
Configure Healthcare Application

To get started with the Healthcare application, you may need to run the System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration / Configure Healthcare Application task (ab-hc-configure-healthcare.axvw).

The view offers three buttons to perform these set-up tasks.

Button Description Update Script

Promote Healthcare Fields

The button runs this update to promote healthcare-related fields so that they are visible in views. By default, the fields do not appear in other Archibus views.

For information on the healthcare-related fields that appear in other views, see Enter Healthcare-Related Fields for Rooms and Other Tables

UPDATE afm_flds SET is_promoted = 1 WHERE (field_name LIKE ‘hc_%’ and table_name IN ('bl','fl', ‘rm’) ) OR (field_name = ‘zone_id’ and table_name = ‘rm’) ;

Hide Healthcare Fields

If you do not want healthcare-related fields to appear in your views, choose this button to run this update.

Use this option if you have promoted the fields but now want to hide them.

UPDATE afm_flds SET is_promoted = 0 WHERE (field_name LIKE ‘hc_%’ and table_name IN ('bl','fl', ‘rm’) ) OR (field_name = ‘zone_id’ and table_name = ‘rm’) ;

Import Healthcare Data

Imports healthcare-related data.

The HQ sample project includes healthcare-related sample data. Use this script to import Healthcare-releated room categories and room types. These values may cause confusion for non-healthcare users and therefore are not included in the HQ sample database.

${import.file('%publicDataTransferDirectory%\projects\users\dt\v2023.01.001\schema\healthcare\hc-rmcat.xlsx)}; ${import.file('%publicDataTransferDirectory%\projects\users\dt\v2023.01.001\schema\healthcare\hc-rmtype.xlsx')};