Archibus SaaS / Reservations / Background Data - Facilities
Workplace Services / Reservations / Develop Background Data

Defining Room Arrangement Types

Room arrangement types specify the layout options for a meeting room. You can use the default room arrangement type values: conference room, theater, and classroom. You can also create additional room arrangement types to reflect the arrangements used at your site.

If you use the Reservations application or module to create conference calls, and you need special rooms for conference calls, you can create a room arrangement type for conference calls to categorize rooms that have the equipment needed for these meetings. This facilitates selecting rooms for this type of meeting.

Alternately, you could define fixed resources required for conference call reservations and then select those fixed resources on the Filter when creating reservations for conference calls. See Defining Fixed Resources.

When you set up your room arrangement types, you can specify Vendor Code values and Trade Code values. These are important if you want to generate work requests for reservations based upon the room arrangement type. See the Define Trades and Define Vendors topics.

To define a new room arrangement type:

  1. Select the Define Room Arrangement Types task. The Room Arrangement Types list appears.
  2. In the right window, click the Add New button.
  3. Enter a unique value for the Room Arrangement Type.
  4. Enter a unique value for the Arrangement Name.
  5. Enter a Trade Code value and/or Vendor Code value if you want to generate work requests using this vendor or trade for reservations using this type of room arrangement.
  6. Click Save.



After defining your room arrangement types, you define your room arrangements. Each room arrangement will have a room arrangement type value assigned to it. See Define Room Arrangements.