Real Property / Chargeback & Invoicing / Chargeback Cost Wizard

View Approved Chargeback Costs

Note : If you have enabled the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set, the View Approved Chargeback Costs tab presents VAT and multicurrency fields. For a description of these costs fields, see Chargeback Cost Wizard When Using the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set. The information in this topic (View Approved Chargeback Costs) provides a detailed description of the report applicable to all deployments.

From the View Approved tab, you can review a list of all chargeback costs that were approved. If these costs are receivables, they can be assigned to invoices using the Invoice Costs Wizard.

You can restrict the list to show only certain cost categories, locations, or time period. By default, the list uses the restrictions set when approving the chargeback.

You can print the list by exporting it to Excel.

To view approved chargeback costs:

Viewing VAT and Multicurrency Information

If your system is enabled to work with the Archibus VAT and multicurrency features, the View Approved Chargeback Costs tab shows the following additional information: