Archibus SaaS / Leases / Background Data - Costs

Develop Cost Background Data

If you intend to track lease costs, you must develop the following cost-related background data. Defining indexes and Chart of Accounts (COA) is optional.

Task Description
Define Cost Categories by Cost Class

Enter cost categories used to summarize costs for reporting (such as the Recurring Costs by Month report).

See Cost Categories (Concept).

Define Accounts If you want to associated costs with accounts, define the accounts from which users select when creating recurring costs.
Define Fiscal Year This task enables you to enter the fiscal year start date for the financial calculations used in reports.
Define Indexes

If you associate your leases with indexes, the application automatically calculates the rent adjustment using the information in the lease profile.

If you do not wish to track indexes, you can skip this task.

See Lease Indexing: Overview

Cost Transactions by COA Cost Groupings If you are tracking costs by COA, Use this task to review your costs by COA groupings.
Define Chart of Account Sources A chart of accounts (COA) is a financial organizational tool that provides a complete listing of every account in an accounting system. COA groupings map to general ledger entries. If you have an existing COA and wish to track your lease costs by these groupings, use this task to enter your COA.

See also

Leases SaaS module overview

Track Costs overview