Workplace Services / Service Desk / Service Provider
Canceling or Stopping Service Requests
Sometimes you may find that the work assigned to you is no longer needed. In this case, you can cancel or stop the request. You can cancel or stop service requests from the Issue/Complete Service Requests task as follows.
- Canceling. If the request has not yet been issued, it can be canceled. When canceling, you can enter an explanation as to why you are canceling the request in the Comments text box, then choose the Cancel Request button. This sets the request’s status to Canceled.
- Canceling is done from the Update tab (for any request other than move or department space requests), or from the Assignments tab (for move or department space requests.)
- Stopping. Stopping is done when the request has already been issued. For any request type other than move or department space requests, you can stop the request from the Update tab once the request has the In Process status. Since issued move or department space requests are not shown in the Issue/Complete Service Requests task, you do not stop these requests from this view.
The Update pane shows a comment text box, in which you can give information on why you are stopping the request. Click the 'Stop Request' button to stop the request. This sets its status to Stopped.
Note: Stopping a request enables you to still keep a record of any resources used before the stop so that the cost can be calculated during close-out. Stopping a request is only applicable for Issued requests.
Adding Documents for Canceled requests
Before canceling the request, you might be able to associate a document with it by uploading a document using the Documents pane. This is handy for recording cost or other documentation about the request.
- When canceling a request for moves or department space, you can add a document from the Assignments tab.
- You cannot add documents for other types of requests when canceling or stopping them, but you can add comments.
See Using the Document Management System for information on how to add documents to the service request record.