lease.axvw', 'ab-icon-task-rpt3.gif') ;
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id, process_id, task_id, display_order, task_type, task_file,icon_small) 
		VALUES('AbAssetManagement','Equipment','View Lease by Lessor',1700,'WEB URL', 'ab-eq-lease-by-lessor.axvw', 'ab-icon-task-rpt3.gif') ;
		INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id, process_id, task_id, display_order, task_type, task_file,icon_small) 
		VALUES('AbAssetManagement','Equipment','View Leases About to Expire Within 90 Days',1800,'WEB URL', 'ab-eq-lease-expire-90-days.axvw', 'ab-icon-task-rpt3.gif') ;
	-PNAV - Update the title for the views 'ab-eq-eq-by-lease.axvw' and 'ab-eq-lease-by-lessor.axvw' ( 3045069 )
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id='View and Assign Equipment by Lease' WHERE task_file='ab-eq-eq-by-lease.axvw';
		UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id='View and Assign Leases by Lessor' WHERE task_file='ab-eq-lease-by-lessor.axvw';	

 Building Operations:
	-PNAV - add new views to Building Operations processes ( 3044406 )
	-PNAV - Create new processes for use with the new Building Operations Console in the HQ - Canonic database ( 3043612 )
	-PNAV - corrections to Building Ops Console processes ( 3044761 )
		DELETE FROM afm_processes WHERE process_id IN ('BPO BldgOpsConsole', 'Maintenance BldgOpsConsole');

 Energy Management:
	-PNAV - Add PNav entries for Energy BAS / sub-metering features ( 3044978 ) 

 Workplace Services Portal:
	-PNAV - Add two tasks to the System Administration / Mobile Apps Manager process to support Mobile Workplace Services Portal ( 3044944 )


	-PNAV - Add Confirm Bookings view to navigation.( 3044897 )

	-PNAV - PNav Items for Questionnaires for Mobile Assessment Application ( 3044967 ) 

	-PNAV - Update PNAV for GIS Views for v21.3 ( 3044272 )
	-PNAV - Assign Extensions for ArcGIS (SC-CAD) Process to AFM( 3044865 )
	-PNAV - Add PNAV tasks for the Extensions for ArcGIS ( 3044958 )
	-PNAV - Add PNAV Processes & Tasks for Extensions for ArcGIS - Smart Client Extension ( 3044664 )
 HTML5 Charting:
	-PNAV - Add HTML5 charting process navigator entries to Hq sample database ( 3044407 )
	-PNAV - Add HTML5/SVG Drawing entries to Process Navigator ( 3044427 )

 Drawing control:
	-PNAV - Add new drawing tool links to AutoCAD PNAV ( 3043223 )
	-PNAV - Add new tasks to Process Navigator for drawing control templates ( 3044485 )

 Page Navigation - Quick-Start Home Page:
	-PNAV - Additional tasks for the Quick-Start Home Page ( 3044069 )
	-PNAV - Update the P-Nav tasks in ACAD for Quick-Start role ( 3042620 )
	-PNAV - Add Help links for Quick-Start home page( 3042348 )

	-PNAV - Refine Technologies processes to distinguish between HTML5 and Flash ( 3044549 )
		UPDATE afm_processes SET title='Flash Drawing Views' WHERE activity_id='AbSolutionsUIAddIns' and process_id='Drawing Views';
		UPDATE afm_processes SET title='Flash Chart Views' WHERE activity_id='AbSolutionsUIAddIns' and process_id='Chart Views';
		UPDATE afm_processes SET title='Flash Chart Views in 3D' WHERE activity_id='AbSolutionsUIAddIns' and process_id='Chart Views in 3D';

	-DATA - Change the Base Units in the schema.db to be "per Locale" ( 3042683 )
		UPDATE afm_scmpref SET units=2;
	-DATA - Add security group to new role OPS APPROVER ( 3042619 )
		INSERT INTO afm_groupsforroles (group_name, role_name) VALUES ('%', 'OPS APPROVER');
 	-DATA - AbExtensionsMyArchibus activity should not be assigned in default databases ( 3043178 )
		DELETE from afm_activities WHERE activity_id='AbExtensionsMyArchibus';
 	-DATA - Add sample data for AIDEMOxx users ( 3042976 )

	-DATA - Transform ops_OntimePMCompletion_percent_monthly metric to ratio metric( 3043695 )
	-DATA - Rename appropriate "income" metrics to "revenue" metrics. ( 3042837 )
	-DATA - Check and correct binding expressions in metrics formulas or where clauses ( 3043658 )
	-DATA - Update definition for the the Facility Condition Index metric. ( 3042563 )
	-DATA - Update metric definition for spac_GrossArea_monthly ( 3042523 )
	-DATA - create two Alert Metrics for Building Operations -  Part Inventory: ops_alert_PartEstimates_InStockNotReserved, ops_alert_Parts_Understocked( 3044920 )
	-DATA - Add new metric - Scale up "Carbon Footprint to Revenue" by a factor of 1 million ( 3042339 )
	-DATA - Remaining REPM, PROJ, OPS Metrics , Create biz_implication and assumption values for these metrics. ( 3045353 )
	-DATA - EHS, ENV and RISK Metrics, Create biz_implication and assumption values for these metrics. ( 3045025 )
	-DATA - Add assumptions and biz implication values to select metric definitions( 3044633 )

	-DATA - Populate tables for Connectors ( 3044625 )
	-DATA - Validate Add and Populate table connector rules ( 3045217 )

 Real Estate Portfolio Management - Lease Administration:
	-DATA - Add sample data to ls_contacts ( 3044759 )
	-DATA - Sample data required for Lease Portfolio Console and lease contacts ( 3045402 )
	-DATA - Sample Data for 21.3 Portfolio Scenario Wizard( 3044657 )

 Capital Project Management:
	-DATA - Updates to HQ-BUILD-HQ-NEW dataset for CPM ( 3042019 )
		DELETE FROM invoice WHERE project_id='BUILD-HQ-NEW' AND invoice_id IN ('2005000005','2005000003');
 	-DATA - Sample Data revisions for Portfolio Forecasting Wizard( 3044726 )
 	-DATA - FCPM - Invoice sample data status change to "Sent To Finance'( 3042421 )	
		UPDATE invoice SET status = 'SENT', fac_org_level_01 = '1', fac_org_level_02 = '2', fac_org_level_03 = '3', 
		fac_org_level_04 = '4', fac_org_level_05 = '5', fac_org_level_06 = '6'
		WHERE project_id IS NOT NULL AND vn_id IS NOT NULL AND status = 'ISSUED';

 Space Planning & Management:
	-DATA - Add a new application parameter to control whether or not the Space Console loads on open( 3044215 )
	-DATA - Dallas Office building has extra floors - remove and update area values - ( 3045346 )

 Move Management:
	-DATA - Move, Furniture, Copy and Department space have the same screens and fields as maintenance.( 3042647 )
	-DATA - Employee data for SRL building ( 3044990 ) 

 Asset Management:
	-DATA - Enhancements to Part Inventory sample data ( 3045283 )

 Building Operations - HelpDesk:
	-DATA - Add MobileWorkRequestsMaxQuantityToSync Activity Parameter for AbBldgOpsHelpDesk application with default value of 250 ( 3039780 )
	-SCRIPT - Update to Database production SQL script - adjust afm_roleprocs to account for new Bldg Ops processes ( 3044734 ) 
		*DELETE FROM afm_roleprocs WHERE (SELECT is_active FROM afm_processes 
		WHERE afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id AND afm_roleprocs.process_id = afm_processes.process_id ) = 0
		OR (SELECT is_active FROM afm_activities WHERE afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_activities.activity_id  ) = 0
		OR process_id LIKE '%rmtrans%' OR process_id LIKE '%BldgOpsConsole%';
	-DATA - Update the date fields of open work requests so they are current ( 3045077 )
	-DATA - changes to BOSMED Service Level Agreements ( 3045299 )
	-DATA - Add new application parameter for Building Operations called EditEstAndSchedAfterStepComplete ( 3044605 )

 Environmental & Risk Management:
	-DATA - Delete the extra city value of COPENHAGEN associated with the state PA in the city table. ( 3045418 )
	-DATA - Compliance Map Demo - Add missing latitude / longitude data for SPRING_N and DALLASHQ( 3043226 )
	-DATA - For Compliance, fix value in regulation.hierarchy_ids field for one record (NESHAP) ( 3042754 )
		UPDATE regulation SET hierarchy_ids = 'CAA|NESHAP|' WHERE regulation='NESHAP';
	-DATA - Incidents Map Demo Data - Fix invalid/inconsistent geographic hierarchy data in the building table( 3045443 )
	-DATA - Change Responsible Person for Programs and Requirements to employees with mapped afm_user ( 3043416 )
		UPDATE regrequirement SET em_id='GREEN, JARED' WHERE em_id='ABBOT, PAUL';
		UPDATE regprogram SET em_id='CARLO, ALFRED' WHERE em_id='ABBOT, PAUL';
		UPDATE regprogram SET em_id='DAMON, BEN' WHERE em_id='ACEVEDO,BRETT';
		UPDATE regprogram SET em_id='KOSTER, MARK' WHERE em_id='APPLEBY, STEVE';
		UPDATE regprogram SET em_id='SMITH, ALBERT' WHERE em_id='BACHMAN, ELLEN';
		UPDATE regprogram SET em_id='SMITH, PAUL' WHERE em_id='BAKER, GEORGE';
		UPDATE regprogram SET em_id='SMITH, SALLY' WHERE em_id='BARNES, GREG';

 Energy Management:
	-DATA - Additional records for Energy / BAS submetering analytics demo data ( 3045453 )
	-DATA - Add example data for Energy - sub-meter analytics ( 3045370 )
	-DATA - Remove the application parameter ESRIArcGisOnlineServicesKey since users do not need to enter any value ( 3043778 )
		DELETE FROM afm_activity_params WHERE param_id = 'ESRIArcGisOnlineServicesKey';
  	-DATA - Correct energy conversion sample data ( 3043935 )
		UPDATE bill_unit SET rollup_type = 'Energy',conversion_factor = 0.1025, description = 'Hundred Cubic Feet (CCF).  Heat content value obtained from' 
		WHERE bill_type_id = 'GAS - NATURAL' AND bill_unit_id = 'CCF';
 Workplace Services Portal:
  	-DATA -  Remove unnecessary SLA step records from Canonic DB ( 3042985 )
		UPDATE helpdesk_sla_steps SET activity_id = 'AbBldgOpsHelpDesk', status = 'REQUESTED' WHERE step = 'Edit and Approve';
		DELETE FROM afm_wf_steps WHERE status = 'R' AND step != 'Basic';
		DELETE FROM afm_wf_steps WHERE status = 'A' AND step = 'Dispatch';
		DELETE FROM afm_wf_steps WHERE status = 'Com' AND step = 'Satisfaction Survey';
		DELETE FROM helpdesk_step_log WHERE date_response IS NULL AND step = 'Edit and Approve';
	-DATA - Reservations - new activity parameter required for limiting the maximum occurrences for recurring reservations ( 3042232 )
	-DATA - Add new activity parameter for Reservations( 3044093)
	-DATA - Reservations Demo Data - ( 3045363 )
	-DATA - Database updates required for Reservations KB 3044774 ( 3045183 )
 	-DATA - Reservations PlugIn for Microsoft Outlook - Adjust city time zones so that they are accurate in HQ canonic database ( 3044198 )
		UPDATE city SET timezone_id = 'America/New_York' WHERE timezone_id = 'EST' AND state_id != 'IN';
		UPDATE city SET timezone_id = 'America/Chicago' WHERE state_id = 'IN';
		UPDATE city SET timezone_id = 'America/Chicago' WHERE timezone_id = 'CST' AND state_id != 'MEXI';
		UPDATE city SET timezone_id = 'America/Mexico_City' WHERE state_id = 'MEXI';
		UPDATE city SET timezone_id = 'America/Denver' WHERE state_id = 'CO';
		UPDATE city SET timezone_id = 'America/Los_Angeles' WHERE timezone_id = 'PST';

 	-DATA - Add plan type for Mobile Workplace Services Portal mobile application for My Department Space( 3042618 )
	-DATA - Activate Mobile Solutions application, by adding it into afm_mobile_apps table ( 3043946 ) 
		INSERT INTO afm_groups(group_name,group_title) VALUES ('SYSTEM-MGR-MOB', 'Solutions Templates');
		INSERT INTO afm_mobile_apps(activity_id, main_page_url, title, security_group) VALUES('AbSolutions', 'Solutions/index.html', 'Solutions Templates', 'SYSTEM-MGR-MOB');
	-DATA - Add new records in active_plantypes table( 3044743 )
	-DATA - Change GUEST-MOBILE user from role "1 - SELF SERVICE" to "1 - SELF SERVICE (ACP)" ( 3044937 )
	-DATA - Mobile sample database - add SRL building ( 3043557 )
	-DATA - Add user account changes to make mobile applications and roles conform to licensing.( 3044843 )
	-DATA - Several new users need changes to their user account to sign in with mobile. ( 3045551 )
		DELETE FROM afm_groupsforroles WHERE role_name = '4 - PROCESS OWNER - QUICK-START' AND group_name = 'ASSET-MOB';
		DELETE FROM afm_groupsforroles WHERE role_name = '4 - PROCESS OWNER - QUICK-START' AND group_name = 'OPS-CA-MOB';
		DELETE FROM afm_groupsforroles WHERE role_name = '4 - PROCESS OWNER - QUICK-START' AND group_name = 'RISK-IR-MOB';
		DELETE FROM afm_groupsforroles WHERE role_name = '4 - PROCESS OWNER - QUICK-START' AND group_name = 'WORKSVC-MOB';
		DELETE FROM afm_groupsforroles WHERE role_name = '4 - PROCESS OWNER - QUICK-START' AND group_name = 'SYSTEM-MGR-MOB';
		DELETE FROM afm_groupsforroles WHERE role_name = '4 - PROCESS OWNER - QUICK-START' AND group_name = 'WORKSVC-MOB';

