Telecom Contained Tables field (Archibus Client/Server and Asset Portal)

A field in the Punch Block Standards and Cable Standards tables that specifies the types of contained elements or positions that devices assigned to a particular standard hold. This feature was used in Archibus Client/Server (discontinued beginning with V.25.1).

For example, the Punch Block Standards table includes a Telecom Contained Tables field so that you can specify that devices of a particular standard contain positions or punch block ports.

If devices of a particular punch block standard or cable standard should not contain any elements, complete the standard’s Telecom Contained Tables field with None.

The Asset Portal application, which is the original asset application and was designed to provide a Web-based portal into asset data that you developed in Archibus Client/Server, has tasks for working with the Telecom Contained Tables field. The Telecom Console, used by the Assets, Enterprise Assets and Telecom Assets applications, does not use this field.