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Work Team Performance Report

Once work orders are closed out (archived), a manager or supervisor can run this report for an evaluation of how well the work team responded to the situation and if they did so within estimated costs.

Note: When this report is accessed from the Supervisor role on the Navigator, the report is automatically filtered for the Supervisor's work team.

An SLA governing a work request can track data about the response including the service window, the allotted time to respond, and the allotted time to complete. This report shows how effectively work teams are responding to and servicing work requests by comparing the actual times to respond to and complete a work request against the standards defined in the governing SLA. Similarly, if the SLA generates a satisfaction survey, the report can include this statistic.

You can filter the results by site, year, and problem type. Click on a report cell to see the data contributing to that cell. Evaluation parameters are:

Evaluation of ...


Request Handling

Number of Requests entered vs.

  • Percent Responded on Time
  • Percent Completed on Time
  • Percent Completed within Estimated Cost
  • Percent Completed on Time within Estimated Cost
  • Percent of Allotted Time Responded Within
  • Percent of Allotted Time Completed Within
  • Satisfaction Survey Average


Estimated Costs

Actual Costs

Cost Variance

To determine the Percent of Allotted Time Responded Within statistic, the report examines the actual number of minutes that elapsed between the response time and the required response time. It makes a similar calculation for Percent of Allotted Time Completed Within. The exact calculations are below.

Percent of Allotted Time Responded Within = Total response time / Total required response time

Total response time = Sum ( – WHERE wr.wo_id = wo.wo_id, grouped by the existing report columns

Total required response time = Sum( –, grouped by the existing report columns

Percent of Allotted Time Completed Within = Total completion time / Total required completion time

Total completion time = Sum( – grouped by the existing report columns

Total required completion time = Sum( –, grouped by the existing report

Percent of Allotted Time Responded Within = Total response time / Total required response time

Total response time = Sum ( – WHERE wr.wo_id = wo.wo_id, grouped by the existing report columns

Total required response time = Sum( –, grouped by the existing report columns

Percent of Allotted Time Completed Within = Total completion time / Total required completion time

Total completion time = Sum( – grouped by the existing report columns

Total required completion time = Sum( –, grouped by the existing report columns

Note: If a work team is not assigned to a request, the report lists statistics for the work request's supervisor. Thus, the leftmost column of the report may include work teams and supervisors.

Note: If the SLA governing the request does not define response time parameters, the system treats the request as if it were responded to on time (since there is technically no deadline). The system assumes the date_issued field has the same value as the date_escalation_response field. Thus, if there were only one work request, the Percent of Allotted Time Responded Within would show as 100. Similarly, if the SLA does not define completion parameters, the system assumes that date_completed is the same as date_escalation_completion.

Note: The calculations for “Percent of Allotted Time Responded Within” and “Percent of Allotted Time Completed Within” use Work Request records, but the time period for escalation starts when the original service request is submitted. Thus, if the service request is not converted to a work request in a timely fashion (for example, if the SLA does not auto-create the work request, or if approvals are holding up the service request) the calculations may show negative values.


To take a closer look at the Percent of Allotted Time Completed Within statistic, consider the following data for the Central Electric work team.

  Work Team Requested Date Requested Time Escalation Date Escalation Time Completed Date Completed Time Service Window (minutes) Completed Time (minutes) Completed Time in Minutes/Service Window in Minutes
100 Central Electric 10/27/2010 4:01 pm 10/28/2010 3:57 pm 10/27/2010 11:33 pm 1436 452  
101 Central Electric 10/27/2010 4:06 pm 10/28/2010 4:06 pm 10/28/2010 11:06 am 1440 1140  
TOTAL 2876 1592 1592/2876 = 0.553546592

Percent of Allotted Time Completed Within = 0.553546592

From this data, you can see that the Central Electric work team is completing their work within 55 percent of the allotted time; that is to say, in these cases the work would have been escalated for completion 24 hours after the request date, but the Central Electric work team completed their work on average within approximately 12 hours.

The Percent of Allotted Time Completed Within and the Percent of Allotted Time Responded Within are important statistics for assessing the escalation dates and service windows of your service level agreements. For example, if you are consistently finding that your work teams cannot complete the tasks within the allotted times, perhaps your escalation dates and service windows are too aggressive. However, if only one work team is having trouble working within the allotted times, perhaps this work team is inefficient.

Accounting for requests that were escalated due to having request parameters altered

You can change the request parameters for work after it is issued. This can result in a new SLA being assigned. If the new SLA has a shorter response or completion time than the originally assigned SLA, the work might be escalated as soon as it is assigned. This is because the escalation date is based on the original request date, and not on the date the changes were made.

To track the percentage of requests that were not completed on time, and had their request parameters altered, the report includes the following fields:

% Completed late with Changes = 100 * (count where wr.escalated_completion = Yes and wr.request_params_updated = Yes) / Number of Requests

% Completed On Time or Altered = 100 * (count where wr.escalated_completion= No) + (count Completed Late with Changes) / Number of Requests

The drill-down report includes the following two fields to help you evaluate which requests were escalated due to having their request parameters changed.:

Bar Chart

If you'd like to examine the data in a visual format, choose the Bar Chart option. The bar chart reports on a few factors for each work team: the Percent Completed on Time within Estimated Cost, the Percent of Allotted Time Completed Within, and the average satisfaction based on the survey results.