		DELETE FROM afm_groupsforroles WHERE role_name = '4 - PROCESS OWNER - QUICK-START (ACP)' AND group_name = 'ASSET-MOB';
		DELETE FROM afm_groupsforroles WHERE role_name = '4 - PROCESS OWNER - QUICK-START (ACP)' AND group_name = 'OPS-CA-MOB';
		DELETE FROM afm_groupsforroles WHERE role_name = '4 - PROCESS OWNER - QUICK-START (ACP)' AND goup_name = 'RISK-IR-MOB';
		DELETE FROM afm_groupsforroles WHERE role_name = '4 - PROCESS OWNER - QUICK-START (ACP)' AND group_name = 'WORKSVC-MOB';
		DELETE FROM afm_groupsforroles WHERE role_name = '4 - PROCESS OWNER - QUICK-START (ACP)' AND group_name = 'SYSTEM-MGR-MOB';
		DELETE FROM afm_groupsforroles WHERE role_name = '4 - PROCESS OWNER - QUICK-START (ACP)' AND group_name = 'WORKSVC-MOB';

		DELETE FROM afm_groupsforroles WHERE role_name = 'Z-APP-AND-DOM' AND group_name = 'OPS-MOB';
		DELETE FROM afm_groupsforroles WHERE role_name = 'Z-APP-AND-DOM' AND group_name = 'SPAC-MOB';
		DELETE FROM afm_groupsforroles WHERE role_name = 'Z-APP-AND-DOM' AND group_name = 'SPAC-SURVEY';
		DELETE FROM afm_groupsforroles WHERE role_name = 'Z-APP-AND-DOM' AND group_name = 'SPAC-SURVEY-POST';

		INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs (role_name, activity_id, process_id) VALUES ('4 - PROCESS OWNER - QUICK-START', 'AbSpacePersonnelInventory', 'Manager Dash 3'); 
		INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs (role_name, activity_id, process_id) VALUES ('4 - PROCESS OWNER - QUICK-START (ACP)', 'AbSpacePersonnelInventory', 'Manager Dash 3'); 

		INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs (role_name, activity_id, process_id) VALUES ('2 - WORKFLOW PROCESS', 'AbSpacePersonnelInventory', 'Client RmTrans'); 
		INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs (role_name, activity_id, process_id) VALUES ('2 - WORKFLOW PROCESS (ACP)', 'AbSpacePersonnelInventory', 'Client RmTrans'); 

		INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs (role_name, activity_id, process_id) VALUES ('FIELD TECHNICIAN', 'AbSpacePersonnelInventory', 'Client RmTrans'); 
		INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs (role_name, activity_id, process_id) VALUES ('FIELD TECHNICIAN (ACP)', 'AbSpacePersonnelInventory', 'Client RmTrans'); 
		INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs (role_name, activity_id, process_id) VALUES ('FIELD TECHNICIAN', 'AbRiskEHS', 'EHS - Track'); 
		INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs (role_name, activity_id, process_id) VALUES ('FIELD TECHNICIAN (ACP)', 'AbRiskEHS', 'EHS - Track'); 

	-DATA - Site Pictures for Mobile Marquee Images ( 3045563 )
	-DATA - Mobile dataset -- add document to assessment ( 3045308 )
	-DATA - Mobile data set - add photos to site and building ( 3045310 )
	-DATA - Enable Mobile for user HAPET ( 3045227 )
	-DATA - Add mobile security groups to roles EXECUTIVE MANAGER and EXECUTIVE MANAGER (ACP) - ( 3045367 )
	-DATA - Mobile data set -- additions and corrections  ( 3045312 )
	-DATA - Mobile Assessment questionnaire sample data attached ( 3045421 )
	-DATA - New Problem Types for Mobile Workplace Service Portal. ( 3042647 )

	-DATA - Add Connectors and Connector Fields for Extensions for ArcGIS ( 3044946 )
	-DATA - Update Connectors for the Extensions for ArcGIS - ( 3045289 )	

	-DATA - Demo data - Populate rm.dwgname field for HQ-RF record( 3043211 )
		UPDATE rm SET dwgname='HQRF' WHERE bl_id='HQ' AND fl_id='RF';
	-DATA - Change the file name of BOSMED drawing ( 3042611 )
	-DATA - Correct the drawing names and drawing files names of the BOSMED floors (1 and 2) to match the Revit model ( 3043373 )
		UPDATE afm_dwgs SET dwg_name = 'BOSMED01_02-LEVEL 1', dwg_file = 'bosmed01_02-level 1.rvt' WHERE dwg_name = 'BOSMED01';
		UPDATE afm_dwgs SET dwg_name = 'BOSMED01_02-LEVEL 2', dwg_file = 'bosmed01_02-level 2.rvt' WHERE dwg_name = 'BOSMED02';
		UPDATE rm SET dwgname = 'bosmed01_02-level 1' WHERE bl_id = 'BOSMED' AND fl_id = '01';
		UPDATE rm SET dwgname = 'bosmed01_02-level 2' WHERE bl_id = 'BOSMED' AND fl_id = '02';
	-DATA - Suites layer title- Update the title for the suites layer title from 'Commercial' to 'Suites' ( 3029146 )
		UPDATE afm_layr SET title='Suite' WHERE layer_name IN ('SU', 'SU$', 'SU$TXT');	

	-DATA - Change afm_users.bim_license value for user AFMSTART( 3042663 )
	-DATA - Add missing values in the afm_dwgs table for the BOSMED01_02 Revit model, to prevent Publish Model to fail ( 3044801 )
	-DATA - Record added to afm_bim_params table to create fn. json.zlib file for furniture from Revit ( 3042531 ) 
	-DATA - In canonic HQ DB, change drawing names and drawing file names for BOSMED drawings that attach to Revit ( 3042706 )

Version 21.2 Database Schema Revision History (Database Version 139)

Schema Preferences:

- Update Db Version Date to: 2013.11.11
- Update Db Version number to: 139

Schema changes

- Increase afm_flds.dflt_val size to VARCHAR(128); also in afm_flds_trans ( 3042049 )
       UPDATE afm_flds SET afm_size=128, data_type=12 WHERE table_name IN ('afm_flds', 'afm_flds_trans') AND field_name='dflt_val';
       ALTER TABLE afm_flds MODIFY  dflt_val VARCHAR(128)  DEFAULT NULL;
       ALTER TABLE afm_flds_trans MODIFY  dflt_val VARCHAR(128)  DEFAULT NULL;
- Update the Process Type enum display value for "PAGES" to be more descriptive for navigation pages( 3041703 )
       UPDATE afm_flds SET enum_list='WEB;Web PNav;WEB-DASH;Web Dashboard;WEB-PAGENAV;Web Page Navigator;SC;Smart Client;SCOVERLAY;Smart Client Extension;WINDOWS;Client/Server;OVERLAY;Client/Server Overlay;PAGES;Nav Page Processes;WEB&PAGES;Web Pnav & Pages'where table_name='afm_processes' and field_name='process_type';
- Update the Process Type enum display value for "PAGES" to be more descriptive for navigation pages.	(3041703)
       UPDATE afm_flds SET enum_list='WEB;Web Process Navigator;WEB-DASH;Web Dashboard;WEB-PAGENAV;Web Page Navigator;SC;Smart Client;SCOVERLAY;Smart Client Extension;WINDOWS;Client/Server;OVERLAY;Client/Server Overlay;PAGES;Web Page Navigator Process;WEB&PAGES;Web Pnav & Pages'WHERE table_name='afm_processes' AND field_name='process_type';
- Add 'deleteEm' and 'deleteDv' values for enum list field rmpctmob_sync.action	(3042577)
       UPDATE afm_flds SET enum_list = 'N/A;N/A;insert;insert;update;update;delete;delete;deleteEm;deleteEm;deleteDv;deleteDv' WHERE table_name = 'rmpctmob_sync' AND field_name = 'action';
- Unable to create work requests on Sybase Runtime v9 - triggers not supported ( 3042271 )
- Add schema changes for metrics subsystem ( 3040574)
- Delete field afm_metric_trend_values.aggregate_as ( 3040816)
- Add the  Display Format (Metric) column afm_metric_definitions.value_disp_format_m field. ( 3040989 )
- Add support for saving the intermediate format of the model when publishing to SVG ( 3040219)
      UPDATE afm_flds set enum_list='NONE;None;ALL;All;SVG;SVG;SVG and JSON;SVG and JSON;SWF;SWF;EMF;EMF;SWF and EMF;SWF and EMF;JSON;JSON;BY OWNER;By Owner;LAYERED BY OWNER;Layered By Owner;QUERY TEXT;Query Text;QUERY TABLE;Query Table;ASSET;Asset;RESTRICTION;Restriction;URL;URL;DYNAMIC;Dynamic' where afm_flds.table_name = 'afm_dwgpub' and afm_flds.field_name = 'rule_type'
- Add new fields: activity_log_id, project_id, activity_type, cost_estimated in activity_log_sync table ( 3039842)
- Add new fields: wr_sync.time_assigned/time_requested ( 3040169)
- Schema changes for Space Book mobile app enhancements ( 3040554)
- Main App page: the application names under the icons are in English ( 3040041)
     Add <field table="afm_mobile_apps" field="title"/> into afm_scmpref.preferences
- Equipment Status field should include "Missing" as an option ( 3039601)
     UPDATE afm_flds SET enum_list = enum_list + ';miss;Missing' WHERE table_name IN ('eq', 'eq_audit') AND field_name='status';
     UPDATE afm_flds SET dflt_val = 'miss' WHERE table_name IN ('eq', 'eq_audit') AND field_name='status';
- Add new fields: hs_hide and hs_hide2 into active_plantypes table ( 3040284)
- Add sync tables for Incident Reporting mobile app ( 3039985)
- Add Db changes for Asset And Equipment Survey mobile app enhancements ( 3040477)
- Add field wr_sync.date_escalation_completion (copy of the wr.date_escalation_completion field ( 3040840)
- Change afm_mobile_apps.activity_id field definition to ANY CHAR, and change its values to CamelCase ( 3040962 )
     UPDATE afm_flds SET string_format=5 WHERE table_name='afm_mobile_apps' AND field_name='activity_id'
- Add survey photo and comments fields into rm table ( 3041704 )
- Add display_order field to the afm_mobile_apps table ( 3041693 )
- Add table and fields for the menus in the WorkplacePortal mobile app ( 3041676 )
     afm_mobile_menu - new table
     activitytype.menu_icon,mobile_action,display_order,title,description - new fields
- Add fields in activity_log_sync table for Workplace Portal mobile app ( 3041706 )
- Add rmpctmob_sync.activity_log_id field - copy of rmpct.activity_log_id ( 3041793 )
- Add the value 'delete' enum_list for field rmpctmob_sync.action.
- Set rmpctmob_sync.pct_id to allow null values( 3041709 )
- Loading the surveyrm_sync table in SC gives an error	(3040305)
     UPDATE afm_flds SET dep_cols = 'survey_id' WHERE table_name = 'surveyrm_sync' AND field_name = 'survey_id';
- Add new fields ( 3040684)
- Update Enumeration lists ( 3040683)
- Add field "role_name" to wr_step_waiting view ( 3040716 )
- Change data type and increase size for table_name 'helpdesk_sla_response' AND field_name IN ('workflow_name', 'service_name') ( 3041516 )
     UPDATE afm_flds SET data_type=12, afm_size=128 WHERE table_name = 'helpdesk_sla_response' AND field_name IN ('workflow_name', 'service_name');
- Database updates required for Reservations ( 3039833)
- New field required for Room Reservations track of show/no show ( 3041270 )
- import items-3041270-doc1.xml
- copy field to hreserve_rm
- copy the field to resrmview
- re-create resrmview view
- Reservations SQL views definitions scripts may be outdated ( 3040922 )
     UPDATE afm_flds SET afm_size=24 WHERE table_name IN ('rrdayrmres','rrdayrmresplus', 'rrdayrresplus', 'rrwrrestr') AND field_name='phone';
     UPDATE afm_flds SET afm_size=32 WHERE table_name 'rrwrrestr' AND field_name='prob_type';
     UPDATE the sql scripts: \schema\ab-products\bldgops\common\schemawiz-update-reservation-sql-views-*.sql
- Remove ehs_incident_witness_sync.mob_incident_id validation ( 3041037 )
     UPDATE afm_flds SET validate_data=0 WHERE table_name='ehs_incident_witness_sync' and field_name='mob_incident_id'
     UPDATE afm_flds SET dep_cols=null WHERE table_name='ehs_incidents_sync' and field_name='mob_incident_id'
- Fields with enum_list "0;No;1;Yes" should have data_type SmallInt( 3041119 )
     UPDATE afm_flds set data_type=5 where enum_list = '0;No;1;Yes' and data_type <> 5
- Add “Closed;Audit Closed” to the enumeration list in survey.status field ( 3040477 )
     UPDATE afm_flds SET enum_list='Issued;Issued to Auditor;On Hold;Audit On Hold;Completed;Audit Completed;Closed;Audit Closed' WHERE table_name='survey' AND field_name='status'
- Modify qty_energy field in Energy Mgmt tables, increase the size from 12 to 16 and decimals precision from 2 to 6 ( 3041351 )
- A few fields violate schema best practices ( 3039696 )
- Set numeric IDs to no separator
     UPDATE afm_flds SET num_format = 2 WHERE table_name = 'ehs_chemicals' AND field_name = 'msds_id';
     UPDATE afm_flds SET num_format = 2 WHERE table_name = 'waste_out' AND field_name = 'waste_id';
- Set numerics to default value of zero and not allow null
     UPDATE afm_flds SET dflt_val = 0, allow_null = 0 WHERE table_name LIKE 'waste%' AND field_name = 'number_containers';
- Set to not allow null
     UPDATE afm_flds SET allow_null = 0 WHERE table_name = 'waste_manifests' AND field_name IN ('discrepancy_type','discrepancy_residue','discrepancy_qty','discrepancy_partial_rejection','discrepancy_full_rejection','international_shipments');
     UPDATE afm_flds SET allow_null = 0 WHERE table_name = 'waste_profiles' AND field_name IN ('transp_hazardous','specific_gravity','is_recyclable','status');
     UPDATE afm_flds SET allow_null = 0 WHERE table_name = 'waste_facilities' AND field_name IN ('treatment','recycle','disposal','status');
- Change from char to Varchar
     UPDATE afm_flds SET data_type = 12 WHERE data_type = 1 AND table_name='waste_mgmt_methods' AND field_name IN ('method_name','method_group');
     UPDATE afm_flds SET data_type = 12 WHERE data_type = 1 AND table_name='waste_manifests' AND field_name = 'handling_instructions';
     UPDATE afm_flds SET data_type = 12 WHERE data_type = 1 AND table_name='waste_profiles' AND field_name = 'waste_name';
     UPDATE afm_flds SET data_type = 12 WHERE data_type = 1 AND table_name='waste_mgmt_method' AND field_name = 'method_group';
- Add comments for allowable exceptions to the norm
     UPDATE afm_flds SET comments = comments + ' - Note: Allowing null and no default value is appropriate for this field, even though of a numeric data type.' WHERE field_name IN ('lat','lon');
     UPDATE afm_flds SET comments = comments + ' - Note: Allowing null and no default value is appropriate for this field, even though of a numeric data type.' FROM afm_flds WHERE field_name = 'msds_id' AND allow_null = 1;
- table and fields additions/update, forecast, invoice ( 3041136 )
- New table/fields and tables for Space Occupancy mobile app ( 3041709 )
- New Fields:
    -surveyrm_sync.cap_em - Employee Capacity-smallint - as copy from rm.cap_em
    -surveymob_sync.survey_type - Survey Type- enum:N/A;N/A;SpaceBook;SpaceBook;Occupancy;Occupancy
- New Table:rmpctmob_sync
- Remove two values from the enumeration list in rmcat.used_in_calcs ( 3041160 )
     UPDATE afm_flds SET enum_list='all_totals;All Totals;no_totals;No Totals' where table_name='rmcat' and field_name='used_in_calcs';
- Localize afm_currencies.description field ( 3040207 )
- Make changes for the 21.2 ML Single-line headings( 3040474)
1) Add Single-Line Headings fields for each of the languages (e.g. sl_heading_nl, sl_heading_fr, etc.) to the ARCHIBUS Fields Language Translations (afm_flds_lang) table.  Use the same characteristics as the (afm_flds.sl_heading) field.
INSERT INTO afm_flds ( afm_module,afm_size,afm_type,allow_null,attributes,comments,data_type,decimals,dep_cols,dflt_val,edit_group,edit_mask,enum_list,field_grouping,field_name,is_atxt,
SELECT	0,64,2050,allow_null,attributes,'v21.2 Mobile',data_type,decimals,NULL,dflt_val,edit_group,edit_mask,enum_list,field_grouping,'sl' || substring(field_name,3,length(field_name)),is_atxt,
is_tc_traceable,max_val,min_val,'SL' || substring(ml_heading,3,length(ml_heading)),num_format,primary_key,NULL,review_group,sl_heading,5, table_name,validate_data,transfer_status
FROM afm_flds WHERE table_name = 'afm_flds_lang' AND field_name like 'ml_heading%'
2) Add a new entry for afm_flds.sl_headings (shown below) to Schema Preferences (XML) (afm_scmpref.preferences). <field table="afm_flds" field="sl_heading" translationTable="afm_flds_lang"/>
3) In the ARCHIBUS Fields table, add an additional enum option: "3;TYPE_SL_HEADING" for the lang_strings.string_type field.  (We don't need this for 21.1 ML, but we will for the localization kit for 21.2).
UPDATE afm_flds SET enum_list='0;TYPE_DEFAULT;2;TYPE_ML_HEADING;3;TYPE_SL_HEADING' WHERE table_name='lang_strings' AND field_name='string_type'
- Update the afm_flds_lang table with new fields from afm_flds
     INSERT INTO afm_flds_lang (table_name, field_name)
     SELECT table_name, field_name FROM afm_flds
     WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM afm_flds_lang afm_flds_lang_inner
     WHERE afm_flds_lang_inner.table_name = afm_flds.table_name
     AND afm_flds_lang_inner.field_name = afm_flds.field_name )
     Run schema update wizard for tables:
     Re-create SQL views

WFR changes

- WFR errors in ( 3041100 )
     update scheduled WFR to run 5 min apart.
- In afm_wf_rules table, XML Schedule Properties field not empty for non-scheduled WFRs( 3041014 )
     UPDATE afm_wf_rules SET xml_sched_props=null WHERE xml_sched_props IS NOT NULL AND rule_type<>'Scheduled'
- Disable non-essential WFRs from running on startup as on startup the SmartClient can crash because of a database error caused by rule ApplyIndexesService ( 3042287 )
     UPDATE afm_wf_rules SET xml_sched_props = REPLACE(xml_sched_props, 'runOnStartup="true"', 'runOnStartup="false"')
     WHERE is_active=1 AND rule_type='Scheduled' AND xml_sched_props LIKE '%runOnStartup="true"%'
     AND activity_id||'-'||rule_id NOT IN
    (SELECT activity_id||'-'||rule_id FROM afm_wf_rules WHERE is_active=1 AND rule_type='Scheduled'
    ((activity_id='AbBldgOpsHelpDesk' AND rule_id='runSLAEscalations') OR
    (activity_id='AbCommonResources' AND rule_id='ScheduledNotificationService') OR
    (activity_id='AbSpaceRoomInventoryBAR' AND rule_id='updateRmAndEmFromRmpct') OR
    (activity_id='AbSystemAdministration' AND rule_id='removeUnlicensedActivities'))
- Add a new workflow rule for Incident Reporting mobile app ( 3039984 )
     INSERT INTO afm_wf_rules(is_active,transfer_status,description,dwgname,ehandle,activity_id,rule_id,rule_type,group_name,xml_rule_props,xml_sched_props) VALUES ('1','NO CHANGE','EHS Mobile Service',NULL,NULL,'AbRiskEHS','EHSMobileService','Message',NULL,'<xml_rule_properties description="EHS Mobile Service"><eventHandlers><eventHandler class="" method=""><inputs/></eventHandler></eventHandlers></xml_rule_properties>',NULL);
- Add AssessmentMobileService workflow rule ( 3040076 )
     INSERT INTO afm_wf_rules(is_active,transfer_status,description,dwgname,ehandle,activity_id,rule_id,rule_type,group_name,xml_rule_props,xml_sched_props) VALUES ('1','NO CHANGE',NULL,NULL,NULL,'AbCapitalPlanningCA','AssessmentMobileService','Message',NULL,'<xml_rule_properties description=""><eventHandlers><eventHandler class="" method=""><inputs/></eventHandler></eventHandlers></xml_rule_properties>','<xml_schedule_properties><schedule startTime="01-01-2004 12:00:00" endTime="" runOnStartup="false"><simple repeatCount="-1" repeatInterval="86400000"/></schedule></xml_schedule_properties>');
- Add new WFR for Page Navigator ( 3040687 )
     INSERT INTO afm_wf_rules (xml_rule_props, is_active, rule_type, description, activity_id, rule_id) VALUES ('<xml_rule_properties description="Initiates navigation page generation for a particular role-locale record"> <eventHandlers> <eventHandler class="com.archibus.eventhandler.NavigationPagesPublisher" method="generatePagesForRole"> <inputs> </inputs> </eventHandler> </eventHandlers> </xml_rule_properties>', 1, 'Message','Initiates navigation page generation for a particular role-locale record','AbCommonResources','generateNavigationPagesForRole')
     INSERT INTO afm_wf_rules (xml_rule_props, is_active, rule_type, description, activity_id,rule_id) values ('<xml_rule_properties description="Returns data records as for the report grid augmented with additional properties"> <eventHandlers> <eventHandler class="com.archibus.eventhandler.ViewHandlers" method="getDataRecordsPlusProjectInfo"> <inputs> </inputs> </eventHandler> </eventHandlers> </xml_rule_properties>', 1, 'Message','Returns data records for Bali 1 Page Navigator', 'AbCommonResources', 'getDataRecordsPlusProjectInfo')
- New Workflow rule, 'WorkplacePortalMobileService', for Workplace Portal mobile app ( 3041705 )
- New Workflow rule, 'SpaceOccupancyMobileService', for Space Occupancy mobile app( 3041710 )
- Update the AbWorkplacePortal-WorkplacePortalMobileService WFR to point to the renamed package ( ( 3041796 )
- Add Workflow rule definition for Workplace Portal mobile app - Reservations and Hoteling modules( 3041925 )
- Add New WFR for metrics calculation ( 3040790)

PNAV changes

- Add a task for "Add Field" ( ab-schema-add-field.axvw ) to the System Admin process ( 3039861 )
     INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id, process_id, task_id, display_order, task_type, task_file) VALUES('AbSystemAdministration', 'Add-In Manager', 'Add Field', 950, 'WEB URL','ab-schema-add-field.axvw')
- Add or replace the task "Edit ARCHIBUS Data Dictionary" ( 3039999 )
     UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_file='ab-edit-data-dictionary.axvw' WHERE task_file = 'ab-data-dictionary.axvw';
- Database changes to support the 21.2 Page Navigation functionality ( 3040687 )
     INSERT INTO afm_activities (activity_id,summary,title,display_order,version) VALUES ('AbNavigationPages','Navigation activity to facilitate role-to-process or role-to-page relation.', 'Page Navigator',0,1)
     INSERT INTO afm_ptasks (display_order, icon_small, task_file, task_type, activity_id, process_id, task_id) VALUES (450,'ab-icon-task.gif','ab-publish-navigation-pages.axvw','WEB URL','AbSystemAdministration','Add-In Manager','Publish Navigation Pages by Role')
- Add "Use Building Operations Console" to the PNav in System Administration( 3040919 )
- Add Pnav entry for 'Review Record Counts' - ab-records-count.axvw ( 3041654 )
- Add roles and page navigators for the AI* and AFM* users ( 3041698 )
- Add the AIM, AFMM mobile page navigator users, their processes, ptasks, and roleprocs ( 3042091 )
- View 'Select Space Book Plan Types' should be renamed since it is used also by Space Occupancy app ( 3041897 )
- Add PNav entries for Metrics:
     INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id, process_id, task_id, display_order, task_type, task_file) VALUES('AbSystemAdministration', 'Add-In Manager', 'Metrics', 460, 'LABEL','');
     INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id, process_id, task_id, display_order, task_type, task_file) VALUES('AbSystemAdministration', 'Add-In Manager', 'Define Metrics', 465, 'WEB URL','ab-ex-metric-metrics-def.axvw');
     INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id, process_id, task_id, display_order, task_type, task_file) VALUES('AbSystemAdministration', 'Add-In Manager', 'Define Granularities', 470, 'WEB URL','ab-ex-metric-gran-def.axvw');
     INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id, process_id, task_id, display_order, task_type, task_file) VALUES('AbSystemAdministration', 'Add-In Manager', 'Define Scorecards', 480, 'WEB URL','ab-ex-metric-scorecard-def.axvw');
- Add new 'Metric Trend Values' task ( 3041671 )
- Add the CAD paginated report to the PNav ( 3039838 )
- Add/update Solution Templates tasks ( 3040170 )
- The equipment asset console view in SmartClient does not add titles like the same view in WebCentral ( 3039084 )
     UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_file = 'ab-eq-locate.axvw' WHERE task_file='ab-ap-eq-locate.axvw'
- Copy the Asset & Equipment Survey Console view to the Asset Management Domain ( 3040487 )
      INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id, process_id, task_id, display_order, task_type, task_file) VALUES('AbAssetManagement', 'Equipment', 'Manage Asset & Equipment Surveys', 250, 'WEB URL', 'ab-eq-survey-console.axvw')
- Update Pnav for Defining/Editing Equipment ( 3041155 )
      UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_file = 'ab-eq-edit.axvw' WHERE task_file = 'ab-ca-def-eq.axvw'
- Add Define Vendors view to setup menu ( 3040416 )
INSERT INTO afm_ptasks(activity_id, process_id, task_id, display_order, task_type, task_file) VALUES('AbProjectManagement', 'Set Up', 'Define Vendors', 1670, 'WEB URL','ab-vn-def.axvw')
- Add Define Fiscal Year task under Cost Administration activity ( 3037600 )
     INSERT INTO afm_ptasks (display_order, icon_small, task_file, task_type, activity_id, process_id, task_id)VALUES (450,'ab-icon-task.gif','ab-repm-lsadmin-fiscal-year-def.axvw','WEB URL','AbRPLMCosts','Business Process Owner','Define Fiscal Year')
- Add entries for the new Space Console and associated views ( 3040900 )
- afm_ptask changes for Space Mgmt ( 3040863 )
- Add "Quick Start" users and roles ( 3040921 )
- Add a PNav Pick for Space survey console to space menu ( 3042330 )
Space & Ops Quick-Start:
- Add record to afm_ptasks to include a link to the Quick-Start intro help page ( 3042155 )
- Process Navigator and Role Assignment changes ( 3041505 )
- Update afm_ptasks for Employee Capacity views ( 3041944 )
- Add a task to define quick-start metric limits ( 3042016 )
- Page Navigation, add several missing afm_roleprocs for the self-service home page ( 3042112 )
- Smart Client tasks and SC Extension tasks for Quick-Start roles ( 3042020 & 3041939 )
- Process Navigator and Role Assignment changes ( 3041505, 3041730 )
- New task required for Room Reservations track of show/no show ( 3041569 )
afm_roleprocs updates:
- Add 'Executive Reports' and 'Process' processes for all active applications to the 'EXECUTIVE MANAGER' and 'EXECUTIVE MANAGER (ACP)' roles in the afm_roleprocs table:
- Add all processes for all active activities to each of these roles in the afm_roleprocs table:
- Add all processes for the 'AbSystemAdministration' activity to each of these roles in the afm_roleprocs table:

