Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / PM Planner
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Maintenance Manager / PM Planner
Export the PM Schedule for the Next 52 Weeks to Excel
You may want to print out a 52-week PM Schedule that you can post in a common area so it is easily visible to all maintenance staff.
With the PM Planner's Export option, maintenance managers can export the schedule to Excel, print it, and then post it.
The export function exports the next 52 weeks of data so that you can see the schedule for the upcoming year. For example, if the current day is July 6 (Week 27), and the Weekly Planner is showing Week 23, the export will start at week 27, provide up to week 52 of this year, and then up to week 26 of the next year. The export option follows the filter you have set and exports only those records meeting the current filter restriction.
The Export option is located on the gear icon of the Week Planner tab, as shown below.
Before exporting to Excel, you may want to set a filter to focus on a specific work team, trade, equipment system, and so on. If you set a filter, the resulting Excel file displays the restriction in red at the top of the file.
Note the following about the resulting Excel file:
- It includes the title "52-Week Preventive Maintenance Plan"
- The PM Schedules are grouped by the same field as the Weekly Planner tab, such as Equipment Standard. Each grouping has "Total Labor Hours" row, which is a sum of the labor hours in each week for each grouping.
- It includes the total trade hours for the PM Schedule for each week, regardless of whether or not you chose the Show Labor option so that this information is visible in the view.
- If a PM schedule has multiple jobs in a week, then the trade hours of all those dates are summed together.
- It does not list cost information.