Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Background Data - Maintenance
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Inventory Manager
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Background Data - Maintenance

Maintaining an Equipment Inventory

Many office and manufacturing equipment items require routine maintenance, such as cleaning or lubrication, that must be performed in order to maintain the item. Similarly, many maintenance tasks requested by users of the Corrective Maintenance system involve equipment that is not working properly: the copier is jammed, the air conditioner is too cold, the humidifier is leaking.

Having an accurate equipment inventory is an important part of the maintenance process. If users reporting problems can select from a complete and accurate list of equipment items, they will more quickly and accurately report their problems, and the system can more effectively route the problems to the appropriate approval and execution processes.

An accurate equipment inventory optimizes the maintenance process and thereby minimizes the direct and indirect costs associated maintaining equipment. 

Equipment Standards

An important step of maintaining an equipment inventory is to establish the types of equipment at your company -- the equipment standards. Typically, a company will purchase multiple quantities of like equipment items. For example, it is likely that your company has purchased the same type of telecommunications equipment for multiple offices. Archibus defines this type of telecommunications equipment as an equipment standard

To define and edit equipment standards:


Select the Define Equipment task. The system presents a tabbed view.

Note: For information on representing your equipment in floor plans as asset symbols, see Draw Equipment.

Equipment Systems Console

Use the Equipment Systems Console to make and understand equipment relationships. See Equipment Systems Console (Overview).