DATA changes

- New activity parameter required for recurring schedule service ( 3041474 )
- Change the locale for select level 4 and executive managment users from "English (United States)" to "Default" ( 3042060 )
     UPDATE afm_users SET locale='DEFAULT' where user_name in ('AI','AIX','ABERNATHY','AIDEMO5','AFMDEMO5');
- Add the AIM, AFMM mobile page navigator users, their processes, ptasks, and roleprocs	(3042091)
     UPDATE afm_users SET clr_scheme = 'IMPACT' WHERE user_name IN ( 'AIM', 'AFMM' );
- Current HQ users cannot login if WebCentral default language is not en-US	(3042437)
     UPDATE afm_users SET locale = 'en_US' WHERE user_name IN ( 'AIX', 'AFMX' );
- Add Metrics sample data ( 3040907 )
- Add afm_metric_definitions sample data ( 3040991, 3041684 )
- label all afm_metric_trend_values records as "example" data	(3042543)
     UPDATE afm_metric_trend_values SET collect_err_msg = 'example';
- Add sample data for metric, granularity, and scorecard definitions and sample values  ...
- Set all metrics, except legacy ones as Active, but Not Tested( 3042040 )
- Add metric records for the Quick-Start home page ( 3041794 )
- Import the new metric scorecard assignments ( 3042092 )
- Set all metrics, except legacy ones as Active, but Not Tested( 3042040 )
- Add record in afm_mobile_apps table ( 3040076)
     INSERT INTO afm_mobile_apps(activity_id, title, security_group, main_page_url) VALUES('ABCONDITIONASSESSMENT', 'Assessment', 'OPS-CA-MOB', 'ConditionAssessment/index.html')
- Add record in afm_mobile_apps table ( 3040441)
     INSERT INTO afm_mobile_apps(activity_id, title, main_page_url) VALUES('ABINCIDENTREPORTING', 'Incidents Reporting', 'IncidentReporting/index.html')
- Update description field text for two Clean Building problem type records( 3040429)
- Change afm_mobile_apps.activity_id field values to CamelCase ("AbConditionAssessment", "AbEquipmentSurvey", "AbIncidentReporting", "AbSpaceBook", "AbWorkRequest") - ( 3040962 )
- Mobile Maintenance app: add "10 - MAINTENANCE" plan type( 3040949 )
- Additional Activity Parameters needed for Mobile Framework ( 3041166 )
     INSERT INTO afm_activity_params(activity_id, param_id, param_value, description, applies_to) VALUES('AbSystemAdministration', 'MobileAppsShowSampleCameraImages', 1, 'Indicates that the camera icon should be displayed when running the apps in a browser.', 			'Mobile')
     INSERT INTO afm_activity_params(activity_id, param_id, param_value, description, applies_to) VALUES('AbSystemAdministration', 'BackgroundDataExpiration', 12, 'Indicates the number of hours that the background sync data is valid.', 'Mobile')
- Create user group for Incidents Reporting app( 3041596 )
- Add new security group for Space Occupancy mobile app ( 3041712 )
- Activate Space Occupancy mobile app by adding it into afm_mobile_apps table ( 3041715 )
- Add security group for Workplace Services Portal mobile app ( 3041472 )
- Add the Workplace Services Portal mobile app entry ( 3041471 )
- Insert afm_mobile_menu records for WorkplacePortal mobile app ( 3041675 )
- Upload photo icons for to the Workplace Portal Request form ( 3041641 )
- Add plan types for Workplace Portal mobile app for Locating Employees and Locating Rooms ( 3041735 )
- Add sort order values for afm_mobile_apps ( 3041693 )
- Add plan types for Workplace Portal mobile app for Reservations and Hoteling ( 3041923 )
- Update and insert activitytype records for WorkplacePortal mobile app ( 3041674 )
- New activity parameter required for limiting the maximum occurrences for recurring reservations( 3042232 )
- Make AIX the appr_mgr1 for projects WHERE AI is the proj_mgr	(3042519)
     UPDATE project SET apprv_mgr1 = 'AIX' WHERE proj_mgr = 'AI';
- Capital Project legacy data and Facilty Construction Project Manager sample data ( 3041295 )
- Sample data adjustments for invoices, activity_log, and project forecasts for CPM ( 3041742 )
- FCPM project status values need update ( 3041546 )
- Capital Budgeting home page sample data ( 3041688 )
- Updates to HQ-BUILD-HQ-NEW dataset for CPM ( 3042019 )
- Invoices with status ISSUED should not have amount_closed values ( 3042152 )
- Update the division and department assigned to employee DISPATCHER ( 3042545 )
- Bad data in default database for two afm_wf_steps records ( 3039981)
     UPDATE afm_wf_steps SET subject_message_id=UPPER(subject_message_id) WHERE subject_message_id is not null;
     UPDATE afm_wf_steps SET body_message_id=UPPER(body_message_id) WHERE body_message_id is not null;
- Change task_id from 'Operations Console' to 'Building Operations Console' ( 3041757 )
- Sample data changes ( 3041507 )
- Remove old activity params ( 3041507 )
     DELETE FROM afm_activity_params WHERE param_id IN ('ShowEquipmentOnCreateRequest', 'ShowProblemTypesOnCreateRequest');
- Add 'Survey_View' activity parameter for use by BldgOps Console( 3042322 )
- Add BldgOps notification messages ( 3042299 )
- Change some data in table afm_wf_steps, due to recently reported issues ( 3042231 )
     UPDATE afm_wf_steps SET step_status_result = 'surveyed' WHERE step = 'Satisfaction Survey';
     UPDATE afm_wf_steps SET step = 'Scheduling' WHERE step_type = 'scheduling';
- Sample data updates for Space and BldgOps ( 3041137 )
- change the site of some buildings back to their v20.2 values (revert KB 3039008) ( 3041015 )
     UPDATE bl SET bl.site_id='JFK', bl.dwgname=null, bl.ehandle=null WHERE bl.bl_id LIKE 'JFK%';
     UPDATE bl SET bl.site_id='OLDCITY', bl.dwgname=null, bl.ehandle=null WHERE bl.bl_id =  'XC';
- Sample data changes ( 3041506 )
- Database changes Building Operations and Space Management( 3040686 )
     Add AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork.TranslationsForWorkRequestStatus parameter
- Update inconsistent values in enum_list for status field in eq and eq_audit tables( 3041211 )
     UPDATE afm_flds SET enum_list = 'in;In service;out;Out of Service;rep;In Repair;stor;In storage;salv;Salvaged;sold;Sold;miss;Missing' WHERE table_name IN ('eq', 'eq_audit') AND field_name='status';
- OSHA Reports - Injury types are not defined - Add records to HQ ( 3039781 )
- Update weather station assignments for a selection of buildings in the HQ demo data set ( 3039937 )
- Add DALLASOF bill_archive data ( 3039863 )
- Capital Projects need Project Type re-assignment for some Hazmat projects ( 3041543 )
     UPDATE project SET project_type = 'Study' WHERE project_type = 'ASSESSMENT - HAZMAT' AND prob_type IS NULL
- Remove and clean up some Clean Building activity_log sample data ( 3041651 )
- Training Program Hours report does not have supporting sample data ( 3039525 )
- One description content in ehs_incident_injury_cat table needs to be updated	(3042412)
- Update enumeration list DATA for EHS restriction_type_id ( 3038453)
     UPDATE afm_flds SET enum_list='Permanent;Permanent;Temporary;Temporary' WHERE table_name='ehs_restrictions' AND field_name='restriction_type_id';
     UPDATE ehs_restrictions SET restriction_type_id = 'Temporary' WHERE restriction_type_id = 'Temp';
- Insert additional Compliance demo data for LICENSE compliance programs ( 3041692 )
- Turn off Compliance notifications in sample data ( 3042285 )
     UPDATE notifications SET is_active=0;
- Modify historical MSDS records to be more realistic and demonstrate new use case support( 3041645 )
- Reduce prominence of hand sanitizer vs other products in MSDS locations data ( 3041731 )
- Update one waste record to enable testing and display of one report highlight feature( 3041646 )
- Insert additional waste and waste manifest records to populate report view ( 3041644 )
- Demonstration data to be added to Waste Management, to have more manifests and see results in some reports ( 3041611 )
- Green Buildings demonstration data moved forward in time( 3041195 )
- Green Buildings gb_fp_setup.calc_year demonstration data moved forward in time ( 3041195 )
- Execute the Basic Rule ( 3040412 )

Version 21.1 Database Schema Revision History (Database Version 138)


Update Db Version Date to: 	2013.05.15
Update Db Version number to:	138



- New fields added:
     afm_dwgpub	    color_mapping
     afm_timezones	    localization fields
- Rename user color scheme Slate - Large Font to Slate - Small Font ( 3038597 )
     UPDATE afm_flds SET enum_list='SLATE;Slate;IMPACT;High Impact;SLATE-SMALL;Slate - Small Font' WHERE table_name='afm_users' AND field_name='clr_scheme'
- Add publishing option to convert all CAD and Revit features to a single color (usually black or a dark grey) ( 3035810 )
     Add color_mapping field to afm_dwgpub table
- Add capability for numeric answers for questionnaire fields ( 3028733 
     UPDATE afm_flds SET enum_list = enum_list || 'Num;Number;Int;Integer' WHERE table_name='questions' AND field_name='format_type'
- Add SVG Type to the drawing publishing rules ( 3038961 )
- Phone fields for all tables set to size = 24. (3039150)
     Tables updated:  bl;combext;company;em;hreserve;insurer;jk;jkext;lessor;mo;project;reserve;rm;telext;visitors;vn;waste_facilities
     Also a number of SQL view afm_flds values updated
- Data type differs for 2 Foreign Keys for Sql Server DB ( 3039475 )
     UPDATE afm_flds SET data_type=1 WHERE table_name='ehs_incidents' and field_name = 'short_term_ca'
     UPDATE afm_flds SET data_type=12 WHERE table_name='afm_redlines' and field_name = 'dwg_name'
- Schema Change Wizard shows "Database value not in enum" warnings ( 3039476 )
     UPDATE afm_flds SET enum_list =
         2050;None;2090;Block;2100;Dwgname;2105;Ehandle;2110;Std;2115;Layr;2120;Area;2125;Len;2055;Desc;2075;XDim;2080;YDim;2085;ZDim;2095;Std. Area;2150;Hierarchical;2155;Hierarchical-Concat;2160;Hierarchical Trace;2135;HPattern;2140;HPattern Acad;2145;HPattern Acad Ext;2060;Graphic;2165;Document;2065;Bar code;2245;Currency;2070;Calculated;2068;Calc-Bar Code;2200;Tc Level;2210;Tc Container;2220;Tc Multiplexing;2230;Tc Contained Tbls;2240;Tc nPositions;2241;Tc Ca Std Max Length;2242;Tc Ca Std Layer;2243;Tc Ca Std Width;2244;Tc Ca Std Color;2170;Doc Stg;2175;Questionnaire'
         WHERE table_name = 'afm_flds' and field_name = 'afm_type;'
     UPDATE afm_flds set enum_list =
          WHERE table_name = 'ls' AND field_name = 'space_use';

Bldg Ops:

- Update the SQL views:  (3037362)
     Run (from Win C\S): System \ Schema \ Define \ Update Service Desk and On Demand Work SQL Views
- Enum list for scheduling substitututes re-organized and edited for consistency ( 3037944 )
     UPDATE afm_flds SET enum_list='acceptance;Service Provider;craftsperson;Craftsperson;supervisor;Supervisor;manager;Service Desk Manager;approval;Approve;review;Edit and Approve;dispatch;Dispatch;estimation;Estimate;scheduling;Schedule;verification;Verify;survey;Survey' WHERE table_name='workflow_substitutes' AND field_name='steptype_or_role'

