Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Corrective Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Preventive Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Maintenance Mobile App

Approving and Rejecting Work Requests

The SLA governing a work request might require that a work request be approved before it can proceed to the next step in the workflow. The SLA can include any of the following types of approval steps:

Approval Step Description
(Edit and Approve)
When the work request has the Requested status, an employee, craftsperson, or vendor might have to provide an initial approval for the work. This type of approval always includes the ability to edit work request details if needed. For example, you might want to change the Description or Problem Type to more accurately reflect the work and to ensure that the work is properly assigned. You can also change the division and department for the work.
Confirmation approval A Manager, Facility Manager, or Financial Manager might be required to provide an additional confirmation approval for work when it is requested. This approval occurs after the initial approval, and does not include the ability to edit the request. For these approvals, you enter only your comments when approving or rejecting the work.
Estimation or schedule confirmation approval For some work, you might need to provide a confirmation approval for an estimate or schedule. In these cases, the Approve button appears for a request that has been Assigned to a Work Order, or that has been Approved (if you are not using work orders). The Approve button will not be enabled until the Estimation or Scheduling step has occurred. As this is a confirmation approval, you are not able to edit the work request when you approve or reject it, but you can add comments.

Tip: A work request includes the Approve button only if the approval is required. The Approve button has a star to remind you that it is required. So, whenever you see the Approve button, this step must be done to advance the work to the next step. If the Approve button has a stop icon, it means that this is a confirmation approval and that the step the approval is confirming has not yet been completed (Estimate or Scheduling step). Once this step has been done, the Approve button becomes enabled.

Tip: You cannot cancel a work request once it has been approved. After approval, if needed, you can stop a work request. See Canceling and Stopping Work

Tip: You can approve a group of work requests at once, but when approving multiple requests, you can add only comments, and you must add the same comment for all the requests. When approving a single work request, if the approval is the initial approval when the work is first requested, you are able to edit information for the request, such as the account, division, department, Description and the Problem Type, before approving it. Confirmation approvals (whether they are confirming the initial approval or a scheduling or estimation step) never include the ability to edit the request.


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Maintenance Console: Overview

Working from the Maintenance Console or from the Maintenance Mobile App: Overview