Getting Results with Archibus

Telecom Inventory Management (Telecom Console)

IT asset managers have a plethora of discovery and management tools available to them to manage connected servers, virtual servers, network equipment, plotters, printers, security devices, and other intelligent devices within their facility. Yet even with these tools, they face a series of challenges in managing the physical disposition of devices. They must track the inventory of devices and connections, such as horizontal cabling, that do not report intelligently. They need to map the networked IT asset plan to the room and closet locations, people, projects teams, and internal customer organizations that they support. Additionally, they must work closely with department heads, capital asset managers, space planners, move managers and facility managers to provide a continuously high level of service on which the operation of the enterprise depends.

The Telecom Console addresses these challenges. The IT asset inventory tracks location, customer organization, status, and connection between devices. Intelligent floor plans visually locate IT assets and show how they are connected. Either through forms or on the floor plan drawing, you can follow the communication path from PC to jack to patch panel port, to patch panel, to equipment port, to server equipment, or from telecom closet equipment down to workstation.

In addition to tracking how your telecom devices connect, you can use the Equipment System Console to track how telecom equipment fits within your larger equipment systems. For example, you can associate a PC or printer with a larger assembly, including the server, to see what employees and spaces are affected should the server malfunction.

Note:  The features for developing a telecom inventory are available with the Assets application, the Enterprise Assets application, and the Assets SaaS module.

Additionally, the Telecom Assets application is available for non-SaaS. The features of the Telecom Assets application are a subset of the features available with the Assets and Enterprise Assets applications. The Telecom Assets application is designed for users upgrading from Windows Client/Server Telecommunications & Cabling Management who want the predominantly equivalent functionality in the Web Central environment, but who do not need the additional features available with Assets and Enterprise Assets.

Telecom Inventory


Archibus SaaS:

  • Assets / IT Asset Manager

Archibus non-SaaS:

  • Assets / Assets
  • Assets / Enterprise Assets
  • Assets / Telecom Assets

Business Result

Reduce excess inventory levels and warehousing with a better understanding of asset needs and consumption.

Reduce IT asset management process costs through automation.

Better support planning operations, such as reconfigurations, though an accurate registry of what IT assets and jacks are present and which work areas are affected by each project.

Coordinate moves effectively with IT by using a standardized, accurate list of jacks, faceplates, and services.

Save time and labor costs by eliminating tedious manual IT asset counts.

Speed IT work by knowing specifications, contractual requirements, power and cooling requirements, LEED energy certifications, or physical security requirements.

Used By

IT Asset Managers

IT Managers

Facility Managers

Reasons for Automating

Provide inventory of physical IT assets – such as workstation and server equipment, jacks, faceplates, racks and panels – from alphanumeric entry, CAD plans, or BIM models. Know what IT and network assets are in each building and their requirements.

Document specific connections between workstation equipment, jacks, equipment and panel ports and servers

Provide purpose-designed support for IT processes that give the view of a physical telecom plant that network tools and "sniffers" cannot.

Use floor plans to visually review connections between workspaces and the equipment rooms that serve them to understand service configuration.

Present server, network devices, equipment, and jack and faceplate information graphically.

Provide a single, central console for accessing data on equipment, faceplates, jacks, panels, ports, equipment, network devices integrated with the view of the workstations, rooms and staff they support.

Use configurable templates for jacks, faceplates, equipment with ports and panels with ports to represent the specific equipment and standards in use at your facility.

Automatically create jacks and ports according to your standard to speed development of telecommunications inventory.

Trace connections between workstation equipment and jacks back to server equipment or vice versa from server equipment or panels back to the workstation equipment that is supported.

Quickly find dependencies between systems and identify areas served.

Prerequisites None

Related Mobile Apps

Asset & Equipment Survey Mobile App

Applications Using the Results of this Application

Enterprise Assets


Corrective Maintenance

Preventive Maintenance


Telecom Reports

  • Equipment Plan
  • Jack Plan
  • Telecom Traces
  • Telecom Highlight Traces
  • Telecom Connections
  • Equipment by Lease, Insurance, Warranty reports

System Reports

  • List of Dependent Assets
  • List of Asset Dependencies
  • List of Rooms Served by Asset
  • List of Assets Serving Room
  • Asset Support Team Member by Asset
  • Assets Supported by Team Member
  • Inventory of Asset Systems

The following are typical users:



Business Process Owner

Define background data about the facility (the location and organization data).

Asset Managers Develop and maintain equipment asset inventory; for IT assets, model connections.
IT Managers Develop and maintain IT asset inventory including connections.