Gov. Real Prop:

- New enum fields for FRPP 2012 need default values to indicate no change:
     UPDATE afm_flds SET enum_list = 'Z;Not Applicable;Y;Yes;N;No;' WHERE enum_list = 'Y;Yes;N;No' AND table_name = 'grp_trans';
     UPDATE afm_flds SET enum_list = 'NA;Not Applicable;LX;(LX) Lease Termination;LE;(LE) Lease Expiration;UN;(UN) Unknown' WHERE enum_list = 'LX;(LX) Lease Termination;LE;(LE) Lease Expiration;UN;(UN) Unknown' AND table_name = 'grp_trans';


- New tables added:
- New Fields added
- Get Background Data got error when control Mobile App access by Security Group (3039061)
UPDATE afm_flds SET review_group = NULL WHERE table_name = 'bl' AND field_name = 'name'
- Modify the eq_audit table, make bl_id, fl_id and rm_id fields allow null values and add site_id to the eq_audit table (3039370)

Risk & Env:

- Schema changes for EH&S KB items:
     New fields added:  ( 3038494, 3038495 )
ehs_restrictions restriction_class
ehs_training hours_training
ehs_training vn_id
ehs_training_results hours_training
KB 3038503: SCHEMA - schema and sample data modifications for EH&S days_lost_work
     UPDATE afm_flds SET ml_heading='Lost Productivity (Days)' WHERE table_name = 'ehs_incidents' and field_name = 'lost_work_days';
UPDATE afm_flds SET ml_heading='Lost Work (Days), Manual Entry' WHERE table_name = 'ehs_restrictions' and field_name = 'lost_work_days';
INSERT afm_flds VALUES ('ehs_restrictions', 'restriction_class', '2050','0','v21.1 EHS',1,0,null,'Away',null,null,'Away;Away from work;Remained-Restricted;Remained at work: Job transfer or restriction;Remained-Other;Remained at work: Other recordable cases','0',null,null,'Restriction Classification',1,0,0,null,null,24,null,5,0,null,null,1,'NO CHANGE');
UPDATE ehs_restrictions SET restriction_type_id = 'Temporary' WHERE restriction_id = 4;
UPDATE ehs_restrictions SET restriction_class = 'Remained-Restricted' WHERE restriction_id NOT IN ('4','16','18','26');
UPDATE ehs_restrictions SET restriction_class = 'Away' WHERE restriction_id IN ('4','16','18','26');


- Cost Indexing:
     New tables added:
     New fields added:
ls cost_index
ccost_sum date_costs_last_calc (3039356)
- CAM Cost Reconciliation:
     New tables added:
     New fields added:
cost_tran cam_cost
cost_tran_recur cam_cost
cost_tran_sched cam_cost
- Costs that have had VAT amount overridden to 0 are not charged back correctly ( 3039540 )
UPDATE afm_flds SET dflt_val = '-1.0' WHERE table_name = 'cost_tran_recur' and field_name = 'vat_amount_override';
ALTER TABLE cost_tran_recur MODIFY vat_amount_override NUMERIC(12,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT -1.0;
UPDATE cost_tran_recur SET vat_amount_override = -1.0 WHERE vat_amount_override = 0;
   UPDATE afm_flds SET dflt_val = '-1.0' WHERE table_name = 'cost_tran_sched' and field_name = 'vat_amount_override';
ALTER TABLE cost_tran_sched MODIFY vat_amount_override NUMERIC(12,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT -1.0;
UPDATE cost_tran_sched SET vat_amount_override = -1.0 WHERE vat_amount_override = 0;
UPDATE afm_flds SET dflt_val = '-1.0' WHERE table_name = 'cost_tran' and field_name = 'vat_amount_override';
ALTER TABLE cost_tran MODIFY vat_amount_override NUMERIC(12,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT -1.0;
UPDATE cost_tran SET vat_amount_override = -1.0 WHERE vat_amount_override = 0;


- List of countries in the Time Zone field for geographical locations are not translated (3030066)
     Add <field table="afm_timezones" field="timezone_id" /> to afm_scmpref.preferences
- To get the new fields from the last update into afm_flds_lang run:
INSERT INTO afm_flds_lang (table_name, field_name)
SELECT table_name, field_name FROM afm_flds
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM afm_flds_lang afm_flds_lang_inner
WHERE afm_flds_lang_inner.table_name = afm_flds.table_name
AND afm_flds_lang_inner.field_name = afm_flds.field_name )



- Remove the AbCommonResources-ScheduleNotificationService record from afm_wf_rules as it is a duplicate of: AbCommonResources-ScheduledNotificationService ( 3037561 )


- Add afm_wf_rules:

Primary Application Rule Code Class Name
AbCommonResources DrawingSvgService
AbSpaceRoomInventoryBAR SpaceMobileService
AbAssetManagement AssetMobileService


- Add WFR for AbCommonResources.CostIndexingService
- Add WFR for Cost reporting service ( 3039046 )

Project Mgmt:

- Add WFR for AbProjectManagement.ProjectCostsService for "Budget vs Spend" reports


- Update AbSpaceRoomInventoryBAR.RoomTransactionRecorderForDataChangeEvent WFR definition ( 3038644 )
UPDATE afm_wf_rules SET is_active='1',transfer_status='UPDATED',description='Room Transaction Recorder for DataChange events for room table.' ,dwgname=NULL,ehandle=NULL,rule_type='DataEvent',group_name=NULL,xml_rule_props='<xml_rule_properties description="Room Transaction Recorder for DataChange events for room table."> <eventHandlers><eventHandler class="" method=""> <inputs></inputs></eventHandler></eventHandlers></xml_rule_properties>',xml_sched_props='<xml_schedule_properties> <schedule startTime="01-01-2004 12:00:00" endTime="" runOnStartup="false"><simple repeatCount="-1" repeatInterval="86400000"/> </schedule> </xml_schedule_properties>' WHERE (activity_id='AbSpaceRoomInventoryBAR' AND rule_id='RoomTransactionRecorderForDataChangeEvent');


- Remove old localization WFRs ( 3039051 )


- Include WFR definitions for AbSolutionsViewExamples.DocumentJob and AbSolutionsViewExamples.EmployeesJob ( 3037342 )
INSERT INTO afm_wf_rules(is_active,transfer_status,description,dwgname,ehandle,activity_id,rule_id,rule_type,group_name,xml_rule_props)
VALUES ('0','NO CHANGE','Example of Job uploading document from WebCentral to MS SharePoint server, using WebService.',NULL,NULL,'AbSolutionsViewExamples','DocumentJob','Message',NULL,'
<xml_rule_properties description=""><eventHandlers>
<eventHandler class="" method="uploadDocument"><inputs/> </eventHandler></eventHandlers></xml_rule_properties>')

INSERT INTO afm_wf_rules(is_active,transfer_status,description,dwgname,ehandle,activity_id,rule_id,rule_type,group_name,xml_rule_props)
VALUES ('0','NO CHANGE','Example of Job calling EmployeeService
'<xml_rule_properties description=""><eventHandlers>
<eventHandler class="" method="importAllEmployees">



- Move the localization process to System domain so that it is retained in the schema.db (3035480)
     - Move the localization tasks to a new "Localization Manager" process beneath the Add In Manager process in the System Admin activity. 
     - Remove the afm_actprods record for AbSolutionTemplates-Localization.     
     - Remove the AbSolutionsLocalization afm_activity record
- Update the PNav icons
- Make the Equipment Standard Edit form consistent throughout all Domains ( 3038787 )
- Add license levels to new PNav processes ( 3037314 )
- AIADMIN and ADMIN missing user management process ( 3037368 )
- Add all processes for the 'AbSystemAdministration' activity to each of these roles in the afm_roleprocs table:
- The Drawing tasks under the Add-In Manager on the Smart Client Process Navigator would be easier to find under the CAD and BIM Manager Role (3039287)

Asset Mgmt:

- Add Space and Org Hierarchies to the background menu for Asset Mgmt ( 3038786 )
- Add Service Contracts and CSI to Process Navigator ( 3038793 )
- On the Asset Managment/Asset Portal/Background Date PNav process, there is inconsistency in use of verbs in task names ( 3038979 )


- Manage Un-Submitted Requests view is available only in Service Desk, not On Demand Work ( 3038894 )
- Add tasks for defining Work Teams to Building Operations Business Process Owner Process ( 3026500 )

Env. & Risk:

- EH&S - Correct two tasks duplicated for Define Employee (3037198)
- Green Bldgs - Add 2 reports to show Deleted Buildings Carbon Footprint data (3030622)
- Emergency Prep additions for Egress and Haz Mat plans ( 3038007 )
- Emergency Prep additions for Business Value Scripts ( 3038230 )


- Add "Mobile Apps Manager" Process under System Administration / ARCHIBUS System Administration, just beneath the CAD and BIM Manager

Project Mgmt:

- Add "Define Contacts" view to the "Set Up" process for Proj. Mgmt. and to the "Background Data" process for Lease Administration. (3037410)


- Add PNav changes for Cost Indexing and CAM Cost Reconciliation.
- Change navigator entries for some reports ( 3038840 )
- Remove old entries; add new entries for new views ( 3038840 )


- Navigation shows both non-transaction and transaction for space management ( 3038971 )
- In the Building Performance Smart Client CAD process, add a Set Buildings task. CAD Specialists use this task to draw buildings on their campus plan.


- Add new Solutions Template view for Display Temporary Message (3037712).
- GIS - Update GIS task descriptions to be more consistent and to more accurately reflect their purpose; distinguish Flash controls from JavaScript. (3036729)
- Reusable components - Add example of reusable component 'Enable or Disable field actions' ( 3037885
- Add 21.1 Solution Templates views to Process Navigator ( 3038796 )
- Correct example view demonstrating the row clicks events ( 3038969 )


The list below primarily covers data changes that may affect user projects or sample data issues that cause exception errors. Most HQ project sample data changes, of which there were many, are not listed.


- activities table - remove translations ( 3037025 )
UPDATE afm_activities SET summary_ch=NULL, summary_de=NULL, summary_es=NULL, summary_fr=NULL, summary_
it=NULL, summary_nl=NULL, title_ch=NULL,title_de=NULL, title_fr=NULL, title_it=NULL, title_nl=NULL WHERE activity_id='AbRiskCompliance'
- One record of afm_dwgs data is incorrect and causes an exception in the SC (3037489).
UPDATE afm_dwgs SET dwg_file = 'hqb1.dwg' WHERE dwg_name = 'HQB1';
- Updates to afm_roleprocs table:
Add 'Executive Reports' and 'Process' processes for all active applications to the 'EXECUTIVE MANAGER' and 'EXECUTIVE MANAGER (ACP)' roles
Add all processes for all active activities to each of these roles in the afm_roleprocs table:
Add all processes for the 'AbSystemAdministration' activity to each of these roles in the afm_roleprocs table:


- Add activity parameter for Facility Condition Index: ( 3037905 )
INSERT INTO afm_activity_params(activity_id,transfer_status,param_id,description,param_value) VALUE
('AbCapitalPlanningCA','NO CHANGE','FacilityConditionIndex','Facility Condition Index formula','(1000 * ( activity_log.cost_estimated + activity_log.cost_est_cap) / ${sql.replaceZero(''activity_log.cost_to_replace'')})');
- Create a Generic Project Template ( 3037968 )


- Add some drawing publishing rules for mobile apps:
Rules Code Title Active Type Additional Layers
AbPubBlSvg Publish Buildings for Campus Plans Yes SVG BL*;PL*;SI*;
AbPubRmSvg Publish Rooms for Floor Plans Yes SVG RM*;DR;WA-EXT;WA;WN;GRID;SI-MISC;PL
AbPubRmAndEqSvg Publish Rooms and Equipment for Floor Plans Yes SVG RM*;EQ*;DR;WA-EXT;WA;WN;GRID;SI-MISC;PL
- Add the device ID to the GUEST-MOBILE account. ( 3039577 )


- Add activity_parameters for Cost Indexing and CAM
INSERT INTO afm_activity_params(activity_id,applies_to,transfer_status,param_id,description,param_value VALUES ('AbRPLMCosts','NA','NO CHANGE','Base_Rent_Category','Alternative names for the RENT-BASE RENT recurring cost category','RENT - BASE RENT');
INSERT INTO afm_activity_params(activity_id,applies_to,transfer_status,param_id,description,param_value) VALUES ('AbRPLMCosts','NA','NO CHANGE','CAM_Estimate','Alternative names for the ''RENT-CAM ESTIMATE'' cost category','RENT - CAM ESTIMATE');
INSERT INTO afm_activity_params(activity_id,applies_to,transfer_status,param_id,description,param_value) VALUES ('AbRPLMCosts','NA','NO CHANGE','CAM_Reconciliation','Alternative names for the ''RENT - CAM RECONCILIATION'' cost category','RENT - CAM RECONCILIATION');
- Add new Cost Categories CAM(XML file)
INSERT INTO cost_cat(rollup_prorate,cost_cat_id,cost_class_id,cost_type,option1,option2) VALUES ('LEASE-BLDG-NONE','RENT - CAM ESTIMATE','OPERATING COST','OPERATING EXP.',NULL,NULL);
INSERT INTO cost_cat(rollup_prorate,cost_cat_id,cost_class_id,cost_type,option1,option2) VALUES ('LEASE-BLDG-NONE','RENT - CAM RECONCILIATION','OPERATING COST','OPERATING EXP.',NULL,NULL);

Service Desk:

- SLA responses - make autoschedule and autoissue match (3037134)
UPDATE helpdesk_sla_response SET autoschedule = 1 WHERE autoschedule = 0 AND autoissue = 1;
- Add data into afm_activity_params (Mobile)
INSERT INTO afm_activity_params (description,param_value,activity_id,param_id,transfer_status,applies_to)
Values('Asset Management Equipment Field to Survey','bl_id;fl_id;rm_id;em_id;eq_id;status','AbAssetManagement','EquipmentFieldsToSurvey','NO CHANGE','NA')
- Fix default database SLA records ( 3037134 )
UPDATE helpdesk_sla_response SET autoschedule = 1 WHERE autoschedule = 0 AND autoissue = 1; (1 record to be updated)


- Comments should be visible in reservations work requests. One record inserted into messages table ( 3038222 )

Energy Mgmt:

- Set default values for Energy Management bill units ( 3039573 )
UPDATE bill_unit SET is_dflt = 1 WHERE bill_type_id = 'ELECTRIC' AND bill_unit_id = 'KWH';
UPDATE bill_unit SET is_dflt = 1 WHERE bill_type_id = 'GAS - NATURAL' AND bill_unit_id = 'CCF';
UPDATE bill_unit SET is_dflt = 1 WHERE bill_type_id = 'WATER' AND bill_unit_id = 'TGAL';

Version 20.2 Database Schema Revision History (Database Version 137)




	- Make sure all SQL views do not try to cascade:
	     UPDATE afm_flds, afm_tbls SET validate_data = 0 WHERE afm_flds.table_name = afm_tbls.table_name AND is_sql_view = 1 AND ref_table IS NOT NULL AND validate_data = 1;

	- Change size of afm_data_event_log.field_list from 800 to 900 (3036082)

Service Desk

	- Work orders can't be closed when there is a Redlined drawing attached ( 3035526 )
	Drop the foreign key from afm_redlines.activity_log_id to the activity_log table.

