Real Property / Leases / Lease Portfolio / Extension for Lease Accounting

To Record Initial Direct Costs

Initial direct costs -- fees and commissions incurred to the lessor when establishing the lease -- are added to the ROU Asset in the period in which they are expended.


Enter the lease costs using the Portfolio Edit Wizard or the Lease Portfolio Console. Both are available on the Navigator at Real Property / Leases / Lease Portfolio.

You can also use the Real Property / Costs / Cost Administrator / Cost Wizard.

  1. Enter initial direct costs using the LEASE - INITIAL DIRECT COSTS cost category. These costs will then be included in the FASB 842 calculations. Enter these costs using the "Expense" field rather than the "Income" field.
  2. Fill in the Date Due, which will be used as the date for all costs (as for future planned and recurring costs, we don't have the Date Paid).
  3. Load the Real Property / Leases / Lease Portfolio / Lease Classification Wizard and work through the tabs changing the options from Pending and moving through the various tabs. The program saves the lease classification data and regenerates a new amortization schedule.
