Upgrading your Database to V.25.1
Note: If the database does not have database Schema or PNav customizations, then you can use the DUW script process to update the structure of an older project database to the newer structure. That said, you should carefully review the scripts prior to running them to ensure that they will not negatively impact the database. And, as always, prior to any update, you should back up your database. All updates should first be done in a test sandbox environment prior to updating a live database.
Note: Languages should be disabled in \WEB-INF\config\context\compatibility\afm-config.xml if there is the possibility of outdated enumeration list translations as any step in the update scripts.
Note: As part of V.24.1, the Enterprise Moves application moved to the Space domain. Therefore, anyone using V.25.1 to update a pre-v.24.1 database will need to take the following steps concerning the license files in order to run V.25.1 against their older database. After you run the scripts, the Moves application will be under the Space domain and the V.25.1 license checks find them so the V.25.1 license files can be restored.
1. Copy the following files from the pre-V.24.1 WAR file to the V.25.1 application server.WEB-INF\config\context\core\ai-actprods.bin
2. Restart.
3. Upgrade the database.
4. Restore the V.25.1 license files.
Database Upgrade Scripts
V.24.1 Database
Archibus contains a script that simplifies updates to customer databases. Running the \projects\users\public\dt\25.1-merge-schema.duw in the Database Update Wizard upgrades a V.24.1 database to a form compatible with all V.25 features.
V.24.1 users must apply …/dt/25.1-merge-hq.duw and/or /dt/25.1-merge-schema.duw. Note that these are for upgrading a V.24.1 database only.
For information on running database update scripts, see:
These scripts also prepare the database for the Continuous Database Update process. They do so by recording in the afm_autodbupdate
table which scripts have been run. The afm_autodbupdate
table is updated after you have run all scripts through 24.1.004 (which the …/dt/25.1-merge-hq.duw script does).
Older Databases
If a database is older than V.23, you must use the legacy database update process (using the Database Update Wizard to transfer tables) to bring the project database up to at least the V.23.1 structure.
A V.23.1 database can be updated to V.23.2 or V.24.1 by manually running the DUW scripts for those releases:
Once a database is has been updated to the 24.1.004 or later structure, then the Continuous Database Update process that the v25.1 DUW supports can be used to automate multiple script updates. This requires that the script folder numbering follows the numbering convention that the V.24.1.001 and later folders follow.
Rerunning the Scripts
The V.24.x scripts can be run only once. Re-running these scripts on the same database will not do any harm, but will stop at errors and will not finish. The V.25.x scripts can be run multiple times against the same database without error.
Personalized Field Changes
If your team or your business partner has personalized your database, and if you have widened fields or changed field titles, you may wish to review the portions of the database update scripts pertaining to fields. The default field widths for V.24 and V.25 are wider than in previous releases, so there are comparatively fewer of these conditions.
Review these files for imports that affect the Archibus Fields table:
- projects\users\public\dt\25.*\**\*afm_flds*.csv
- projects\users\public\dt\24.*\**\*afm_flds*.csv
Search for “afm_flds” within these files for bulk update statements that affect the Archibus Fields table:
- projects\users\public\dt\25.*\**\*.duw
- projects\users\public\dt\25.*\**\*.sql
- projects\users\public\dt\24.*\**\*.duw
- projects\users\public\dt\24.*\**\*.sql
Personalized User Groups and Roles
V.25.1 makes a number of additions to the default groups and roles to add extra roles for the Archibus SaaS products. The release also adds the CALCULATED group explicitly to roles to avoid having those roles include the less granular wildcard ‘%’ security group.
Review these files for imports that affect the Archibus Groups and Archibus Roles tables (there are no imports for V.25.1):
- projects\users\public\dt\24*\**\*afm_groups*
- projects\users\public\dt\24*\**\*afm_roles*
Search for “afm_groups” and “afm_roles” within these files for bulk update statements that affect the Archibus Groups and Archibus Roles tables:
- projects\users\public\dt\25.*\**\*.duw
- projects\users\public\dt\25.*\**\*.sql
- projects\users\public\dt\24.*\**\*.duw
- projects\users\public\dt\24.*\**\*.sql
Other Personalizations
Unless your team has changed the default Navigator processes or field data types, the changes above are the ones you need to focus on.
Oracle Databases
Users upgrading a V.24.1 Oracle database to V.25.1 will find that the afm_autodbupdate
and afm_autodbupdate_log
tables cannot be created. This is because similar synonyms exist. To resolve this, you must drop synonyms executing:
- sqlplus system/password
- drop public synonym
- drop public synonym