	- Provide for workflow substitutes for all steps. (3023429)
	- DELETE FROM afm_flds WHERE table_name = 'workflow_substitutes' AND field_name = 'substitute_id';
	- Import afm_flds_workflow_substitutes.xml
	Update Schema - recreate table.

	DATA:   Import:  messages_workflow_substitutes.xml
	Import:  afm_activity_params_workflow_substitutes.xml

Building Operations

	- Two fields have the same ML Heading (3036959):
	ML heading for helpdesk_sla_response.interval_to_complete should be “Interval to Complete”
	ML heading for helpdesk_sla_response.interval_to_respond should be “Interval to Respond” 


	- set "Validate Data?" to No for activity_log.mo_id. (3035395)


	- Remove obsolete fields from the afm_flds for the resview SQL view (3035968)

US Federal Property Registry

	- Data dictionary updates for US Real Property Federal Registry 2011 changes (3036940)
	Import grp table field additions: 		items-3036940-doc1.xls
	Import grp_trans table field additions: 	items-3036940-doc2.xls	

	-  label for field "Is Asset Potential Candidate For Sale? (30.a):"   (sale_candidate, appears in table grp and grp_trans) is incorrect (3036856)
	>> "Is Asset Potential Canidate For Sale? (30.a):" (canDidate)

	- grp.lease_option_to_term_early  is an enumerated field and should have default value defined as “N”; and Allows Null value set to “No”.


	- Incorporate schema changes for Compliance (3035674)
	- In afm_flds, change name (field_name) of notifications.notity_type to notify_type to fix typo (from kb 3035753).
	Also change notify_templates.notity_type to notify_type to fix typo.

	- In afm_flds, delete record for field regulation.web_ref2 (from kb 3035768).


Environmental Health and Safety

	- v20.2 EHS changes -- NOTE: Compliance changes must be done first. (3035965)

	- UPDATE afm_flds SET ref_table = NULL, dep_cols = NULL WHERE table_name = 'ehs_restrictions' AND field_name = 'date_actual'; (3035549)

	- Two document fields size must be increased to avoid errors. (3035243)
	ehs_em_ppe_types.doc  		-  needs to be changed from 64 to 144
	ehs_training_results.doc  	-  needs to be changed from 64 to 96

	- Update field ML Headings including MTCO2 units or similar ones. (3030889)
	- Change Footprint sources tables field heading for kg_co2. (3030661)

	- activity_log table:
	description field - expand to 4000 characters in order to hold info from EHS incididents
	reduce hcm_loc_notes to 1,000
	reduce recurring_rule to 512
	*** Make the same changes above in the hactivity_log table and any related SQL view!!!***

	- Add Help links for EHS Processes (3036262) 
	- EHS/Incident Reporting -- \Subsystems\webc\Content\ehs\employee_review\incident_reporting.htm
	- EHS/Management Reports --  \Subsystems\webc\Content\ehs\management_reports\mgmt_reports.htm

	- UPDATE afm_flds SET ml_heading = 'Delivery Receipt' WHERE table_name='ehs_em_ppe_types' AND field_name='doc';  (3036726)
	- Remove a total of 6 records, all of which have already been replaced with new ones that shorten the field names to st_reg% or lt_reg%:
	DELETE FROM afm_flds WHERE table_name = 'ehs_incidents' AND field_name LIKE 'short_term_reg%';
	DELETE FROM afm_flds WHERE table_name = 'ehs_incidents' AND field_name LIKE 'long_term_reg%';

	- incident_id field is missing from the hactivity_log table (3037218)
	INSERT INTO afm_flds ( afm_module,afm_size,afm_type,allow_null,attributes,comments,data_type,decimals,dep_cols,dflt_val,edit_group,edit_mask,enum_list,field_grouping,field_name,is_atxt,
	SELECT	afm_module,afm_size,afm_type,allow_null,attributes,comments,data_type,decimals,NULL,dflt_val,edit_group,edit_mask,enum_list,field_grouping,field_name,is_atxt,
	FROM afm_flds WHERE table_name = 'activity_log' AND field_name = 'incident_id';

	THEN run USW on hactivity_log


	- waste_out.container_cat field ml heading - Change from "Container Type" to "Container Category" (3035138)


	- Remove exterraneous FK references from msds_h_% tables (3035496)
	UPDATE afm_flds SET ref_table=NULL WHERE table_name = 'msds_h_haz_classification' AND field_name = 'msds_id'; 
	UPDATE afm_flds SET ref_table=NULL WHERE table_name = 'msds_h_location' AND field_name = 'msds_id'; 
	UPDATE afm_flds SET ref_table=NULL WHERE table_name = 'msds_h_constituent' AND field_name = 'msds_id'; 
	UPDATE afm_flds SET ref_table=NULL WHERE table_name = 'msds_h_constituent' AND field_name = 'chemical_id'; 		

	-- Then run update schema on tables like msds_h_haz_classification;msds_h_location;msds_h_constituent

	- Correction to afm_type value for two fields (3036131)
	UPDATE afm_flds SET afm_type = '2050' WHERE field_name = 'msds_id' and table_name = 'msds_h_data'; 
	UPDATE afm_flds SET afm_type = '2050' WHERE field_name = 'auto_number' and table_name = 'msds_h_location';


	- To get the new fields from the last update into afm_flds_lang run:
	INSERT INTO afm_flds_lang (table_name, field_name) 
	SELECT table_name, field_name FROM afm_flds 
	WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM afm_flds_lang afm_flds_lang_inner
	WHERE afm_flds_lang_inner.table_name = afm_flds.table_name
	AND afm_flds_lang_inner.field_name = afm_flds.field_name )



	- Change wfr name. (3035625)
	from:	AbSystemAdministration-SecurityTablesDataChangeLogger
	to:	AbSystemAdministration-DataChangeLogger

	- AddViewToMyFavorites and RemoveViewFromMyFavorites workflow rules are assigned the SYSTEM MGR security group. Remove the security group from them. (3036618)

	- Notifications - add scheduled WFR: ComplianceNotificationSchedule
	Import ScheduleNotificationService - wfr.xml

	- Add a new WFR used for statistic rows (min, max, average and totals for grid with grouping data source )  calculated on server. (3035797; 3036523)
	Import StatisticDataService_wfr.xml


	- Add WFRs

Project Management

	- Add new WFR for Project Mgmt "S" Curve reports:
	eventHandler class=""




	- Add the "Run Report Only View Definition Wizard" to the PNav (3027601)

	- Add: Path: Technologies / User Interface Add-Ins / Geographical Information System (GIS) Views / Locate Asset Example
	URL: http://localhost:8080/archibus/ab-arcgis-locate-asset.axvw 
	- Changes in Archibus Data Dictionary views (3031358)
	Application: AbSystemAdministration	Process or Role: Add-In Manager:	
	i.	Rename the task View ARCHIBUS Data Dictionary  to:   Edit ARCHIBUS Data Dictionary
	ii.	Add the task  Edit ARCHIBUS Tables Dictionary  with the Task File: ab-data-dictionary-tables.axvw
	iii.	Rename the task View ARCHIBUS Field Dictionary to:  Edit ARCHIBUS Fields Dictionary

	- SC Assign Processes to Roles task record does not match task file (3037073)
	System Administration > ARCHIBUS System Administrator > ARCHIBUS Administrator - Users and Security > Assign Processes to Roles --- change view type to "web URL".

Space Transactions

	- DELETE from afm_roleprocs WHERE process_id LIKE '%rmtrans%';

	- Move "Enable or Disable Workspace Transactions" task to System Administration ( 3035693 )
	Under "System Administration / ARCHIBUS System Administration / ARCHIBUS Administrator - Application Configuration"
	create a new Label at the end called "Domain-Specific" and put the task "Enable or Disable Workspace Transactions" under it. 

	- Add Define Geo-Locations task to Space.
	Import: afm_ptasks_add_ab_def_geo_loc_to_space.xml

Real Estate Portfolio Management

	- Add the following views for Lease Communications (3036574)
	Add the following editable views, grouped as "Lease Communications", under:
	Real Estate Portfolio Management / Lease Administration / Lease Portfolio /:
	Communication Log Items: ab-repm-lsadmin-comm-log.axvw
	Communication Log Items by Lease: ab-repm-lsadmin-comm-log-by-lease.axvw
	Communication Log Items by Activity Log Item: ab-repm-lsadmin-comm-log-by-activity-log.axvw
	Communication Log Items by Activity Log Item by Project: ab-repm-lsadmin-comm-log-by-project.axvw

	and the following reports, grouped as "Lease Communications" , under:
	Real Estate Portfolio Management / Lease Administration / Reports /:
	Communication Log Items: ab-repm-lsadmin-comm-log.axvw
	Communication Log Items by Lease: ab-repm-lsadmin-comm-log-by-lease.axvw
	Communication Log Items by Activity Log Item: ab-repm-lsadmin-comm-log-by-activity-log.axvw
	Communication Log Items by Activity Log Item by Project: ab-repm-lsadmin-comm-log-by-project.axvw
	Communication Log Items by Contact: ab-repm-lsadmin-comm-log-by-contact.axvw
	Communication Log Items by Date: ab-repm-lsadmin-comm-log-by-date.axvw

	Add also the new view "Define Communication Types" (ab-def-comm-types.axvw) to the PNav's Background Data for:
	- Lease Admin
	- Project Management
	- Cost Chargeback and Invoicing / BPO -- add Define Contacts view (3028178)

Capital Budgeting

	- New view like "View Unallocated Program Funds" - but with the end date sort and highlights. ( 3030852 )
	Put on Pnav just below the above view:
	Process:Capital Project Management > Capital Budgeting > Allocate 
	Task Id: View Unallocated Funds by End Date
	Task File: ab-funds-available-by-end-date.axvw

Project Management

	- Add S-Curve view (3030871).
	Path: Capital Project Management / Project Management / Monitor / View S-Curve Analysis
	file: ab-proj-s-curve.axvw

Environmental and Risk

	- Change PNav order to be the following:  (3037183)
	Emergency Preparedness
	Compliance Management
	Environmental Sustainability Assessment
	Environmental Health and Safety
	Clean Building
	Material Safety Data Sheets
	Waste Management
	Energy Management
	Green Building

Emergency Preparedness

	- Correct task: Application = 'AbRiskEmergencyPrepardness' / Process or Role = 'Define Systems and Zones (SCCAD)' / Task = 'Publish Enterprise Graphics'      (3035646)
	Set the Task Action to (a single line, but appears as 2 in this kb):
	^C^C(AfmPubFlashBackground "")(c:AfmPublish_ExampleMultipleFilesPerAssetType)


	- Modify PTask label for EHS Track Employee Training (3036969)
	UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'Track Training Program Assignments and Results' WHERE task_file = 'ab-ehs-track-em-training.axvw' AND process_id = 'EHS - Track';

	- DELETE FROM afm_ptasks WHERE activity_id ='AbRiskEHS' AND process_id = 'EHS - Documentation' AND task_id = 'Track EHS Documents';

	- Remove “Define Training Chemicals/Substances” from afm_ptasks. This task is under the "EHS - Background Data" process. (3036376)

	- Modify ptask label for two EHS processes (3036968)
	UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'Incidents by Location' WHERE task_file = 'ab-ehs-rpt-incident-details.axvw' AND process_id = 'EHS - Operational Reports';
	UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'Incidents by Type' WHERE task_file = 'ab-ehs-rpt-incident-report.axvw' AND process_id = 'EHS - Operational Reports';

	- Modify ptask label for two EHS processes (3036968)
	UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'Incidents by Location' WHERE task_file = 'ab-ehs-rpt-incident-details.axvw' AND process_id = 'EHS - Operational Reports';
	UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id = 'Incidents by Type' WHERE task_file = 'ab-ehs-rpt-incident-report.axvw' AND process_id = 'EHS - Operational Reports';


	- Remove Win C/S afm_hotlist views for Energy that reference non-existent .avws. (3036568)


	- Add the Proj. Mgmt. Setup process to the Commissioning application.

