Archibus OnSite

Refreshing Data

OnSite queries the server's "live" data and then presents this data in the OnSite screens. If you stay on the same OnSite screen for a long time, it is possible that the data you are viewing to become out of date because others users can update the same records from Web Central or from another OnSite device. In this case, OnSite needs to refresh the presented data with the latest server data. There are a few ways that refreshing occurs.

Automatic Refresh

OnSite automatically queries the server and refreshes data when you:

However, when you return from the overlying page to the previous page (for example, Work Request Details > Work Queue), the parent page is not automatically refreshed and it will show the existing data. An exception is if the work request is updated (for example, the work request's status changes or a new work request is created). In this case, the parent data will also be reloaded, but only for the last-used parameters (for example, the Work Queue from which you displayed the work request) .

Pull to Refresh

To be sure that your data presents the latest server data, you can pull to refresh. This is handy to do when you have been on the same page for some time.

To execute a pull-to-refresh:

  1. Touch the screen with your finger.

  2. Drag the screen downward

  3. Release.

If the offline support feature is activated, pull-to-refresh updates both live and downloaded data.

Offline Support: Refreshing Downloaded Data

In addition to the above refresh methods, OnSite has the following refresh features if you activate its Offline Support features.

OnSite automatically refreshes the downloaded work request and background data at regular intervals while the technician is online. This way, when the technician goes offline they have the latest data available in their download. The refresh intervals are specified in the Offline Support parameters. See Configure OnSite for Offline Support.

Additionally, technicians working offline are reminded to refresh their data once the previous refresh is older than the specified time interval. Technicians then go to a location with a connection so that they can refresh their data. See Configure OnSite for Offline Support.