Archibus SaaS / Foundations

Working with Archibus Forms and Reports

As you work with Archibus forms and tasks, you will notice that many forms provide features to help you find data, restrict the data presented, export data, and so forth.

See the below topics for general information on working with Archibus forms and reports. If you encounter a situation not covered in the below topics, see the Web Central User's Guide / Using Web Central section of Archibus Help.

Note: The below help topics are also used for other deployments and may cover features that you do not encounter as an Archibus Foundations user.

Editing Data

Basics of Editing Data

Selecting from a List of Existing Values (Validated Fields)

Defining Highlights (AutoCAD Highlight Pattern fields)

Uploading and Viewing Documents

Controlling the Data that Displays

Limiting the Set of Records that Display in a View (Filter Console)

Limiting the Set of Records within a Panel (Smart Search Console)

Drilling Down Through a Hierarchy

Sorting Records

Sharing Archibus Data with Others

Exporting to Word (Paginated Reports)

Exporting to Excel