	- Change PNav task title (3035815)
	UPDATE afm_ptasks SET task_id='Add or Edit Work Packages' WHERE task_file='ab-proj-create-work-pkgs.axvw';

	- Add Task "View and Edit Equipment Commissioning Details"  (3035406)
	To be placed under Capital Project Management > Commissioning > Post-Construction > View and Edit Equipment Information
	activity_id = 'AbProjCommissioning'
	process_id='Cx Post Construction'
	task file:  ab-comm-eq-details.axvw

	- Rename some PTasks (3037222)
	Capital Project Management / Commissioning / Post-Construction / View and Edit Equipment Commissioning Details
	1) Change order on PNav to put this at the top of the process.
	2) Rename it to: "Commission Equipment"

	Capital Project Management / Commissioning / Design / Approved Commissioning Specifications
	Change to: "Review Approved Commissioning Specifications"

	Capital Project Management / Commissioning / Construction / Assigned Commissioning Agents Checklists
	Change to: "Assign Checklists to Commissioning Agents"

	Capital Project Management / Commissioning / Construction / Commissioning Project Scoreboard
	Change to: "Scoreboard Commissioning Projects"
	Capital Project Management / Commissioning / Construction / Equipment Assessments by Classification Level
	Change to: "View Equipment Assessments"

	Capital Project Management / Commissioning / Construction / Commissioning Project Close-out
	Change to: "Close Out Commissioning Projects"

	Capital Project Management / Commissioning / Process / Asset Life Cycle by Floor
	Remove this view and the 2 below it.
	Replace with:  "Commission Equipment" task file:  ab-comm-eq-details.axvw



	- Space Planning and Managemen/ Space Inventory and Performance/ Building Performance   (3030625)
	Notice that the Highlight Suites by lease command is available in this process. 
	Instead this should be placed in the Real Estate Portofolio Management/ Lease Administration/ Suite Analysis process 



	- Add activity_parameter fields for use by the Report only View Def Wiz (3027601)
	Import:  items-3027601-doc1.xml

	- In messages table, set [Is Rich Text Format?] field to Yes for formatted records (3036565)
	UPDATE messages SET is_rich_msg_format=1 WHERE message_text LIKE '%{%}%';

	- Fix inconsistencies in the default user accounts, particularly in the ADMIN account. (3036103)
	(1) Change the "Entire ARCHIBUS System -- System Administrator" ARCHIBUS role:
	o Change Role Name to "System Administrator (ACP)" 
	o Change title to "System Administrator (ACP)". (to be consistent with System Administrator -- the domain-style role).
	o Change License Level to Activity ACP (from 4 - Process Owner).
	Without the change above, the ADMIN user cannot log in to correct licenses on sites with activity-style licensing.  
	Sites that do not automatically delete unlicensed activities for user accounts are then stuck.
	o Change the role name to "4 - SYSTEM ADMINSTRATOR" (to match the name of it's Licence Level).
	(3) Change the "EXECUTIVE MANAGER (ACP)" role:
	o Change the title to "Executive Manager (Activity-Style License)" (to match the other activity-style roles).
	(4) Change the "AFMDEMO2" ARCHIBUS user to be "2 - WORKFLOW PROCESS (ACP)".

	- Give all sample data afm_users unique email addresses (3036914)
	AI*, AFM*, and RESERVATION* users will need corresponding em records with matching email addresses.
	UPDATE afm_users SET email = LCASE(user_name) || '' WHERE user_name LIKE 'AFM%' OR user_name LIKE 'AI%';
	INSERT INTO em (em_id, email) SELECT user_name, email FROM afm_users 
	WHERE (user_name LIKE 'AFM%' OR user_name LIKE 'AI%') AND user_name NOT IN ('AFM','AI');
	UPDATE em SET bl_id = 'HQ', dv_id = 'ELECTRONIC SYS.', dp_id = 'ENGINEERING', em_std = 'EXEC-SR'
	WHERE (em_id LIKE 'AFM%' OR em_id LIKE 'AI%') AND em_id NOT IN ('AFM','AI');
	INSERT INTO em (em_id, email, bl_id, dv_id, dp_id) SELECT user_name, email, 'HQ', 'FACILITIES', 'CONSTRUCTION'
	FROM afm_users WHERE user_name LIKE 'RESERVATION%';

	- Add two users that have the executive manager role (to which we assign all the business-value demo pnavs) but that do not have a "demo" account:


- Add the ARCHIBUS Room Reservations Plugin activity params (3035757)
afm_activity_params.activity_id param_id        param_value                     description
AbWorkplaceReservations                         PlugInFullReservationView       ab-rr-my-reservations.axvw              View loaded by the ARCHIBUS Room Reservations Plug In for Outlook when the user loads the full Web Central View.
AbWorkplaceReservations                         PlugInRoomInformationView       ab-rr-rm-arrange-details-urlparams.axvw View loaded by the ARCHIBUS Room Reservations Plugin for Outlook when the user presses the "I" button to get more information on the room.

Extended Global Feature Set

	- Allow DEMO users to view data WHERE bl_id is Null. (3035132)
	UPDATE afm_users SET bl_id_list = bl_id_list || ', NULL' WHERE bl_id_list IS NOT NULL AND user_name LIKE '%DEMO%';

	- SmartClient Connection failure on MSSQL due to bad translation data included in the definition for afm_conversions. (3036037)
	UPDATE afm_tbls SET title_ch = NULL, title_zh = NULL, title_de = NULL, title_fr = NULL, title_it = NULL,
	title_es = NULL, title_jp = NULL, title_ko = NULL, title_no = NULL, title_nl  = NULL 
	WHERE table_name = 'afm_conversions';

Service Desk

- Fix default database SLA records where Autoschedule != Autoissue. (3037134)
UPDATE helpdesk_sla_response SET autoschedule = 0 WHERE autoschedule = 1 AND autoissue = 0;


	- hpattern values in table regulation are not recognized by AFM W/C (3036657)
	UPDATE regulation SET hpattern = ' ' + hpattern WHERE hpattern IS NOT NULL;


	- Add incident notifications messages (3030075)	


	- Restore weather model station assignments to sample building table records (3037113)

Version 20.1 Database Schema Revision History (Database Version 136)










Space Transactions

rm (new column org_id; change to data type of count_em column)
questions (addition to the enumerated list of the existing format_type column)
mo (new column activity_log_id)
helpdesk_sla_response (new column activity_id) (3032099)
fl (change to data type of count_em column)
bl (change to data type of count_em column)
site (change to data type of count_em column)
rmcat (change to data type of count_em column)
rmtype (change to data type of count_em column)


Bldg Ops

UPDATE afm_flds SET dflt_val = 'none' WHERE (table_name ='helpdesk_step_log' AND field_name='step_status_result')
R (table_name IN ('activity_log','hactivity_log','activity_log_hactivity_log','wr','hwr','wrhwr','helpdesk_sla_steps','hactivity_logmonth','activity_logview','wrview') AND field_name='step_status')
OR (table_name='afm_wf_steps' AND field_name IN ('step_status_result','step_status_rejected')) UPDATE afm_flds SET enum_list = 'none;None;approved;Approved;accepted;Accepted;surveyed;Surveyed;verified;Verified;dispatched;Dispatched;estimated;Estimated;scheduled;Scheduled;rejected;Rejected;declined;Declined;waiting;Waiting for Step'
WHERE table_name IN ('activity_log','hactivity_log','activity_log_hactivity_log','wr','hwr','wrhwr','hactivity_logmonth','activity_logview','wrview') AND field_name='step_status'
UPDATE afm_flds SET enum_list='none;None;rejected;Rejected;declined;Declined' WHERE table_name='afm_wf_steps' AND field_name='step_status_rejected';

UPDATE afm_flds SET enum_list='none;None;approved;Approved;accepted;Accepted;surveyed;Surveyed;verified;Verified;dispatched;Dispatched;estimated;Estimated;scheduled;Scheduled' WHERE table_name='afm_wf_steps' AND field_name='step_status_result'; UPDATE afm_flds SET enum_list='none;None;approved;Approved;accepted;Accepted;surveyed;Surveyed;verified;Verified;dispatched;Dispatched;estimated;Estimated;scheduled;Scheduled;rejected;Rejected;declined;Declined;forwarded;Forwarded' WHERE table_name='helpdesk_step_log' AND field_name='step_status_result';
ALTER TABLE activity_log MODIFY step_status DEFAULT 'none';
ALTER TABLE hactivity_log MODIFY step_status DEFAULT 'none';
ALTER TABLE wr MODIFY step_status DEFAULT 'none';
ALTER TABLE hwr MODIFY step_status DEFAULT 'none';
ALTER TABLE helpdesk_sla_steps MODIFY step_status DEFAULT 'none';
ALTER TABLE helpdesk_step_log MODIFY step_status_result DEFAULT 'none';
ALTER TABLE afm_wf_steps MODIFY step_status_result DEFAULT 'none';
ALTER TABLE afm_wf_steps MODIFY step_status_rejected DEFAULT 'none';


Multi Currency


Fed. Real Prop:


Green Building

Clean Building

Waste Management


Material Safety Data Sheets




Environmental Health & Safey

Added table and field definitions: ehs%;docs_assigned;work_categ%


Energy Management


Asset Management




Project Mgmt/Commissioning:


Cost Admin







UPDATE afm_wf_rules SET xml_rule_props = REPLACE( xml_rule_props, 'com.archibus.eventhandler.schemupwiz.ProjUpWizDbObjects','
WHERE rule_id LIKE 'refreshDataDictionary';


Space Transactions


Asset Management


Capital Budgeting


Waste Management, Clean Building, MSDS, and EH&S








Space and Transactions


Multi-Currency and VAT:


Bldg Ops:

Service Desk:

Project. Management:

Capital Budgeting:


Green Building:

Waste Management, Clean Building, MSDS, EH&S, Compliance and Commissioning applications






UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Acceptance_View' WHERE activity_id='AbBldgOpsHelpDesk' AND param_id='ACCEPTANCE_VIEW';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Approval_View' WHERE activity_id='AbBldgOpsHelpDesk' AND param_id='APPROVAL_VIEW';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Auto_Archive' WHERE activity_id='AbBldgOpsHelpDesk' AND param_id='AUTO_ARCHIVE';

UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Dispatch_View' WHERE activity_id='AbBldgOpsHelpDesk' AND param_id='DISPATCH_VIEW';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Escalation_View' WHERE activity_id='AbBldgOpsHelpDesk' AND param_id='ESCALATION_VIEW';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Review_View' WHERE activity_id='AbBldgOpsHelpDesk' AND param_id='REVIEW_VIEW';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Survey_View' WHERE activity_id='AbBldgOpsHelpDesk' AND param_id='SURVEY_VIEW';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Update_View' WHERE activity_id='AbBldgOpsHelpDesk' AND param_id='UPDATE_VIEW';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Verification_View' WHERE activity_id='AbBldgOpsHelpDesk' AND param_id='VERIFICATION_VIEW';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='View_View' WHERE activity_id='AbBldgOpsHelpDesk' AND param_id='VIEW_VIEW';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Approval_View' WHERE activity_id='AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork' AND param_id='APPROVAL_VIEW';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Assign_View' WHERE activity_id='AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork' AND param_id='ASSIGN_VIEW';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Auto_Archive' WHERE activity_id='AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork' AND param_id='AUTO_ARCHIVE';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='CF_View' WHERE activity_id='AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork' AND param_id='CF_VIEW';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Dispatch_View' WHERE activity_id='AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork' AND param_id='DISPATCH_VIEW';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Estimation_View' WHERE activity_id='AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork' AND param_id='ESTIMATION_VIEW';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Issue_View' WHERE activity_id='AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork' AND param_id='ISSUE_VIEW';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Manage_View' WHERE activity_id='AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork' AND param_id='MANAGE_VIEW';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Review_View' WHERE activity_id='AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork' AND param_id='REVIEW_VIEW';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Scheduling_View' WHERE activity_id='AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork' AND param_id='SCHEDULING_VIEW';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Update_View' WHERE activity_id='AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork' AND param_id='UPDATE_VIEW';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Verification_View' WHERE activity_id='AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork' AND param_id='VERIFICATION_VIEW';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='View_View' WHERE activity_id='AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork' AND param_id='VIEW_VIEW';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='IncludeGroupsInUnifiedSpaceCalcs' WHERE activity_id='AbCommonResources' AND param_id='includeGroupsInUnifiedSpaceCalcs';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Avg_Copy_Rate' WHERE activity_id='AbRiskGreenBuilding' AND param_id='avg_copy_rate';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='ch4_Gwp' WHERE activity_id='AbRiskGreenBuilding' AND param_id='ch4_gwp';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Egrid_Ver_Default' WHERE activity_id='AbRiskGreenBuilding' AND param_id='egrid_ver_default';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Energy_Mgmt' WHERE activity_id='AbRiskGreenBuilding' AND param_id='energy_mgmt';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Energy_Mgmt_Cost_Cat' WHERE activity_id='AbRiskGreenBuilding' AND param_id='energy_mgmt_cost_cat';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='ch4_gwp' WHERE activity_id='AbRiskGreenBuilding' AND param_id='ch4_Gwp';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='Factors_Ver_Delete' WHERE activity_id='AbRiskGreenBuilding' AND param_id='factors_ver_delete';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='LS_Alerts_View' WHERE activity_id='AbRPLMLeaseAdministration' AND param_id='LS_ALERTS_VIEW';
UPDATE AFM.afm_activity_params SET param_id='OP_Alerts_View' WHERE activity_id='AbRPLMLeaseAdministration' AND param_id='OP_ALERTS_VIEW';


