Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Background Data
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Background Data - Maintenance

Developing Maintenance Background Data


Use the following to establish your equipment inventory. For background on equipment inventories, see Maintaining an Equipment Inventory

Task Description Help Topic
Define Equipment Standards Define the standards that categorize your equipment

Define Equipment Standards

Define Equipment Develop your equipment inventory by entering. key information for the equipment.

Define Equipment

Equipment Systems Console Use this task to make and understand equipment relationships. You can also develop your equipment with this task. Equipment Systems Console (Overview)


The Warranties table holds data about warranties for your furniture and equipment items. Multiple items may be purchased under one warranty, so you can first define the warranties and then associate furniture and equipment items and furniture standards with warranties. See Define Warranties for details on the fields.

Trades, work teams, craftspersons, and supervisors

See Trades, Work Teams, Craftspersons, and Supervisors

Parts and their locations

The following tasks are available from the Background Data - Maintenance process:

Task Description Help Topic
Define Vendors Enter vendor and vendor accounts if you have not already developed this data in another Archibus application. Entering Vendors
Define Parts Define parts so that you can track and manage them in the application. Define Parts
Define Equipment Parts by Equipment Use this task to associate equipment and equipment parts. Define Equipment Parts by Equipment
Define Parts Vendors Associate parts with vendors so that you can generate purchase orders for these parts. Maintaining a List of Part Vendors.
View Parts by Vendor  Generate this report to review key information for parts by vendor. For example, you can see whether the part is understocked ,and the average cost. From this report, you can run the Update Calculations action to ensure that the data is up-to-date.

View Parts by Vendors

Define Parts Storage Locations Parts are associated with a storage location to help you better track and mange your parts. Storage locations can be warehouses, storage closets, mobile carts, or even vehicles. If you do not want to track parts by location, all parts are assigned to the 'Main' (default) storage location. Defining Part Storage Locations
Define Subroom Locations If you define parts storage locations to the room level, you can assign the part an aisle, cabinet, shelf, and bin number. his form includes the fields for aisle / shelf / cabinet / bin. Define Subroom Locations
Manage Parts Inventory Manage all aspects of your part inventory, including reviewing all storage location inventories, bulk transferring parts to redistribute them to the locations needing them, creating purchase orders when the part inventory is low, assigning parts to storage locations, and locating parts using a map. Managing Parts Inventory
Manage Purchase Orders As you review your inventory, you can generate purchase orders for parts as long as the part is associated with a vendor. Managing Purchase Orders for Parts
Physical Inventory Variance In addition to tracking their parts with an electronic inventory, some sites like to periodically survey their facility and physically count the parts on hand. They can then use the Physical Inventory Variance report to compare the physical inventory to the electronic inventory. Comparing the Electronic Inventory and Physical Parts Inventory
Adjust Inventory You can manually adjust the inventory, such as when you receive new parts, want to transfer parts from one storage location to another, or want to reconcile the electronic inventory with a physical count you have done. Manually Adjusting the Parts Inventory
View Inventory Transactions This report provides an historical audit of your inventory transactions. Reviewing manual adjustments: the Inventory Transactions report.
Manage Supply Requisitions After reviewing your parts inventory, you might decide that certain parts that are available at one location are needed at another. To track the transfer of the parts you can create a supply requisition. Managing Supply Requisitions.

Tools and other resources

See the following topics for developing tools and other resource types used at your site:

Task Description Help Topic

Define Tool Types

Define Tools

Define the types of tools and exact tools used at your site.

Develop a Tools Inventory

Equipment Systems Console When supervisors add an estimate for a work request, they can estimate costs for labor, parts and tools. These estimates contribute to the costs summaries shown in reports. If you want to track other types of costs, such as costs for transportation, or permits, you can add Other Resource Types that provide ways of categorizing these additional costs. Define Other Resource Types

Work classifications

Your site may wish to analyze your maintenance costs and histories in terms of categories. Use the following tables to establish classifications for problems and their resolution.

Task Description
Problem Types

Use this table to define frequently occurring problems, such as installation, leaks, and safety.

The Problem Types table is used by other applications, including Hazard Abatement and offers the unlimited-tier hierarchy feature so that you can optionally prefix the problem types to show related items. For example, the sample data uses the parent CB for the various Hazard Abatement actions, such as CB|INSPECT and CB||ABATE. To create a multilevel value, complete the Problem Type Code field in the format PARENT|CHILD, such as LEAK|CEILING and LEAK|RESTROOM.Note that "CB" stands for "Clean Building" -- the former name of the Hazard Abatement application.

Cause Types The Cause Types table defines typical causes of maintenance and repair problems, such as accident and vandalism.
Repair Types The Repair Types defines common resolutions to problems, such as cleaning, replacing, and moving. See Define Repair Types.
Problem Description Codes Use the Problem Description Codes table to enter a list of common problems by completing the Problem Desc. Code field with a unique value and the Problem Description memo field with a memo describing this problem. When users report problems, they can automatically complete the work request’s Problem Description field with a descriptive memo from the memos stored in this table. This is useful for minimizing the typing required when requesting work, and for standardizing the way work problems are described.
Problem Resolution Codes Use the Problem Resolution Codes table to enter a list of common resolutions by completing the Problem Resolution Code field with a unique key and the Problem Resolution memo field with a memo describing this solution. When craftspersons record details about the job, they can use these values to automatically complete a work request’s Craftsperson Notes field with a descriptive memo.

Manage Reference Documents

From the Enterprise Assets, Corrective Maintenance, and Preventive Maintenance applications, you can manage reference documents. Reference documents are documents stored in the Assigned Documents table that are associated with an equipment or furniture standard, a building use, property type, PM procedure, work request problem type, action item Action Type, or project Project Type. You can also associate a document with a URL, or can mange documents from the Documents tab to more easily locate a document. See Managing Reference Documents.