Back to Work

Back to Work: Implement Hoteling with Automated Room Cleaning

You may wish to implement hoteling as part of your return-to-work strategy. You might have a set of employees who are not returning on a set schedule, but will book rooms for the days that they are in the office. With a hoteling situation, the booked desk needs to be cleaned to ensure that it is in good shape for the next employee using the room.

A hoteling strategy offers these features:

Step 1: Prepare the floor plan

  1. In the Room Standards table, set the “Analyze Safe Distance?” field to control the room standards that the Space Console's Safe Distancing command considers when determining safe distancing circles.
  2. From the Space Console, enter the mandated occupancy and safe distancing targets so that you can determine the amount of space you have for housing employees in hotelable rooms.
  3. Activate the desired hoteling parameters that relate to back-to-work. See Workspace (Hoteling) Parameters.
    • Enforce Floor Capacity Target
    • Prevent Double Booking
    • Enable Check-In
    • Full Day Booking
    • Enable Health Check (for Workplace check-in only)
  1. Indicate safe distancing on the floor plan.
  2. Update room availability for return to work. As with rooms designated for permanent occupancy, hotelable rooms must be appropriately distanced in case two adjoining rooms are booked on the same day. In this step, update rooms that are too close to one another and must be taken off line, as well as rooms that require a deep cleaning before being brought online.
  1. Review the set of hotelable rooms and adjust the set as necessary for your return-to-work needs. This may require clearing rooms of their employee assignments.

Step 2: Implement hoteling

Once you have a set of hotelable rooms, you are ready to implement a hoteling strategy.

  1. Using the Mark Employees for Return to Work task, set Return to Work Info to Hotelable for the employees who will return to work in a hoteling capacity.
    • You can also specify the days of the week the employee will be in the office.
    • If you do so, Workplace can remind users of their assigned schedule by displaying it in a a banner at top of Workspace Booking screen.
  2. You can notify employees to alert them that they will be booking their seat each day that they come to the office.
  3. When employees return to the office, each day they book rooms using one of these tools:

    When employees search for rooms, the search results include rooms whose Room Status is Available and whose Is Hotelable? field is set to Yes. Additionally, the search eliminates any floors whose capacity target has already been reached through both hoteled seats and permanent seats.

    Once an employee books a room, theAbCommonResources.CreateHotelingCleaningWorkRequests scheduled workflow rule:

    • creates a CLEANING-WORKSPACE service request for each floor on which at least one room has been booked during that day.
    • sets the Room Status for the booked room to “Requires Cleaning." The room is no longer available for booking.
    • When the generated CLEANING-WORKSPACE service request is completed, the closing procedure sets Room Status to Available so that the room can be booked again.
  4. If you have set the Check-In parameters, employees can check into their rooms upon arrival using the check-in features of Workplace, the Workplace Services mobile app, or the Confirm Bookings task of the Hoteling application and Reservations module.
  5. The facility manager can check the Alerts section of the Dynamic Workplace home page to see alerts on cleaning requests for hotelable rooms that are more than one day old. For details on the alert, see Return-to-Work metrics and workflow rules. They can also check the Bookings for a Date Range report for statistics about the use of booked rooms.

See Also

Back to Work: Overview