User's Changes

  • INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs ( activity_id, process_id, role_name )

    SELECT afm_processes.activity_id, afm_processes.process_id, '4 - PROCESS OWNER (ACP)'
    FROM afm_processes, afm_activities
    WHERE afm_activities.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id
    AND afm_activities.is_active = 1 AND afm_processes.is_active = 1
    AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM afm_roleprocs WHERE role_name = '4 - PROCESS OWNER (ACP)'
    AND afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id
    AND afm_roleprocs.process_id = afm_processes.process_id );

  • INSERT INTO afm_roleprocs ( activity_id, process_id, role_name )

    SELECT afm_processes.activity_id, afm_processes.process_id, 'ACTIVITY LICENSEE'
    FROM afm_processes, afm_activities
    WHERE afm_activities.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id
    AND afm_activities.is_active = 1 AND afm_processes.is_active = 1
    AND afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id
    AND afm_roleprocs.process_id = afm_processes.process_id );

  • DELETE FROM afm_roleprocs WHERE (SELECT is_active FROM afm_processes WHERE

    afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_processes.activity_id AND afm_roleprocs.process_id = afm_processes.process_id ) = 0
    OR (SELECT is_active FROM afm_activities WHERE afm_roleprocs.activity_id = afm_activities.activity_id ) = 0;


    Space Transactions


    Multi-Currency / Multi-Unit / VAT:


    Asset Management




    Bldg Ops


    Risk and Environment


    Green Buildings


    Clean Buildings




    Environmental Health & Safety







    Version 19.3 Multi-Lingual (Database Version 135)

    Schema Preferences:

    Schema changes:

    Green Bldgs:

    WFR changes:

    *** NONE ***

    PNav changes:


    Proj. Mgmt.:

    Data changes:


    Green Bldgs:

    Version 19.3 (Database Version 134)

    Schema Preferences:

    Schema changes:



    Cap Bud:

    Green Bldgs:


    WFR changes:



    Green Bldgs.:

    PNav changes:


    Space Mgmt:

    Green Bldgs:

    Data changes:


    Proj. Mgmt.:

    Green Bldgs.:




    Version 19.2 (Database Version 133)

    Schema Preferences:

    Schema changes:


    Real Estate & Property Management:

    Building Operations:


    Capital Budgets:

    Workflow Rules (WFR) Additions and Changes:

    New WFRs added:

    New WFRs added for Building Operations applications:

    Energy Management:

    Process Navigator (PNav) changes:


    Real Estate & Property Management:


    Space Planning & Inventory:

    Building Operations:

    Asset Management:

    Capital Budgeting:


    Data changes:


    Field name Field value
    activity_id 'AbSystemAdministration'
    param_id 'NotificationLoggingLevel'
    param_value 'off'|'subject'|'message' Default value is 'message'

    'Indicate the level of e-mail notification logging required. Valid values are:

    • "off": to disable logging;

    • "subject": to log only the subject;

    • "message": to log the complete message text.'

    transfer_status 'NO CHANGE'


    Building Operations:

    Project Management:


    Real Estate & Property Management:


    Version 19.1 (Certified International Release) Database Version 132

    Schema Preferences

    Schema Changes:


    WFR changes:


    PNav changes:

    Data changes:


    Project Management:


    Version 19.1 Database Version 131

    A summary of database changes required per activity or domain when upgrading from v18.2 to v19.1 is listed in the below table.

    Activity or Domain Tables/Fields Changed* SQL Views changed PNav Changed afm_wf_rules changes
    System Yes No Yes Yes
    Asset Management Yes No Yes Yes
    Space No No Yes No
    Service Desk No Yes Yes Yes
    On Demand Work No Yes Yes Yes
    Move Management Yes No Yes Yes
    Project Management No No Yes Yes
    Reservations No Yes No Yes
    Emergency Prep No No Yes Yes
    REPM No No Order and Titles only Yes
    Condition Assessment No No No No
    Hoteling Yes No Yes Yes
    Energy Management Yes No Yes Yes
    Localization Yes No Yes Yes


    Note: When reviewing this list of changes, note that some of the View 1.0 view files or ARCHIBUS Windows Client/Server view files referenced in this document are now obsolete and no longer shipped.

    Schema changes



    Real Estate Portfolio Management Domain

    Asset Management Domain

    Move Management Domain

    Service Desk/On Demand Activities

    Right now, the work request ids show up as comma-separated because the numeric format is set to "default".

    This should change to "NoSeparator". (3024523)


    Condition Assessment Activity

    Reservations Activity

    Hoteling Activity

    Energy Management Activity

    In addition to the fields for the tables listed above added fields to bl table


    SELECT table_name, field_name FROM afm_flds

    WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM afm_flds_lang afm_flds_lang_inner

    WHERE afm_flds_lang_inner.table_name = afm_flds.table_name

    AND afm_flds_lang_inner.field_name = afm_flds.field_name )

    Work Flow Rules


    Hoteling Activity

    Service Desk/On Demand Work Activities

    Portfolio Administration Activity

    Portfolio Forecasting Activity

    Government Property RegistryActivity

    Capital Budgeting/ Project Management Activities

    Emergency Preparedness Activity

    Energy Management

    Reservations Activity

    Move Management Activity

    Asset Management Activity

    Package and Deploy Wizard

    Process Navigator

    Smart Client:


    Background views

    Move Management Activity

    Delete the following:

    Activity Process or Role Task
    AbMoveManagement Craftsperson Examine Group Move Spreadsheet
    AbMoveManagement Data Coordinator Examine Group Move Spreadsheet
    AbMoveManagement Voice Coordinator Examine Group Move Spreadsheet

    Asset Management Activity


    Emergency Preparedness

    Define Systems -- need a new .axvw - ab-ep-def-systems.axvw --- Change Smart Client PNav to refer to this Web view since the -gd view is actually a Web View

    Define Systems Dependencies -- need a new .axvw - ab-ep-def-system-dependencies.axvw

    Define Geographic Locations----------ab-def-geo-loc.axvw

    Define Locations

    Define Organizations

    Define Companies ---------- ab-rplm-companies-define.axvw

    Define System Types

    Reservations Activity

    Hoteling Activity

    Reservations Activity

    Service Desk/On Demand/Preventative Maintenance Activities

    Energy Management Activity

    Environmental. Sustainability:

    Hoteling Activity

    Real Estate Portfolio Management Domain

    Define Leases grid ab-sp-def-ls-gd.axvw
    Define Suites by Lease grid ab-sp-def-su-by-ls-gd.axvw
    Draw Suites Grid CAD ab-sp-draw-rm-cad.axvw
    View Unaccounted Suite Area Web URL ab-sp-su-unaccounted.axvw
    View Vacant Suites Web URL


    Highlight Vacant Suites Web URL ab-sp-hl-su-vacant.axvw
    View Suites for Expiring Leases Web URL ab-sp-su-expiring.axvw
    Highlight Suites for Expiring Leases Web URL


    Highlight Suites by Lease Web URL ab-sp-hl-su-by-ls.avw
    View Suites by Building Web URL ab-sp-su-by-bl.avw
    View Suites by Floor Web URL ab-sp-su-by-fl.avw
    ab-sp-su-by-fl.avw Web URL ab-sp-su-by-ls.avw

    The last eight views are on the Web PNav under Suite Analysis

    Also added to afm_userprocs for user AFM

    Project Management Activity

    Localization Activity


    Technologies Domain

    Data changes: 


    Preventive Maintenance Activity

    Hoteling Activity

    Asset Management Domain

    Version 18.2 Database Version 130

    Schema Preferences

    Schema changes


    Table Name Field Name
    afm_holiday_dates auto_number
    fn fn_id
    fn_trial fn_id
    gp gp_id
    grp_trans grp_trans_id
    mo mo_id
    pms pms_id
    reserve res_id
    reserve_rm rmres_id
    reserve_rs rsres_id
    rmpct pct_id
    serv serv_id
    system_dep auto_number
    vert vert_id

    Real Estate Portfolio Management Domain

    Condition Assessment Activity

    Service Desk/On Demand Work Activities

    Preventive Maintenance Activity

    Project Management Activity

    Localization Activity


    To get the new fields into afm_flds_lang ran:

    INSERT INTO afm_flds_lang (table_name, field_name)

    SELECT table_name, field_name FROM afm_flds

    WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM afm_flds_lang afm_flds_lang_inner

    WHERE afm_flds_lang_inner.table_name = afm_flds.table_name

    AND afm_flds_lang_inner.field_name = afm_flds.field_name )

    Workflow Rules


    Condition Assessment Activity

    Preventive Maintenance Activity

    Capital Budgeting:

    Process Navigator


    Preventive Maintenance

    Condition Assessment

    Localization Activity


    Capital Budgeting:

    System Administrator

    Data changes

    Condition Assessment

    Preventive Maintenance

    Service Desk/On Demand Work


    Project Management

    Version 18.1 Database Version 129

    Schema Preferences

    Web - Core


    Workflow Rules:

    Process Navigator:


    Real Estate Portfolio Management Domain


    Workflow Rules:

    Process Navigator:


    Space Management Domain


    Workflow Rules:

    Process Navigator:


    Service Desk and On Demand Work activities


    Workflow Rules:

    Process Navigator:


    Reservations activity



    Preventive Maintenance activity

    Process Navigator:

    US Federal Property Registry activity


    Version 17.3 Database Version 128

    Schema Preferences

    Web – Core


    Workflow Rules:

    Process Navigator:


    Preventive Maintenance activity


    Workflow Rules:

    Process Navigator:

    US Federal Property Registry activity


    Workflow Rules:

    Process Navigator:


    Reservations activity


    Workflow Rules:


    Portfolio Administration and Lease Administration activities


    Process Navigator:

    Service Desk and On Demand Work activities:

    Process Navigator:


    Version 17.2 Database Version 127

    Schema Preferences: The Database Version schema preference (Afm_Scmprefs) was set to 127. Database Version date was set to 2008.10.23.

    Schema Changes:

    Workflow Rule (WFR) Changes:

    Process Navigator Changes:

    Data Changes:

    Version 17.1: Database Version 126

    Schema Preferences: The Database Version schema preference (Afm_Scmprefs) was set to 126. Database Version date was set to 2008.02.25

    Schema Changes:

    Workflow Rule (WFR) Changes:

    Data Changes:


    Version 17.1 Database Version 125

    Version 16.3 Database Version 124

    Version 16.1 Database Version 123

    Version 15.1 Database Version 122

    Version 15.1 Database Version 121






    Version 14.3 Database Version 120


























































































    Version 14.3 Database Version 119






    Process Navigator

    Activity Categories


    Process Navigator

    Product Activities


    Process Navigator



    Process Navigator

    Processes and Roles


    Process Navigator

    Process Tasks


    Process Navigator

    Process Subtasks


    Not used by v14.3

    User Process Assignments


    Process Navigator

    ARCHIBUS Roles


    Security Roles

    ARCHIBUS Groups for Roles


     Security Roles

    Workflow Process



    Workflow Rules





    Workplace Portal Activity



    afm_tbls.title_ch, de, es, fr, etc.







    afm_users.vpa_option1,2,3, and 4




    New Size

    Old Size













































    Old Value

    New Value

    afm_scmpref. afm_db_version_num



    afm_scmpref. afm_exe_release_num

    107 (default)









    Version 14.2 Database Version 118

    These fields were added to the Activity Logs table (activity_log):

     New Fields in Activity Logs table






    cost_act_cap, cost_est_cap



    date_assessed, date_verified

    doc_file1,doc_file2, doc_file3


    fl_id,  location







    The following fields were changed in the Activity Log table (activity_log):

    " N/A

    " Trial

    " Budgeted

    " Planned

    " Scheduled

    " In Progress

    " Completed

    " Completed and Verified

    Version 14.1 Database Version 117


    o Type set to Hpattern Acad Ext

    o Field width increased to 64 characters

    Version 12.2 Database Version 116

    Version 12.1 Database Version 115

    Version 11.3 Database Version 114

    Version 11.2 Database Version 113

    From: ar;All Room;arp;All Room Percentage;ci;Composite;cib;Composite - BOMA;cie;Composite - EBOMA

    To: ar;All Room;arp;All Room Percentage;ci;Composite;cib;Composite - BOMA;cie;Composite - EBOMA;ci9;Composite - BOMA 96

    This field is used by the SMP module's Allocation view action for determining the calculation to use when recalculating floors usable area (spalloc.abs).

    From: B;BOMA;E;Enhanced BOMA;G;Group

    To: B;BOMA;E;Enhanced BOMA;9;BOMA 96;G;Group

    This field is used by the Lease module for determining the calculations to use when charging back common areas to lease areas. (lsarea.abs).

    Version 11.1 Database Version 112