Capital Projects / Projects / Execute / Management Console
Capital Projects / Projects / Manage / Management Console
Commitment Progress Status Report
The Project Dashboard includes the Commitment Status Summary report that summarizes the costs and progress of each work package. A work package is typically associated with a Contract Amount and an Invoice Total. The Invoice Total gives a measure of the completeness of the work package. A work package that is 100% Invoiced is assumed to be Completed.
After reviewing the work packages commitments and invoices, you might find that you need to update information, or to add a work package. From this report, you can click Add to add: an invoice, change order, or work package.

Tip Click the icon at the top-right of the report to see a description of the data shown on the screen.
- Design Costs: Sum of the Design Cost Estimates for all Work Package actions.
- Contract: Work Package Contract Cost. Derived from the Amount - Contract field.
- Requested Change Orders: Sum of the Baseline Cost Estimates for all requested change orders.
- Approved Change Orders: Sum of the Design Cost Estimates for all approved change orders.
- Revised Contract: Contract Cost plus approved change orders.
- Issued Invoices: Issued invoices pending approval.
- Approved Invoices: Approved invoices with status SENT TO FINANCE or CLOSED.
- Invoice Total: Total of invoices that are Issued and Approved.
- % Invoiced: Percent of the Revised Contract Cost which has been invoiced. Values exceeding 110% have been highlighted.
- % Actions Complete: Percent of Work Package Actions which have been completed. Actions are weighted by Estimated Cost. The Work Package % Complete is calculated by dividing the value of Completed Actions by the total value of the Work Package, as estimated by Design Cost. The value of a partially-completed action is determined by multiplying the action's % Complete value by its Design Cost
- Commitment Remaining: Revised Contract amount minus Invoice Total.

- WBS Codes organize work packages. Work Packages are ordered by work breakdown structure code (WBS Code). This value can be added or edited in the Work Package Profile. The WBS code is used to order work packages in selection lists and to display work packages in the Gantt chart used for scheduling.
- Show More Fields. Click on Report Options > Show More Fields to expand the report to show additional fields, such as Change Orders Requested, % of Actions Completed, and Issued and Approved Invoices.
- See data descriptions. Click on the green
icon to read a full description of the fields in this report.
- Export data. Click on the Export icon to export the report to DOCX or XLS.
- Manage work packages. Select a Work Package to open the Work Package tab from which you can review and update work package details, add contracts, or submit bids. See Managing Work Packages and Contracts.
- Additional Analysis Reports Click on the Report Options button to open other reports such as View Contracts and Actions Summary. Some of these reports enable you to drill-down to see the details contributing to the total. For example, from the Work Package Schedule Variance report, you can drill down to see the estimated and actual duration for each action item for the work package.
The following shows the Additional Analysis reports: